Parliament vs. Trump

It amazes me how small minded some people are. I was expecting some "Fuck Britain we are Am'rica, suck my butt" comments, but not this many.... First of all the video has it's share of comedy value... Second, If you have zero interest in how an ally and major world government, views a presidential candidate of ours then you should really think about opening your eyes. Perception is part of the equation, stop drinking the Koolaid.

Their complaints are wrong.

They are being disrespectful to a man who has a good shot at being the Leader of the remaining superpower and the Free World.

It is very telling that you have no problem with their actions.
It amazes me how small minded some people are. I was expecting some "Fuck Britain we are Am'rica, suck my butt" comments, but not this many.... First of all the video has it's share of comedy value... Second, If you have zero interest in how an ally and major world government, views a presidential candidate of ours then you should really think about opening your eyes. Perception is part of the equation, stop drinking the Koolaid.

Their complaints are wrong.

They are being disrespectful to a man who has a good shot at being the Leader of the remaining superpower and the Free World.

It is very telling that you have no problem with their actions.

And what "actions" would these be then? I don't see any "actions"; I see speech.

You have a problem with speech expression then? You actually want to not only control speech but control it in another country?

Fascinating, that. I bet somebody could take an objection to that idea and make a country out of it.
It amazes me how small minded some people are. I was expecting some "Fuck Britain we are Am'rica, suck my butt" comments, but not this many.... First of all the video has it's share of comedy value... Second, If you have zero interest in how an ally and major world government, views a presidential candidate of ours then you should really think about opening your eyes. Perception is part of the equation, stop drinking the Koolaid.

Their complaints are wrong.

They are being disrespectful to a man who has a good shot at being the Leader of the remaining superpower and the Free World.

It is very telling that you have no problem with their actions.

And what "actions" would these be then? I don't see any "actions"; I see speech.

You have a problem with speech expression then? You actually want to not only control speech but control it in another country?

Fascinating, that. I bet somebody could take an objection to that idea and make a country out of it.

They've greatly insulted a man who they might HAVE to work with on the problems of the world.

That is an "action".

ANd an extremely irresponsible and undiplomatic one.

The rest of your post is nothing but partisan blather.
It amazes me how small minded some people are. I was expecting some "Fuck Britain we are Am'rica, suck my butt" comments, but not this many.... First of all the video has it's share of comedy value... Second, If you have zero interest in how an ally and major world government, views a presidential candidate of ours then you should really think about opening your eyes. Perception is part of the equation, stop drinking the Koolaid.

Their complaints are wrong.

They are being disrespectful to a man who has a good shot at being the Leader of the remaining superpower and the Free World.

It is very telling that you have no problem with their actions.

And what "actions" would these be then? I don't see any "actions"; I see speech.

You have a problem with speech expression then? You actually want to not only control speech but control it in another country?

Fascinating, that. I bet somebody could take an objection to that idea and make a country out of it.

They've greatly insulted a man who they might HAVE to work with on the problems of the world.

That is an "action".

ANd an extremely irresponsible and undiplomatic one.

The rest of your post is nothing but partisan blather.

OOoooooOOOoh, the "insulted" the Rump. Well clearly he didn't start the process down that road. /sarc

So the answer is yes -- you do want to control how people express opinion in other countries. Rump can dish it out, and everybody else has to ..... lemme guess..... "lie back and think of England".


Interesting, the fascist mind. Not that I'd wanna go there but.... interesting that people can delude themselves to that degree.
It amazes me how small minded some people are. I was expecting some "Fuck Britain we are Am'rica, suck my butt" comments, but not this many.... First of all the video has it's share of comedy value... Second, If you have zero interest in how an ally and major world government, views a presidential candidate of ours then you should really think about opening your eyes. Perception is part of the equation, stop drinking the Koolaid.

Their complaints are wrong.

They are being disrespectful to a man who has a good shot at being the Leader of the remaining superpower and the Free World.

It is very telling that you have no problem with their actions.
You say it's telling... Please explain
It amazes me how small minded some people are. I was expecting some "Fuck Britain we are Am'rica, suck my butt" comments, but not this many.... First of all the video has it's share of comedy value... Second, If you have zero interest in how an ally and major world government, views a presidential candidate of ours then you should really think about opening your eyes. Perception is part of the equation, stop drinking the Koolaid.

Their complaints are wrong.

They are being disrespectful to a man who has a good shot at being the Leader of the remaining superpower and the Free World.

It is very telling that you have no problem with their actions.
You say it's telling... Please explain

Apparently he thinks what people say in the Parliament of a sovereign nation is subject to all sorts of his personal responsibility rules, while Donald The Rump has no responsibility whatsoever.

Ah, selective responsibilities. Having it both ways. Priceless.
It amazes me how small minded some people are. I was expecting some "Fuck Britain we are Am'rica, suck my butt" comments, but not this many.... First of all the video has it's share of comedy value... Second, If you have zero interest in how an ally and major world government, views a presidential candidate of ours then you should really think about opening your eyes. Perception is part of the equation, stop drinking the Koolaid.

Their complaints are wrong.

They are being disrespectful to a man who has a good shot at being the Leader of the remaining superpower and the Free World.

It is very telling that you have no problem with their actions.

And what "actions" would these be then? I don't see any "actions"; I see speech.

You have a problem with speech expression then? You actually want to not only control speech but control it in another country?

Fascinating, that. I bet somebody could take an objection to that idea and make a country out of it.

They've greatly insulted a man who they might HAVE to work with on the problems of the world.

That is an "action".

ANd an extremely irresponsible and undiplomatic one.

The rest of your post is nothing but partisan blather.

OOoooooOOOoh, the "insulted" the Rump. Well clearly he didn't start the process down that road. /sarc

So the answer is yes -- you do want to control how people express opinion in other countries. Rump can dish it out, and everybody else has to ..... lemme guess..... "lie back and think of England".


Interesting, the fascist mind. Not that I'd wanna go there but.... interesting that people can delude themselves to that degree.

Correct, he did not start that.

Correct. Trump can dish it out. I know you libs are used to Conservatives and American just taking it like good little bitches.

Hopefully those days are over.

And my point stands. If Trump wins, there will be issues that the UK needs to work with the US on. Insulting the potentially future President of the United States, is irresponsible and undiplomatic.
It amazes me how small minded some people are. I was expecting some "Fuck Britain we are Am'rica, suck my butt" comments, but not this many.... First of all the video has it's share of comedy value... Second, If you have zero interest in how an ally and major world government, views a presidential candidate of ours then you should really think about opening your eyes. Perception is part of the equation, stop drinking the Koolaid.

Their complaints are wrong.

They are being disrespectful to a man who has a good shot at being the Leader of the remaining superpower and the Free World.

It is very telling that you have no problem with their actions.
You say it's telling... Please explain

She is quick to call Americans on our actions, but gives a pass to those foreigners who are attacking Trump.

She is using different standards based on her partisan biases.

Thus, her complaint is invalid and she is a hypocrite.
It amazes me how small minded some people are. I was expecting some "Fuck Britain we are Am'rica, suck my butt" comments, but not this many.... First of all the video has it's share of comedy value... Second, If you have zero interest in how an ally and major world government, views a presidential candidate of ours then you should really think about opening your eyes. Perception is part of the equation, stop drinking the Koolaid.

Their complaints are wrong.

They are being disrespectful to a man who has a good shot at being the Leader of the remaining superpower and the Free World.

It is very telling that you have no problem with their actions.
You say it's telling... Please explain

Apparently he thinks what people say in the Parliament of a sovereign nation is subject to all sorts of his personal responsibility rules, while Donald The Rump has no responsibility whatsoever.

Ah, selective responsibilities. Having it both ways. Priceless.

Actually, you just described YOUR behavior here, not mine.
It amazes me how small minded some people are. I was expecting some "Fuck Britain we are Am'rica, suck my butt" comments, but not this many.... First of all the video has it's share of comedy value... Second, If you have zero interest in how an ally and major world government, views a presidential candidate of ours then you should really think about opening your eyes. Perception is part of the equation, stop drinking the Koolaid.

Their complaints are wrong.

They are being disrespectful to a man who has a good shot at being the Leader of the remaining superpower and the Free World.

It is very telling that you have no problem with their actions.

And what "actions" would these be then? I don't see any "actions"; I see speech.

You have a problem with speech expression then? You actually want to not only control speech but control it in another country?

Fascinating, that. I bet somebody could take an objection to that idea and make a country out of it.

They've greatly insulted a man who they might HAVE to work with on the problems of the world.

That is an "action".

ANd an extremely irresponsible and undiplomatic one.

The rest of your post is nothing but partisan blather.

OOoooooOOOoh, the "insulted" the Rump. Well clearly he didn't start the process down that road. /sarc

So the answer is yes -- you do want to control how people express opinion in other countries. Rump can dish it out, and everybody else has to ..... lemme guess..... "lie back and think of England".


Interesting, the fascist mind. Not that I'd wanna go there but.... interesting that people can delude themselves to that degree.

Correct, he did not start that.

Bzzzt. Wrong.
  • "Rapists"...
  • "pigs"....
  • "pussy".....
  • "loser(s)".....
  • "slum" (the Scottish landowner who wouldn't budge for his wank golf course)
  • "registering Muslims"
--- and of coarse who can forget:


But naturally ---- none of that counts. None of that requires any kind of "responsibility". None of that is permitted a response unless it's fawning and wearing knee pads.

Ah the simplistic life in the fascist world of hero-worship and personality cult.

Guess what Junior. You want to work in the kitchen, you gonna have to deal with heat. Time to man the fuck up.
Their complaints are wrong.

They are being disrespectful to a man who has a good shot at being the Leader of the remaining superpower and the Free World.

It is very telling that you have no problem with their actions.

And what "actions" would these be then? I don't see any "actions"; I see speech.

You have a problem with speech expression then? You actually want to not only control speech but control it in another country?

Fascinating, that. I bet somebody could take an objection to that idea and make a country out of it.

They've greatly insulted a man who they might HAVE to work with on the problems of the world.

That is an "action".

ANd an extremely irresponsible and undiplomatic one.

The rest of your post is nothing but partisan blather.

OOoooooOOOoh, the "insulted" the Rump. Well clearly he didn't start the process down that road. /sarc

So the answer is yes -- you do want to control how people express opinion in other countries. Rump can dish it out, and everybody else has to ..... lemme guess..... "lie back and think of England".


Interesting, the fascist mind. Not that I'd wanna go there but.... interesting that people can delude themselves to that degree.

Correct, he did not start that.

Bzzzt. Wrong.
  • "Rapists"...
  • "pigs"....
  • "pussy".....
  • "loser(s)".....
  • "slum" (the Scottish landowner who wouldn't budge for his wank golf course)
  • "registering Muslims"
--- and of coarse who can forget:


But naturally ---- none of that counts. None of that requires any kind of "responsibility". None of that is permitted a response unless it's fawning and wearing knee pads.

Ah the simplistic life in the fascist world of hero-worship and personality cult.

Guess what Junior. You want to work in the kitchen, you gonna have to deal with heat. Time to man the fuck up.

LOL! It is so cute when libs tell me to "man up". It's a clear sign they are full of shit.

FIrst of all, ridiculing a reporter is always called for.

Second of all, he didn't start the insults with PARLIAMENT.

Third of all, Strawman. NOT insulting the possible Leader of the Free World does not equal "fawning". It is just like a lefty to lie about that.

Fourth of all, my comment about your hypocrisy stands, hypocrite.
And what "actions" would these be then? I don't see any "actions"; I see speech.

You have a problem with speech expression then? You actually want to not only control speech but control it in another country?

Fascinating, that. I bet somebody could take an objection to that idea and make a country out of it.

They've greatly insulted a man who they might HAVE to work with on the problems of the world.

That is an "action".

ANd an extremely irresponsible and undiplomatic one.

The rest of your post is nothing but partisan blather.

OOoooooOOOoh, the "insulted" the Rump. Well clearly he didn't start the process down that road. /sarc

So the answer is yes -- you do want to control how people express opinion in other countries. Rump can dish it out, and everybody else has to ..... lemme guess..... "lie back and think of England".


Interesting, the fascist mind. Not that I'd wanna go there but.... interesting that people can delude themselves to that degree.

Correct, he did not start that.

Bzzzt. Wrong.
  • "Rapists"...
  • "pigs"....
  • "pussy".....
  • "loser(s)".....
  • "slum" (the Scottish landowner who wouldn't budge for his wank golf course)
  • "registering Muslims"
--- and of coarse who can forget:


But naturally ---- none of that counts. None of that requires any kind of "responsibility". None of that is permitted a response unless it's fawning and wearing knee pads.

Ah the simplistic life in the fascist world of hero-worship and personality cult.

Guess what Junior. You want to work in the kitchen, you gonna have to deal with heat. Time to man the fuck up.

LOL! It is so cute when libs tell me to "man up". It's a clear sign they are full of shit.

FIrst of all, ridiculing a reporter is always called for.

Second of all, he didn't start the insults with PARLIAMENT.

Third of all, Strawman. NOT insulting the possible Leader of the Free World does not equal "fawning". It is just like a lefty to lie about that.

Fourth of all, my comment about your hypocrisy stands, hypocrite.

Funny then that you cannot explain it.

"Man the fuck up" refers to Donald Rump. He has yet to do so in any kind of criticism, ever. And now he's got you hero-worshiping sycophants doing his diaper-rash meltdown for him. Oh HORRORS, somebody said something not complimentary about Der Führer!

Guess what. It's how the world works. Grow a pair already.
FIrst of all, ridiculing a reporter is always called for.

Mexicans, women, Presidents, candidates for President, and landowners are not "reporters".

The only 'reporter' involved was the visual.
So you're saying that ridiculing a congenital disability is "always called for".

Fascists.... SMH
Insulting the potentially future President of the United States, is irresponsible and undiplomatic.
With this logic are you saying that Rubio, Cruz, Bush, McConnell, Romney, and the majority of the Republican party are irresponsible and undiplomatic? After all Rubio did call him a pants wetter with a little ding dong, doesn't get much dirtier than that... What do you suggest their consequences be?
They've greatly insulted a man who they might HAVE to work with on the problems of the world.

That is an "action".

ANd an extremely irresponsible and undiplomatic one.

The rest of your post is nothing but partisan blather.

OOoooooOOOoh, the "insulted" the Rump. Well clearly he didn't start the process down that road. /sarc

So the answer is yes -- you do want to control how people express opinion in other countries. Rump can dish it out, and everybody else has to ..... lemme guess..... "lie back and think of England".


Interesting, the fascist mind. Not that I'd wanna go there but.... interesting that people can delude themselves to that degree.

Correct, he did not start that.

Bzzzt. Wrong.
  • "Rapists"...
  • "pigs"....
  • "pussy".....
  • "loser(s)".....
  • "slum" (the Scottish landowner who wouldn't budge for his wank golf course)
  • "registering Muslims"
--- and of coarse who can forget:


But naturally ---- none of that counts. None of that requires any kind of "responsibility". None of that is permitted a response unless it's fawning and wearing knee pads.

Ah the simplistic life in the fascist world of hero-worship and personality cult.

Guess what Junior. You want to work in the kitchen, you gonna have to deal with heat. Time to man the fuck up.

LOL! It is so cute when libs tell me to "man up". It's a clear sign they are full of shit.

FIrst of all, ridiculing a reporter is always called for.

Second of all, he didn't start the insults with PARLIAMENT.

Third of all, Strawman. NOT insulting the possible Leader of the Free World does not equal "fawning". It is just like a lefty to lie about that.

Fourth of all, my comment about your hypocrisy stands, hypocrite.

Funny then that you cannot explain it.

"Man the fuck up" refers to Donald Rump. He has yet to do so in any kind of criticism, ever. And now he's got you hero-worshiping sycophants doing his diaper-rash meltdown for him. Oh HORRORS, somebody said something not complimentary about Der Führer!

Guess what. It's how the world works. Grow a pair already.

Sure. THat's how the world works.

And the UK can hope that they never need shit from US again, especially during President Trump's term(s).
OOoooooOOOoh, the "insulted" the Rump. Well clearly he didn't start the process down that road. /sarc

So the answer is yes -- you do want to control how people express opinion in other countries. Rump can dish it out, and everybody else has to ..... lemme guess..... "lie back and think of England".


Interesting, the fascist mind. Not that I'd wanna go there but.... interesting that people can delude themselves to that degree.

Correct, he did not start that.

Bzzzt. Wrong.
  • "Rapists"...
  • "pigs"....
  • "pussy".....
  • "loser(s)".....
  • "slum" (the Scottish landowner who wouldn't budge for his wank golf course)
  • "registering Muslims"
--- and of coarse who can forget:


But naturally ---- none of that counts. None of that requires any kind of "responsibility". None of that is permitted a response unless it's fawning and wearing knee pads.

Ah the simplistic life in the fascist world of hero-worship and personality cult.

Guess what Junior. You want to work in the kitchen, you gonna have to deal with heat. Time to man the fuck up.

LOL! It is so cute when libs tell me to "man up". It's a clear sign they are full of shit.

FIrst of all, ridiculing a reporter is always called for.

Second of all, he didn't start the insults with PARLIAMENT.

Third of all, Strawman. NOT insulting the possible Leader of the Free World does not equal "fawning". It is just like a lefty to lie about that.

Fourth of all, my comment about your hypocrisy stands, hypocrite.

Funny then that you cannot explain it.

"Man the fuck up" refers to Donald Rump. He has yet to do so in any kind of criticism, ever. And now he's got you hero-worshiping sycophants doing his diaper-rash meltdown for him. Oh HORRORS, somebody said something not complimentary about Der Führer!

Guess what. It's how the world works. Grow a pair already.

Sure. THat's how the world works.

And the UK can hope that they never need shit from US again, especially during President Trump's term(s).

Then you're saying Rump is a vindictive childish asshole who can't take the heat?

Finally we agree. :beer:
FIrst of all, ridiculing a reporter is always called for.

Mexicans, women, Presidents, candidates for President, and landowners are not "reporters".

The only 'reporter' involved was the visual.
So you're saying that ridiculing a congenital disability is "always called for".

Fascists.... SMH

What I said was very clear, why are you pretending to be dumb?

Reporters deserve nothing but contempt and ridicule.

The rest? Shotgun Fallacy. You posted a bunch of crap, I picked what I felt like picking. If you don't like that, then focus.
Insulting the potentially future President of the United States, is irresponsible and undiplomatic.
With this logic are you saying that Rubio, Cruz, Bush, McConnell, Romney, and the majority of the Republican party are irresponsible and undiplomatic? After all Rubio did call him a pants wetter with a little ding dong, doesn't get much dirtier than that... What do you suggest their consequences be?

Different rules apply INSIDE a political campaign then in international relations.

I'm sorry that I didn't explain that to you. I thought you were smart enough to realize that painfully obvious fact.

I will adjust my view of your intelligence downward.
F* Parliament! Foreigner's views of our election system and our people mean less to me than does what George Clooney thinks.
Correct, he did not start that.

Bzzzt. Wrong.
  • "Rapists"...
  • "pigs"....
  • "pussy".....
  • "loser(s)".....
  • "slum" (the Scottish landowner who wouldn't budge for his wank golf course)
  • "registering Muslims"
--- and of coarse who can forget:


But naturally ---- none of that counts. None of that requires any kind of "responsibility". None of that is permitted a response unless it's fawning and wearing knee pads.

Ah the simplistic life in the fascist world of hero-worship and personality cult.

Guess what Junior. You want to work in the kitchen, you gonna have to deal with heat. Time to man the fuck up.

LOL! It is so cute when libs tell me to "man up". It's a clear sign they are full of shit.

FIrst of all, ridiculing a reporter is always called for.

Second of all, he didn't start the insults with PARLIAMENT.

Third of all, Strawman. NOT insulting the possible Leader of the Free World does not equal "fawning". It is just like a lefty to lie about that.

Fourth of all, my comment about your hypocrisy stands, hypocrite.

Funny then that you cannot explain it.

"Man the fuck up" refers to Donald Rump. He has yet to do so in any kind of criticism, ever. And now he's got you hero-worshiping sycophants doing his diaper-rash meltdown for him. Oh HORRORS, somebody said something not complimentary about Der Führer!

Guess what. It's how the world works. Grow a pair already.

Sure. THat's how the world works.

And the UK can hope that they never need shit from US again, especially during President Trump's term(s).

Then you're saying Rump is a vindictive childish asshole who can't take the heat?

Finally we agree. :beer:

It is not the act of a child to remember who your friends are and who has nothing but contempt for you.

IT is the act of a bitch to be treated like shit and come back for more.

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