Parents: How Would You React?

How Would You React?

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I think what you did was fine, Swagger. You did nothing wrong.

I can understand the parents feeling you overstepped your bounds, but, I don't think you did. You taught those kids a practical lesson.

As for TM's bitchiness, I suspect that, if she had neighbor kids come and ask her about politics, that she would have sent them home hating conservatives even their own parents if they happened to be conservative.

I think what you did was fine, Swagger. You did nothing wrong.

I can understand the parents feeling you overstepped your bounds, but, I don't think you did. You taught those kids a practical lesson.

As for TM's bitchiness, I suspect that, if she had neighbor kids come and ask her about politics, that she would have sent them home hating conservatives even their own parents if they happened to be conservative.


I have a feeling that if the neighbor kids asked her for a ball that landed in her yard, TM would send them home hating conservatives.
see how they just ignore the facts that children can be tramatized by veiwing dead animals being mutilated?
Nothing but opinion and no reliance on facts.

That is all the right wing is now.

Hate wrapped in a lack of facts
The Link Between Animal Abuse and Serial Killers - Yahoo! Voices -

Ted Bundy, David Berkowitz and Jeffrey Dahmer have more in common than just being serial killers. These three murderers are also connected by the fact that each of them tortured and/or killed animals during their childhoods. "Researchers as well as FBI and other law enforcement agencies nationwide have linked animal cruelty to domestic violence, child abuse, serial killings and to the recent rash of killings by school age children", says Dr. Randall Lockwood (vice president of training and initiatives for the Humane Society of the United States.
Some children are cruel to and torture animals to impress their peers, but future serial killers usually torture animals purely for their own enjoyment. Animal abuse is a recognized sign of a mental disorder. If a child hurts animals it should be a red flag and immediate action should be taken. While there are many factors that contribute to someone becoming a serial killer, the one constant they share is animal abuse.

Early Childhood Trauma | National Child Traumatic Stress Network - Child Trauma Home

Early childhood trauma generally refers to the traumatic experiences that occur to children aged 0-6. Because infants' and young children's reactions may be different from older children's, and because they may not be able to verbalize their reactions to threatening or dangerous events, many people assume that young age protects children from the impact of traumatic experiences. When young children experience or witness a traumatic event, sometimes adults say, "They're too young to understand, so it's probably better if we don't talk to them about it." However, young children are affected by traumatic events, even though they may not understand what happened.

Sometimes adults say, 'They're too young to understand.'

However, young children are affected by traumatic events,

even though they may not understand what happened.

A growing body of research has established that young children-even infants—may be affected by events that threaten their safety or the safety of their parents/caregivers, and their symptoms have been well documented. These traumas can be the result of intentional violence—such as child physical or sexual abuse, or domestic violence—or the result of natural disaster, accidents, or war. Young children also may experience traumatic stress in response to painful medical procedures or the sudden loss of a parent/caregiver.

Now the right is claiming they have the right to tramatize your children for tehir poltical views
Now the right is claiming they have the right to tramatize your children for tehir poltical views

Please provide proof of this claim.

But first, please provide a dictionary definition for the word "tramatize", because right now I think it has something to do with streetcars.
Now the right is claiming they have the right to tramatize your children for tehir poltical views

Please provide proof of this claim.

But first, please provide a dictionary definition for the word "tramatize", because right now I think it has something to do with streetcars.

It's the laying of rails on the highway to facilitate the running of tramcars.
At that age, my reaction would probably depend on their reaction...if they thought it was a fascinating learning experience, then I'd be alright with it. Although it would make me consider other situations, and I'd probably talk to them about approaching people, even neighbors, and respecting their privacy. While ultimately it was Swagger's decision whether or not to invite the kids to observe or shoo them away, I also think they're old enough to be held accountable as well. There can be a fine line between a natural desire to protect our children, and doing them a disservice by shielding them to an extreme.
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why is it you people think its OK to be the one to deside what other peoples kids learn?

Those kids were watching him dress the rabbits and birds anyway so why not answer their questions.

he didn't round up a bunch of neighborhood kids in order to teach them how to skin a rabbit.

And btw kids learn all kinds of shit when they're away from their parents and you can't stop that.
Now, I realised what I'd done would provoke a reaction of sorts, and I affirmed that I believed what their kids had seen was a positive experience. To their credit they were polite, but replied with equal conviction that they believed it was innapropriate, although by then I was growing irritable at their naivity. I reinforced my position by reminding them I was at liberty to do whatever I pleased within my own property as long as it's within the law: it isn't illegal to eviscerate a dead animal. We parted on civil terms. But this whole episode got me thinking over whether or not my neighnours' mentality presides among the majority: meat comes from a little plastic tray wrapped in polythene. And should we allow that way of thinking/naivity to continue by 'protecting' them from the ugly facts/reality. I say that it should be impressed upon them from infancy how the meat they enjoy arrives on their table. What about you?

did you raise your voice? :D
Now the right is claiming they have the right to tramatize your children for tehir poltical views

I don't know Tehir or his political views, but I don't want anybody to tramatize any kids.

Whatever tramatize might be.

The Tehir are the various tribes of nomadic people that dwell in the Sea of Fire. Usually human, they have adapted to the harsh conditions of the desert, migrating from oasis to oasis. They are known to herd goats and yierkas. Tm's interest in goats is purely sexual btw.

Tehir - Krakiipedia

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