Patriot Sarah Palin Storms D.C., Riot Police Show Up!

Only the crazier non-vets have that hero-worship of vets going on.

Any vet, like me, having spent years in the military, has had themselves screwed over by their supposed buddies many times. We've seen, up close, what total shitheads and assholes some people in the military are. Not the majority, but it only takes a few.

Hence, we know full well what assholes and stupid shitheads a lot of veterans are. Vets have their share of saints and sinners, just like everyone else.

And the wonderful thing? The kooks can't disagree with me on this, because I'm a vet, and by their professed standards, I am a perfect human being who can't be criticized in any way. If they criticize me, they admit vets are not necessarily saints, thus making the point for all the sane people a different way.
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Only the crazier non-vets have that hero-worship of vets going on.

Any vet, like me, having spent years in the military, has had themselves screwed over by their supposed buddies many times. We've seen, up close, what total shitheads and assholes some people in the military are. Not the majority, but it only takes a few.

Hence, we know full well what assholes and stupid shitheads a lot of veterans are. Vets have their share of saints and sinners, just like everyone else.

And the wonderful thing? The kooks can't disagree with me on this, because I'm a vet, and by their professed standards, I am a perfect human being who can't be criticized in any way. If they criticize me, they admit vets are not necessarily saints, thus making the point for all the sane people a different way.
Who said any of that? Names and links.

Nevertheless, you are nowhere near as good a person as the Greatest Generation. Neither am I.

The difference is, I give respect where it's due. You withhold it from people who deserve it but refuse to follow Obama's petulant orders.

Apparently, you learned nothing of honor during your time in uniform.
The same "Patriot" who quit her job as Governor?

She had to quit because she was being bankrupted by petty, unfounded lawsuits (none of which stuck), and the state of Alaska doesn't provide legal assistance for its governor like most states do, as well as the US for the President. She could have waited 6 months until she was completely bankrupt and then quit.

She quit because she is brainless, political prostitute. She has no real center. The majority of Candidates Caribu Barbie has endorsed lost their seat.

Palin is not at all well like in Alaska and rumors of her running the Senate from that state are just that, rumors.

She wanted the money, she is all about the money.

Palin and Cruz were NOT invited to attend the rally and used the vet as a prop for their own private agenda.

Palin left Wasilla Alaska broke and forced Women who had been raped in that town to pay for their own rape kit.

For all her "Family Values", she spread her legs for her husband's business partner.

Her "Reality Televison" (Two words that do not belong together ever) series was a flop.

She is trying hard to promote her latest "Ghost Written" book, all she really does now is show TeaHadist Rallies and rakes in the bucks by speaking ConJob Conventions.

She is of no real political value and continues lamely to make her 15-Minutes of Fame last way longer than necessary.
The same "Patriot" who quit her job as Governor?

She had to quit because she was being bankrupted by petty, unfounded lawsuits (none of which stuck), and the state of Alaska doesn't provide legal assistance for its governor like most states do, as well as the US for the President. She could have waited 6 months until she was completely bankrupt and then quit.

She quit because she is brainless, political prostitute. She has no real center. The majority of Candidates Caribu Barbie has endorsed lost their seat.

Palin is not at all well like in Alaska and rumors of her running the Senate from that state are just that, rumors.

She wanted the money, she is all about the money.

Palin and Cruz were NOT invited to attend the rally and used the vet as a prop for their own private agenda.

Palin left Wasilla Alaska broke and forced Women who had been raped in that town to pay for their own rape kit.

For all her "Family Values", she spread her legs for her husband's business partner.

Her "Reality Televison" (Two words that do not belong together ever) series was a flop.

She is trying hard to promote her latest "Ghost Written" book, all she really does now is show TeaHadist Rallies and rakes in the bucks by speaking ConJob Conventions.

She is of no real political value and continues lamely to make her 15-Minutes of Fame last way longer than necessary.

Wow! :eek: in one post you have managed to show the true, disgusting face of liberal progressive attack of another that doesn't agree with you.

I truly feel sorry for you bro, if you really have so much hatred in your heart, or fear of opposing ideology from yours that you need resort to rhetoric that you know is of little value, and only makes you look small and pathetic.

I can only shake my head. :(
I hope those vets burn that stinking whorehouse call DC to the ground. flatten it !!!

I think that is exactly what these progressives in our WH want right now. I think that the honor flight vets did exactly the right thing, and those from your era, as well as mine that were there in support also showed the restraint that foils what Obama wants which is chaos, and confrontation.

I mean, why else would you dispatch mounted riot police to guard against what? 90 year olds in wheelchairs?

What Obama is doing to those men is disgusting.
I hope those vets burn that stinking whorehouse call DC to the ground. flatten it !!!

I think that is exactly what these progressives in our WH want right now. I think that the honor flight vets did exactly the right thing, and those from your era, as well as mine that were there in support also showed the restraint that foils what Obama wants which is chaos, and confrontation.

I mean, why else would you dispatch mounted riot police to guard against what? 90 year olds in wheelchairs?

What Obama is doing to those men is disgusting.


can you hear us now ???
I hope those vets burn that stinking whorehouse call DC to the ground. flatten it !!!

I think that is exactly what these progressives in our WH want right now. I think that the honor flight vets did exactly the right thing, and those from your era, as well as mine that were there in support also showed the restraint that foils what Obama wants which is chaos, and confrontation.

I mean, why else would you dispatch mounted riot police to guard against what? 90 year olds in wheelchairs?

What Obama is doing to those men is disgusting.


can you hear us now ???

heh, heh....Although I get a chuckle over what you are depicting here, and agree with the sentiment, I stand by my assertion that calm, peaceful disobedience is what is called for at this point.
I think that is exactly what these progressives in our WH want right now. I think that the honor flight vets did exactly the right thing, and those from your era, as well as mine that were there in support also showed the restraint that foils what Obama wants which is chaos, and confrontation.

I mean, why else would you dispatch mounted riot police to guard against what? 90 year olds in wheelchairs?

What Obama is doing to those men is disgusting.


can you hear us now ???

heh, heh....Although I get a chuckle over what you are depicting here, and agree with the sentiment, I stand by my assertion that calm, peaceful disobedience is what is called for at this point.

we've tried calm, peaceful. its not working !!!. they have no ears or brains. violence will not be ignored

can you hear us now ???

heh, heh....Although I get a chuckle over what you are depicting here, and agree with the sentiment, I stand by my assertion that calm, peaceful disobedience is what is called for at this point.

we've tried calm, peaceful. its not working !!!. they have no ears or brains. violence will not be ignored

Sorry dude, although I think you and I agree on the problem, we don't on the solution.....yet.

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