Parkland survivors speak up prior to March for our Lives

it's funny to watch all the cons running scared from a bunch of kids with minds of their own

hey, maybe they were all born in kenya!


I'm so scared of those little idiots.
A lot....just because self-hating women and misogynist men got so bent out of shape that you still talk about it in fear.......fear that the movement itself isn't over. Think Blue Tsunami in long can you tread water?

To listen to these idiots, no movement ever accomplished anything. Women's Suffrage, Civil Rights Movement, demonstrations in the 60s, Tea Party, Me Too --- All utterly meaningless. :rolleyes:
In case you missed Dr Maddow last night, this is really worth watching. Poised and so incredibly articulate, with great synergy and vision, these kids are awesome. They also understand politics and know their movement involves time and baby steps. We've seen our resident NRA fans suggest that everyone will forget about them in a month and they won't make a bit of difference. Hide-n-watch my friends - they already have.

Emma Gonzalez, Jaclyn Corin, and Sarah Chadwick, students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas who have been thrust into activism against gun violence after a shooting tragedy at their school, talk with Rachel Maddow about whether legislators are doing enough to prevent future atrocities.

Shouldn't take more than 5 seconds to load if you have high speed connection:

Students press for change on guns ahead of March For Our Lives

How could one school produce so many leaders? Comprehensive old school public education such as existed in the 1950's. Excellent read at link below. Betsy DeVos would be smart to analyze their methodology, interview their teachers and come up with a model to roll out nationwide. But she won't, because she's unqualified, lazy, entitled and honestly doesn't give a rat's ass. She won't in short, because she ISN'T smart.

Why Are the Parkland Teens So Good at This? Their Public School Prepared Them For It.
It's a total scam. Everyone who can be sure to donate to the NRA before tomorrow ends. Hopefully common sense can pull the plug on any effect this fascist gun banning ploy will have.

I figure on going to my local gun store, and selecting my next purchase.
Of course....because there's no greater time for gun manufacturers to profit off of you than after a mass shooting.

You disapprove of me protesting the protestors?

(BTW, the gun manufacturers already got their money, I'm just putting profits in the pockets of a local businessman)
You can protest all you want....this is America. I just chuckle at you proving my point that those who profit most from mass shootings are the NRA and gun manufacturers because of people like you.
In case you missed Dr Maddow last night, this is really worth watching. Poised and so incredibly articulate, with great synergy and vision, these kids are awesome. They also understand politics and know their movement involves time and baby steps. We've seen our resident NRA fans suggest that everyone will forget about them in a month and they won't make a bit of difference. Hide-n-watch my friends - they already have.

Emma Gonzalez, Jaclyn Corin, and Sarah Chadwick, students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas who have been thrust into activism against gun violence after a shooting tragedy at their school, talk with Rachel Maddow about whether legislators are doing enough to prevent future atrocities.

Shouldn't take more than 5 seconds to load if you have high speed connection:

Students press for change on guns ahead of March For Our Lives

How could one school produce so many leaders? Comprehensive old school public education such as existed in the 1950's. Excellent read at link below. Betsy DeVos would be smart to analyze their methodology, interview their teachers and come up with a model to roll out nationwide. But she won't, because she's unqualified, lazy, entitled and honestly doesn't give a rat's ass. She won't in short, because she ISN'T smart.

Why Are the Parkland Teens So Good at This? Their Public School Prepared Them For It.
It's a total scam. Everyone who can be sure to donate to the NRA before tomorrow ends. Hopefully common sense can pull the plug on any effect this fascist gun banning ploy will have.

I figure on going to my local gun store, and selecting my next purchase.
Of course....because there's no greater time for gun manufacturers to profit off of you than after a mass shooting.

You disapprove of me protesting the protestors?

(BTW, the gun manufacturers already got their money, I'm just putting profits in the pockets of a local businessman)
You can protest all you want....this is America. I just chuckle at you proving my point that those who profit most from mass shootings are the NRA and gun manufacturers because of people like you.
Repeating the same lie doesn't make it true. It only points you out as a liar.
it's funny to watch all the cons running scared from a bunch of kids with minds of their own

hey, maybe they were all born in kenya!


Pretty sure the lesbian is an illegal immigrant - possibly a rapist! :)

:71: Yeah...they can revive their "birther" movement in their fear.
A lot....just because self-hating women and misogynist men got so bent out of shape that you still talk about it in fear.......fear that the movement itself isn't over. Think Blue Tsunami in long can you tread water?

To listen to these idiots, no movement ever accomplished anything. Women's Suffrage, Civil Rights Movement, demonstrations in the 60s, Tea Party, Me Too --- All utterly meaningless. :rolleyes:
Yeah, but those were all grassroots movements.
This one is a fraud.
In case you missed Dr Maddow last night, this is really worth watching. Poised and so incredibly articulate, with great synergy and vision, these kids are awesome. They also understand politics and know their movement involves time and baby steps. We've seen our resident NRA fans suggest that everyone will forget about them in a month and they won't make a bit of difference. Hide-n-watch my friends - they already have.

Emma Gonzalez, Jaclyn Corin, and Sarah Chadwick, students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas who have been thrust into activism against gun violence after a shooting tragedy at their school, talk with Rachel Maddow about whether legislators are doing enough to prevent future atrocities.

Shouldn't take more than 5 seconds to load if you have high speed connection:

Students press for change on guns ahead of March For Our Lives

How could one school produce so many leaders? Comprehensive old school public education such as existed in the 1950's. Excellent read at link below. Betsy DeVos would be smart to analyze their methodology, interview their teachers and come up with a model to roll out nationwide. But she won't, because she's unqualified, lazy, entitled and honestly doesn't give a rat's ass. She won't in short, because she ISN'T smart.

Why Are the Parkland Teens So Good at This? Their Public School Prepared Them For It.
It's a total scam. Everyone who can be sure to donate to the NRA before tomorrow ends. Hopefully common sense can pull the plug on any effect this fascist gun banning ploy will have.

I figure on going to my local gun store, and selecting my next purchase.
Of course....because there's no greater time for gun manufacturers to profit off of you than after a mass shooting.

You disapprove of me protesting the protestors?

(BTW, the gun manufacturers already got their money, I'm just putting profits in the pockets of a local businessman)
You can protest all you want....this is America. I just chuckle at you proving my point that those who profit most from mass shootings are the NRA and gun manufacturers because of people like you.
I just chuckle at you proving my point that those who profit most from mass shootings are the NRA and gun manufacturers because of people like you.

How do either profit from me buying a firearm?

NRA doesn't get a penny from it, gun manufacturer already got his when the dealer bought it.
it's funny to watch all the cons running scared from a bunch of kids with minds of their own

hey, maybe they were all born in kenya!


I'm so scared of those little idiots.

I just think it is funny how here we have a bunch of kids all trained to think exactly the same, and those supporting them are all imitating one another as well by claiming the group think is actually some sort of evidence they have a mind of their own.

The hive mind works in mysterious ways.
It's a total scam. Everyone who can be sure to donate to the NRA before tomorrow ends. Hopefully common sense can pull the plug on any effect this fascist gun banning ploy will have.

I figure on going to my local gun store, and selecting my next purchase.
Of course....because there's no greater time for gun manufacturers to profit off of you than after a mass shooting.

You disapprove of me protesting the protestors?

(BTW, the gun manufacturers already got their money, I'm just putting profits in the pockets of a local businessman)
You can protest all you want....this is America. I just chuckle at you proving my point that those who profit most from mass shootings are the NRA and gun manufacturers because of people like you.
Repeating the same lie doesn't make it true. It only points you out as a liar.
Every time one of you posters brag about sending money to the NRA and/or buying a new gun on one of these threads you just keep proving me right. :113:
it's funny to watch all the cons running scared from a bunch of kids with minds of their own

hey, maybe they were all born in kenya!


Pretty sure the lesbian is an illegal immigrant - possibly a rapist! :)

:71: Yeah...they can revive their "birther" movement in their fear.
From the tone of most of your lie filed posts, it sounds a lot like you need to have a "movement", soon.
Nineteen Eighty-Four should be mandatory in middle schools.

It is - or at least was for my daughter in around 10th grade.

I'm thinking around 7th.

Oh c'mon - have the kindergarten teachers read it to them! :rolleyes-41:

Shrug. I read it at 11. Pulled it off the parents' bookshelf.

The concepts of totalitarianism could be explained to that age, but the vocabulary necessary for the book is not available to that age group.

But after all, the kindergarten teachers explain how boys magically turn into girls and crossdressing, and every wacky sexual thing, eh?

Why not something important?
Yeah, but those were all grassroots movements.
This one is a fraud.

Sorry, it is entirely grassroots but we see your plan of action.

Dismiss all movements that you disagree with as some sort of a Deep State fraud.
it's funny to watch all the cons running scared from a bunch of kids with minds of their own

hey, maybe they were all born in kenya!


I'm so scared of those little idiots.

I just think it is funny how here we have a bunch of kids all trained to think exactly the same, and those supporting them are all imitating one another as well by claiming the group think is actually some sort of evidence they have a mind of their own.

The hive mind works in mysterious ways.
If what you say is true....all kids would feel the same. Are you asserting that every student in America is on board with this? (of course, it's a hive mind that objects to school shootings to the point of wanting them to end)
Cooking oil, partitions, and sound recognition systems, which ideas (even despite the flaccid, primitive nature of screenal space) will sooner or later make it to Parkland school to give Cruz's brother something else to think about.

Thus, badger will send an actual letter to someone who actually lives in the county.
I figure on going to my local gun store, and selecting my next purchase.
Of course....because there's no greater time for gun manufacturers to profit off of you than after a mass shooting.

You disapprove of me protesting the protestors?

(BTW, the gun manufacturers already got their money, I'm just putting profits in the pockets of a local businessman)
You can protest all you want....this is America. I just chuckle at you proving my point that those who profit most from mass shootings are the NRA and gun manufacturers because of people like you.
Repeating the same lie doesn't make it true. It only points you out as a liar.
Every time one of you posters brag about sending money to the NRA and/or buying a new gun on one of these threads you just keep proving me right. :113:
The fact you refuse to acknowledge is that our actions have nothing to do with a school shooting, but instead, we react to an attempt by fascists to disarm us. Next lie.

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