Pastor Warns If Dems Win Senate; LGBTQ People Will Be Given Rights -- Oh No!!!

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
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Actually we should be---it obvious that the dems are ignoring the equal protection clauses under the law and giving "special" dem groups "special" rights over others.
What rights don't they currently have?
Probably the right to not have people panic and freak out over them possibly having rights......

It wasn't that long ago when the Trump admin was actually trying to make it easier for folks to be fired based on sexual orientation....

"Trump submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court urging justices to allow LGBTQ people to be fired -- Title VII “does not bar discrimination because of sexual orientation.”

thats not a right,,
Um, yes it is a right.......

I missed the right to employment in the Constitution
and I missed the right to fire employees based on their race, religion and sexual orientation thing....

Can you show it to me??

Then show me why you coward ass cucks are so reluctant to advocate for this type of discrimination outright instead of being a bitch and hiding behind faux freedom and faux liberty
I believe you have the right to hire and fire anyone for anything.
If you own a business, it’s yours. You can hire or not hire whoever you want. I believe you can also fire whoever you want.
Just curious, but Does the government have the right to dictate who you get to work for? Do they have the right to tell you where you are and are not allowed to work? Do you need their permission to quit a job?

But I bet you whine like a bitch over your shit post being flagged on Twitter tho
I don’t have Twitter.
I don’t care to listen to peoples shit.
Yes you do.......

but I am use to Trumpers lying when their points get refuted
GREAT another fucking mind reader,,,
Did you know I have Twitter?
I was unaware as well, until Biff showed me the light.
with mind reading abilities like his he should go on the road,, he could make tens of eleven dollars from it,,

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"

graham and people like him do their damnedest to destroy the teachings of Jesus and the transcendent beauty and holiness of the Christian faith. The attempts of graham and his ilk to spray feces all over the sacred are unforgiveable. Christianity is not the only faith that comes under this sort of attack.
They certainly do spend lots of time on shit Jesus said the LEAST about it while ignoring the shit he said the MOST....

Something tells me it aint about Jesus after all....

It hasn't been about Jesus for a very long time, if, indeed, it ever was. Only the people who were close to Jesus in his lifetime actually knew anything, so any little shred of reasonably contemporaneous writing emerging from the sand might be relevant, but the bulk of writing about Jesus was added later by people whose connections are fairly tenuous. The story of Jesus has always been ripe over the centuries for embellishment for social or political gain and it continues to acquire these barnacles as we speak.

I never can believe any human who declares that they know what the Supreme Being is or wants. One might think that another person has what seems like a good idea, but that's as far as it goes. I used to joke that God and I have lunch every Tuesday and God always has the chicken salad.

Graham wants to saddle the Supreme Being to his personal hatreds, harming innocent people for his own selfish ends.
I missed the right to employment in the Constitution
and I missed the right to fire employees based on their race, religion and sexual orientation thing....

Can you show it to me??

Can you show me where it says I have the right to buy a house and own a car?

Then show me why you coward ass cucks are so reluctant to advocate for this type of discrimination outright instead of being a bitch and hiding behind faux freedom and faux liberty

Who is advocating discrimination? I never did.
I missed the right to employment in the Constitution
and I missed the right to fire employees based on their race, religion and sexual orientation thing....

Can you show it to me??

Can you show me where it says I have the right to buy a house and own a car?

Then show me why you coward ass cucks are so reluctant to advocate for this type of discrimination outright instead of being a bitch and hiding behind faux freedom and faux liberty

Who is advocating discrimination? I never did.
Lil’ Biff (his rap name) is a mind reader, didn’t you know? He knows what your deepest desires are, your hopes and dreams, and all your fears.
Thanks to Lil’ biffs revelations I recently learned that I hate gays, blacks, and everyone who isn’t a WASP. I also hate poor people, hate the environment, and want everyone who isn’t rich to starve to death. Apparently, and I had no idea about this, my hearts desire is to oppress and discriminate against people.
He also informed me that I have a Twitter account. I had no idea.
The man is truly incredible.
I missed the right to employment in the Constitution
and I missed the right to fire employees based on their race, religion and sexual orientation thing....

Can you show it to me??

Can you show me where it says I have the right to buy a house and own a car?

Then show me why you coward ass cucks are so reluctant to advocate for this type of discrimination outright instead of being a bitch and hiding behind faux freedom and faux liberty

Who is advocating discrimination? I never did.
Lil’ Biff (his rap name) is a mind reader, didn’t you know? He knows what your deepest desires are, your hopes and dreams, and all your fears.
Thanks to Lil’ biffs revelations I recently learned that I hate gays, blacks, and everyone who isn’t a WASP. I also hate poor people, hate the environment, and want everyone who isn’t rich to starve to death. Apparently, and I had no idea about this, my hearts desire is to oppress and discriminate against people.
He also informed me that I have a Twitter account. I had no idea.
The man is truly incredible.
Like Santa claus he knows if you are bad or good so be leftist good for goodness sake

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
They have more rights now then Regular Americans. All filthy "Victim" groups do. Look at the so-called "Hate Crime" Statuets. Of course ,if it is black thugs killing a white guy ,it is just a murder. But if one of these weirdos get beat up ,the lying Media has a field day. Why not just keep their dirty sex lives PRIVATE?

Ignorance is bliss.

New FBI Data Shows Whites Underrepresented and Blacks Overrepresented as “Hate Crime” Offenders
New FBI Data Shows Whites Underrepresented and Blacks Overrepresented as “Hate Crime” Offenders | National Vanguard

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"

Oh no is right: these LGXYZ types are all crazy as hoot-owls. The trannies are the worst of the lot, but I suppose they'll soon come up with a type of pervert even worse. And want to extend all imaginable civil rights to them despite all the bad things they do. I guess it's one of the ways the Left destroys the family and America.

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
They have more rights now then Regular Americans. All filthy "Victim" groups do. Look at the so-called "Hate Crime" Statuets. Of course ,if it is black thugs killing a white guy ,it is just a murder. But if one of these weirdos get beat up ,the lying Media has a field day. Why not just keep their dirty sex lives PRIVATE?

Ignorance is bliss.

New FBI Data Shows Whites Underrepresented and Blacks Overrepresented as “Hate Crime” Offenders
New FBI Data Shows Whites Underrepresented and Blacks Overrepresented as “Hate Crime” Offenders | National Vanguard
True. Because Black commit more crimes PERIOD. Nature of the beast.
Graham never mentioned the homosexual community or used the word wicked. It's an editorial invention by somebody named Megan Hamilton. The ironic thing is that Christian leaders are under more of an attack by the left than so-called LGBTQ by the right.

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
They have more rights now then Regular Americans. All filthy "Victim" groups do. Look at the so-called "Hate Crime" Statuets. Of course ,if it is black thugs killing a white guy ,it is just a murder. But if one of these weirdos get beat up ,the lying Media has a field day. Why not just keep their dirty sex lives PRIVATE?

Ignorance is bliss.

New FBI Data Shows Whites Underrepresented and Blacks Overrepresented as “Hate Crime” Offenders
New FBI Data Shows Whites Underrepresented and Blacks Overrepresented as “Hate Crime” Offenders | National Vanguard
True. Because Black commit more crimes PERIOD. Nature of the beast.

Not according to the FBI.

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
They have more rights now then Regular Americans. All filthy "Victim" groups do. Look at the so-called "Hate Crime" Statuets. Of course ,if it is black thugs killing a white guy ,it is just a murder. But if one of these weirdos get beat up ,the lying Media has a field day. Why not just keep their dirty sex lives PRIVATE?

Ignorance is bliss.

New FBI Data Shows Whites Underrepresented and Blacks Overrepresented as “Hate Crime” Offenders
New FBI Data Shows Whites Underrepresented and Blacks Overrepresented as “Hate Crime” Offenders | National Vanguard
True. Because Black commit more crimes PERIOD. Nature of the beast.

Not according to the FBI.
FBI are Gestapo. Not credible at all.
Graham never mentioned the homosexual community or used the word wicked. It's an editorial invention by somebody named Megan Hamilton. The ironic thing is that Christian leaders are under more of an attack by the left than so-called LGBTQ by the right.

How are Christian leaders under attack? What we are seeing is Christians squabbling among themselves about a group of our fellow humans and Americans that is not defined by a certain faith and consists of persons whose own beliefs most likely span the entire spectrum of human belief. The 2020 presidential election was a contest between two straight white Christian males, one of whom won and one of whom lost. Graham now seems to be against the election to the Senate of a fellow protestant Christian pastor, as well as the election of a faithful Jewish man. You would think that a faithful Christian pastor would be cheering them on.

This is Christian factionalism trying to drag other Christians and non-Christians alike into its petty spats, meanwhile boring everybody else half to death.

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
What rights do I have that gay people do not ?

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
What rights do I have that gay people do not ?

It's more a matter of you trying to take away rights from gay people that you, yourself, enjoy. Currently, at least on paper, you and LGBT people, enjoy the same rights, and they are not trying to take away your rights but you are trying to take away theirs's. I haven't heard of any movement among LGBTs to strip heterosexuals of their rights to marry and do all of the other legal stuff.

"[Franklin Graham] worried Democrats will give LGBTQ people civil rights, Friendly Atheist notes. He’s so concerned in fact, that he offered up a stern warning on Facebook. " “Christians who believe the Bible and live in Georgia — the soul of our nation is at stake,” he writes. “I ask you to rally to PRAY and VOTE in this run-off for the Senate --Then he brings up the Equality Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation,” and other issues. “Liberal, so-called progressives, immediately want to pass The Equality Act which is anything but equal,” he writes. “It is an attempt to rid our country of religious freedom protections."

What is it with conservatives and their desire to use government to deny the rights of people based on if they are gay or straight?? I mean, it wasn't that long ago when their desire to deny rights were solely focused on people of color -- but they lost that battle decades ago -- and so this is their last hope....if it wasn't for culture war BS, conservatives would be forced to offer policies as a way to win over voters -- but for now, this made up culture war is all they have......or as they call it "their way of life"
What rights do I have that gay people do not ?

It's more a matter of you trying to take away rights from gay people that you, yourself, enjoy. Currently, at least on paper, you and LGBT people, enjoy the same rights, and they are not trying to take away your rights but you are trying to take away theirs's. I haven't heard of any movement among LGBTs to strip heterosexuals of their rights to marry and do all of the other legal stuff.
What Constitutional rights are they being stripped of ?

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