Patraeus, Paul Ryan, The Moochers, The Makers & Ayn Rand's Takers

Procrustes Stretched

This place is nothing without the membership.
Dec 1, 2008
Patraeus, Paul Ryan, The Moochers, The Makers & Ayn Rand's Takers

So now we get to see in real life how the 'Makers' the 'Job Creators' actually live and how they use influence and lies to get what they want. The Makers make me sick. They have the nerve to call others 'moochers'? Don't be fooled, Patraeus and other top military brass are part of this world. They all live with servants and privilege while complaining that welfare mothers, the disabled, poor retirees, poor veterans, and others are living high on the hog. They seek and get special access to the fruits of the nation THEY DID NOT BUILD. We built. The average middle class American -- with our sweat, labor, and lives. They are the parasites, not the workers and the poor, not the middle class that asks for a hand up and not a hand out.

I could go on but I want to sit back and watch the poor stupid shills for the Super Wealthy enter here and defend the indefensible. I want to watch the right wingers sell their souls for a pat on the head from their masters, all because they've been sold a bullshit message of hate and anger and resentment of their fellow Americans who struggle every day to just live a life of safety, security, and earned comfort, where a human being does not have to work two to three jobs to meet their basic needs. Not everyone is looking to end up being King of the Hill, the one with the most toys, the last Richie Rich standing.

Jill Kelley, facing a media onslaught at Tampa home, calls cops to ask for ‘diplomatic protection’

Jill Kelley, facing a media onslaught at Tampa home, calls cops to ask for

The Tampa woman linked to the David Petraeus sex scandal has called police to her home several times in the past few days, and even tried to invoke diplomatic protection though she is neither a diplomat nor a member of the military


Kelley, 37, told the dispatcher that her home was under threat from “trespassers” trying to push through the door.

She also denied knowing the people outside were members of the media, WTVT reported.

"They're trying to push the door open; they won't leave,” a woman who identifies herself as Kelley tells a operator on Monday.

"Are you sure you don't know who these people are?" the dispatcher asks her.

"I do not know who they are, no," she said.

On Sunday, Kelley also reportedly called police on the people with cameras in front of her house and asked for diplomatic protection from the roving media.

"You know, I don't know if by any chance, because I'm an honorary consul general, so I have inviolability, so they should not be able to cross my property,” she was recorded saying.

“I don't know if you want to get diplomatic protection involved as well," she told the 911 dispatcher.


Kelley, described as a socialite in the fairly small Tampa social scene, apparently has a habit of invoking titles for herself that are neither official nor accurate. In the 911 call she described herself as an “honorary consul general,” which even when dispatched abroad in an official capacity is not a government employee.

Kelley, a civilian, has also described herself as a “social liaison” to the military — a made-up title that means little more than unpaid volunteer, military officials told The Washington Post.

Woman at Center of Petraeus Scandal is S. Korea Honorary Consul

Kelley, 37, is known for her high-level social ties to MacDill Air Force Base, the home of the U.S. Central Command, near Tampa, Florida.


A Fox News Channel program - “On the Record” with Greta Van Susteren - quotes a businessman as saying he met Kelley at the Republican National Convention in Tampa and was told she was a close friend of Petraeus and had extensive business contacts in South Korea.

But TransGas Development President Adam Victor told the broadcaster that Kelley appeared unexperienced in business, asking for a finder's fee of two percent for a coal gasification project (which would have totaled $80 million), far in excess of the standard rate.


“A lot of the honorary consuls are people who originally came from the countries or perhaps their parents came from the country. So they have some connection. In other cases maybe they used to do business representing companies from that country. Usually there's some link like that,” said Burghardt.

But the former ambassador adds that, in some cases, honorary consuls might be selected because the person merely has social standing and important connections in their local community.

That appears to be the case with Kelley, the daughter of Lebanese immigrants, with no known past ties to South Korea.

On Sunday Kelley is reported to have called police to complain about trespassers and told the dispatcher she was an honorary consul general and thus has inviolable rights.

The U.S. State Department says honorary consuls do not enjoy personal inviolability and they have diplomatic immunity only for “official acts.”

Woman at Center of Petraeus Scandal is S. Korea Honorary Consul

Paul Ryan Is Living in a Fantasy Land Older Than Ayn Rand

Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you today's worst paragraph in political rhetoric, courtesy of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Dickens), in an appearance at the Heritage Foundation, which must be like seeing The Beatles at The Cavern in Liverpool, back in the day. Take it away, big guy.

"We're coming close to a tipping point in America where we might have a net majority of takers versus makers in society and that could become very dangerous if it sets in as a permanent condition. Because what we will end up doing is we will convert our safety net system — which is necessary I believe to help people who can’t themselves, to help people who are down on their luck get back onto their feet — into a hammock that ends up lulling people into lives of dependency and complacency which drains them of their incentive and the will to make the most of their lives."

Sentence No. 1: pure Ayn Rand. "Makers vs. takers." Moochers and leeches. You and Them. But especially Them. But not in a divisive way. Oh, no. The Congressman doesn't believe in divisive class rhetoric. He said so — "To my great disappointment, it appears that the politics of division are making a big comeback. Many Americans share my disappointment..." — earlier in his remarks. And he is not engaging in the politics of division himself. Oh, no. He's just sad — mournful, even — that the "conceits of liberalism" are on their way to dividing the country into "makers versus takers." And you know who you are, don't you? And who They are. And what They are taking... from You.

And also, it has apparently escaped the congressman's notice...the reason that we don't make much in this country any more is because, 30 years ago, we put our brains in cold storage and started taking crackpot conservative economics seriously. The difference between a maker and a taker in the economy is whether or not the widget plant moved to China, or whether or not the company got broken up and its pension plan pillaged because some deregulated Wall Street ferret created a new way to steal other people's money. That's what we "make" now: complicated new financial instruments with which the "makers" can lift our wallets.

(Let us pause briefly here to point out that anyone who takes Ayn Rand seriously at Paul Ryan's age desperately needs to get out in the fresh air and sunshine more.)

Paul Ryan Heritage Foundation Speech - Paul Ryan Is Living in a Fantasy Land Older Than Ayn Rand - Esquire

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These people I speak of are straight out of Atlas Shrugged. They've become caricatures in real life of fictional characters in an Ayn Rand Novel.

Parody or Paul Ryan 2012?

pdf: Procrustes Stretched
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"So now we get to see in real life how the 'Makers' the 'Job Creators' actually live and how they use influence and lies to get what they want. The Makers make me sick. They have the nerve to call others 'moochers'? Don't be fooled, Patraeus and other top military brass are part of this world. They all live with servants and privilege while complaining that welfare mothers, the disabled, poor retirees, poor veterans, and others are living high on the hog. They seek and get special access to the fruits of the nation. They are the parasites, not the workers and the poor, not the middle class that asks for a hand up and not a hand out."

Do you realize you are talking about the Obama administration?
Yep ......... its welfare mothers, occupiers, collectivists and civil servants that really built America.....

"So now we get to see in real life how the 'Makers' the 'Job Creators' actually live and how they use influence and lies to get what they want. The Makers make me sick. They have the nerve to call others 'moochers'? Don't be fooled, Patraeus and other top military brass are part of this world. They all live with servants and privilege while complaining that welfare mothers, the disabled, poor retirees, poor veterans, and others are living high on the hog. They seek and get special access to the fruits of the nation. They are the parasites, not the workers and the poor, not the middle class that asks for a hand up and not a hand out."

Do you realize you are talking about the Obama administration?

do you realize you embarrass not only yourself with your whacky posts, but you embarrass most every other wingnut here?

and that's a feat :clap2:
"So now we get to see in real life how the 'Makers' the 'Job Creators' actually live and how they use influence and lies to get what they want. The Makers make me sick. They have the nerve to call others 'moochers'? Don't be fooled, Patraeus and other top military brass are part of this world. They all live with servants and privilege while complaining that welfare mothers, the disabled, poor retirees, poor veterans, and others are living high on the hog. They seek and get special access to the fruits of the nation. They are the parasites, not the workers and the poor, not the middle class that asks for a hand up and not a hand out."

Do you realize you are talking about the Obama administration?

do you realize you embarrass not only yourself with your whacky posts, but you embarrass most every other wingnut here?

and that's a feat :clap2:

Do you realize that "whacky" is not a word?
Yep ......... its welfare mothers, occupiers, collectivists and civil servants that really built America.....


you don't think their families did? Who do you think built America? Who do you think ends up on government safety net programs? Why did you leave out most of the people Dante listed? Can you not debate honestly and fairly?

How does it feel to have your master's patting hand on your head while spanks your sycophantic arse?
"So now we get to see in real life how the 'Makers' the 'Job Creators' actually live and how they use influence and lies to get what they want. The Makers make me sick. They have the nerve to call others 'moochers'? Don't be fooled, Patraeus and other top military brass are part of this world. They all live with servants and privilege while complaining that welfare mothers, the disabled, poor retirees, poor veterans, and others are living high on the hog. They seek and get special access to the fruits of the nation. They are the parasites, not the workers and the poor, not the middle class that asks for a hand up and not a hand out."

Do you realize you are talking about the Obama administration?

do you realize you embarrass not only yourself with your whacky posts, but you embarrass most every other wingnut here?

and that's a feat :clap2:

Do you realize that "whacky" is not a word?

you do realize that you are off topic and flailing? you do realize you lose when you fail to address specific issues and points?
Well lets see how long America survives without those folks who create jobs. You know. Loads of those one and two percenters own, operate and hire for business.

The Govt creates loads of Govt jobs. Only problem is they are payed with tax dollars.

No private sector. No money for anything.

Kinda think all the freeloaders wouldn't care for that scenario. They'd have to take care of themselves. Perish the thought.
Methinks you protesteth too much... Do you realize that virtually all of your posts are filled with name calling and ad hominem arguments?
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Its the 70% of black african "american" males who abandon their families, and convicted felons who are really the major contributors to sciety...............That and illegal aliens...................LOL
Paul Ryan Is Living in a Fantasy Land Older Than Ayn Rand

Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you today's worst paragraph in political rhetoric, courtesy of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Dickens), in an appearance at the Heritage Foundation, which must be like seeing The Beatles at The Cavern in Liverpool, back in the day. Take it away, big guy.

"We're coming close to a tipping point in America where we might have a net majority of takers versus makers in society and that could become very dangerous if it sets in as a permanent condition. Because what we will end up doing is we will convert our safety net system — which is necessary I believe to help people who can’t themselves, to help people who are down on their luck get back onto their feet — into a hammock that ends up lulling people into lives of dependency and complacency which drains them of their incentive and the will to make the most of their lives."

Sentence No. 1: pure Ayn Rand. "Makers vs. takers." Moochers and leeches. You and Them. But especially Them. But not in a divisive way. Oh, no. The Congressman doesn't believe in divisive class rhetoric. He said so — "To my great disappointment, it appears that the politics of division are making a big comeback. Many Americans share my disappointment..." — earlier in his remarks. And he is not engaging in the politics of division himself. Oh, no. He's just sad — mournful, even — that the "conceits of liberalism" are on their way to dividing the country into "makers versus takers." And you know who you are, don't you? And who They are. And what They are taking... from You.

And also, it has apparently escaped the congressman's notice...the reason that we don't make much in this country any more is because, 30 years ago, we put our brains in cold storage and started taking crackpot conservative economics seriously. The difference between a maker and a taker in the economy is whether or not the widget plant moved to China, or whether or not the company got broken up and its pension plan pillaged because some deregulated Wall Street ferret created a new way to steal other people's money. That's what we "make" now: complicated new financial instruments with which the "makers" can lift our wallets.

(Let us pause briefly here to point out that anyone who takes Ayn Rand seriously at Paul Ryan's age desperately needs to get out in the fresh air and sunshine more.)

Paul Ryan Heritage Foundation Speech - Paul Ryan Is Living in a Fantasy Land Older Than Ayn Rand - Esquire
May 13, 2010
RUSH: Conservatives do not divide people by groups. We do not see groups.
Yep ......... its welfare mothers, occupiers, collectivists and civil servants that really built America.....


you don't think their families did? Who do you think built America? Who do you think ends up on government safety net programs? Why did you leave out most of the people Dante listed? Can you not debate honestly and fairly?

How does it feel to have your master's patting hand on your head while spanks your sycophantic arse?

OMG, how cool are you, speaking of yourself in the third person again. Thanks for the laugh, I needed it. :lol::eusa_clap::lol::lol::eusa_clap::lol:
Well lets see how long America survives without those folks who create jobs. You know. Loads of those one and two percenters own, operate and hire for business.

The Govt creates loads of Govt jobs. Only problem is they are payed with tax dollars.

No private sector. No money for anything.

Kinda think all the freeloaders wouldn't care for that scenario. They'd have to take care of themselves. Perish the thought.

Cut government spending and there is no R&D and no funding and other handouts businesses get
State regulators, interventionists, community organizers and social engineers are the true heroes !!!!


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