Pardon me Republican scum

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Trump supports the death penalty Leaving death in his wake ,, he doles out pardons to those who pay the most

If Trump used drones to kill people without due process, would that suffice for you?

How many domestic enemies and saboteurs does Trump have, who are out to get him right now? He does still have two months left and complete control off the military, doesn't he?

Do you think we have enough drones for all of them?

he doesnt have complete control of the military

Wanna bet?
I would bet in a heartbeat. The enlisted swore and oath to follow his orders. The Officers did not, as theirs is to the constitution.
On his first day in office Joe Biden needs to start an operation warp speed to get vaccine for TDS you poor souls have actually gotten worse since the election.
rump has discussed ‘pre-emptive pardons’ for Don, Jr, Ivanka and Eric
Shortly after reports that Rudy Giuliani discussed a pre-emptive pardon with outgoing President Donald Trump, The New York Times reported that the president is also debating pre-emptive pardons to his family.
“President Trump has discussed with advisers whether to grant pre-emptive pardons to his children, to his son-in-law … according to two people briefed on the matter,” reported Maggie Haberman and Eric Schmidt. “Mr. Trump has told others that he is concerned that a Biden Justice Department might seek retribution against the president by targeting the oldest three of his five children — Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump — as well as Ms. Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner, a White House senior adviser.”
“Donald Trump Jr. had been under investigation by Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, for contacts that the younger Mr. Trump had had with Russians offering damaging information on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign, but he was never charged. Mr. Kushner provided false information to federal authorities about his contacts with foreigners for his security clearance, but was given one anyway by the president,” continued the report. “The nature of Mr. Trump’s concern about any potential criminal exposure of Eric Trump or Ivanka Trump is unclear.”

Pardons can be issued before charges are handed down. However, they do not shield from state liability; Ivanka is currently caught up in an investigation by New York authorities for consulting fees paid out to her that were used in a Trump tax writeoff.
Knowing you fucking people why wouldn’t he protect his kids. You fucking assholes will prosecute anyone for anything. You fucking assholes had impeachment trials for nothing.
Wrong. Apparently you didn't read the Articles of Impeachment Against Donald John Trump.
That’s like writing a letter to your favorite celebrity. None of it proved true. As a matter of fact not one of your fucking witnesses could say under oath they knew a fucking thing. Of course they spouted off on CNN but in the trial? Nothing.
rump has discussed ‘pre-emptive pardons’ for Don, Jr, Ivanka and Eric
Shortly after reports that Rudy Giuliani discussed a pre-emptive pardon with outgoing President Donald Trump, The New York Times reported that the president is also debating pre-emptive pardons to his family.
“President Trump has discussed with advisers whether to grant pre-emptive pardons to his children, to his son-in-law … according to two people briefed on the matter,” reported Maggie Haberman and Eric Schmidt. “Mr. Trump has told others that he is concerned that a Biden Justice Department might seek retribution against the president by targeting the oldest three of his five children — Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump — as well as Ms. Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner, a White House senior adviser.”
“Donald Trump Jr. had been under investigation by Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, for contacts that the younger Mr. Trump had had with Russians offering damaging information on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign, but he was never charged. Mr. Kushner provided false information to federal authorities about his contacts with foreigners for his security clearance, but was given one anyway by the president,” continued the report. “The nature of Mr. Trump’s concern about any potential criminal exposure of Eric Trump or Ivanka Trump is unclear.”

Pardons can be issued before charges are handed down. However, they do not shield from state liability; Ivanka is currently caught up in an investigation by New York authorities for consulting fees paid out to her that were used in a Trump tax writeoff.
Knowing you fucking people why wouldn’t he protect his kids. You fucking assholes will prosecute anyone for anything. You fucking assholes had impeachment trials for nothing.
Wrong. Apparently you didn't read the Articles of Impeachment Against Donald John Trump.
That’s like writing a letter to your favorite celebrity. None of it proved true. As a matter of fact not one of your fucking witnesses could say under oath they knew a fucking thing. Of course they spouted off on CNN but in the trial? Nothing.
:thankusmile: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Thread violates clean start policy. Tired of moving threads from posters well aware of the rules. You can either change the title and op or repost in Badlands.
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