Parkland resource officer charged with neglect, negligence related to school shooting

If you don’t think he should face repercussions for negligence in performing his job, you are Very misguided and likely a partisan hack who is only worried about gun control laws.

What if the manager of a nuclear power plant decided to not do their job and a million people died in a meltdown? Are you telling me you would not support the prosecution of that individual?


I have already explained that the prosecution is likely to go nowhere. Based upon the existing precedence of the Supreme Court.

But let’s talk about those nuclear plant operators. You do realize there is a point where even they run for their lives. Are you saying the workers at Fukushima should have ignored the radiation warnings and pressed on to certain death and probable failure in an effort to stop the disaster? In the US that would have certainly violated OSHA and various safety regulations.

So let’s get serious for a change. Do we charge the FBI for not acting when they got warnings about Cruz?

I am saying that an investigation should occur and it should be determined if they were criminally negligent when they fled.

It was done here and the guy has been charged....we will see what happens when he is prosecuted, as you said.

Dude cashed in serious karma points. I see ass cancer in his future at a minimum.
I suspect a good lawyer will be able to get him off most if not all of those charges,
I suspect he will plead rather than stand before a jury of his peers. Dead children resulting from his cowardice won't go well before the 12.

VICTORY GIRLS: Scot Peterson Might Finally Face Justice.

Former Broward County Deputy Scot Peterson faces 11 criminal counts stemming from his actions–or more accurately, lack of action–during the February 14, 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (MSD). Seventeen students and staff members lost their lives that day. Another 17 were injured. All while Peterson, the school resource officer, waited outside, doing nothing to help save those in danger.


Nikolas Cruz entered the school he’d once attended and opened fire. Afterwards, Cruz managed to temporarily evade capture by mingling with some of the students as they fled the school. Approximately an hour later, police captured Cruz and he confessed. He was subsequently charged with 17 counts of murder and 17 counts of attempted murder.

According to CNN and other media sources, here’s what Peterson did during the shooting.

When shots rang out at the Parkland school, Peterson didn’t run toward the gunfire.​

Peterson stood outside behind a stairwell wall with his gun drawn “just pointing it at the building.”​

He was wearing a bulletproof vest … while unarmed school security guards and coaches were running in shielding kids.
He did not enter the building while Cruz went through the building, shooting and killing students and staff. 45 minutes of horror for those inside and their families who they’d called. Forty-five minutes when he watched and waited as people died.

The 11 charges against him include child neglect, culpable negligence and perjury and carry a potential maximum sentence of almost 100 years.
There is no way, no way in hell that he is convicted of any of the charges. Perjury? He would have to admit he lied. Otherwise, the established defenses of the Cop are going to be all he needs.

As has already been mentioned, there are two civil court decisions that the Supreme Court handed down. In both of them, the Supreme Court ruled that the police have no constitutional duty to protect. It is why you no longer see To Protect and Serve on the sides of cop cars. I am sure the lawyers felt that such a statement in public would create the image of an implied contract or some such shit.

So the fact that kids died because of his inaction is not going to be a criminal act. The last charge, Perjury, is going to be taken care of as well. For decades, the police stories have differed from the stories of witnesses. When Video came about, and the video contradicted the cops story, a new defense strategy came into being. Perception.

The argument goes like this. The cop expects someone to be reaching for a gun, s/he is trained to watch for it, to expect it. The individual makes a move, if only in the mind of the cop, and then the cop fires his weapon in self defense to nothing more than a delusion. It isn’t even “temporary insanity” but an understood reaction of a cop who has been trained to react that exact way. The cops argue often in court that they just don’t have time to wait, a fraction of a second hesitation and they will be dead.

So even if he said he rushed to the sounds of the guns, while standing around confused, the argument will be he believed what he was saying was true, even if contradicted by the video, and there are tons of precedent that this is totally acceptable in the world. Hell, a Supreme Court Decision even allows cops to enforce non existent laws, if they believe they are doing the right thing.

This is a stupid action by the Prosecutor. Done for political reasons, not anything approaching Justice. Right now, Peterson’s lawyers are filing motions to get the charges dismissed under established precedence.

Cowardice is a crime in the Military. It isn’t a crime in the civilian world. And all those who scream that any restrictions on cops is going to be a death sentence. You know, the idea that cops should wait to see the gun before shooting the suspect so full of holes that he looks like Swiss Cheese. That is always claimed to be the things that will get cops killed. This prosecution is one that will get cops killed. Because now, if they don’t rush to the guns, prepared or not, properly supported or not, they know they will face prison. And so will everyone else who wants to do a mass shooting. They know that the cops will have to rush in heedless of any considerations, or face prosecution.

Even in the Military, Cowardice does not mean you have to charge heedless into a situation. It just means you can’t turn and run away.

Sadly, the cops are under no obligation to respond to emergencies. I know someone that died as a result of police not responding to multiple 9-1-1 calls.
I suspect a good lawyer will be able to get him off most if not all of those charges,
I tend to agree.

I don't know what the guy was thinking I can only guess what many cops would be thinking in a situation like this

Cops are held accountable when they take proper action such as Ferguson. Darren Wilson lost his job and was charged when he used appropriate force to stop micheal brown.

On the other hand now cops are being held accountable for not taking action

Still I think this guy is responsible for not taking action and yes he could have and should have taken action.

In the end though I have a hard time thinking he is criminally responsible

It seems like a failure he should be fired for but not necessarily convicted in criminal court.

A good lawyer might well be able to win this case.

There may be precedents for this but I doubt it

Can we really make it a crime for cops to NOT do their job when we treat them like criminals for doing it?
I have to agree. Based on what we know and the charges leveled against him, it is impossible to know what is right to do in such a situation. Being the first dead man on scene doesn't help the situation much. He needed backup and he needed to locate the killer and you can't do that if you're dead.

Doing the right thing is is knowing what is right to do that's the hard part. If I put myself in his shoes, I have no idea if I would have done better, so I have to wait for the judgement of those who know more than I do.
There is some truth in what you typed. Perhaps just entering the building would have saved him some grief.
I suspect a good lawyer will be able to get him off most if not all of those charges,

Probably, but this isn't about punishing him, it's about distracting from the fact that a Nikolas Cruz can buy an assault rifle to start with.

The NRA paid Scott and DeSantis good money to do their bidding.

He was a total coward and his actions/inaction led to the deaths of many students.

Again, one guy covering a multi-building campus wasn't going to stop a rampage that was over in six minutes.

I tend to agree.

I don't know what the guy was thinking I can only guess what many cops would be thinking in a situation like this

Cops are held accountable when they take proper action such as Ferguson. Darren Wilson lost his job and was charged when he used appropriate force to stop micheal brown.

Brown was unarmed, with his hands up and 149 feet away from Wilson. His use of force wasn't appropriate..

On the other hand now cops are being held accountable for not taking action

Still I think this guy is responsible for not taking action and yes he could have and should have taken action.

In the end though I have a hard time thinking he is criminally responsible

It seems like a failure he should be fired for but not necessarily convicted in criminal court.

A few points here.

First, no one gets assigned as a school resource officer because he's a super-cop. He gets sent there because breaking up a school-yard fight is about the level of his proficiency.

The problem we have is that School yard fights involve guns these days because the NRA makes it so easy to get them.

This rampage was over in six minutes, where he had to call for backup, direct an evacuation of hundreds of kids, and then try to figure out where the shooter was. By that time, Cruz had already walked out with the rest of the kids, and was sitting across the street admiring his handiwork.

Brown was Charging wilson after attempting to take his weapon

That makes him a deadly threat and the shooting was appropriate and justified.

Proven by EVIDENCE which you are too dim and partisan to grasp

The NRA is protecting civil rights as they always have and guns were more available when there were fewer shootings you lack any logic or sense
I feel for the guy. I don't think being a coward should be against the law. It's like soldiers who are arrested for desertion. It's hard to criticize somebody for not wanting to get shot at.
If you don’t think he should face repercussions for negligence in performing his job, you are Very misguided and likely a partisan hack who is only worried about gun control laws.

What if the manager of a nuclear power plant decided to not do their job and a million people died in a meltdown? Are you telling me you would not support the prosecution of that individual?


THis wasn't a case of him not deciding to do his job, it was a case of him making bad decisions. Maybe. Or maybe the decisions he made were just fine, there's just not much you can do with a peashooter when the other guy has a machine gun and the element of surprise.
So let’s get serious for a change. Do we charge the FBI for not acting when they got warnings about Cruz?
What do you think the likelyhood is that this was done, even if the charges don't stick, or more particularly especially if the charges don't stick, so that "they" could disarm Petersen? He's now had his 2nd amendment rights curtailed until this case is settled, as if he's a danger to the community.
If you don’t think he should face repercussions for negligence in performing his job, you are Very misguided and likely a partisan hack who is only worried about gun control laws.

What if the manager of a nuclear power plant decided to not do their job and a million people died in a meltdown? Are you telling me you would not support the prosecution of that individual?


THis wasn't a case of him not deciding to do his job, it was a case of him making bad decisions. Maybe. Or maybe the decisions he made were just fine, there's just not much you can do with a peashooter when the other guy has a machine gun and the element of surprise.
There is another element to this that no one seems to be looking at. Petersen tried to have Cruz committed under Florida's Baker Act but got overruled by some third-party. If you're a protection or security officer and you discover a situation which is dangerous or problematic and you report it or do what you can to have it corrected but the powers that be fail to act, you can't be faulted for not being willing to sacrifice yourself in a no-win situation to appease the blood lust of others.
What do you think the likelyhood is that this was done, even if the charges don't stick, or more particularly especially if the charges don't stick, so that "they" could disarm Petersen? He's now had his 2nd amendment rights curtailed until this case is settled, as if he's a danger to the community.

THis was done for a particular reason.... to distract from the fact that Cruz was able to buy that kind of firepower. Peterson is a scapegoat.

This could actually backfire on the National Rampage Association. If cops know they can be charged for not stopping Rampages by NRA Premium Members like Cruz, they might start insisting on common sense gun control.
What do you think the likelyhood is that this was done, even if the charges don't stick, or more particularly especially if the charges don't stick, so that "they" could disarm Petersen? He's now had his 2nd amendment rights curtailed until this case is settled, as if he's a danger to the community.

THis was done for a particular reason.... to distract from the fact that Cruz was able to buy that kind of firepower. Peterson is a scapegoat.

This could actually backfire on the National Rampage Association. If cops know they can be charged for not stopping Rampages by NRA Premium Members like Cruz, they might start insisting on common sense gun control.
All of which is total horseshit

The NRA cannot bring charges against people and Cruz was not a member

These charges may be political but they have nothing to do with civil rights protection organizations such as the NRA. There is no common sense gun control and no proposed legislation would have prevented this.

In all probability he is merely the latest target progressives

After they failed to get Darren Wilson because the evidence proved he shot brown in self defense they went looking for more victims
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All of which is total horseshit

The NRA cannot bring charges against people and Cruz was not a member

These charges may be political but they have nothing to do with civil rights protection organizations such as the NRA. There is no common sense gun control and no proposed legislation would have prevented this.

Oh, bullshit. Are you real this childlike in your view of the world.

17 kids died because the NRA has made it easy to get guns. The kids got out and said, "What the Fuck, man!" And the NRA realized that attacking the kids was a losing battle for them, so what do they do?

They go to one of the politicians they own and say, "Hey, could you charge that police officer, and make it all look like it was his fault?"

Like he was going to take his pea-shooter and take on a crazy kid with a machine gun.

After they failed to get Darren Wilson because the evidence proved he shot brown in self defense they went looking for more victims

No, they failed to get Wilson because the DA wasn't even trying. The good news.. the people voted his ass out of office, along with these other DA's and SA's who think that this is 'no big deal' when thug cops shoot kids in the back.
That fucking pussy is useless. However..Scott Israel following Obama policies is what enabled the whole damn thing to happen. Bullshit policies followed by a leftist.

Like my aunt said: "That boy should have been in Chattahoochee". That's real AF.

My aunt was the real deal. I know how things were, and how they are now, and that's not right.
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That fucking pussy is useless. However..Scott Israel following Obama policies is what enabled the whole damn thing to happen.

Like my aunt said: "That boy would have been in Chattahoochee". And that's real AF.

Okay, guy, the problem here was not that the school didn't stamp his meal card "no dessert".

The problem here was that he was able to buy a military-grade weapon.
That fucking pussy is useless. However..Scott Israel following Obama policies is what enabled the whole damn thing to happen.

Like my aunt said: "That boy would have been in Chattahoochee". And that's real AF.

Okay, guy, the problem here was not that the school didn't stamp his meal card "no dessert".

The problem here was that he was able to buy a military-grade weapon.
No, you stupid fuck, the problem is he wasn't in Chattahoochee where he should have been and would have been in the past, you fucking commie stupid shit.
No, you stupid fuck, the problem is he wasn't in Chattahoochee where he should have been and would have been in the past, you fucking commie stupid shit.

Assuming Chattahoochee is a prison of some sort (really don't care), the fact is, we lock up 2 million people and we have another 7 million on probation or parole. Locking people up isn't the answer, and frankly, nothing he did before the shooting was really worth locking him up over.

The fact that he had all these mental problems and was STILL able to get a machine gun was the problem... happy to have cleared that up for you, you look a little dopey.
No, you stupid fuck, the problem is he wasn't in Chattahoochee where he should have been and would have been in the past, you fucking commie stupid shit.

Assuming Chattahoochee is a prison of some sort (really don't care), the fact is, we lock up 2 million people and we have another 7 million on probation or parole. Locking people up isn't the answer, and frankly, nothing he did before the shooting was really worth locking him up over.

The fact that he had all these mental problems and was STILL able to get a machine gun was the problem... happy to have cleared that up for you, you look a little dopey.

Due to Obama policies, and Chattahoochee is the State Mental Hospital. You may percieve that, but you're a warped douche anyways, so fuck you. :) :fu:

Locking that one up would have been the answer, you fucking dumbass! It could and should have been done before that crap happened.
So let’s get serious for a change. Do we charge the FBI for not acting when they got warnings about Cruz?
What do you think the likelyhood is that this was done, even if the charges don't stick, or more particularly especially if the charges don't stick, so that "they" could disarm Petersen? He's now had his 2nd amendment rights curtailed until this case is settled, as if he's a danger to the community.

The surrender of weapons is normal and routine whenever someone is charged with a Felony. Just as their freedom to travel out of the State, another constitutional right, is curtailed.

If we are now charging people who do not do the job expected of them then the FBI must face criminal penalties. They were warned about Cruz and did nothing. Not even a pencil whip investigation.

The Florida charged are bullshit. For them to stick Peterson has to be a Caregiver. Now if the police are Caregivers, then if a child is crying and a cop drives by he could be guilty of neglect. But there is a demand that he be punished. And damn the law or consequences they are going to punish him.
All of which is total horseshit

The NRA cannot bring charges against people and Cruz was not a member

These charges may be political but they have nothing to do with civil rights protection organizations such as the NRA. There is no common sense gun control and no proposed legislation would have prevented this.

Oh, bullshit. Are you real this childlike in your view of the world.

17 kids died because the NRA has made it easy to get guns. The kids got out and said, "What the Fuck, man!" And the NRA realized that attacking the kids was a losing battle for them, so what do they do?

They go to one of the politicians they own and say, "Hey, could you charge that police officer, and make it all look like it was his fault?"

Like he was going to take his pea-shooter and take on a crazy kid with a machine gun.

After they failed to get Darren Wilson because the evidence proved he shot brown in self defense they went looking for more victims

No, they failed to get Wilson because the DA wasn't even trying. The good news.. the people voted his ass out of office, along with these other DA's and SA's who think that this is 'no big deal' when thug cops shoot kids in the back.

The NRA isn't a branch of government at all. They are a just a group of citizens exercising their 1st Amendment rights to speak out. They don't have the power to pass laws.
If we are now charging people who do not do the job expected of them then the FBI must face criminal penalties. They were warned about Cruz and did nothing. Not even a pencil whip investigation
Scary when the mob mentality takes over. The FBI is MORE GUILTY than this man.

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