Park Ranger Admits..."I Was Told to Make People's Lives as Difficult as Possible.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Obama = Compassionate Liberalism.

I guess it wasn't enough to keep D-Day Vets away from an open air monument, or funding NPR and PBS because they're essential, but denying funds to the National Institute of Heath to do work fighting childhood cancer.

I guess Big Bird is way more important than kids with cancer or WW II Vets.

I guess Obama must feel real good about denying death benefits to those recently killed in combat, even though the funding was just passed and Obama signed it into Law. His lawyers said they "interpreted the law differently than Congress." I'm sure they did. Why not screw over the vets and their families to make a political point, right? Isn't liberalism fun?

And now this. A Park Ranger states he was told by his superiors to makes people's lives as difficult as possible. The full quote: “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can," an angry Park Ranger told the Times. "It’s disgusting.”

An unnamed administration official said. "We are winning. It doesn’t really matter to us” how long the shutdown lasts “because what matters is the end result.”

"It's because the White House (or, at least this unnamed official) believe it is 'winning' by shutting down the government and blaming Republicans. And when one's winning, he's not likely to change course," Daniel Halper wrote.

Which means the administration is prepared to inflict even more pain on average Americans in order to win a partisan political battle with Republicans.

Here's a link to the full story. Park Ranger admits being told to make life as difficult for people as possible - National Policy & Issues |
President Obama Admits Real Reason Why He?s Been Rejecting GOP Funding Bills | Video |

Here’s Knoller’s full question: “While you’re waiting for the shutdown to end, why is it that you can’t go along with any of the bills the House is passing? Funding the FDA and FEMA — where you were yesterday — and veterans benefits and Head Start. You have to be tempted to kind of get funding to those programs you support.”

Obama admitted that he is “tempted” to support the bills, because “you’d like to think you could solve at least some of the problems if you couldn’t solve all of it.” That’s what Republicans claim they are trying to do with the appropriations bills to restore funding to various affected programs.

“But here’s the problem. What you’ve seen are bills that come up wherever Republicans are feeling political pressure, they put a bill forward. And if there’s no political heat, if there’s no television story on it, then nothing happens,” Obama said .”If we do some sort of shotgun approach like that, then you’ll have some programs that are highly visible get funded and re-opened, like national monuments, but things that don’t get a lot of attention, like those SBA loans not being funded.”

ikn other words, Obama admits he is intentionally making all this 'shutdown' as hurtful as possible....even while his cronies still get $85 billion a month at Wall Street banks, and millions for other cronies like PBS and various other lerftwing covens.

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