Parkland survivors speak up prior to March for our Lives

I figure on going to my local gun store, and selecting my next purchase.
Of course....because there's no greater time for gun manufacturers to profit off of you than after a mass shooting.

You disapprove of me protesting the protestors?

(BTW, the gun manufacturers already got their money, I'm just putting profits in the pockets of a local businessman)
You can protest all you want....this is America. I just chuckle at you proving my point that those who profit most from mass shootings are the NRA and gun manufacturers because of people like you.
Repeating the same lie doesn't make it true. It only points you out as a liar.
Every time one of you posters brag about sending money to the NRA and/or buying a new gun on one of these threads you just keep proving me right. :113:

So, how afraid are Soros and Everytown for Gun Safety and The Brady Bunch and Hollywood and others who send millions to "movements" such as the one in point?


Just how afraid are they? :lmao:
The same way they produced Nikolas Cruz ... :thup:

Oh you mean the gun-toting white nationalist Trump supporter?

There will always be a few bad apples in any school regardless of how great it is.
The school can only work with the raw materials they are given. Cruz's home life was broken from the start and he had mental health challenges. This is an affluent educated community and most of the kids coming to that school are therefore supported at home and given the kind of start in life that affluence can provide.
What's even funnier is that you lying trolls think the "high schoolers" have the organizational skills and monetary backing to organize such an event when most of them think France is the capitol city of Europe and have no idea who won the civil war.

Their GoFundMe page is up to almost 3.5 million dollars

Click here to support March for Our Lives organized by Cameron Kasky

Are you now going to suggest that George Soros set that up.

I don't know who set it up troll. I do know high school kids didn't do it by themselves.
Why aren't the Left Wing Wackos going to march for the victims of Totalitarianism?
About 100 Million Human Being have been murdered by governments that disarmed their citizens.
The same way they produced Nikolas Cruz ... :thup:

Oh you mean the gun-toting white nationalist Trump supporter?

There will always be a few bad apples in any school regardless of how great it is.
The school can only work with the raw materials they are given. Cruz's home life was broken from the start and he had mental health challenges. This is an affluent educated community and most of the kids coming to that school are therefore supported at home and given the kind of start in life that affluence can provide.

I agree - affluent areas also get better schools, better teachers and all the supplies, books and programs needed.
What did that Women's March accomplish?

I think it accomplished a lot, myself.

With one of its most prominent leaders advocating for sharia law, the movement crossed the line that separates crazy from bat shit crazy.
Women vote. I don't blame you for firmly closing your eyes. It's not going to make them go away, though.

Yeah according to the old bitch Clinton we women vote for who out husbands tell us to LMAO

Gawd she is a pathetic
it's funny to watch all the cons running scared from a bunch of kids with minds of their own

hey, maybe they were all born in kenya!


I'm so scared of those little idiots.

I just think it is funny how here we have a bunch of kids all trained to think exactly the same, and those supporting them are all imitating one another as well by claiming the group think is actually some sort of evidence they have a mind of their own.

The hive mind works in mysterious ways.
If what you say is true....all kids would feel the same. Are you asserting that every student in America is on board with this? (of course, it's a hive mind that objects to school shootings to the point of wanting them to end)

Hey little drone, glad you buzzed.

If the kids actually wanted to protest against the main reason they are getting killed, they would be assailing the ACLU which has succeeded in removing the ability of our society to deal with the criminally insane. This entire notion that psychotics MUST be schooled with their potential targets is utterly ridiculous and until we all deal with the actual cause rather than the manner in which the psychotics use to kill, then it will only continue.

Do we demand car control after one of your Islamic heroes uses one to run down pedestrians? Sensible people such as myself place the responsibility upon the killers and not their chosen implement for killing.
it's funny to watch all the cons running scared from a bunch of kids with minds of their own

hey, maybe they were all born in kenya!


I'm so scared of those little idiots.

I just think it is funny how here we have a bunch of kids all trained to think exactly the same, and those supporting them are all imitating one another as well by claiming the group think is actually some sort of evidence they have a mind of their own.

The hive mind works in mysterious ways.
If what you say is true....all kids would feel the same. Are you asserting that every student in America is on board with this? (of course, it's a hive mind that objects to school shootings to the point of wanting them to end)

Hey little drone, glad you buzzed.

If the kids actually wanted to protest against the main reason they are getting killed, they would be assailing the ACLU which has succeeded in removing the ability of our society to deal with the criminally insane. This entire notion that psychotics MUST be schooled with their potential targets is utterly ridiculous and until we all deal with the actual cause rather than the manner in which the psychotics use to kill, then it will only continue.

Do we demand car control after one of your Islamic heroes uses one to run down pedestrians? Sensible people such as myself place the responsibility upon the killers and not their chosen implement for killing.
No killings matter unless they were killed with a gun.
The same way they produced Nikolas Cruz ... :thup:

Oh you mean the gun-toting white nationalist Trump supporter?

There will always be a few bad apples in any school regardless of how great it is.
The school can only work with the raw materials they are given. Cruz's home life was broken from the start and he had mental health challenges. This is an affluent educated community and most of the kids coming to that school are therefore supported at home and given the kind of start in life that affluence can provide.

I agree - affluent areas also get better schools, better teachers and all the supplies, books and programs needed.
When the federal government came up with the idea of giving funding to the states to equalize some of the disparities in economic communities, it was to help that. It doesn't seem to have worked, and I wonder if we should look at whole other way.
It would not surprise me if some regressive monster decided to do some target shooting at the march Saturday.
#113 is a typical reactionary biased automaton in removing 50% of the term, islamochirstiana, to sanitize it from all unrighteousness.
Cooking oil, partitions, and sound recognition systems, which ideas (even despite the flaccid, primitive nature of screenal space) will sooner or later make it to Parkland school to give Cruz's brother something else to think about.

Thus, badger will send an actual letter to someone who actually lives in the county.

What did that Women's March accomplish?

I think it accomplished a lot, myself.

With one of its most prominent leaders advocating for sharia law, the movement crossed the line that separates crazy from bat shit crazy.
Women vote. I don't blame you for firmly closing your eyes. It's not going to make them go away, though.

Recognizing when utter hypocrisy crosses the line into the sort of parody one would expect from the Onion is not closing my eyes. Rather the opposite, in fact.

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