Patriot Sarah Palin Storms D.C., Riot Police Show Up!

So the following people are not Patriots?

Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Al Gore
Larry Summers
Tim Geithner
Howard Dean

We hold our guys up as very intelligent political wonks. Yours are always trying to tell everyone how patriotic they are. They are nothing but wannabes. They have not an ounce of patriotism in their souls, they're shallow and looking for a quick buck.

Snake oil salesmen. You should be ashamed holding them up as heros.


Hoisted on her own petard, eh Daveman?
Apparently there were quite a few Confederate flags at that protest, too.

Look how far the Party of Lincoln has come.

well were there any flags with Obama's face in place of the stars and stripes?

that shows how Socialist/commie far left the Democrat party has become, doesn't it?

You can usually find dozens of communist flags at most left-wing protests.
And just how many facelifts has Barbara Boxer had.
And has anyone seen a photo of John Kerry from last year and how he looks now.
Probably was referred to Boxer's surgeon...
So the following people are not Patriots?

Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Al Gore
Larry Summers
Tim Geithner
Howard Dean

We hold our guys up as very intelligent political wonks. Yours are always trying to tell everyone how patriotic they are. They are nothing but wannabes. They have not an ounce of patriotism in their souls, they're shallow and looking for a quick buck.

Snake oil salesmen. You should be ashamed holding them up as heros.

Are you back peddling now?

Anyone who claims Algore and Tim Geithner aren't snake oil salesman has probably got a bridge to sell you.

You stated quite plainly that people who crisscross the country to make money for themselves are not Patriots. In other words, according to your criteria, the list of people I posted are not Patriots.

Thanks for admitting it.

These people you cite have something substantive to talk about. They do earn money for speeches but they have a grasp of issues. Palin is a complete idiot, she has no thought of her own in her tiny little brain. You all keep trying to tell us what a patriot she is, why? She's nothing but an extreme wingnut teapartier.

She might possibly be called patriotic if she would have finished her job in Alaska.
We hold our guys up as very intelligent political wonks. Yours are always trying to tell everyone how patriotic they are. They are nothing but wannabes. They have not an ounce of patriotism in their souls, they're shallow and looking for a quick buck.

Snake oil salesmen. You should be ashamed holding them up as heros.

Are you back peddling now?

Anyone who claims Algore and Tim Geithner aren't snake oil salesman has probably got a bridge to sell you.

You stated quite plainly that people who crisscross the country to make money for themselves are not Patriots. In other words, according to your criteria, the list of people I posted are not Patriots.

Thanks for admitting it.

These people you cite have something substantive to talk about. They do earn money for speeches but they have a grasp of issues. Palin is a complete idiot, she has no thought of her own in her tiny little brain. You all keep trying to tell us what a patriot she is, why? She's nothing but an extreme wingnut teapartier.

She might possibly be called patriotic if she would have finished her job in Alaska.
You betcha, sarhag. Sounds like you've got a bad case of the green monster. lefty exxtremists, "stupid" = successful, wealthy, admired, Christian. The thing they fear the most in this whole world.
Photo op.

The far left demonize her.
The far right act as though this means anything beyond book sales.

Sorry but her day has come and gone. Lets focus on the ones who can actually make a difference.

And I consider myself a Palin fan. She is a remarkable woman who can draw a crowd to hear her message BUT. That doesn't make her any more of a patriot than it does John Stewart. Being Governor means squat and you all know it. Its a means to an endjust like your job or mine.

As to all you haters.....grow the fuck up.
He kill anyone?

I this fellow..

Orlando Bosch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or this fellow..

Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both supported by the right.

Typical lying progressive.

Lying about what?

Jeb Bush got Poppa to exonerate Bosch.

And Osama Bin Laden was like a son to Reagan and a brother to George W. Bush.

Which is why we got this..

[ame=]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

still peddling that stupid crap? well, stupid is as.....:rolleyes:
Hero of the left

Hero of the Right.

[ame=]George W Bush gives one finger salute - YouTube[/ame]

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