Parler wants liberals to join!

Trump fans are flocking to the social media app Parler — its CEO is begging liberals to join them
Published Sat, Jun 27 20201:14 PM EDT

'Matze, a computer scientist who founded the company in 2018, is grateful for the growth even if all the new verifications are creating a lot of extra work for his 30-person team.

But Matze doesn’t want the app to be just an echo chamber for conservative voices.

Personally, he says he doesn’t like either political party and he wants to see more healthy debate. He’s so intent on getting some liberals onto the platform that he’s offering a $20,000 “progressive bounty” for an openly liberal pundit with 50,000 followers on Twitter or Facebook to start a Parler account.

The company will judge the best one, based on engagement with the community, and pay that person the reward. Matze said there’s been such little response that he increased the original proposed payment from $10,000 to $20,000.'


I've already joined and told a few conservatives what I REALLY THINK of them!

twas great fun!

I heard about this website. I'm hoping all conservatives abandon the mainstream sites and join it.
The sad part is that I doubt you understand how cancerous such a position is.

Sure I realize it. If your politics are so important to you that you're willing to forego other social media platforms to find "like minded" be it. Chances are that you're not in my circle of friends anyway. I'm not worried.

We have a group of nurses who go shooting every week or so (or at least did). Part of my wide portfolio of important job duties is to approve what is placed on the bulletin boards in our break rooms. LOL. The group wanted to put up a flyer inviting people to come with them to the gun range. The woman who runs the shooting group was hesitant to ask me for my approval because she knows how I feel about guns (or thought she did anyway). It took me about 3 seconds to put my official stamp on the document and's on the board. We have a policy that states the approval must be done every month so we do this every month. My worry was that the part of the stamp that reads, "Approval of this communication is in no way an endorsement of XXXXX and no liabiltiy yada yada yada ...." wouldn't fit on the smallish flyer and I told them to make the flyer the maximum size; 8.5" X 11". They did and the group seems to be thriving. She's on my social media as are many members of her group. Their outings are widely attended and I was invited more than once. Not my scene. She's a Trump supporter too by the way. She may be on Parler. Don't know. But I doubt she would leave FB. If she does...oh well.

Anyway...."packing up your ball and going home" because someone whom you never met, never will meet, and will likely never meet anyone who has met them was banned or sanctioned for hate speech is a reflexive and not-surprisingly stupid action conservatives seem willing to take. More power to them. That they are volunteering to be marginalized is a welcome development.
They already banned Thor Benson.
What did he do?
I don't know. He didn't say. But how do you ban a guy named Thor?
You have to really bring the hammer down.
They already banned Thor Benson.

I am under the impression that conservatives thought that Parler was a FREE SPEECH zone for THEM but NOT for anyone else.....

i think many of them are not going to be happy with liberals exercising the same freedom of speech.

No... That was YOUR ERROR... Everyone else knew the difference at Parler was LACK of political policing of speech... Conservatives, libertarians just want a FAIR and TRANSPARENT playing field... Not afraid of really free speech or debate at all...

Much like USMB... :biggrin:

""This ad has been paid for by contributions from members of USMB""
You must be joking. This place will curtail free speech and without a guilty conscience.

How about we do a poll? Wanna wager on the opinion results??? People who don't respect TOPICS get moderated.. It's a generalization a bit, but it's how the rules are written.. Rules are all about TOPICAL DISCUSSION.. So mod staff does "topic control" not "content control"...

Just have to say it in the right thread and STAY on the topic...
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Pretty sure that's an agitation site run by some hostile foreign govt... Good for them..

Parler is big about not censoring people based on their political opinions.

The ban on porn is because they are going by the same rules as broadcast TV. I I don't have a problem with that. If I want porn, I'll go to a porn website.

The ban on posting rumors is probably so they don't get sued for defamation. I just signed up for an account there, and I'm not worried about getting sued, because I always tell the truth, and I always cite sources to verify my claims whenever I criticize someone.

I've been blogging for a decade. One time, a college professor told me that she called the police on me for "harassment." That was over six years ago, and I still haven't been arrested. The reason I wasn't arrested is because everything that I said about her was true, and I cited links to verify my claims. You can read about it at these two links:

The part about users being responsible for legal fees.

What's wrong with making USERS financially responsible for threats, libel, slander suits resulting from THEIR actions? Websites were NOT supposed to be editors with OMNIPOTENT editorial control.. This is the way that the 230 provision was SUPPOSED TO WORK... The forums and social media lands were supposed to make it clear that the VENUE is not deep pockets for content that is legally actionable..

I think the bigger question is -- should MSNBC, CNN, NYTimes, WashPo be forced to declare their coverage as a "political donation".. And maybe this applies to Twitter, FB, Instagram as well....
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Parler is big about not censoring people based on their political opinions.

The ban on porn is because they are going by the same rules as broadcast TV. I I don't have a problem with that. If I want porn, I'll go to a porn website.

The ban on posting rumors is probably so they don't get sued for defamation. I just signed up for an account there, and I'm not worried about getting sued, because I always tell the truth, and I always cite sources to verify my claims whenever I criticize someone.

I've been blogging for a decade. One time, a college professor told me that she called the police on me for "harassment." That was over six years ago, and I still haven't been arrested. The reason I wasn't arrested is because everything that I said about her was true, and I cited links to verify my claims. You can read about it at these two links:

The part about users being responsible for legal fees.

What's wrong with making USERS financially responsible for threats, libel, slander suits resulting from THEIR actions? Websites were NOT supposed to be editors with OMNIPOTENT editorial control.. This is the way that the 230 provision was SUPPOSED TO WORK... The forums and social media lands were supposed to make it clear that the VENUE is not heat for content that is legally actionable..

I think the bigger question is -- should MSNBC, CNN, NYTimes, WashPo be forced to declare their coverage as a "political donation".. And maybe this applies to Twitter, FB, Instagram as well....

I believe there is shared potential liability. If I’m posting slanderous accusations, yes, I’m responsible for my words. But if you (Twitter, Facebook, et al) allow me to use your platform to continue, especially if you’ve been alerted to my behavior, then you are also liable. Maybe more so, because you are not only providing the platform, you are amplifying to a huge degree.

Parler is big about not censoring people based on their political opinions.

The ban on porn is because they are going by the same rules as broadcast TV. I I don't have a problem with that. If I want porn, I'll go to a porn website.

The ban on posting rumors is probably so they don't get sued for defamation. I just signed up for an account there, and I'm not worried about getting sued, because I always tell the truth, and I always cite sources to verify my claims whenever I criticize someone.

I've been blogging for a decade. One time, a college professor told me that she called the police on me for "harassment." That was over six years ago, and I still haven't been arrested. The reason I wasn't arrested is because everything that I said about her was true, and I cited links to verify my claims. You can read about it at these two links:

The part about users being responsible for legal fees.

What's wrong with making USERS financially responsible for threats, libel, slander suits resulting from THEIR actions? Websites were NOT supposed to be editors with OMNIPOTENT editorial control.. This is the way that the 230 provision was SUPPOSED TO WORK... The forums and social media lands were supposed to make it clear that the VENUE is not heat for content that is legally actionable..

I think the bigger question is -- should MSNBC, CNN, NYTimes, WashPo be forced to declare their coverage as a "political donation".. And maybe this applies to Twitter, FB, Instagram as well....

I believe there is shared potential liability. If I’m posting slanderous accusations, yes, I’m responsible for my words. But if you (Twitter, Facebook, et al) allow me to use your platform to continue, especially if you’ve been alerted to my behavior, then you are also liable. Maybe more so, because you are not only providing the platform, you are amplifying to a huge degree.

Bullshit. You are an adult... You are responsible for what you say. Not mommy, not daddy, and not the platform you are using. Grow some balls, or a pair of tits, whichever it is that you have... And start acting like you know how to fuck'n take responsibility for yourself.

Parler is big about not censoring people based on their political opinions.

The ban on porn is because they are going by the same rules as broadcast TV. I I don't have a problem with that. If I want porn, I'll go to a porn website.

The ban on posting rumors is probably so they don't get sued for defamation. I just signed up for an account there, and I'm not worried about getting sued, because I always tell the truth, and I always cite sources to verify my claims whenever I criticize someone.

I've been blogging for a decade. One time, a college professor told me that she called the police on me for "harassment." That was over six years ago, and I still haven't been arrested. The reason I wasn't arrested is because everything that I said about her was true, and I cited links to verify my claims. You can read about it at these two links:

The part about users being responsible for legal fees.

What's wrong with making USERS financially responsible for threats, libel, slander suits resulting from THEIR actions? Websites were NOT supposed to be editors with OMNIPOTENT editorial control.. This is the way that the 230 provision was SUPPOSED TO WORK... The forums and social media lands were supposed to make it clear that the VENUE is not heat for content that is legally actionable..

I think the bigger question is -- should MSNBC, CNN, NYTimes, WashPo be forced to declare their coverage as a "political donation".. And maybe this applies to Twitter, FB, Instagram as well....

I believe there is shared potential liability. If I’m posting slanderous accusations, yes, I’m responsible for my words. But if you (Twitter, Facebook, et al) allow me to use your platform to continue, especially if you’ve been alerted to my behavior, then you are also liable. Maybe more so, because you are not only providing the platform, you are amplifying to a huge degree.

Define "allow me to continue"... Is that 2 posts? 10? Who would you like USMB to "protect" from libel? ANY public figure?

Nope.. Not even FB mods are lawyers... Same with reporting to authorities of potential REAL threats... It's up to individual mods/members...

We DO disallow comments about violence against members, public figures... OR generalized groups of people.. BUT --- if it exists for 20 minutes or 2 DAYS before we find it and delete it -- how liable are we???

Parler is big about not censoring people based on their political opinions.

The ban on porn is because they are going by the same rules as broadcast TV. I I don't have a problem with that. If I want porn, I'll go to a porn website.

The ban on posting rumors is probably so they don't get sued for defamation. I just signed up for an account there, and I'm not worried about getting sued, because I always tell the truth, and I always cite sources to verify my claims whenever I criticize someone.

I've been blogging for a decade. One time, a college professor told me that she called the police on me for "harassment." That was over six years ago, and I still haven't been arrested. The reason I wasn't arrested is because everything that I said about her was true, and I cited links to verify my claims. You can read about it at these two links:

The part about users being responsible for legal fees.

What's wrong with making USERS financially responsible for threats, libel, slander suits resulting from THEIR actions? Websites were NOT supposed to be editors with OMNIPOTENT editorial control.. This is the way that the 230 provision was SUPPOSED TO WORK... The forums and social media lands were supposed to make it clear that the VENUE is not heat for content that is legally actionable..

I think the bigger question is -- should MSNBC, CNN, NYTimes, WashPo be forced to declare their coverage as a "political donation".. And maybe this applies to Twitter, FB, Instagram as well....

I believe there is shared potential liability. If I’m posting slanderous accusations, yes, I’m responsible for my words. But if you (Twitter, Facebook, et al) allow me to use your platform to continue, especially if you’ve been alerted to my behavior, then you are also liable. Maybe more so, because you are not only providing the platform, you are amplifying to a huge degree.

Define "allow me to continue"... Is that 2 posts? 10? Who would you like USMB to "protect" from libel? ANY public figure?

Nope.. Not even FB mods are lawyers... Same with reporting to authorities of potential REAL threats... It's up to individual mods/members...

We DO disallow comments about violence against members, public figures... OR generalized groups of people.. BUT --- if it exists for 20 minutes or 2 DAYS before we find it and delete it -- how liable are we???

Facebook, Twitter, US Messageboard all have reporting systems.
It's like a church recruiting more Satanists.

So, definitely not a free speech platform.

Parler is big about not censoring people based on their political opinions.

The ban on porn is because they are going by the same rules as broadcast TV. I I don't have a problem with that. If I want porn, I'll go to a porn website.

The ban on posting rumors is probably so they don't get sued for defamation. I just signed up for an account there, and I'm not worried about getting sued, because I always tell the truth, and I always cite sources to verify my claims whenever I criticize someone.

I've been blogging for a decade. One time, a college professor told me that she called the police on me for "harassment." That was over six years ago, and I still haven't been arrested. The reason I wasn't arrested is because everything that I said about her was true, and I cited links to verify my claims. You can read about it at these two links:

The part about users being responsible for legal fees.

What's wrong with making USERS financially responsible for threats, libel, slander suits resulting from THEIR actions? Websites were NOT supposed to be editors with OMNIPOTENT editorial control.. This is the way that the 230 provision was SUPPOSED TO WORK... The forums and social media lands were supposed to make it clear that the VENUE is not heat for content that is legally actionable..

I think the bigger question is -- should MSNBC, CNN, NYTimes, WashPo be forced to declare their coverage as a "political donation".. And maybe this applies to Twitter, FB, Instagram as well....

I believe there is shared potential liability. If I’m posting slanderous accusations, yes, I’m responsible for my words. But if you (Twitter, Facebook, et al) allow me to use your platform to continue, especially if you’ve been alerted to my behavior, then you are also liable. Maybe more so, because you are not only providing the platform, you are amplifying to a huge degree.

Define "allow me to continue"... Is that 2 posts? 10? Who would you like USMB to "protect" from libel? ANY public figure?

Nope.. Not even FB mods are lawyers... Same with reporting to authorities of potential REAL threats... It's up to individual mods/members...

We DO disallow comments about violence against members, public figures... OR generalized groups of people.. BUT --- if it exists for 20 minutes or 2 DAYS before we find it and delete it -- how liable are we???

Facebook, Twitter, US Messageboard all have reporting systems.

"Facebook, Twitter, US Messageboard all have reporting systems."

and USmessageboard is the MOST LIBERAL of them all. You can say things here that the other mediums would ban/censor.

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