Papago Indians Don't Want National Guard or Border Patrol on Their Land

The reservation is on the border and considered to be on the DEA's High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas. A map of those areas can be found @ DEA / High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area

The reservation is a primary transshipment zone for methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and marijuana destined for the United States, a DEA official revealed in congressional testimony a few years ago. In 2015 Arizona led all four Border Patrol sectors in drug seizures with 928,858 pounds of drugs confiscated, according to agency figures.

I wrote about the tribe (The Tohono O'odham) and their reservation in my novel, Sonora Symphony, and understand their anger that the border splits their ancestral territory in half. breaking up families. But I never knew they were at war with the federal government over drugs - and clearly illegals - being smuggled across the border through their reservation.

The sovereignty of tribal lands is all well and good. But, does it permit outright flaunting of national security? And, if security is tightened elsewhere, it stands to reason that even more smuggling will go through the reservation if something isn't done to stop it.

More @ Indian Tribe Won’t Let National Guard Into “Most Notorious Area for Drugs Entering the County”—Border Patrol: “They Told Us They Don’t Want White Man on Their Land” - Judicial Watch

More RW xenophobic misinformation. I live 3 miles from the O'oddham reservation, and there is no special drug trafficking going on there. For one thing, the Border Patrol has the permission of the reservation to do their duty on reservation land. Therefore, if there is more trafficking on the reservation, than there is in the rest of Pima County, it is the fault of the BP, no the Indian nation. Second, I serve with the Pima county Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers, and we monitor all crime reported by BP, as well as the Sheriff's dept., and there is no unusual drug activity going on there.
Their land, their right.

And just wait until Trump starts declaring imminent domain over property owners who don't want his big, beautiful, stupid wall on their land.

One of about 100 reasons it'll never happen.

Its more complicated than that, the Treaty of Guadalupe in 1948 cut their ancestrial land in half. Until the 1990's, they were allowed to pass across the border in either direction.
The legal fight has been going on for some time, and is complicated by the fact that a lot of these people were born at home and have no birth certificates or proof of citizenship to eithe Mexico or the USA. Tribal members have held demonstrations in DC and cited the issue of criminals taking advantage of the situation and the safety concerns involved.
The USA and the Mexican governments have had 170 years to solve this issue, but have as yet neglected to do so. FYI, this is an unsafe area, and the "regular" members of the tribe make a valid argument that they should be provided a safer situation.
Beef up and legally allow Tribal Police to enforce immigration laws on Tribal lands

Over the years, with all that money to be made renting out trails, just who do you suppose controls this Tribal Government?

Hint: it ain't what we would call the "good guys".

Great- you have any proof of this?

The FBI awaits your call.
Yeah, like the FBI will do anything that actually smacks of enforcing laws as opposed to undermining political enemies of their leftist leadership! Pfffttt!...

Yeah, like the Conservatives care anything about law enforcement except when it is not covering for your dear leader.
The reservation is on the border and considered to be on the DEA's High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas. A map of those areas can be found @ DEA / High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area

The reservation is a primary transshipment zone for methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and marijuana destined for the United States, a DEA official revealed in congressional testimony a few years ago. In 2015 Arizona led all four Border Patrol sectors in drug seizures with 928,858 pounds of drugs confiscated, according to agency figures.

I wrote about the tribe (The Tohono O'odham) and their reservation in my novel, Sonora Symphony, and understand their anger that the border splits their ancestral territory in half. breaking up families. But I never knew they were at war with the federal government over drugs - and clearly illegals - being smuggled across the border through their reservation.

The sovereignty of tribal lands is all well and good. But, does it permit outright flaunting of national security? And, if security is tightened elsewhere, it stands to reason that even more smuggling will go through the reservation if something isn't done to stop it.

More @ Indian Tribe Won’t Let National Guard Into “Most Notorious Area for Drugs Entering the County”—Border Patrol: “They Told Us They Don’t Want White Man on Their Land” - Judicial Watch

More RW xenophobic misinformation. I live 3 miles from the O'oddham reservation, and there is no special drug trafficking going on there. For one thing, the Border Patrol has the permission of the reservation to do their duty on reservation land. Therefore, if there is more trafficking on the reservation, than there is in the rest of Pima County, it is the fault of the BP, no the Indian nation. Second, I serve with the Pima county Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers, and we monitor all crime reported by BP, as well as the Sheriff's dept., and there is no unusual drug activity going on there.

Damn you for providing facts!
Just wipe them out and take the land back.
You can be sure that their ancestors didn't provide reservations for the inferior indigenous predecessors they wiped out.
Just wipe them out and take the land back.
You can be sure that their ancestors didn't provide reservations for the inferior indigenous predecessors they wiped out.

Rosen, right before I put you on ignore, I thought that I would mention two things. First, Ira Hays was a Pima Indian, and he was one of the Marine flag raisers on Iwo Jima. Two, the tribe actually has a grave of a tribal member who was killed in Vietnam who is buried on reservation land, on the Mexican side of the border, where Trump wants to build his idiotic fence.

Now run along and play, little boy.
Said the tribe's chief doing his best Willy Wonka pose, yes please lecture us on 'national security'.
The reservation is on the border and considered to be on the DEA's High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas. A map of those areas can be found @ DEA / High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area

The reservation is a primary transshipment zone for methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and marijuana destined for the United States, a DEA official revealed in congressional testimony a few years ago. In 2015 Arizona led all four Border Patrol sectors in drug seizures with 928,858 pounds of drugs confiscated, according to agency figures.

I wrote about the tribe (The Tohono O'odham) and their reservation in my novel, Sonora Symphony, and understand their anger that the border splits their ancestral territory in half. breaking up families. But I never knew they were at war with the federal government over drugs - and clearly illegals - being smuggled across the border through their reservation.

The sovereignty of tribal lands is all well and good. But, does it permit outright flaunting of national security? And, if security is tightened elsewhere, it stands to reason that even more smuggling will go through the reservation if something isn't done to stop it.

More @ Indian Tribe Won’t Let National Guard Into “Most Notorious Area for Drugs Entering the County”—Border Patrol: “They Told Us They Don’t Want White Man on Their Land” - Judicial Watch

One of the few times I would side against the Indians. National security trumps Indian rights. Move over Chief, the National Guard is coming through. At some point, the USA MUST have access to its borders---- ALL of its borders. No Indian nation has exclusivity to owning any portion of our national border.

Agree 100%
The reservation is on the border and considered to be on the DEA's High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas. A map of those areas can be found @ DEA / High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area

The reservation is a primary transshipment zone for methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and marijuana destined for the United States, a DEA official revealed in congressional testimony a few years ago. In 2015 Arizona led all four Border Patrol sectors in drug seizures with 928,858 pounds of drugs confiscated, according to agency figures.

I wrote about the tribe (The Tohono O'odham) and their reservation in my novel, Sonora Symphony, and understand their anger that the border splits their ancestral territory in half. breaking up families. But I never knew they were at war with the federal government over drugs - and clearly illegals - being smuggled across the border through their reservation.

The sovereignty of tribal lands is all well and good. But, does it permit outright flaunting of national security? And, if security is tightened elsewhere, it stands to reason that even more smuggling will go through the reservation if something isn't done to stop it.

More @ Indian Tribe Won’t Let National Guard Into “Most Notorious Area for Drugs Entering the County”—Border Patrol: “They Told Us They Don’t Want White Man on Their Land” - Judicial Watch

More RW xenophobic misinformation. I live 3 miles from the O'oddham reservation, and there is no special drug trafficking going on there. For one thing, the Border Patrol has the permission of the reservation to do their duty on reservation land. Therefore, if there is more trafficking on the reservation, than there is in the rest of Pima County, it is the fault of the BP, no the Indian nation. Second, I serve with the Pima county Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers, and we monitor all crime reported by BP, as well as the Sheriff's dept., and there is no unusual drug activity going on there.

Are you saying that the information on drug busts are wrong? That no illegals or drugs cross the border through the reservation at all?

I would love to read more about that with links. I have a special interest in the Tohono O'Odham people.
Just wipe them out and take the land back.
You can be sure that their ancestors didn't provide reservations for the inferior indigenous predecessors they wiped out.

Rosen, right before I put you on ignore, I thought that I would mention two things. First, Ira Hays was a Pima Indian, and he was one of the Marine flag raisers on Iwo Jima. Two, the tribe actually has a grave of a tribal member who was killed in Vietnam who is buried on reservation land, on the Mexican side of the border, where Trump wants to build his idiotic fence.

Now run along and play, little boy.
A good person doing a good thing doesn't justify ungrateful people doing evil things, and I'm referring to those obstinate, bigoted indians you defend.
Now try to have the gumption and intellect to debate instead of pout.
The reservation is on the border and considered to be on the DEA's High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas. A map of those areas can be found @ DEA / High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area

The reservation is a primary transshipment zone for methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and marijuana destined for the United States, a DEA official revealed in congressional testimony a few years ago. In 2015 Arizona led all four Border Patrol sectors in drug seizures with 928,858 pounds of drugs confiscated, according to agency figures.

I wrote about the tribe (The Tohono O'odham) and their reservation in my novel, Sonora Symphony, and understand their anger that the border splits their ancestral territory in half. breaking up families. But I never knew they were at war with the federal government over drugs - and clearly illegals - being smuggled across the border through their reservation.

The sovereignty of tribal lands is all well and good. But, does it permit outright flaunting of national security? And, if security is tightened elsewhere, it stands to reason that even more smuggling will go through the reservation if something isn't done to stop it.

More @ Indian Tribe Won’t Let National Guard Into “Most Notorious Area for Drugs Entering the County”—Border Patrol: “They Told Us They Don’t Want White Man on Their Land” - Judicial Watch

More RW xenophobic misinformation. I live 3 miles from the O'oddham reservation, and there is no special drug trafficking going on there. For one thing, the Border Patrol has the permission of the reservation to do their duty on reservation land. Therefore, if there is more trafficking on the reservation, than there is in the rest of Pima County, it is the fault of the BP, no the Indian nation. Second, I serve with the Pima county Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers, and we monitor all crime reported by BP, as well as the Sheriff's dept., and there is no unusual drug activity going on there.

Are you saying that the information on drug busts are wrong? That no illegals or drugs cross the border through the reservation at all?

I would love to read more about that with links. I have a special interest in the Tohono O'Odham people.

No, I am saying that the reservation does not impend the BP at all, and they are free to go about their business exactly the same as they do in the rest of Pima County.
Just wipe them out and take the land back.
You can be sure that their ancestors didn't provide reservations for the inferior indigenous predecessors they wiped out.
The Origin of the Abominable Snowman Legend

The Siberian savages came across in three waves. Though none of these Mongoloids were homo sapiens, each wave was superior to the previous one. The original Bering fugitives were driven into South America, the next Central America, and the last into where they were put in their place by White Manifest Destiny.

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