Parents Of Michigan High School Shooting Suspect Charged With Four Counts Of Involuntary Manslaughter

You’re welcome you shit head. You moron. You idiot.

Suddenly now those things aren’t so important to you anymore and you’re just going to move the goal posts aren’t you?

You moron. You idiot. You shit head.

No...shithead....I asked if anyone knew and you are the only one to fucking goal posts dumb ass...
How the gun was stored is moot to the case. I don’t blame the parents for not locking their gun up. Who cares?

This isn’t a story about a kid who stole a gun and went on a rampage out of the middle of nowhere. This is a story about a kid who pretty much told everyone what he was going to do. And the parents and school officials who failed to respond accordingly, resulting in the deaths of half a dozen high schoolers.
Stole? Who did he steal it from? So yeah there is criminal responsibility on the parents end and I"m sure the school system and the parents will go to civil court as well.
I stand corrected. Michigan law does NOT (LOL) require the safe storage of guns. Safe Storage in Michigan | Giffords

However, that is probably why the parents are being charged with involuntary manslaughter, which would cover this situation.

But I"m sure any attempt to pass a law requiring safe storage of firearms will be met with resistance from the gun nuts.

Using the Giffords nut job website was your first mistake...
How do you know the parents failed to respond?

They had one meeting that we know of.......and they do you know they didn't plan on actually doing something.......are you this dense?
Only an unbelievably terrible parent would think it’s okay to leave without their son after seeing what he drew and wrote. It wasn’t just some violent doodle drawn by a bored 15 year old. It showed him holding a gun. It showed his classmates dead and bloody. It said “I can’t stop the bad thoughts”. It said “help me”. Not a figurative call for help, mind you, those words were literally written on the paper.

And in addition to all of that, they failed to mention that their son had access to a gun. Despite the above mentioned drawing. Despite the call the mother received the day before about the kid looking up to buy ammo online during school.
Maybe you should have looked into that BEFORE running your mouth huh?

“You didnt look hard enough, dumbass. But somehow I managed to find it in 30 seconds.”
So are the parents being charged or not? Just because there isnt a specific law regarding gun storage doesnt mean the parents arent being charged for that very thing, hence the involuntary manslaughter charge. They'll both be convicted.
LOL that does not cover storage at all. Try again.
So you arent going to give me that one example of what you tell your analyst which makes her believe you are a conservative? Figures.

And you're right Michigan does not have ANY laws pertaining to gun storage.
Only an honest-to-god mentally deficient person would think it’s okay to leave without their son after seeing what he drew and wrote. It wasn’t just some violent doodle drawn by a bored 15 year old. It showed him holding a gun. It showed his classmates dead and bloody. It said “I can’t stop the bad thoughts”. It said “help me”. Not a figurative call for help, those words were literally on the paper.

And in addition to all of that, they failed to mention that their son had access to a gun. Despite the above mentioned drawing. Despite the call the mother received the day before about the kid looking up to buy ammo online during school.

Wrong.........he was in a safe, secure place.....with trained education professionals, likely trained, professional security people, since it was a high school......why should they assume he was a threat or in danger?

If the school thought he was an immediate threat, again, they would have secured him away from the other students and secured his locker and belongings and told the parents they were going to do that.....

Looking up ammo? Are you serious....?

So the kid with his new shotgun for deer season looking up ammo is a deadly threat?

And they apparently were notified of the picture that do you know what they planned to do about it.....?
So are the parents being charged or not? Just because there isnt a specific law regarding gun storage doesnt mean the parents arent being charged for that very thing, hence the involuntary manslaughter charge. They'll both be convicted.

Don't count on that........that will depend on the kids history and what the parents knew...if the parents only found out about his behavior the day of the attack, they will likely walk......since the school did nothing, and the parents may well have been planning on dealing with the kid after the meeting.....
No...shithead....I asked if anyone knew and you are the only one to fucking goal posts dumb ass...
You did move the goal posts, you shit head. You moron. You idiot.

The answers to these questions no longer matter to you because you jumped to a new set of criteria. You moved the goalposts.

You shit head, you moron, you idiot.
Beto and sleepy joe and the leadership of the democrat party.....

Hey...shithead....I posted 3 videos by 3 leaders of the democrat party, all 3 presidential candidates and one the current President.......
Good point on Beto. The overwhelming majority does not want assault weapons sold or owned in this country. If he got your A-k or whatever you kids play with would you be disarmed? Normal people don`t own them or want them to be owned by anyone. To insure domestic tranquility is a politician`s purpose. It`s a pro-life thing. Being a former factory worker I know a lot more gun owners than you ever have and most of them had rifles and shotguns for hunting and maybe a hand gun for home defense. Retards with assault weapons were rare.
So you arent going to give me that one example of what you tell your analyst which makes her believe you are a conservative? Figures.

And you're right Michigan does not have ANY laws pertaining to gun storage.
Why in hell would I give you information I give to my shrink?
You did move the goal posts, you shit head. You moron. You idiot.

The answers to these questions no longer matter to you because you jumped to a new set of criteria. You moved the goalposts.

You shit head, you moron, you idiot.

No....dumb ass... I didn't......I asked if anyone knew anyting about how they stored the gun, and no one answered until you.......

Now we can move on....and decide if keeping it in their bedroom was enough.....with the information they had....

Considering that many people keep shotguns, pistols and hunting rifles in unlocked cabinets or hanging on racks and their kids don't shoot anyone...

You moron......
Why in hell would I give you information I give to my shrink?
You could give me an example of what you think someone might say that an analyst would then interpret into being of one particular political party. Doesnt have to be something you actually told him/her.
Wrong.........he was in a safe, secure place.....with trained education professionals, likely trained, professional security people, since it was a high school......why should they assume he was a threat or in danger?

If the school thought he was an immediate threat, again, they would have secured him away from the other students and secured his locker and belongings and told the parents they were going to do that.....

Looking up ammo? Are you serious....?

So the kid with his new shotgun for deer season looking up ammo is a deadly threat?

And they apparently were notified of the picture that do you know what they planned to do about it.....?
I agree looking up ammo is totally normal. But obviously the school was watching him closely because he concerned them. They wouldn’t have cared if he was looking up ammo if he wasn’t already giving of massive vibes. Look at this kids pics. Of course any teachers with eyes were watching him closely.

The fact that they called the mom the day before means nothing by itself, but it proves that this wasn’t just sprung on them at the meeting. The school had been expressing concerns before that and this is simply the only documented instance of that we’ve seen so far.
Good point on Beto. The overwhelming majority does not want assault weapons sold or owned in this country. If he got your A-k or whatever you kids play with would you be disarmed? Normal people don`t own them or want them to be owned by anyone. To insure domestic tranquility is a politician`s purpose. It`s a pro-life thing. Being a former factory worker I know a lot more gun owners than you ever have and most of them had rifles and shotguns for hunting and maybe a hand gun for home defense. Retards with assault weapons were rare. idiots keep telling us no one wants to ban guns.......that is such an obvious lie, it is amazing you can repeat it as often as you do and not damage what remains of your brain...

To change the status quo, Democrats should go big. They need to focus on the abundance of guns in the US and develop a suite of policies that directly tackle that issue, from licensing to confiscation to more aggressive bans of certain kinds of firearms (including, perhaps, all semiautomatic weapons or at least some types of handguns).

Stole? Who did he steal it from? So yeah there is criminal responsibility on the parents end and I"m sure the school system and the parents will go to civil court as well.
Are you saying kids can't steal from their parents? Happens all the time.
I agree looking up ammo is totally normal. But obviously the school was watching him closely because he concerned them. They wouldn’t have cared if he was looking up ammo if he wasn’t already giving of massive vibes. Look at this kids pics. Of course any teachers with eyes were watching him closely.

The fact that they called the mom the day before means nothing by itself, but it proves that this wasn’t just sprung on them at the meeting. The school had been expressing concerns before that and this is simply the only documented instance of that we’ve seen so far.
It's pretty obvious the mom is going to be found criminally responsible in some form, assuming the jury isnt full of fellow nut job trumpanzees.
I agree looking up ammo is totally normal. But obviously the school was watching him closely because he concerned them. They wouldn’t have cared if he was looking up ammo if he wasn’t already giving of massive vibes. Look at this kids pics. Of course any teachers with eyes were watching him closely.

The fact that they called the mom the day before means nothing by itself, but it proves that this wasn’t just sprung on them at the meeting. The school had been expressing concerns before that and this is simply the only documented instance of that we’ve seen so far.

The fact that they called the mom the day before means nothing by itself, but it proves that this wasn’t just sprung on them at the meeting. The school had been expressing concerns before that and this is simply the only documented instance of that we’ve seen so far.

How do you know this?

What were they saying to the parents?

If they thought he was dangerous, why didn't they have him monitored.....closely...and the day the parents left...why didn't they take the kid to the office and search his things.....?

You don't know anything, but post with such authority.....
Yeah...when were they shown the drawing......?

My brother, in grade school drew a picture of the Hindenburg on fire and people falling into the Ocean (I know, he was in grade school) getting eaten by sharks........

He has been a police officer for close to 30 years.......

Do you know what the parents were doing before this with this kid?

Until you do, you really can't say anything intelligent about what happened before the shooting....
Sorry this post struck me so funny I just have to comment. So your brother exhibited a fascination with violence at an early age and he found a home and has thrived for 30 years in a profession with the highest domestic violence rate of any, and that harbors bullies and murderers at a higher rate than most other professions. And this is evidence of what? 🤣

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