Parler wants liberals to join!

Means NOTHING to free speech banning tits and genitals or depictions of graphic/morbid violence.. Don't think YOU or your leftsocialistprog buds UNDERSTAND the guarantee of free speech.. Captain Crunch wouldn't allow these things on THEIR site either...

And as to the "reverse 230 clause" -- that indemnification is ALSO here at USMB.. Except that we MAKE USERS ultimately responsible for their content.. Maybe you should read the "terms and conditions"...

THIS -- is only fair... Because ISIS could be coordinating attacks in the PM system and WE would might never know it.. Or -- someone says they're jumping into their car loaded with body armor, ammo and guns and going out to kill a named person....

EVEN IF moderation finds and DELETES that content within 30 minutes, we still COULD be held responsible for a POST WE COULD NOT STOP... Not fair unless the MEMBERS take the PRIMARY legal responsibilities for really bad posts....
They already banned Thor Benson.

I am under the impression that conservatives thought that Parler was a FREE SPEECH zone for THEM but NOT for anyone else.....

i think many of them are not going to be happy with liberals exercising the same freedom of speech.

No... That was YOUR ERROR... Everyone else knew the difference at Parler was LACK of political policing of speech... Conservatives, libertarians just want a FAIR and TRANSPARENT playing field... Not afraid of really free speech or debate at all...

Much like USMB... :biggrin:

""This ad has been paid for by contributions from members of USMB""
You must be joking. This place will curtail free speech and without a guilty conscience.

There's only a dozen NAMED "banned content" issues.. Like family, pedo, beasty.. The Site Wide rules are basically about porn and graphic/morbid stuff.

The other rules basically say that if you are honoring the TITLE and/or TOPIC of thread IN EVERY POST -- you can do it however you want.. For "some people", topics are hard for them to abide by.. Those folks are WELCOME in the Badlands, Rubber Room, Flame Zone.. YOU of all people should understand this by now...
They already banned Thor Benson.

I am under the impression that conservatives thought that Parler was a FREE SPEECH zone for THEM but NOT for anyone else.....

i think many of them are not going to be happy with liberals exercising the same freedom of speech.

No... That was YOUR ERROR... Everyone else knew the difference at Parler was LACK of political policing of speech... Conservatives, libertarians just want a FAIR and TRANSPARENT playing field... Not afraid of really free speech or debate at all...

Much like USMB... :biggrin:

""This ad has been paid for by contributions from members of USMB""
Which they have at Twitter. I see every David French, Seth Mandel, James Woods, Ben Shapiro, Erick Erickson tweet I want. Wingnuts are just pissed because they aren't in an echo chamber on Twitter.

The ban on posting rumors is probably so they don't get sued for defamation. I just signed up for an account there, and I'm not worried about getting sued, because I always tell the truth, and I always cite sources to verify my claims whenever I criticize someone.

If only the NYTimes, Washpo, the clown circuses at MSNBC and CNN had those kind of ethics and convictions -- we'd ALL be less angry and stupid...


Trump fans are flocking to the social media app Parler — its CEO is begging liberals to join them
Published Sat, Jun 27 20201:14 PM EDT

'Matze, a computer scientist who founded the company in 2018, is grateful for the growth even if all the new verifications are creating a lot of extra work for his 30-person team.

But Matze doesn’t want the app to be just an echo chamber for conservative voices.

Personally, he says he doesn’t like either political party and he wants to see more healthy debate. He’s so intent on getting some liberals onto the platform that he’s offering a $20,000 “progressive bounty” for an openly liberal pundit with 50,000 followers on Twitter or Facebook to start a Parler account.

The company will judge the best one, based on engagement with the community, and pay that person the reward. Matze said there’s been such little response that he increased the original proposed payment from $10,000 to $20,000.'


I've already joined and told a few conservatives what I REALLY THINK of them!

twas great fun!

I heard about this website. I'm hoping all conservatives abandon the mainstream sites and join it.

Trump fans are flocking to the social media app Parler — its CEO is begging liberals to join them
Published Sat, Jun 27 20201:14 PM EDT

'Matze, a computer scientist who founded the company in 2018, is grateful for the growth even if all the new verifications are creating a lot of extra work for his 30-person team.

But Matze doesn’t want the app to be just an echo chamber for conservative voices.

Personally, he says he doesn’t like either political party and he wants to see more healthy debate. He’s so intent on getting some liberals onto the platform that he’s offering a $20,000 “progressive bounty” for an openly liberal pundit with 50,000 followers on Twitter or Facebook to start a Parler account.

The company will judge the best one, based on engagement with the community, and pay that person the reward. Matze said there’s been such little response that he increased the original proposed payment from $10,000 to $20,000.'


I've already joined and told a few conservatives what I REALLY THINK of them!

twas great fun!

We have another thing we use, fuck Parler. Not posting it though, if any Rightist wants to know what it is then PM me.

Stormfront is not a secret....
So who's trying to silence liberals? We love when liberals speak. When liberals talk, we get more people to join the conservative movement. When liberals talk at colleges, you don't see Republicans protesting, making threats to the colleges or local police, saying they are considering dropping out.

Go ahead! Talk. Speak loud and clear. We want everybody in the country, and perhaps world to hear what liberalism is all about. We want you to tell everybody how disarming law abiding citizens will stop criminals using guns. We want to hear about how we only have 12 years to live. We want to hear how you support getting rid of, or weakening police departments. Tell everybody about the elimination of ICE on your platform. Tell them about free college, and the elimination of fracking which is responsible for our very reasonably priced fuel these past several years. Tell them about everything on your agenda.

I totally agree with you. I want the left to keep talking about their ideology and their plans as much as possible.
I hope they are very successful. This is the way it's supposed to work. When you are disappointed in a product or service, you simply create your own with the flaws worked out. If you don't have those resources, you find such a product or service that better suits your liking.

I never supported government getting involved with telling Twitter or Facebook how to operate, who they allow to speak, and who they don't. IMO, it's their service, and they can run it any way they desire. If they won't let you speak, find a service like Parler and speak there.

We could be witnessing the next huge social media company. As people get disgusted with their current sources, they flock over to places like Parler. Parler gets bigger, and FB and Twitter get smaller. Eventually they could be a thing of the past like AOL or Prodigy which used to be huge at the beginning of the internet days.

I agree with you. While I hate the censorship at Twitter, I would hate government regulation of Twitter even more.
Means NOTHING to free speech banning tits and genitals or depictions of graphic/morbid violence..

I'm a libertarian, and I think it's a good idea to have different forums for different things. A political forum can allow all different kinds of political opinions, but it doesn't have to also allow pornography. Pornography can have its own website, and that website doesn't have to allow political discussions.

Trump fans are flocking to the social media app Parler — its CEO is begging liberals to join them
Published Sat, Jun 27 20201:14 PM EDT

'Matze, a computer scientist who founded the company in 2018, is grateful for the growth even if all the new verifications are creating a lot of extra work for his 30-person team.

But Matze doesn’t want the app to be just an echo chamber for conservative voices.

Personally, he says he doesn’t like either political party and he wants to see more healthy debate. He’s so intent on getting some liberals onto the platform that he’s offering a $20,000 “progressive bounty” for an openly liberal pundit with 50,000 followers on Twitter or Facebook to start a Parler account.

The company will judge the best one, based on engagement with the community, and pay that person the reward. Matze said there’s been such little response that he increased the original proposed payment from $10,000 to $20,000.'


I've already joined and told a few conservatives what I REALLY THINK of them!

twas great fun!

You don't "think"...that is why you are a leftard. I hope you make a better argument there than you do here.

They already banned Thor Benson.

I am under the impression that conservatives thought that Parler was a FREE SPEECH zone for THEM but NOT for anyone else.....

i think many of them are not going to be happy with liberals exercising the same freedom of speech.
/——-/ “I am under the impression that conservatives thought that Parler was a FREE SPEECH zone for THEM but NOT for anyone else.....”
Well, of course you’re projecting liberal intolerance on to conservatives. And once again, you’re wrong wrong wrong.
By: Gary D. Barnett

Today, I opened an account at so that I can post public comments for all to see, and avoid the censorship levied by sites like Facebook, Twitter, and others. Most all that I write would be banned from these platforms, plus I have no use for such sites. I think will allow for comments and response without restriction so long as sane guidelines are followed.

I added a link in my blog roll to my Parler account, so any can easily go there to view or respond to my comments.

The insanity and tyranny are continuing to escalate, and little time is left to stop this attack on our freedom. Beware this Covid 2nd phase rollout, as it will turn into totalitarian rule, with mandatory vaccination of poison to follow, while the dangerous criminal behavior by those in the BLM and Antifa movements allowed by the state will continue.

Do you feel better now that you were able to write on the interwebz “KILL ALL THE *******!!”?

Parler is big about not censoring people based on their political opinions.

The ban on porn is because they are going by the same rules as broadcast TV. I I don't have a problem with that. If I want porn, I'll go to a porn website.

The ban on posting rumors is probably so they don't get sued for defamation. I just signed up for an account there, and I'm not worried about getting sued, because I always tell the truth, and I always cite sources to verify my claims whenever I criticize someone.

I've been blogging for a decade. One time, a college professor told me that she called the police on me for "harassment." That was over six years ago, and I still haven't been arrested. The reason I wasn't arrested is because everything that I said about her was true, and I cited links to verify my claims. You can read about it at these two links:

The part about users being responsible for legal fees.
They already banned Thor Benson.

I am under the impression that conservatives thought that Parler was a FREE SPEECH zone for THEM but NOT for anyone else.....

i think many of them are not going to be happy with liberals exercising the same freedom of speech.

No... That was YOUR ERROR... Everyone else knew the difference at Parler was LACK of political policing of speech... Conservatives, libertarians just want a FAIR and TRANSPARENT playing field... Not afraid of really free speech or debate at all...

Much like USMB... :biggrin:

""This ad has been paid for by contributions from members of USMB""
You must be joking. This place will curtail free speech and without a guilty conscience.
Much like USMB... :biggrin:

Means NOTHING to free speech banning tits and genitals or depictions of graphic/morbid violence.. Don't think YOU or your leftsocialistprog buds UNDERSTAND the guarantee of free speech.. Captain Crunch wouldn't allow these things on THEIR site either...

And as to the "reverse 230 clause" -- that indemnification is ALSO here at USMB.. Except that we MAKE USERS ultimately responsible for their content.. Maybe you should read the "terms and conditions"...

THIS -- is only fair... Because ISIS could be coordinating attacks in the PM system and WE would might never know it.. Or -- someone says they're jumping into their car loaded with body armor, ammo and guns and going out to kill a named person....

EVEN IF moderation finds and DELETES that content within 30 minutes, we still COULD be held responsible for a POST WE COULD NOT STOP... Not fair unless the MEMBERS take the PRIMARY legal responsibilities for really bad posts....

Responsible for the words, if criminal. Not responsible for the legal bills.

Trump fans are flocking to the social media app Parler — its CEO is begging liberals to join them
Published Sat, Jun 27 20201:14 PM EDT

'Matze, a computer scientist who founded the company in 2018, is grateful for the growth even if all the new verifications are creating a lot of extra work for his 30-person team.

But Matze doesn’t want the app to be just an echo chamber for conservative voices.

Personally, he says he doesn’t like either political party and he wants to see more healthy debate. He’s so intent on getting some liberals onto the platform that he’s offering a $20,000 “progressive bounty” for an openly liberal pundit with 50,000 followers on Twitter or Facebook to start a Parler account.

The company will judge the best one, based on engagement with the community, and pay that person the reward. Matze said there’s been such little response that he increased the original proposed payment from $10,000 to $20,000.'


I've already joined and told a few conservatives what I REALLY THINK of them!

twas great fun!

I heard about this website. I'm hoping all conservatives abandon the mainstream sites and join it.
The sad part is that I doubt you understand how cancerous such a position is.

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