Patriot President Trump: I will send the National Guard to Oregon to eliminate thus "beehive of terrorists who hate our country."

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You call this guy a "patriot"?
Trump has brought out their true colors.

What they've wanted all along was an authoritarian nationalist strongman. A throwback to 80, 90 years ago elsewhere in the world.

They've got him, they love him.

a government fighting back against open insurrection is not "authoritarian".

it is just being a government.
You call this guy a "patriot"?
Trump has brought out their true colors.

What they've wanted all along was an authoritarian nationalist strongman. A throwback to 80, 90 years ago elsewhere in the world.

They've got him, they love him.
What's he doing outside of his Constitutional duties as president?
to taking it to the supreme court
Has he used the FBI and the IRS to destroy his political opposition?
He is in the process of reshaping the FBI to do his bidding. Takes time. I don't know about the IRS, but I would not be surprised if Trump tries to manipulate it to his advantage. After all, he still is carrying on about his tax returns. What is he hiding? He went from saying in 2016 that he would show his returns and now the Supreme court has ruled against
him. And he still won't show 'em even after taking the issue to the court. A grifter for sure.

The Great American Patriot, President Donald J. Trump, Bane of Communists and Protector of the Republic vows to mobilize the National Guard to eradicate the communist insurrection.

Start up the rotors!

Inb4 another commie mod censors this thread and relegates it to the rubber room.

Yet another Questionable Source:

When you say “questionable source” please show how these outlets have been proven to provide half or false information like CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC. Those are proven questionable sources.
Looks like Trump wants a Kent State massacre of his own to add to his list of failures.
they werent burning and looting at Kent State commie.
That asshole is stirring the pot and inflaming tensions and he knows it. Do you actually want the protests to end? Murdering Americans in the streets is not the way to do it.

Wait, Dem's the all time champion pot stirrers just bitched about someone stirring a pot. :auiqs.jpg:
Before this is over the president will have blood on his hands and the right will be faced with a choice. You will choose wrong.
The DNC and it's pravda already has blood on it's hand..............any more blood is in response with a message of WE NO LONGER GIVE A FUCK.......

Sound cool to you.
Looks like Trump wants a Kent State massacre of his own to add to his list of failures.
they werent burning and looting at Kent State commie.
That asshole is stirring the pot and inflaming tensions and he knows it. Do you actually want the protests to end? Murdering Americans in the streets is not the way to do it.

Really??? Where were you in the 1970's.


College campuses were aflame, until the National Guard started shooting students at Kent State

It was a single incident, and arguably provoked.

People were screaming then about stopping the riots. Law and order.

It worked.

Shooting and attacking protestors always ends badly for the government who turns storm troopers loose on the people.

Indeed it does, but shooting insurrectionists and those fomenting foreign-supported chaos is historically another story.

Thanks for your passion and apparent anger. I get it, I agree with it, and I support it. The left is killing people out of hate for Trump. They are killing people with the China virus; they are killing children and young people by keeping them home from school. They're killing people in riots and revolution. They do have blood on their hands and the leftists on social media, including on this and other forums, who give cover and comfort to those who are killing our children have the blood of those children on their hands.

We can argue all they wish about whether we should be a republic or a communist state. We will have the opportunity in November to decide whether Trump should continue as president. We can debate all these things all day and night but THE LEFT NEEDS TO QUIT KILLING OUR CHILDREN AND OUR GRANDPARENTS NOW!
Who is killing our children and our grandparents? Are you nuts?
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
And the thin man from Kenya is? American has ears like that....
Now Now son. I wonder what appendage you have that qualifies you to critique another. It takes one to know one.
You don't sound particularly American to me.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
You're not AMERICAN. You're one of the commies hes coming for. Look under your bed
I damned well am an American. What ever gives you the right to say that I am not. You probably am a white-supremacist militia boy-toy with an AK-47 and an arrogant attitude. Your "commie" shit tells me exactly what I need to know about you. When an American first walked on the Moon, I stood up to salute my flag, the flag of my country. I am just a white female American suburbanite who loves my country. When I travel, I proudly show my passport from the USA. I do not deal gently with right-wing trash. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for Biden.
Just another hate filled Communist Democrat and the coming November 3rd Presidential Election has caused them to be more stupid,unbalanced and hate filled than even they usually are:rolleyes: I can't wait to see how they melt down when President Trump is reelected:laughing0301:
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
And the thin man from Kenya is? American has ears like that....
Now Now son. I wonder what appendage you have that qualifies you to critique another. It takes one to know one.
You don't sound particularly American to me.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
You're not AMERICAN. You're one of the commies hes coming for. Look under your bed
I damned well am an American. What ever gives you the right to say that I am not. You probably am a white-supremacist militia boy-toy with an AK-47 and an arrogant attitude. Your "commie" shit tells me exactly what I need to know about you. When an American first walked on the Moon, I stood up to salute my flag, the flag of my country. I am just a white female American suburbanite who loves my country. When I travel, I proudly show my passport from the USA. I do not deal gently with right-wing trash. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for Biden.

I think you need a strong conservative man in your life.

I don't need filth in my life. Conservative men are a joke. There is no strength there; only weakness, bigotry, and hatred. Take your racist, misogynist trash elsewhere. I will stand proudly with my fellow Americans. BIDEN 2020.

Ive had far left women scream in my face claiming to be lesbians that slept with me the same night I gave them a line a coke.

Then the feds came and arrested me and ended my Charlie Shean lifestyle and seized my 7 Lesbian Angels and put em in rehab.

Its amazing how much these public feminazis actually yearned to provided for and dominated by a strong self-sufficient man. They even gave me their paychecks like good socialists to maintain our extravagent cost of living.

Each of them was in contest as to who would get knocked up first.

Those were the days.

Riddle me this.............someone throws piss and feces at you and what would you do.............hmmm

Peaceful my ass...........they need to get their asses beat.

Pretty soon the way things are escalating those communist scum will be shot down

Riddle me this.............someone throws piss and feces at you and what would you do.............hmmm

Peaceful my ass...........they need to get their asses beat.

Pretty soon the way things are escalating those communist scum will be shot down

Oh well..........they are acting like one will miss them.......

Throwing piss and feces at people .......they are disgusting whatever things they are.......Oh well.
Looks like Trump wants a Kent State massacre of his own to add to his list of failures.
they werent burning and looting at Kent State commie.
That asshole is stirring the pot and inflaming tensions and he knows it. Do you actually want the protests to end? Murdering Americans in the streets is not the way to do it.

Really??? Where were you in the 1970's.


College campuses were aflame, until the National Guard started shooting students at Kent State

It was a single incident, and arguably provoked.

People were screaming then about stopping the riots. Law and order.

It worked.

Shooting and attacking protestors always ends badly for the government who turns storm troopers loose on the people.

Indeed it does, but shooting insurrectionists and those fomenting foreign-supported chaos is historically another story.

Trump is the guy who is "fomenting foreign-supported chaos". He announced that he's sending his storm troopers to New Mexico. They haven't had any violent protests in New Mexico at all - they were all peaceful. Not even one. They haven't had any protests at all in more three weeks.
Looks like Trump wants a Kent State massacre of his own to add to his list of failures.
they werent burning and looting at Kent State commie.
That asshole is stirring the pot and inflaming tensions and he knows it. Do you actually want the protests to end? Murdering Americans in the streets is not the way to do it.

Really??? Where were you in the 1970's.


College campuses were aflame, until the National Guard started shooting students at Kent State

It was a single incident, and arguably provoked.

People were screaming then about stopping the riots. Law and order.

It worked.

Shooting and attacking protestors always ends badly for the government who turns storm troopers loose on the people.

Indeed it does, but shooting insurrectionists and those fomenting foreign-supported chaos is historically another story.

Trump is the guy who is "fomenting foreign-supported chaos". He announced that he's sending his storm troopers to New Mexico. They haven't had any violent protests in New Mexico at all - they were all peaceful. Not even one. They haven't had any protests at all in more three weeks.

kind of shitty of you to call good cops, "storm troopers".

guess you want to make sure the voters know, liberals and dems will always be on the side of the criminals.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
And the thin man from Kenya is? American has ears like that....
Now Now son. I wonder what appendage you have that qualifies you to critique another. It takes one to know one.
You don't sound particularly American to me.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
You're not AMERICAN. You're one of the commies hes coming for. Look under your bed
I damned well am an American. What ever gives you the right to say that I am not. You probably am a white-supremacist militia boy-toy with an AK-47 and an arrogant attitude. Your "commie" shit tells me exactly what I need to know about you. When an American first walked on the Moon, I stood up to salute my flag, the flag of my country. I am just a white female American suburbanite who loves my country. When I travel, I proudly show my passport from the USA. I do not deal gently with right-wing trash. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for Biden.
Just another hate filled Communist Democrat and the coming November 3rd Presidential Election has caused them to be more stupid,unbalanced and hate filled than even they usually are:rolleyes: I can't wait to see how they melt down when President Trump is reelected:laughing0301:
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
And the thin man from Kenya is? American has ears like that....
Now Now son. I wonder what appendage you have that qualifies you to critique another. It takes one to know one.
You don't sound particularly American to me.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
You're not AMERICAN. You're one of the commies hes coming for. Look under your bed
I damned well am an American. What ever gives you the right to say that I am not. You probably am a white-supremacist militia boy-toy with an AK-47 and an arrogant attitude. Your "commie" shit tells me exactly what I need to know about you. When an American first walked on the Moon, I stood up to salute my flag, the flag of my country. I am just a white female American suburbanite who loves my country. When I travel, I proudly show my passport from the USA. I do not deal gently with right-wing trash. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for Biden.

I think you need a strong conservative man in your life.

I don't need filth in my life. Conservative men are a joke. There is no strength there; only weakness, bigotry, and hatred. Take your racist, misogynist trash elsewhere. I will stand proudly with my fellow Americans. BIDEN 2020.

Out of curiosity, is your "man" an effeminate slave?
Here's a picture of him:laugh:

He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
And the thin man from Kenya is? American has ears like that....
Now Now son. I wonder what appendage you have that qualifies you to critique another. It takes one to know one.
You don't sound particularly American to me.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
You're not AMERICAN. You're one of the commies hes coming for. Look under your bed
I damned well am an American. What ever gives you the right to say that I am not. You probably am a white-supremacist militia boy-toy with an AK-47 and an arrogant attitude. Your "commie" shit tells me exactly what I need to know about you. When an American first walked on the Moon, I stood up to salute my flag, the flag of my country. I am just a white female American suburbanite who loves my country. When I travel, I proudly show my passport from the USA. I do not deal gently with right-wing trash. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for Biden.
Just another hate filled Communist Democrat and the coming November 3rd Presidential Election has caused them to be more stupid,unbalanced and hate filled than even they usually are:rolleyes: I can't wait to see how they melt down when President Trump is reelected:laughing0301:
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
And the thin man from Kenya is? American has ears like that....
Now Now son. I wonder what appendage you have that qualifies you to critique another. It takes one to know one.
You don't sound particularly American to me.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
You're not AMERICAN. You're one of the commies hes coming for. Look under your bed
I damned well am an American. What ever gives you the right to say that I am not. You probably am a white-supremacist militia boy-toy with an AK-47 and an arrogant attitude. Your "commie" shit tells me exactly what I need to know about you. When an American first walked on the Moon, I stood up to salute my flag, the flag of my country. I am just a white female American suburbanite who loves my country. When I travel, I proudly show my passport from the USA. I do not deal gently with right-wing trash. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for Biden.

I think you need a strong conservative man in your life.

I don't need filth in my life. Conservative men are a joke. There is no strength there; only weakness, bigotry, and hatred. Take your racist, misogynist trash elsewhere. I will stand proudly with my fellow Americans. BIDEN 2020.

Out of curiosity, is your "man" an effeminate slave?
Out of curiosity, do you like to have sex with a goat?

I identify as a strong transatlantic merman, my sexual experience is strictly limited to mermaids and the occasional octopussy.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
And the thin man from Kenya is? American has ears like that....
Now Now son. I wonder what appendage you have that qualifies you to critique another. It takes one to know one.
You don't sound particularly American to me.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
You're not AMERICAN. You're one of the commies hes coming for. Look under your bed
I damned well am an American. What ever gives you the right to say that I am not. You probably am a white-supremacist militia boy-toy with an AK-47 and an arrogant attitude. Your "commie" shit tells me exactly what I need to know about you. When an American first walked on the Moon, I stood up to salute my flag, the flag of my country. I am just a white female American suburbanite who loves my country. When I travel, I proudly show my passport from the USA. I do not deal gently with right-wing trash. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for Biden.
Just another hate filled Communist Democrat and the coming November 3rd Presidential Election has caused them to be more stupid,unbalanced and hate filled than even they usually are:rolleyes: I can't wait to see how they melt down when President Trump is reelected:laughing0301:
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
And the thin man from Kenya is? American has ears like that....
Now Now son. I wonder what appendage you have that qualifies you to critique another. It takes one to know one.
You don't sound particularly American to me.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
You're not AMERICAN. You're one of the commies hes coming for. Look under your bed
I damned well am an American. What ever gives you the right to say that I am not. You probably am a white-supremacist militia boy-toy with an AK-47 and an arrogant attitude. Your "commie" shit tells me exactly what I need to know about you. When an American first walked on the Moon, I stood up to salute my flag, the flag of my country. I am just a white female American suburbanite who loves my country. When I travel, I proudly show my passport from the USA. I do not deal gently with right-wing trash. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for Biden.

I think you need a strong conservative man in your life.

I don't need filth in my life. Conservative men are a joke. There is no strength there; only weakness, bigotry, and hatred. Take your racist, misogynist trash elsewhere. I will stand proudly with my fellow Americans. BIDEN 2020.

Out of curiosity, is your "man" an effeminate slave?
Out of curiosity, do you like to have sex with a goat?

I identify as a strong transatlantic merman, my sexual experience is strictly limited to mermaids and the occasional octopussy.
I am trying to be serious and you are making a funny. Are we talking about the same octopussy?
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
And the thin man from Kenya is? American has ears like that....
Now Now son. I wonder what appendage you have that qualifies you to critique another. It takes one to know one.
You don't sound particularly American to me.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
You're not AMERICAN. You're one of the commies hes coming for. Look under your bed
I damned well am an American. What ever gives you the right to say that I am not. You probably am a white-supremacist militia boy-toy with an AK-47 and an arrogant attitude. Your "commie" shit tells me exactly what I need to know about you. When an American first walked on the Moon, I stood up to salute my flag, the flag of my country. I am just a white female American suburbanite who loves my country. When I travel, I proudly show my passport from the USA. I do not deal gently with right-wing trash. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for Biden.
Just another hate filled Communist Democrat and the coming November 3rd Presidential Election has caused them to be more stupid,unbalanced and hate filled than even they usually are:rolleyes: I can't wait to see how they melt down when President Trump is reelected:laughing0301:
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
And the thin man from Kenya is? American has ears like that....
Now Now son. I wonder what appendage you have that qualifies you to critique another. It takes one to know one.
You don't sound particularly American to me.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
You're not AMERICAN. You're one of the commies hes coming for. Look under your bed
I damned well am an American. What ever gives you the right to say that I am not. You probably am a white-supremacist militia boy-toy with an AK-47 and an arrogant attitude. Your "commie" shit tells me exactly what I need to know about you. When an American first walked on the Moon, I stood up to salute my flag, the flag of my country. I am just a white female American suburbanite who loves my country. When I travel, I proudly show my passport from the USA. I do not deal gently with right-wing trash. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for Biden.

I think you need a strong conservative man in your life.

I don't need filth in my life. Conservative men are a joke. There is no strength there; only weakness, bigotry, and hatred. Take your racist, misogynist trash elsewhere. I will stand proudly with my fellow Americans. BIDEN 2020.

Out of curiosity, is your "man" an effeminate slave?
Out of curiosity, do you like to have sex with a goat?

I identify as a strong transatlantic merman, my sexual experience is strictly limited to mermaids and the occasional octopussy.
I am trying to be serious and you are making a funny. Are we talking about the same octopussy?

There is only one octopussy, and to her I owe my allegiance and soul, for his name is Azshara: Behold the Great Queen of the Universe, all Glory to Supreme Lady!

He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
And the thin man from Kenya is? American has ears like that....
Now Now son. I wonder what appendage you have that qualifies you to critique another. It takes one to know one.
You don't sound particularly American to me.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
You're not AMERICAN. You're one of the commies hes coming for. Look under your bed
I damned well am an American. What ever gives you the right to say that I am not. You probably am a white-supremacist militia boy-toy with an AK-47 and an arrogant attitude. Your "commie" shit tells me exactly what I need to know about you. When an American first walked on the Moon, I stood up to salute my flag, the flag of my country. I am just a white female American suburbanite who loves my country. When I travel, I proudly show my passport from the USA. I do not deal gently with right-wing trash. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for Biden.
Just another hate filled Communist Democrat and the coming November 3rd Presidential Election has caused them to be more stupid,unbalanced and hate filled than even they usually are:rolleyes: I can't wait to see how they melt down when President Trump is reelected:laughing0301:
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
And the thin man from Kenya is? American has ears like that....
Now Now son. I wonder what appendage you have that qualifies you to critique another. It takes one to know one.
You don't sound particularly American to me.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
You're not AMERICAN. You're one of the commies hes coming for. Look under your bed
I damned well am an American. What ever gives you the right to say that I am not. You probably am a white-supremacist militia boy-toy with an AK-47 and an arrogant attitude. Your "commie" shit tells me exactly what I need to know about you. When an American first walked on the Moon, I stood up to salute my flag, the flag of my country. I am just a white female American suburbanite who loves my country. When I travel, I proudly show my passport from the USA. I do not deal gently with right-wing trash. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for Biden.

I think you need a strong conservative man in your life.

I don't need filth in my life. Conservative men are a joke. There is no strength there; only weakness, bigotry, and hatred. Take your racist, misogynist trash elsewhere. I will stand proudly with my fellow Americans. BIDEN 2020.

Out of curiosity, is your "man" an effeminate slave?
Out of curiosity, do you like to have sex with a goat?

I identify as a strong transatlantic merman, my sexual experience is strictly limited to mermaids and the occasional octopussy.
I am trying to be serious and you are making a funny. Are we talking about the same octopussy?

There is only one octopussy, and to her I owe my allegiance and soul, for his name is Azshara: Behold the Great Queen of the Universe, all Glory to Supreme Lady!

He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
And the thin man from Kenya is? American has ears like that....
Now Now son. I wonder what appendage you have that qualifies you to critique another. It takes one to know one.
You don't sound particularly American to me.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
You're not AMERICAN. You're one of the commies hes coming for. Look under your bed
I damned well am an American. What ever gives you the right to say that I am not. You probably am a white-supremacist militia boy-toy with an AK-47 and an arrogant attitude. Your "commie" shit tells me exactly what I need to know about you. When an American first walked on the Moon, I stood up to salute my flag, the flag of my country. I am just a white female American suburbanite who loves my country. When I travel, I proudly show my passport from the USA. I do not deal gently with right-wing trash. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for Biden.
Just another hate filled Communist Democrat and the coming November 3rd Presidential Election has caused them to be more stupid,unbalanced and hate filled than even they usually are:rolleyes: I can't wait to see how they melt down when President Trump is reelected:laughing0301:
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
And the thin man from Kenya is? American has ears like that....
Now Now son. I wonder what appendage you have that qualifies you to critique another. It takes one to know one.
You don't sound particularly American to me.
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
You're not AMERICAN. You're one of the commies hes coming for. Look under your bed
I damned well am an American. What ever gives you the right to say that I am not. You probably am a white-supremacist militia boy-toy with an AK-47 and an arrogant attitude. Your "commie" shit tells me exactly what I need to know about you. When an American first walked on the Moon, I stood up to salute my flag, the flag of my country. I am just a white female American suburbanite who loves my country. When I travel, I proudly show my passport from the USA. I do not deal gently with right-wing trash. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for Biden.

I think you need a strong conservative man in your life.

I don't need filth in my life. Conservative men are a joke. There is no strength there; only weakness, bigotry, and hatred. Take your racist, misogynist trash elsewhere. I will stand proudly with my fellow Americans. BIDEN 2020.

Out of curiosity, is your "man" an effeminate slave?
Out of curiosity, do you like to have sex with a goat?

I identify as a strong transatlantic merman, my sexual experience is strictly limited to mermaids and the occasional octopussy.
I am trying to be serious and you are making a funny. Are we talking about the same octopussy?

There is only one octopussy, and to her I owe my allegiance and soul, for his name is Azshara: Behold the Great Queen of the Universe, all Glory to Supreme Lady!

Looks like there is enough there for both of us.

The Great American Patriot, President Donald J. Trump, Bane of Communists and Protector of the Republic vows to mobilize the National Guard to eradicate the communist insurrection.

Start up the rotors!

Inb4 another commie mod censors this thread and relegates it to the rubber room.

LOL! You never fail to amuse. let's start with the National Guard. The OREGON National Guard. Until and unless the President federalizes the Guard...the Gov. of the State is their Commander-in-Chief. So..I appreciate the usual showing of pure dumb from you.

There is no Communist Insurrection and Trump is just trying to play people like you in his vain attempt to be re-elected.

LOL@'Bane of Communists'!

Now..if you want a real Communist Insurrection to get your panties in a wad about..try this one on for size:

You see..those people in the street in Hong Kong...they are the same sort as those in Portland--they too are supporting Democracy..guess who is the one acting like a deranged fascist?
Last edited:
He is not a patriot. He is not an American.
stfu you chicom loving bastard!
I will speak as I please. I am not a communist and I have never been to the city of Chicago. 100 percent Jersey girl here. 100% American. I do not tolerate pigs.
if you are a democrat you are a traitor and a communist ....
No and!

From whence does this stupidity come from? I kinda hope you're a bot.....because the thought that a fellow citizen is so deranged....makes me want to go out and buy another gun!
Looks like Trump wants a Kent State massacre of his own to add to his list of failures.
they werent burning and looting at Kent State commie.
That asshole is stirring the pot and inflaming tensions and he knows it. Do you actually want the protests to end? Murdering Americans in the streets is not the way to do it.
You're a special kind of stupid. It does not even occur to you that you might be on the wrong side of history..and that the ideal of America---freedom and justice for antithetical to your very existence. Your time draws nigh.

Twenty years from now they will teach the last gasp of the Boomers in the colleges you so despise.
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