Parents: here are some of the leftist studies and lessons your paying for


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
This will be a long list, you as a parent should keep up on what your paying for. If the snowflakes want that course let them pay for it... If you are alumni stop funding these institutions...

The Anti-Trump Curriculum

Feminist Geology
Feminist geography - Wikipedia

Feds Paid $709,000 To Academic Who Studies How Glaciers Are Sexist :cuckoo:
Read more: Feds Paid $709,000 To Academic Who Studies How Glaciers Are Sexist

Feminist pedagogy
Feminist pedagogy - Norton Safe Search

The 15 Most Ridiculous College Courses You Won’t Believe Are Being Taught

Academics, on average, lean to the left. A survey being released today suggests that they are moving even more in that direction.


More to come...:popcorn:
With all due respect, I don't think I can stand any more. Fifty year ago they would have put you in an insane asylum for suggesting that the day would come when such nonsense would be taught in colleges.

Fifty years ago they would have also institutionalized you for suggesting the day would come when when American colleges would offer remedial reading courses to incoming Freshmen, but here we are.

And liberals are gung ho for free college? Great idea. Keep everyone in a non-productive status for four or more years while they are learning things that have no benefit to themselves or society. That will certainly help the economy!

Our public schools are failing and it appears the ultra-liberal solution is to duplicate that failure in what is sometimes erroneously called "institutions of higher learning."

For the record, I dropped out of high school in 1955 during the tenth year and got my GED while in the Marine Corps. I earned an MBA much later in 1981 and a JD (Juris Doctorate) in 1984.
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Can they use my tax payer dollars to teach people the difference between knowing your post is shit and knowing you're post is shit?
University ‘Men’s Project’ Seeks to Redefine What Masculinity Really Means
To “promote the advancement of gender equity, and raise consciousness in their communities.”
Trey Sanchez

More and more, colleges and universities across the country are offering workshops on how to remove toxic masculinity from its campuses. The University of Wisconsin-Madison started offering such a program in the fall of 2016 and in February, the second “Men’s Project” retreat is slated to begin.

Organizers believe the workshop “creates a space for critical self-reflection and dialogue about what it means to be a man and how masculinity impacts us and those around us.”

“The experience focuses on the examination of societal images, expectations, and messages around masculinity to empower men to better understand themselves, promote the advancement of gender equity, and raise consciousness in their communities.”

Just like Duke University men’s project, UWM “operates on a transformative model of social justice allyship.” Oddly enough, this particular workshop is not open to males, per se, but “only men-identified students.” Also, much of the retreat's lessons are organized by female “violence prevention specialist” Sam Johnson.

“A key element of the program is intersectionality. There isn’t just one masculinity; there are many,” she said.

From the school’s website:


However, McGlone indicated that there hadn't been a single incident on UWM’s campus that sparked the need for such a program.

But hey, this is what a modern education looks like: neutered.

University ‘Men’s Project’ Seeks to Redefine What Masculinity Really Means

This post also coincides with
Pussification of America

Can they use my tax payer dollars to teach people the difference between knowing your post is shit and knowing you're post is shit?

What part of the original post is untrue?

The grammar is hosed.

"Break out the fire hose Mr. Eddington and wash that bull shit off deck"

You'll have to excuse me if I don't take somebody seriously who doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your". Your post was also full of misinformation that's designed to appeals to the pre-determined notions that the readers already have. In short: it's bullshit.
Can they use my tax payer dollars to teach people the difference between knowing your post is shit and knowing you're post is shit?

What part of the original post is untrue?

The grammar is hosed.

"Break out the fire hose Mr. Eddington and wash that bull shit off deck"

You'll have to excuse me if I don't take somebody seriously who doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your". Your post was also full of misinformation that's designed to appeals to the pre-determined notions that the readers already have. In short: it's bullshit.

That's it? That's your response? A grammar lesson?

Apparently, we are witnessing the death of coherent thought and communicative interchange.

Can they use my tax payer dollars to teach people the difference between knowing your post is shit and knowing you're post is shit?

What part of the original post is untrue?

The grammar is hosed.

"Break out the fire hose Mr. Eddington and wash that bull shit off deck"

You'll have to excuse me if I don't take somebody seriously who doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your". Your post was also full of misinformation that's designed to appeals to the pre-determined notions that the readers already have. In short: it's bullshit.
Look everybody a libtart wannabe school teacher.
:desk: Hay teach, why don't you STFU...:bye1:
Safe Spaces for Fascists
Campus free speech was replaced with fascism.
January 18, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Hammers, broken windows and fights. That’s what a safe space for free speech looked like at UC Davis.

Safe spaces are places where everyone who isn’t a safe space fascist feels unsafe. The more safe spaces a campus has, the less freedom of speech the students and faculty dare to enjoy.

UC Davis has a great many safe spaces.

The University of California institution has safe spaces for illegal aliens (the Undocumented Student Center) and for asexuals (the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Resource Center) which hosted a “Tampon Tea Party.” It has segregated safe space housing in Campbell Hall for black students and the Women's Resources and Research Center will provide safe spaces and “Mind Spa Services” for anyone offended by Christian views on abortion.

But all the safe spaces were about making life unsafe for everyone who wasn’t a left-wing fascist.

A visit to UC Davis is a descent into an Orwellian dystopia obsessed with controlling everything with “resource centers” providing ready resources for censorship.

The LGBTQIA Resource Center’s posters warn students against saying, “You guys”. The Women's Resources and Research Center responded to a pro-life student event with “Report Hate and Bias” cards and attempts to prevent pro-life flyers from being distributed. The "leaders of the African Diaspora on the UC Davis campus" demanded a policy "targeting anti-blackness." SJP and MSA did its own share of terrorizing Jewish students and silencing speakers while maintaining a safe space for their brand of hate.

UC Davis was named one of the top ten anti-Semitic universities in the country. It ran the board in all four categories. Disruptions of pro-Israel speakers and chants in support of terrorism are routine. Pro-Israel students said that the administration was too afraid to stand up to the anti-Semitic fascists.

When Trump won, it really all came apart. Crowds of marchers chanted, “F___ Trump.” The UC Davis riots were part of a frightening phenomenon. The phenomenon struck again when Milo Yiannopoulos and Martin Shkreli tried to speak on campus. The “Dangerous Faggot Tour" event ended with fights, at least one arrest, thrown hot coffee, allegedly smashed windows and wielded hammers, and, eventually, a canceled event courtesy of the heckler’s veto.


Fascism begins with claims of oppression. The Nazis insisted that they were the victims. So did all their allies. But everyone can be a victim in their own narrative and victimhood provides unlimited license for abuses. It is not victimhood, but its rejection, that makes us strong and free.

College administrators have turned over campuses to weeping thugs and social justice crybullies who screech about their pain even as they smash windows and wield hammers against their opponents.

And free speech has been replaced with fascism.

Free speech, like all our freedoms, cannot be taken for granted. Instead every generation has to fight for its right to free speech.

Safe Spaces for Fascists
Vanderbilt, Duke Divinity Schools Want Professors Teaching a Gender-Neutral God
“Developing a more inclusive language about God.”
Trey Sanchez


It’s reported that Vanderbilt isn’t making this change a requirement and Snarr says, “It is up to the individual professor’s interpretation for their classes and is suggestive rather than mandatory.”

Duke’s divinity school guidelines are similar, calling for “developing a more inclusive language about God” and avoiding masculine pronouns. “God” or “Godself” will suffice.

Instead of saying “God the father,” a professor at Duke is encouraged to say, “God the parent.” Another example: “God is the father who welcomes his son, but she is also the woman searching for the lost coin.”

Duke’s guidelines admit the gender-neutral language “can sound clumsy,” but adds that it’s “largely due to the fact that we are in a transitional period with our use of language.” In due time, Duke hopes it will become the norm: “Imagination, patience, and diligence are required in order to use language that expands and enriches our understanding of God.”

Vanderbilt, Duke Divinity Schools Want Professors Teaching a Gender-Neutral God
Can they use my tax payer dollars to teach people the difference between knowing your post is shit and knowing you're post is shit?

What part of the original post is untrue?

The grammar is hosed.

"Break out the fire hose Mr. Eddington and wash that bull shit off deck"

You'll have to excuse me if I don't take somebody seriously who doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your". Your post was also full of misinformation that's designed to appeals to the pre-determined notions that the readers already have. In short: it's bullshit.
Look everybody a libtart wannabe school teacher.
:desk: Hay teach, why don't you STFU...:bye1:

-First of all I'm not a libtard...didn't vote for Obama and sure as shit didn't vote for Hillary. Normally I would say nice try at a deflection...but yours was unintelligent, ignorant, lazy, required zero insight, and quite frankly unoriginal.

-Second of all you can believe anything you read online all you want: it doesn't make it true. There are websites out there that talk about a secret alien invasion...I'm sure they're accurate.

-Once again based on your communication skills it's painfully obvious that your cognitive ability is severely lacking. Your post(s) display no original thought, insight, or critique. In some weird way I would almost pity you...if you weren't so boisterous. Do yourself a favor a remember that it's better to be thought of a fool than you open your mouth and remove all doubt. Also remember that those who speak the most usually have the least to say.

Do some actual research on the education system. For example, if you think that Common Core instructs teachers to teach any subject in a specific (like those math worksheets I see friends posting on Facebook) don't have any business discussing education as it would show that you're incapable of distinguishing between a curriculum and a set of standards. If you're unable to do even that...then quite frankly don't expect anybody to take you seriously.
Can they use my tax payer dollars to teach people the difference between knowing your post is shit and knowing you're post is shit?

What part of the original post is untrue?

The grammar is hosed.

"Break out the fire hose Mr. Eddington and wash that bull shit off deck"

You'll have to excuse me if I don't take somebody seriously who doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your". Your post was also full of misinformation that's designed to appeals to the pre-determined notions that the readers already have. In short: it's bullshit.

That's it? That's your response? A grammar lesson?

Apparently, we are witnessing the death of coherent thought and communicative interchange.


Engaging in an intellectual conversation about education is one--people are free to disagree with the facts at hand (and believe me I disagree with tons of educators). However, if one truly believes that the public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform, feminist political movement, etc...well they're just wrong.

For example the OP quoted schools teaching the feminist literary criticism (something in which I teach mind you so I assure you I know what I'm talking about when I discuss it below). However, it has NOTHING to do with any political movement and be summed up very easily what its purpose is. What is the portrayal of men vs women in the text, and what power struggles exist? Why?". That's it. That's all the feminist criticism looks at. Hell you could have an anti-feminist narrative and use the feminist criticism for it and conclude that the narrative was effective or even had a positive message.

However when an ignorant person sees "feminist literary criticism" (such as our genius OP), they jump into the ocean with no lifeguard and scream about not having a life vest.

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