Pasta firm Barilla boycotted over 'classic family' remarks

I never said they discriminated to begin with. So now you're saying what I just posted doesn't back what I originally said? I'm sorry, use small words and tell the old lady what the difference is. They said they were re-evaluating, they said they were making changes, and then once Chicago was good to go said "I never said that, we never did that."

I really am not sure what your point is anymore.

They said they would "look into" making changes, in all your posts there is no reference to them actually SAYING they would make changes. Any that do are usually people on the opposite side saying they heard that someone would do something or other.

If you find me an actual Chik-fil-A press release saying they will no longer donate to those groups, you then have a partial point, show me that any of the execs or the owners ALSO no longer donate to those groups then you made your whole point.

Okay, well. I think we're on two different pages of this conversation then. I believe they said or did whatever they had to say or do to get what they wanted, and you believe who gives a shit. Corporations are slippery as fuck, and that is apparently something you are comfortable with. Semantics. Word games. Well - I'm not.

EVERYONE says what they can to get what they want, Look at the current Obamacare kerfluffle. Obama says now he will negotiate AFTER the House passes a funding bill that has everything he wants in it. Do you really belive he will budge on anything if he gets what he wants first?

If we take it from our politicians, why should we be so concerned when businesses do it?
Chick-fil-a caved. And I liked Barilla. But not buying it anymore. Just like we still don't buy Chick-fil-a or Exxon gas.

Chick Fil A didn't cave because there was nothing to cave. The entire controversy is that Chick Fil A said they supported traditional marriage. Unless you have some kind of proof that they no longer support traditional marriage you got nothing. They have never either denied service to someone who is gay, nor have they denied employment to someone who is gay.

I am somewhat grateful to gay outrage because prior to their little tantrum I never had Chick Fil A. Now that I have tried it, due entirely to the little tantrum, I am a regular. This is the same thing with Barilla who has no evidence of discrimination. They merely support "classic" family. What an outrage! How dare they! Don't they know that the classic or traditional family has to be destroyed just to make gays feel better about being perverts?

You like how she just walks the fuck away in the face of her being Wrong?... :rofl:

Chick-fil-A keeps growing despite uproar |

And it's continued this year...

Hell, (1) just opened at 78th and Wadsworth and 52nd and Wadsworth here in D-Town, and those are just in my general direction.

They are an example of a Company doing better because they Spoke the Truth... No matter how hard the Liberal Media tried to Damage them with it.

The only difference now is the occasional Fat Hispanic Older Dyke and their Questionably Young Daddy Issue Girlfriends they bring in and Fondle in front of everyone...

True Story.



How much you wanna bet [MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] doesn't come back in here and Concede that she was Wrong?...

Maybe she's too busy Harrassing people who have just Lost Loved-ones?... :dunno:


They said they would "look into" making changes, in all your posts there is no reference to them actually SAYING they would make changes. Any that do are usually people on the opposite side saying they heard that someone would do something or other.

If you find me an actual Chik-fil-A press release saying they will no longer donate to those groups, you then have a partial point, show me that any of the execs or the owners ALSO no longer donate to those groups then you made your whole point.

Okay, well. I think we're on two different pages of this conversation then. I believe they said or did whatever they had to say or do to get what they wanted, and you believe who gives a shit. Corporations are slippery as fuck, and that is apparently something you are comfortable with. Semantics. Word games. Well - I'm not.

EVERYONE says what they can to get what they want, Look at the current Obamacare kerfluffle. Obama says now he will negotiate AFTER the House passes a funding bill that has everything he wants in it. Do you really belive he will budge on anything if he gets what he wants first?

If we take it from our politicians, why should we be so concerned when businesses do it?

I believe that a man's word should be his bond. For some reason, you don't. That is your prerogative. I am much more literal, and apparently I hold people to higher standards. I already said once that we will not see agreement on this issue, and now I am going to bed.

I bid you good night.
Okay, well. I think we're on two different pages of this conversation then. I believe they said or did whatever they had to say or do to get what they wanted, and you believe who gives a shit. Corporations are slippery as fuck, and that is apparently something you are comfortable with. Semantics. Word games. Well - I'm not.

EVERYONE says what they can to get what they want, Look at the current Obamacare kerfluffle. Obama says now he will negotiate AFTER the House passes a funding bill that has everything he wants in it. Do you really belive he will budge on anything if he gets what he wants first?

If we take it from our politicians, why should we be so concerned when businesses do it?

I believe that a man's word should be his bond. For some reason, you don't. That is your prerogative. I am much more literal, and apparently I hold people to higher standards. I already said once that we will not see agreement on this issue, and now I am going to bed.

I bid you good night.

Anyone's word should be thier bond, but the reality is we don't hold our politicians to that standard, or else why do we keep re-electing them?

Once you let the government get away with it, why should anyone else follow the rules to thier detriment?

and good night.
Progressives will always strive to make that which is dishonorable, depraved, and otherwise criminal the rule of the day.

Nazis did the same thing. They boycotted Jewish businesses. It's what pukes do when they seek to annihilate in an otherwise civilized nation. They drag the sensibilities of the people down, they portray the targeted entity as worthy of destruction, and they start finding ways to prevent them from flourishing, before they actually start rounding them up and killing them. It's not such a big step when the people to be wiped out are identified as low life, bothersome, less than human, unworthy of the same rights that others enjoy.
Gays were going to destroy Chick Fil A. They were going to move the Olympics from Russia. Judging from the successes they have already had, how will putting Barilla out of business go.

Gays can attack individual business owners. They can attack that baker or photographer, but in reality they have no power.
Progressives will always strive to make that which is dishonorable, depraved, and otherwise criminal the rule of the day.

Nazis did the same thing. They boycotted Jewish businesses. It's what pukes do when they seek to annihilate in an otherwise civilized nation. They drag the sensibilities of the people down, they portray the targeted entity as worthy of destruction, and they start finding ways to prevent them from flourishing, before they actually start rounding them up and killing them. It's not such a big step when the people to be wiped out are identified as low life, bothersome, less than human, unworthy of the same rights that others enjoy.

So...boycotting businesses is a Nazi thing? Tell the Southern Baptists and the Million Moms and other RW crazy groups who tried to boycott Penneys and Coke and Disney. Explain to them that they are Nazis. :D
Gays were going to destroy Chick Fil A. They were going to move the Olympics from Russia. Judging from the successes they have already had, how will putting Barilla out of business go.

Gays can attack individual business owners. They can attack that baker or photographer, but in reality they have no power.

Not all boycotts work....yes, Chick Fil A is still in business, even tho I and everyone I inform about them don't go there any more. Same with the Russian Olympics. Looks like it's not moving which is a sad thing....but awareness of the Russian treatment of gays is certainly up there and not in a dark closet somewhere. We don't always win....but we keep trying. :D
So...boycotting businesses is a Nazi thing? Tell the Southern Baptists and the Million Moms and other RW crazy groups who tried to boycott Penneys and Coke and Disney. Explain to them that they are Nazis. :D

Boycott away!

You are irrelevant to the bottom line - just like Chick-Fil-A, your pouting little bullshit will no doubt boost sales.
So...boycotting businesses is a Nazi thing? Tell the Southern Baptists and the Million Moms and other RW crazy groups who tried to boycott Penneys and Coke and Disney. Explain to them that they are Nazis. :D

Boycott away!

You are irrelevant to the bottom line - just like Chick-Fil-A, your pouting little bullshit will no doubt boost sales.

I have no problem with as many conservatives as possible eating at Chick-fil-a all day long...every day. Go have some more.

I will pass. :D
Chick-fil-a caved. And I liked Barilla. But not buying it anymore. Just like we still don't buy Chick-fil-a or Exxon gas.

This is about the 3rd or 4th time [MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] has been asked...

When did Chick-fil-a Cave?...

You really aren't going to Concede are you, you Miserable, Dishonest Twat. :rofl:


Gays were going to destroy Chick Fil A. They were going to move the Olympics from Russia. Judging from the successes they have already had, how will putting Barilla out of business go.

Gays can attack individual business owners. They can attack that baker or photographer, but in reality they have no power.

Not all boycotts work....yes, Chick Fil A is still in business, even tho I and everyone I inform about them don't go there any more. Same with the Russian Olympics. Looks like it's not moving which is a sad thing....but awareness of the Russian treatment of gays is certainly up there and not in a dark closet somewhere. We don't always win....but we keep trying. :D

Just used some Barilla pasta sauce. Not bad when you add some saute'd peppers, grilled chicken, and some polska kielbasa.
Russia treats gays fairly, the way they should be treated. They are prohibited from propagandizing children. That's the law. Other than that, they can do what they want.
I just sent a note to my local market...which is also a national/regional chain.

I wonder how many notes like mine will it take before they dump Barilla?

Lot's of pasta companies out there...

Hasn't Chick Fil A closed yet?

Most people really don't care about gay outrage. They might buy more Barilla rather than less simply because they are sick and tired of being led around by "outrage of the day".

Which is exactly what I will do, even though I have always thought Barilla was the best pasta to buy anyway.
I bought whatever was on sale. Now it's Barilla for me. Gotta support those who fight.

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