Patrick Buchanan's Casualty List From The Kavanaugh Battle...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Some Pols will be held accountable for their actions in November.

After a 50-year siege, the great strategic fortress of liberalism has fallen. With the elevation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court seems secure for constitutionalism — perhaps for decades.

The shrieks from the gallery of the Senate chamber as the vote came in on Saturday, and the sight of that bawling mob clawing at the doors of the Supreme Court as the new justice took his oath, confirm it.

The Democratic Party has sustained a historic defeat.

And the triumph is President Trump’s.

To unite the party whose nomination he had won, Donald Trump pledged to select his high court nominees from lists prepared by such judicial conservatives as the Federalist Society. He kept his word and, in the battle for Kavanaugh, he led from the front, even mocking the credibility of the primary accuser, Christine Blasey Ford.

Trump has achieved what every GOP president has hoped to do since the summer of ’68, when a small group of GOP senators, led by Bob Griffin of Michigan, frustrated and then foiled a LBJ-Earl Warren plot to elevate LBJ crony Abe Fortas to chief justice in order to keep a future President Nixon from naming Warren’s successor.

Sharing the honors with Trump is Majority Leader Mitch McConnell...

Read More:
Casualty Lists From the Kavanaugh Battle - LewRockwell
So long as they see the error of their ways. Welcome back to the non-stop winning side.
And Trump is not through by a long shot. He will get at least one more pick before he leaves office in 2024 and then Pence.
Buchanan is right to call it a “liberal bastion”. They thought they were invulnerable in ruling America from the unelected heights of the Supreme Court.
Pay no mind to their false brashness...these people know they are beaten.
Trump could get 3 more picks, RBG (85), Breyer (80) and Thomas (70) if Thomas wants to give the dems a final FU as he leaves and sees his seat replaced by a new young conservative for the next 30 years or so.
Trump could get 3 more picks, RBG (85), Breyer (80) and Thomas (70) if Thomas wants to give the dems a final FU as he leaves and sees his seat replaced by a new young conservative for the next 30 years or so.

I'd settle with one more pick. One more Judge, the Communist and NWO Globalist Agendas are finished for the foreseeable future. God willing. :)
Never-Trumpers coming home..its about fking time..
Fuck that....I'd suspect them to be infiltrators.

Remember when Dick Armey tried to hijack Freedom Works?
God damn that's a thought. Like Ulysses, hide in the belly of the BEAST, and as they sleep, rush out and lower the gates to allow THE MOBS OF ANGRY MAN HATING FEMINISTS into the keep to slay and castrate all the Trump supporters!
God damn that's a thought. Like Ulysses, hide in the belly of the BEAST, and as they sleep, rush out and lower the gates to allow THE MOBS OF ANGRY MAN HATING FEMINISTS into the keep to slay and castrate all the Trump supporters!
Or maybe you just recognize what a bunch of underhanded sleazebags the establishment neocons are, and never trust them again.
No, but I googled it. That seemed to be a battle for financial control of PACs. Armey got an $8.0m payoff and was banished.
Control the PACs and you control who mans them...I'm also reminded that it was Armey who sold out Bill Paxon in the '90s, when he wanted to push out Gingrich and go full throttle with paring back the federal leviathan.....The dude is as sleazy as they come.
God damn that's a thought. Like Ulysses, hide in the belly of the BEAST, and as they sleep, rush out and lower the gates to allow THE MOBS OF ANGRY MAN HATING FEMINISTS into the keep to slay and castrate all the Trump supporters!
Or maybe you just recognize what a bunch of underhanded sleazebags the establishment neocons are, and never trust them again.
Establishment Neocons sirnamed Bush or Romney? Not Cruz, not Pence, not Rubio, not Kasich? Can't see the new guys having the "establishment" license.
Establishment Neocons sirnamed Bush or Romney? Not Cruz, not Pence, not Rubio, not Kasich? Can't see the new guys having the "establishment" license.
Kasich was part of the '94 "revolution", he's definitely 2nd gen...I'd put the rest of them in the 3rd gen neocon category, but that's just me....I certainly don't trust Pence.

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