Pastor Warns If Dems Win Senate; LGBTQ People Will Be Given Rights -- Oh No!!!

What rights don't they currently have?
Probably the right to not have people panic and freak out over them possibly having rights......

It wasn't that long ago when the Trump admin was actually trying to make it easier for folks to be fired based on sexual orientation....

"Trump submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court urging justices to allow LGBTQ people to be fired -- Title VII “does not bar discrimination because of sexual orientation.”

thats not a right,,
Um, yes it is a right.......

But you are a conservative, so folks like you are always ok with denying the rights of others -- as long as those "others" aren't you
I'm not a conservative and thats not a right,,,
Well in this country -- we decided that firing people based on the color of their skin, gender, religion and yes sexual orientation is not a right......

Don't like it......convince the majority of the country otherwise......

Spoiler alert.....folks like you tried...and lost.....
those are laws not rights,,,

learn the difference,,
and people who feel their religion is predicated on discriminating against people based on their sexual orientation isn't a right .....

And it aint a law you are doubly fucked.....keep crying
religion is a right while sexual orientation isnt,,

OH and sexual orientation is an offensive term

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
They are rightfully afraid that an LGBTQ couple will move in next door and recruit their children into the gay lifestyle. Or that a tranny will read their kids books at the local library. Or that a crossdresser will use THEIR restroom. I mean, it happens every day all over this great country. :rolleyes-41:


"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
Another rightwing Christian bigot.
They are rightfully afraid that an LGBTQ couple will move in next door and recruit their children into the gay lifestyle. Or that a tranny will read their kids books at the local library. Or that a crossdresser will use THEIR restroom. I mean, it happens every day all over this great country. :rolleyes-41:

I spent my whole childhood being preyed on by gays driving up and down our street and one of my friends was killed and most likely eaten by a gay man,,

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
Another rightwing Christian bigot.
so says the atheist bigot,,,
Rev. Graham is frightened that public accommodation laws and housing/workplace discrimination protections will be expanded at the federal level to include members of the LGBTQ community. The real argument should about the absurdity of even having protected classes at all instead of expanding them any further.
the absurdity should be why these classes needed protection in the first place....

Was there a larger more powerful class doing harm to them??
I know why we have them, but I think they have outlived their usefulness. Also, I believe they are wildly unconstitutional. Rev. Graham is merely upset that members of the LGBTQ community might get access to the very same protections he enjoys.
They are rightfully afraid that an LGBTQ couple will move in next door and recruit their children into the gay lifestyle. Or that a tranny will read their kids books at the local library. Or that a crossdresser will use THEIR restroom. I mean, it happens every day all over this great country. :rolleyes-41:

Do you ever make coherent arguments, or is the absurd strawman your go to?

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
What right do they not currently have?
The right to not have their protected liberties denied or violated by the hateful, bigoted right.

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
What right do they not currently have?
The right to not have their protected liberties denied or violated by the hateful, bigoted right.
what rights would those be???
It's not about depriving lbgt of rights
It's about preventing them from persecuting others. Or do you think that gays have a right to persecute others.
Christians are not being persecuted; no matter how much you want to pretend otherwise....
Bake that cake peasant. Cough up those flowers. Paint that portrait.
If baking a cake is your worst fear -- then you have a pretty good life.....

Meanwhile, true oppression isn't about baking pastries......
Oppression is using the force of law to make someone do something that they should not be obligated to do. Yes. It is definitely forcing a business to close because you aren't getting the pastry you want.

This is not about lgbtqwxyz losing rights. It's about whether they have the power to deny others their rights.
They are rightfully afraid that an LGBTQ couple will move in next door and recruit their children into the gay lifestyle. Or that a tranny will read their kids books at the local library. Or that a crossdresser will use THEIR restroom. I mean, it happens every day all over this great country. :rolleyes-41:

I spent my whole childhood being preyed on by gays driving up and down our street and one of my friends was killed and most likely eaten by a gay man,,
Gays have a particular affinity for cannibalism.

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
Yea and we should look up to and respect these NAMBLA homosexual kiddy molesters with life time membership. Back to a simpler time when you could beat them without a ten foot poll and didn't have to worry of getting some monkey fuckin demise

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
What right do they not currently have?
The right to not have their protected liberties denied or violated by the hateful, bigoted right.
For the umpteenth time.... what liberties are being violated? What rights are being violated?
Can you answer that, or are you going to just keep up your “right wingers and religious people are evil” line of bullshit?
They are rightfully afraid that an LGBTQ couple will move in next door and recruit their children into the gay lifestyle. Or that a tranny will read their kids books at the local library. Or that a crossdresser will use THEIR restroom. I mean, it happens every day all over this great country. :rolleyes-41:

I spent my whole childhood being preyed on by gays driving up and down our street and one of my friends was killed and most likely eaten by a gay man,,
Gays have a particular affinity for cannibalism.
The poo-poo eaters. Lol
It's not about depriving lbgt of rights
It's about preventing them from persecuting others. Or do you think that gays have a right to persecute others.
Christians are not being persecuted; no matter how much you want to pretend otherwise....
Bake that cake peasant. Cough up those flowers. Paint that portrait.
If baking a cake is your worst fear -- then you have a pretty good life.....

Meanwhile, true oppression isn't about baking pastries......
Oppression is using the force of law to make someone do something that they should not be obligated to do. Yes. It is definitely forcing a business to close because you aren't getting the pastry you want.

This is not about lgbtqwxyz losing rights. It's about whether they have the power to deny others their rights.
The monopolization of force is also how businesses enforce contracts, intellectual property rights, etc.....

So I have little sympathy for folks who whine about using force of law to acquire wealth -- while also whining about not being able to use that force of law to disenfranchise others based on their sexual orientation or race....
Do you ever make coherent arguments, or is the absurd strawman your go to?

This is me dude! :rofl:

U.S.—In order to receive the help they need after the government shut down their businesses and forced them to stay home, many clever Americans have disguised themselves as foreigners in hopes of receiving more COVID aid.​
"With this pork-filled spending bill, Congress showed us where their priorities lie," said local out-of-work bartender Darnel Ridders, who cleverly dressed up as a transgender, vaguely Middle Eastern man. "I'm hoping to add to my $600 stimulus by dipping into some of that foreign aid for Middle-Eastern gender programs!"​
Other Americans are working hard to snag some of that sweet government cash by disguising themselves as art galleries, bridge projects, and Asian carp fishermen.​
"We do what we gotta do to survive," said California local Crush Crusherson, who now identifies as an endangered sea turtle.*​
In a stroke of genius, Crusherson's next-door neighbor secured wealth and financial security for his entire family by simply identifying as a congressman.**​
"Wish I had thought of that," said Crusherson as he chewed on a squid.​


"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
Yea and we should look up to and respect these NAMBLA homosexual kiddy molesters with life time membership. Back to a simpler time when you could beat them without a ten foot poll and didn't have to worry of getting some monkey fuckin demise
How does "looking up to NAMBLA" have anything to do with the Supreme Court ruling that firing people for being gay is against the law??
This is why you reactionary cucks panic so much about possibly being in the minority in coming years -- you cucks have an ABSOLUTE FEAR of ever being in the minority -- its almost like you expect something bad to happen to minorities or something...

Wonder why
This is why you reactionary cucks panic so much about possibly being in the minority in coming years -- you cucks have an ABSOLUTE FEAR of ever being in the minority -- its almost like you expect something bad to happen to minorities or something...

Wonder why
How did you come to be so delusional?
Who exactly is fearful?
The only issue I see here is that people such as yourself just love to force your beliefs in others.
You’ve dodged and ducked every attempt in this thread asking you to elaborate on what basis are you making your claims. What rights are being denied? What oppression are LGBTQRSTUV people enduring?
but you can’t answer the question, because it’s bullshit. You talk about minority/majority rule, the sad thing is that you absolutely have the mentality of a tyrant and you don’t even realize it. Others here see it, believe me it’s not that tough to recognize. But you go abased and continue in thinking you are the righteous defender of the oppressed. It’s delusional, but that’s your right I suppose.

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