Patriot Front member kicked out of Mom’s Basement

Patriot Front. The idiots arrested in the back of a U-Haul last weekend. Well this story is funny.

Yes. Not only was he arrested for Conspiracy to Riot. But he was booted out of his Mom’s basement. I’m sure this poor fellow will figure out some way to blame the Jews. Or perhaps Minorities.

I wonder how many of the others are claiming Mom’s Basement as their abode?

This my friends. This is the Master Race. Just ask them. They’ll tell you all about it.
Soo....your mom has not kicked you out yet.
Soo....your mom has not kicked you out yet.

I left home at 19 when I enlisted in the Army. I buried my Mother fifteen years ago. I’m sure you think it is totally normal to live at home with your parents getting your Draw check. But for the rest of us. Not so much.
About what I would expect. Even more iconic.

Seems like his life was fucked up by a Gay, ie his dad. His mom doesn't seem that great either, kicking her son out at a time like this.

BUT, this does not seem to support the image of w.s. as a serious threat to the nation. Teh guy is sad.
The guy winning the all time prize for having a gay dad fucking up his life is John Walker Lindh. He became one of the terrorists that killed Mike Spahn by tearing him apart with their teeth.
Yes, you do believe that, don't you?

Yes. I do. Because I believe in truth. Odd isn’t it. That for those folks who advocate such beliefs. They have to lie about so much. History. Genetics. Science. All of it is lied about. They even misquote and lie about the Bible.

From the article. This fool who got tossed out of Mama’s basement was a holocaust denier. So according to you all supporters of the Patriot Front and their beliefs. The Holocaust didn’t happen.

Yet documents from the Nazi’s. Statements from the troops that liberated the camps. Bone fields. All of it was a lie.

As I said. I prefer truth. You obviously disdain truth.
Yes. I do. Because I believe in truth. Odd isn’t it. That for those folks who advocate such beliefs. They have to lie about so much. History. Genetics. Science. All of it is lied about. They even misquote and lie about the Bible.

From the article. This fool who got tossed out of Mama’s basement was a holocaust denier. So according to you all supporters of the Patriot Front and their beliefs. The Holocaust didn’t happen.

Yet documents from the Nazi’s. Statements from the troops that liberated the camps. Bone fields. All of it was a lie.

As I said. I prefer truth. You obviously disdain truth.
Well, I'm glad for you.
His life was fucked up by him. All he had to do is not worry about what anyone else was doing. Live his own life. Could be an experienced Blue Collar skilled laborer making a hundred grand a year or more. He could be a Manager making less. He could be a Doctor. A Lawyer.

Instead he is pathetic. Like all the White Supremacy idiots. Blaming others for his own failures. Looking for a scapegoat for his own refusal to take responsibility for his own life.

He is the Poster Child for WS.

His Mother is more than Justified. She put up with his hate speech and lies for years. But when he set out to harm people. That was the last straw. I understand her actions. What did your parents tell you? As long as you live under my roof?

1. Being upset that your dad blew up your life, so he could live the gay lifestyle, is valid.

2. A doctor? A guy living in a basement could have been a doctor? That's not a serious statement. That is you dismissing the struggles of poor white people.

3.The mom is disowning him because he disagrees with her politics. That's pathetic of her and shows another pile of shit that life dropped on this kid.

4. The kid is accused. Could be guilty. Could be that this group planned a peaceful protest. Most moms would stand by their child, if there was a reasonable doubt. And there certainly is here.
The guy winning the all time prize for having a gay dad fucking up his life is John Walker Lindh. He became one of the terrorists that killed Mike Spahn by tearing him apart with their teeth.

People talk a lot of shit about "identity" or "being true to themselves" or such shit.

And the children are left growing up in broken homes.

Fucking selfish leftard assholes.
1. Being upset that your dad blew up your life, so he could live the gay lifestyle, is valid.

2. A doctor? A guy living in a basement could have been a doctor? That's not a serious statement. That is you dismissing the struggles of poor white people.

3.The mom is disowning him because he disagrees with her politics. That's pathetic of her and shows another pile of shit that life dropped on this kid.

4. The kid is accused. Could be guilty. Could be that this group planned a peaceful protest. Most moms would stand by their child, if there was a reasonable doubt. And there certainly is here.

All he had to do to stay home is quit the Patriot Front. Read the article.

Now let’s say your kid is spending time with people. And getting in trouble with them. You as a Parent say you need to choose. Them or your family. They choose the thugs then that is on their heads.

He had a choice. He decided to go with the worst possible option. He could have joined the Military. He could have gone to a trade school and learned a trade. He would have a very different life. Instead he surrounded himself with thugs and lies.

I honestly love this. When a black guy gets arrested or killed you idiots on the Right Wing scream derision at the Mother who says her son is a good boy. A White Mother knows her son is becoming little more than a racist thug and cuts him off.

How awful she is. Interesting. Don’t you think?
There is NOTHING wrong with living with ones parents as long as there is agreement. We don't need young people buying houses, etc if they can stay at home, save, and keep working. If they don't get married or have kids it's not bad at all.
All he had to do to stay home is quit the Patriot Front. Read the article.

Now let’s say your kid is spending time with people. And getting in trouble with them. You as a Parent say you need to choose. Them or your family. They choose the thugs then that is on their heads.

He had a choice. He decided to go with the worst possible option. He could have joined the Military. He could have gone to a trade school and learned a trade. He would have a very different life. Instead he surrounded himself with thugs and lies.

I honestly love this. When a black guy gets arrested or killed you idiots on the Right Wing scream derision at the Mother who says her son is a good boy. A White Mother knows her son is becoming little more than a racist thug and cuts him off.

How awful she is. Interesting. Don’t you think?

Normally in that situation, a serious crime has already been committed, if not several.

In this case, there is a real chance that the group he was with, planned a non-violent protest.

That lib mom was real quick to throw her son under the bus.
There is NOTHING wrong with living with ones parents as long as there is agreement. We don't need young people buying houses, etc if they can stay at home, save, and keep working. If they don't get married or have kids it's not bad at all.

Agreed. This isn't the hey day of American manufacturing when a young man could leave high school and get a job at the factory and be ready to pay his own way.
I left home at 19 when I enlisted in the Army. I buried my Mother fifteen years ago. I’m sure you think it is totally normal to live at home with your parents getting your Draw check. But for the rest of us. Not so much.

All these militia types are unemployed misfits, losers and conspiracy crackpots.
There is NOTHING wrong with living with ones parents as long as there is agreement. We don't need young people buying houses, etc if they can stay at home, save, and keep working. If they don't get married or have kids it's not bad at all.
I loved living with my mom as a young adult, sharing expenses and responsibilities. She was a great roommate and friend.

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