Patriot Sarah Palin Storms D.C., Riot Police Show Up!

Oh for god's sake.....The uber media whore shows up for a photo op and the trained seals sit up and start clapping.

It's a good thing all that armed police presence showed up to protect America from those danger, radical World War II veterans, huh?

That's right, move the topic off Sarah Barracuda, former beauty queen contestant and lipsticked pit bull.

I didn't close down the war memorials, silly. Ted Cruz did.

You and the truth are far apart!:mad:
He kill anyone?

I this fellow..

Orlando Bosch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or this fellow..

Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both supported by the right.

Typical lying progressive.

Lying about what?

Jeb Bush got Poppa to exonerate Bosch.

And Osama Bin Laden was like a son to Reagan and a brother to George W. Bush.

Which is why we got this..

[ame=]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]
Stop drinking the bong water.
We hold our guys up as very intelligent political wonks. Yours are always trying to tell everyone how patriotic they are. They are nothing but wannabes. They have not an ounce of patriotism in their souls, they're shallow and looking for a quick buck.

Snake oil salesmen. You should be ashamed holding them up as heros.


Hoisted on her own petard, eh Daveman?
Indeed. And doesn't even know it.
Typical lying progressive.

Lying about what?

Jeb Bush got Poppa to exonerate Bosch.

And Osama Bin Laden was like a son to Reagan and a brother to George W. Bush.

Which is why we got this..

[ame=""]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]
Stop drinking the bong water.

Too late:
"This can result in digestive problems, behavioral changes, brain damage, seizures, or coma."

Poor, poor swallow. :sad:

Overhydration | Definition and Patient Education
Lying about what?

Jeb Bush got Poppa to exonerate Bosch.

And Osama Bin Laden was like a son to Reagan and a brother to George W. Bush.

Which is why we got this..

Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube
Stop drinking the bong water.

Too late:
"This can result in digestive problems, behavioral changes, brain damage, seizures, or coma."

Poor, poor swallow. :sad:

Overhydration | Definition and Patient Education
Digestive problems and brain damage?

So he's stupid AND full of shit. :cool:
The vets are not amused. From their Facebook page;

It is our official position that the purpose of this march and the accompanying rallies is focused on the re-opening of the Veterans memorials and keeping them open. While we understand that a Constitutional republic requires the equilibrium of checks and balances to maintain the democratic process, the memorials, monuments and parks built in honor of Veterans should NEVER be closed, blocked or restricted from use. We take the official position that no government office holder shall have ability to abridge the freedom of access to these hallowed grounds.

We have, as a group, been prevented from certain groups that have piggy-backed off our grassroots efforts, to effectively create a comprehensive media message campaign. We made the mistake of trying to partner with some Washington insiders that thwarted many of our genuine concerns for keeping this apolitical and grassroots. While we support many of those groups common causes for Veterans, we do not support the manner in which they go about it. We chose instead to not incite or create panic.

We chose to listen to all Americans and all Veterans that have asked us to keep going on despite the disingenuous politicians, political action committees, talking heads on the televisions and press reports attempting to hijack the message. This included many threats of personal and political attacks on our group’s character, businesses, colleagues and our true intentions. While our hearts were heavy by the disheartening acts of a few powerful Washington elite and political extremists jumping on the opportunity to make money, we decided to stay true to our message of a non-partisan effort to assist Veterans.

I suspect that Cruz and Palin were not invited, and a Facebook account of their behavior for one vet who was there fits the description of using the event for political gain, “I was disappointed when Ms. Palin and Mr. Cruz walked up to us to say hello but then walked down to the center to try to use us for they’re own purpose so I left to visit the viet nam memorial ty Brats.”

Tea partiers are proud of themselves for taking an event about veterans and turning it into another platform to showcase their hatred of this president, but they should be ashamed of themselves. The people who turned the march into an anti-Obama rally shamed and humiliated our veterans. Every vet knows that it doesn’t matter what political party a president is from, they are still the Commander in Chief. The organizers of this event may or may not be conservatives, but it is clear that they didn’t want the tea party mob, or Palin and Cruz’s grandstanding at their event.

Million Vet March Organizers Condemn Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, and the Tea Party

Talk about your raving hypocrites;

Sarah Palin Decries The Use of Vets as Props While Using Vets as Props at Million Vet March

Palin and Cruz criticized Obama for using vets as props, while the million vet march was using veterans as props by wheeling elderly veterans around so that tea partiers could touch them like children meeting Santa at the mall. If Republicans really cared about our veterans they would reopen the government, and repeal the cuts to food and healthcare programs for vets that the House Republicans passed.

If Republicans really cared about veterans, they would stop hurting them.

Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, and Mike Lee trying to win a PR war by hiding behind veterans. The nation is about to default, but these people are worried about our national monuments.

Tea Party Republicans are fighting a battle when they’ve already lost the war.
The same "Patriot" who quit her job as Governor?

She had to quit because she was being bankrupted by petty, unfounded lawsuits (none of which stuck), and the state of Alaska doesn't provide legal assistance for its governor like most states do, as well as the US for the President. She could have waited 6 months until she was completely bankrupt and then quit.
Palin and Cruz stood by as Larry Klayman trashed the President. At least McCain stood up to that woman who said that Obama was an Arab.

[ame=]McCain Tells Crowd Obama is Not Arab - YouTube[/ame]
all they care about is someone trashing their Dear Leader

not that he and COMRADES IN ARMS administration has shut OFF OUR COUNTRY and MEMORIALs to the very people who fought and DIED for those to be here

that is the saddest thing about all this, taking the side OF GOVERNMENT over the people in this country
all they care about is someone trashing their Dear Leader

not that he and COMRADES IN ARMS administration has shut OFF OUR COUNTRY and MEMORIALs to the very people who fought and DIED for those to be here

that is the saddest thing about all this, taking the side OF GOVERNMENT over the people in this country

Harsh to criticize someone for doing what they do best.

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