Paris Jackson Attempts Suicide

She is so pretty..seemed to have it together. But she misses her daddy. WHY Michael put his mother in charge of his kids, I will never understand. She did nothing when her husband ruined those children as Michael was growing up. He threw them in the lions den with those orders left if he died. BIG mistake.
She is so pretty..seemed to have it together. But she misses her daddy. WHY Michael put his mother in charge of his kids, I will never understand. She did nothing when her husband ruined those children as Michael was growing up. He threw them in the lions den with those orders left if he died. BIG mistake.

I haven't really paid attention to the Jacksons family issues, but wasn't that really his only option? who else could have watched them?
It could have a lot to do with the month of June when her Dad died.

My Dad died in June of 1968, I was 15. The month of June was very hard for me for several years after his death.
She is so pretty..seemed to have it together. But she misses her daddy. WHY Michael put his mother in charge of his kids, I will never understand. She did nothing when her husband ruined those children as Michael was growing up. He threw them in the lions den with those orders left if he died. BIG mistake.

I haven't really paid attention to the Jacksons family issues, but wasn't that really his only option? who else could have watched them?

Maybe one of the less crazy family members. Appoint someone as adviser. My friend's parents died...mother was a celeb, father was a lawyer for one of the major motion picture companies. When they both died, the law firm took over and were her advisers and handle all the money left in trust. Same could have been done for Michaels kids. He left them with that old bat who never lifted a hand to save her own children from that pond scum of a father. And he sent his kids smack back in the middle of what he himself had to experience.

Pisses me off. I'm sad Michael died so early..and I am sad for his kids. Prince seems to be doing ok...not sure about Blanket. But Paris has been in the limelight before..saying she is picked on by kids in school and whatnot. She is a lovely girl, loved and misses her dad. And lives in the middle of a snake pit where everyone is suing someone for Michaels death. Where does that leave her? In misery enough to want to off herself. :(
i dont give a flying fuck that a pedophile died

when sandusky kicks i am good with that....

but the sins of the father....

i feel for this child.
Why couldn't she just go to a hospital say she wants to die and have her lungs given to that 10 year old. Or some one else who wants to live.
Some believe he was a pedophile. Some don't. Myself included.
With that said, I hope Paris gets better counseling than she is getting...if any at all.

And yes, Michael was close to his mother, which is why I am surprised he had her take charge of his kids in the event of his death...knowing his lowlife pondscum of a father would be around them too.
Is anyone else not surprised?

I am. I knew she was have some probs but she seemed to be dealing with it. But that is why so many commit suicude and are not saved....they hide their pain well.
Jacko's kids were put on the road to very difficult lives when he marched them around in masks and had them as props for that bizarrely awful documentary.
Jacko's kids were put on the road to very difficult lives when he marched them around in masks and had them as props for that bizarrely awful documentary.

yup....whomever thought these poor kids would be normal from the git go is well, dreaming.....
Why couldn't she just go to a hospital say she wants to die and have her lungs given to that 10 year old. Or some one else who wants to live.

Ye, because we should treat depressed people like they are less than human...:eusa_hand:

I thought you were for euthanasia? I could be wrong, haven't had that argument in a while.

But ya anyone that thinks cause some person has a bout of clinical depression they should be able to kill themselves is beyond stupid. It is generally a temporary problem that may recur but is easily treated.

I have recurring major depression and have a constant level of depression that I treat with medication. I pretty much always want to be dead. But that is not normal most people that suffer from depression are treated and move on till the next crisis.
She is so pretty..seemed to have it together. But she misses her daddy. WHY Michael put his mother in charge of his kids, I will never understand. She did nothing when her husband ruined those children as Michael was growing up. He threw them in the lions den with those orders left if he died. BIG mistake.

I haven't really paid attention to the Jacksons family issues, but wasn't that really his only option? who else could have watched them?

Maybe one of the less crazy family members. Appoint someone as adviser. My friend's parents died...mother was a celeb, father was a lawyer for one of the major motion picture companies. When they both died, the law firm took over and were her advisers and handle all the money left in trust. Same could have been done for Michaels kids. He left them with that old bat who never lifted a hand to save her own children from that pond scum of a father. And he sent his kids smack back in the middle of what he himself had to experience.

Pisses me off. I'm sad Michael died so early..and I am sad for his kids. Prince seems to be doing ok...not sure about Blanket. But Paris has been in the limelight before..saying she is picked on by kids in school and whatnot. She is a lovely girl, loved and misses her dad. And lives in the middle of a snake pit where everyone is suing someone for Michaels death. Where does that leave her? In misery enough to want to off herself. :(

I agree Grace....It's all really sad. Michael was so talented, but in a way I believe he was as crazy as his mother. Look what he did to himself?? And why do you name your kids like he did? Paris isn't bad, but the others? My daughter was in love with him...he was just about as famous as Elvis! :) He is missed....I pray for his kids.

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