Part-Timers Losing Health Insurance May Want To Thank Their Companies


Gold Member
Nov 16, 2010
Yes, it's a complicated law and it will be tweaked a lot but when it comes fully in effect it will be just as popular as Medicare and Social Security.

How terrible. Home Depot (HD) and Trader Joe’s have decided to stop offering health insurance for part-time employees, moving them over to Obamacare instead.

The majority of part-time workers don’t even get health insurance, and those who do typically get diluted plans with limited benefits they still have to pay something for. “You have to question whether that’s really insurance,” says Paul Fronstin, director of the health research program at the Employee Benefits Research institute. “They may not cover prescription drugs, and if you get cancer or end up in the hospital, they probably won’t help you a whole lot.”

A single parent with three kids and an annual income of $25,000, for instance, could get an $8,800 insurance plan for a total out-of-pocket cost of $500 per year. Subsidies, in other words, cover 94% of the cost. Try to beat that on part-time pay.

A two-parent family with two kids and a $50,000 income could get a $10,000 plan for $3,365, with subsidies covering 66% of the cost. There’s one catch: You only qualify for such deals if you’re not able to get coverage through your employer. So if you’re a part-timer whose company canceled your watered-down insurance coverage, it may have actually done you a favor.

Part-Timers Losing Health Insurance May Want To Thank Their Companies | The Exchange - Yahoo Finance

On a side note: Given that health insurance greatly adds to the cost of doing business wouldn't Obamacare help businesses be globally competitive?
Put the blame squarely where it belongs, on obamacare. There's no dancing around it. If obamacare had not been enacted, this wouldn't be happening. Anything else is simply left wing looney bull shit.
If you like your current health care insurance you will be able to keep it or so we were told.
yeah yeah, BLAME your companies's like they had an OBLIGATION to offer you this in the first USED to be a way of getting the best people in their companies, BUT NOW why should they care, you all will get FREE OBAMACARE...So thank OBAMA for you losing everything a company once offered you

Isn't ObamaNation just grand? If you voted Obambamm you have to room to BITCH
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Put the blame squarely where it belongs, on obamacare. There's no dancing around it. If obamacare had not been enacted, this wouldn't be happening. Anything else is simply left wing looney bull shit.

Exactly. Let's see........

1) Many small businesses will be unburdened with health care costs and will put them on level playing fields (you won't have to worry about losing good employees to other small businesses because they offer HI.

2) Instead of getting free HC because you simply choose not to buy HI and expect everyone else to pick up the tab through higher costs will be eliminated or greatly reduced. In other words people will have to assume more person responsibility.

3) Bankruptcies due to high medical bills will be eliminated or greatly reduced.

4) Insurance companies will no longer be able to kick you out at a time when you need them the most.

5) People will be getting more preventive care which will help drive costs lower since serious health issues will be caught sooner and not require as extensive treatment.

As previously stated Obamacare is not perfect and will undergo many changes but in the end will end up to be a popular program.
Put the blame squarely where it belongs, on obamacare. There's no dancing around it. If obamacare had not been enacted, this wouldn't be happening. Anything else is simply left wing looney bull shit.

Exactly. Let's see........

1) Many small businesses will be unburdened with health care costs and will put them on level playing fields (you won't have to worry about losing good employees to other small businesses because they offer HI.

2) Instead of getting free HC because you simply choose not to buy HI and expect everyone else to pick up the tab through higher costs will be eliminated or greatly reduced. In other words people will have to assume more person responsibility.

3) Bankruptcies due to high medical bills will be eliminated or greatly reduced.

4) Insurance companies will no longer be able to kick you out at a time when you need them the most.

5) People will be getting more preventive care which will help drive costs lower since serious health issues will be caught sooner and not require as extensive treatment.

As previously stated Obamacare is not perfect and will undergo many changes but in the end will end up to be a popular program.

Are you paid or just do it for free?

and do we all bow now to this Government or later?
It was inevitable that when companies responded rationally to incentives created by Ocare and threw workers and retireees on the public option that the lefties here would blame the companies rather than Ocare. It's because they are stupid.
Most part times don't have health care. That's why the company hires them as part time. Duh!

You can't take away something they never had.
Most part times don't have health care. That's why the company hires them as part time. Duh!

You can't take away something they never had.

I realize you're stupid Deany, but even you know the difference between "most" and "all".
It was inevitable that when companies responded rationally to incentives created by Ocare and threw workers and retireees on the public option that the lefties here would blame the companies rather than Ocare. It's because they are stupid.

but of course, nothing is OBAMA'S FAULT remember?

his signature VISION of transforming America should be loved by all and anything and anyone who objects should be the BLAME
Put the blame squarely where it belongs, on obamacare. There's no dancing around it. If obamacare had not been enacted, this wouldn't be happening. Anything else is simply left wing looney bull shit.

Exactly. Let's see........

1) Many small businesses will be unburdened with health care costs and will put them on level playing fields (you won't have to worry about losing good employees to other small businesses because they offer HI.

2) Instead of getting free HC because you simply choose not to buy HI and expect everyone else to pick up the tab through higher costs will be eliminated or greatly reduced. In other words people will have to assume more person responsibility.

3) Bankruptcies due to high medical bills will be eliminated or greatly reduced.

4) Insurance companies will no longer be able to kick you out at a time when you need them the most.

5) People will be getting more preventive care which will help drive costs lower since serious health issues will be caught sooner and not require as extensive treatment.

As previously stated Obamacare is not perfect and will undergo many changes but in the end will end up to be a popular program.

Are you paid or just do it for free?

and do we all bow now to this Government or later?

No bow is necessary. Just at least admit that there are some benefits to Obamacare and recognize the fact that once it gets rolling it will become a HUGELY popular program.

And guess what? The GOP will come of looking like morons again like they do when they try to do away with Social Security and Medicare.
Exactly. Let's see........

1) Many small businesses will be unburdened with health care costs and will put them on level playing fields (you won't have to worry about losing good employees to other small businesses because they offer HI.

2) Instead of getting free HC because you simply choose not to buy HI and expect everyone else to pick up the tab through higher costs will be eliminated or greatly reduced. In other words people will have to assume more person responsibility.

3) Bankruptcies due to high medical bills will be eliminated or greatly reduced.

4) Insurance companies will no longer be able to kick you out at a time when you need them the most.

5) People will be getting more preventive care which will help drive costs lower since serious health issues will be caught sooner and not require as extensive treatment.

As previously stated Obamacare is not perfect and will undergo many changes but in the end will end up to be a popular program.

Are you paid or just do it for free?

and do we all bow now to this Government or later?

No bow is necessary. Just at least admit that there are some benefits to Obamacare and recognize the fact that once it gets rolling it will become a HUGELY popular program.

And guess what? The GOP will come of looking like morons again like they do when they try to do away with Social Security and Medicare.

oh yeah, all those wonderful BENEFITS will come off the BACKS of others IN THIS COUNTRY
but people like you don't care it seems as none of those horrible things you mentioned like bankruptcy, doesn't come off your back for not being responsible enough to HANDLE your own hey, let other people take CARE OF IT FOR YOU

you all are so generous (with other people hard earned MONEY) and such heroes in your eyes...I always wonder how you people can sleep at night?
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Are you paid or just do it for free?

and do we all bow now to this Government or later?

No bow is necessary. Just at least admit that there are some benefits to Obamacare and recognize the fact that once it gets rolling it will become a HUGELY popular program.

And guess what? The GOP will come of looking like morons again like they do when they try to do away with Social Security and Medicare.

oh yeah, all those wonderful BENEFITS will come off the BACKS of others IN THIS COUNTRY
but people like you don't care it seems as none of those horrible things you mentioned like, bankruptcy doesn't come off your back for not being to HANDLE you own finances..

Guess what? It's already coming off of our backs.

People who can't or won't pay their medical expenses are passing their costs off to us as we speak. Now they'll have to pay up a bit and become more responsible for their own expenses. Right?
Hmmmm, who can tell us where the "subsidies" will come from....c'mon Lefties....
No bow is necessary. Just at least admit that there are some benefits to Obamacare and recognize the fact that once it gets rolling it will become a HUGELY popular program.

And guess what? The GOP will come of looking like morons again like they do when they try to do away with Social Security and Medicare.

oh yeah, all those wonderful BENEFITS will come off the BACKS of others IN THIS COUNTRY
but people like you don't care it seems as none of those horrible things you mentioned like, bankruptcy doesn't come off your back for not being to HANDLE you own finances..

Guess what? It's already coming off of our backs.

People who can't or won't pay their medical expenses are passing their costs off to us as we speak. Now they'll have to pay up a bit and become more responsible for their own expenses. Right?

oh, so THAT WASN'T ENOUGH for you poor dears, now you want THEM to take CARE OF your BANKRUPTIES too
THE MAJORITY of the people did BE RESPONSIBLE for their own, THIS IS THE LIE you have to sell to pass this piece of Socialist shit...People LIKE YOU need to be responsible for YOURSELF and not EXPECT others to TAKE CARE OF YOU
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No bow is necessary. Just at least admit that there are some benefits to Obamacare and recognize the fact that once it gets rolling it will become a HUGELY popular program.

And guess what? The GOP will come of looking like morons again like they do when they try to do away with Social Security and Medicare.

oh yeah, all those wonderful BENEFITS will come off the BACKS of others IN THIS COUNTRY
but people like you don't care it seems as none of those horrible things you mentioned like, bankruptcy doesn't come off your back for not being to HANDLE you own finances..

Guess what? It's already coming off of our backs.

People who can't or won't pay their medical expenses are passing their costs off to us as we speak. Now they'll have to pay up a bit and become more responsible for their own expenses. Right?

If we were already paying for it and now with ACA, a behemoth law that no one fully understands or knows all the details of and which will likely collapse because it will be too expensive, we are still paying for it ... what. the. hell. was. the. point.?? We all know the answer to that. Single. Payer. They couldn't have gotten that passed so they settled for getting a foot in the door . . . and that's all they needed.

They could have just extended medicaid for those who didn't have/couldn't afford insurance and for those who chose not to get insurance but ended up needing medical services, set up a payment program so they can pay their own bills. Also, having health insurance cover more things (bc, docs visits, etc) means that premiums will be higher. Just like if your car insurance covered tune-ups and oil changes.

People can tout this till the cows come home. In the end, it will prove to be too costly, the government will declare 'we tired to fix it, blame Republicans, we can't go back, we have no choice but to go single payer'. It may happen sooner than anyone thinks.

At least when this happens the Republicans can stand tall and say they tried to warn us, tried to stop it. When it fails it will be squarely on the shoulders of the Dems. If it succeeds? Well, I'll give credit where credit is due.
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If the law "will likely collapse because it will be too expensive" is an accurate statement, Zoom, let's let the Dems have their way.

When it all collapses, we will have the power for a generation to fashion America now and for the future in the ways we want.
If the law "will likely collapse because it will be too expensive" is an accurate statement, Zoom, let's let the Dems have their way.

When it all collapses, we will have the power for a generation to fashion America now and for the future in the ways we want.

"We". The Dems shoved this through but what they really want is single payer, government run. "We". Eventually big government Dems and big government Repubs will get their way. "We" will have no choice, "We' will have no say. Regardless of who we vote for.

I do wish the Republicans would offer substantial alternatives (they have offered some) rather than just run on defunding. But I am also so against the government being in charge of health insurance that I say let the Repubs fight it anyway they choose, as long as they fight. In the end, we all know that Boener will cave, they always cave. Maybe the Rs -- the big government Rs -- want this as much as the progressives. Probably. So they shuck and jive and pretend but really, if it grows the government they're happy. Honestly, the more time goes on the more blurry the line between the two parties becomes.
Most part times don't have health care. That's why the company hires them as part time. Duh!

You can't take away something they never had.

I realize you're stupid Deany, but even you know the difference between "most" and "all".

I said "most" because I can't prove "all", but I suspect it's much closer to all. We already know that. It's why companies hire part time workers. It's something everyone already knows. Duh!

You can't win a debate fighting against "common knowledge".
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The Limbaugh theorem.
Obama get his health care bill.
He knows it will fail.
He says hey I tried to fix health care after he really screws it up.
Then he gets what he wanted in the first place...

Single payer government run universal health care.

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