Pastor Warns If Dems Win Senate; LGBTQ People Will Be Given Rights -- Oh No!!!

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
What rights do I have that gay people do not ?

It's more a matter of you trying to take away rights from gay people that you, yourself, enjoy. Currently, at least on paper, you and LGBT people, enjoy the same rights, and they are not trying to take away your rights but you are trying to take away theirs's. I haven't heard of any movement among LGBTs to strip heterosexuals of their rights to marry and do all of the other legal stuff.
What Constitutional rights are they being stripped of ?

What is this monkey graham babbling about then? What does he want? He even seems upset that another protestant reverend is running for office.
There are no such things as LGBTQ rights.

There are only Individual rights.

In a free society every citizen should strive toward a sense of himself or herself as an Individual, rather than developing a group or victim mentality. This tends to stimulate a sense of individual responsibility.

By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, meaning viewing humans as members of groups, rather than as Individuals, focus is put on group claims versus Individual rights. This is antithetical. And it's not the proper role of government to placate group claims. The proper role of government is to protect Individual liberty.

It's a pretty simple concept. Unfortunately, this kind of collectivist logic is a product of modern liberalism itself. It's meant to be anithetical to the very notion of Individual rights as well as individualism itself.
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"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
What rights do I have that gay people do not ?

It's more a matter of you trying to take away rights from gay people that you, yourself, enjoy. Currently, at least on paper, you and LGBT people, enjoy the same rights, and they are not trying to take away your rights but you are trying to take away theirs's. I haven't heard of any movement among LGBTs to strip heterosexuals of their rights to marry and do all of the other legal stuff.
What Constitutional rights are they being stripped of ?

What is this monkey graham babbling about then? What does he want? He even seems upset that another protestant reverend is running for office.
Please...let us have our money...That is all we ask. Live your way....give us our money to raise our kids. We need to raise our kids. They are suffering and impoverished and starving now. Please give them the chance to live without sexual ways.

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
What rights do I have that gay people do not ?

It's more a matter of you trying to take away rights from gay people that you, yourself, enjoy. Currently, at least on paper, you and LGBT people, enjoy the same rights, and they are not trying to take away your rights but you are trying to take away theirs's. I haven't heard of any movement among LGBTs to strip heterosexuals of their rights to marry and do all of the other legal stuff.
What Constitutional rights are they being stripped of ?

What is this monkey graham babbling about then? What does he want? He even seems upset that another protestant reverend is running for office.
Don't care what he wants. I asked what Constitutional rights do I have that gay people do not ? The problem with you lefty loons is that you believe that certain groups should have rights that trump others.

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
What rights do I have that gay people do not ?

It's more a matter of you trying to take away rights from gay people that you, yourself, enjoy. Currently, at least on paper, you and LGBT people, enjoy the same rights, and they are not trying to take away your rights but you are trying to take away theirs's. I haven't heard of any movement among LGBTs to strip heterosexuals of their rights to marry and do all of the other legal stuff.
What Constitutional rights are they being stripped of ?

What is this monkey graham babbling about then? What does he want? He even seems upset that another protestant reverend is running for office.
Please...let us have our money...That is all we ask. Live your way....give us our money to raise our kids. We need to raise our kids. They are suffering and impoverished and starving now. Please give them the chance to live without sexual ways.

What are you talking about? This is incomprehensible.

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
What rights do I have that gay people do not ?

It's more a matter of you trying to take away rights from gay people that you, yourself, enjoy. Currently, at least on paper, you and LGBT people, enjoy the same rights, and they are not trying to take away your rights but you are trying to take away theirs's. I haven't heard ohf any movement among LGBTs to strip heterosexuals of their rights to marry and do all of the other legal stuff.
What Constitutional rights are they being stripped of ?

What is this monkey graham babbling about then? What does he want? He even seems upset that another protestant reverend is running for office.
Don't care what he wants. I asked what Constitutional rights do I have that gay people do not ? The problem with you lefty loons is that you believe that certain groups should have rights that trump others.

Gays now have the same rights, not limited to "constitutional rights," that you do. Freedom requires that we keep it that way. No one's rights "trump" others, but this is what you want. It is ludicrous to say that a gay guy who is exercising his right to paint his kitchen is, in doing so, actively interfering with a stranger's exercise of his right to mow his lawn six blocks away. They both are equals, and what each is doing is not interfering with the other.

trump obviously has some appeal for graham, which graham somehow conflates with the beliefs of Christians. He asserts that policies espoused by those who support the Democratic Party would somehow be "hostile to those who hold Christian beliefs," totally ignoring the facts that many Democrats are themselves Christians and that many Georgia voters are Christians. He's even opposed to a candidate who is a Christian minister.

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