Parents who deserve the death penalty....

Yup... those muslims the liberals LUUUUUUV so MUCH....



I have never supported the death penalty.
Never, ever, ever.

Muslim world?

How does it go again?
Ah yes; "Their sovereign nation, their culture, their laws, their system".

And if Christians in the West say anything in criticism...then that is said to be 'racist', 'Islamophobic', 'xenophobic' etc by the PC brigade of multiculturalism and appeasement.

When will all the States in the world still operating indoor and outdoor death chambers be bulldozing them?

Death chambers are oh so 'yesterday'.
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In this country parents are bad parents for NOT agreeing that their minor daughter be abused in a same sex child abuse case. How many supported Kaitlyn Hunt's abuse of a 14 year old girl? Didn't a teacher get the support of fellow teachers when he was arrested for child abuse. The difference between us and the muslims is we have not YET fully legalized child rape.
On Oprah [or another similar US talk show] I saw one day a married couple being interviewed in the studio.
Wife was 42, husband was 14.
Yes...true...I saw it with my own eyes.
It was all nice and legal.

The wife was saying "my husband", and the boy was saying "my wife".

An update several years later stated that the couple were divorced and that the boy was now dating a girl his own age.
Regardless of religion, national sovereignty, national laws or whatever else has bearing on this issue, a grown man taking an eight year old girl as a bride is just WRONG...despicably WRONG!

I am relatively sure that the parents of the bride receive compensation for giving up their daughters to these lecherous, demented pigs.

The parents of this innocent child should be stoned or shot or hanged or beheaded or burned at the stake...or maybe they should each a broomstick shoved up their ass 'til it comes out through their teeth!
Only took three posts this time before liberals were blamed.

They weren't blamed for this incident...just for condoning this type behavior. I have seen a liberal argue in favor of reducing the age of consent to FOUR!:cuckoo:
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My Sixty Minutes did a story about what was going on in Hildale/Colorado City that straddle the Utah/Arizona border....pedophiles, 8 + yr old girls, the lot.

Eventually, after many decades. the cops/FBI conducted raids and cleaned the place out.

The girl reporter was nearly run down by some morons in a truck.

She said to one old guy..."it is wrong to be having sex with 8 yr old girls".
His reply; "That is your opinion".
Men in the Bible were married to and had relations with young girs as well. Its not a religious issue its a cultural one.
The 3 books of Islam demand that Moslems live their lives as did mohammed(piss be upon him), Mohammed is, in islam, the perfect human.
Hence the immense problem in the UK with Islamic paedophile gangs.

Humans wrote both books. You can tell by the cultural references that have nothing to do with religion. Islam does not demand you be a pedophile. Sorry I'm not buying that one.

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