Patriot Sarah Palin Storms D.C., Riot Police Show Up!

I accept your acknowledgement that you are unable to refute the article's claims.

Meanwhile, your CBS article is laughable. "A Dominican prosecutor said Friday that a local attorney told him someone claiming to work for the conservative website The Daily Caller paid him to find prostitutes who would lie about having sex with U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez."

:lmao: Third-hand information. And you fell for it. Sucker!!

Fell for what?

The Daily Caller, lied.

Menendez is still in office.
You have no proof the DC lied.

You fail. Yet again, you fail.
I accept your acknowledgement that you are unable to refute the article's claims.

Meanwhile, your CBS article is laughable. "A Dominican prosecutor said Friday that a local attorney told him someone claiming to work for the conservative website The Daily Caller paid him to find prostitutes who would lie about having sex with U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez."

:lmao: Third-hand information. And you fell for it. Sucker!!

Fell for what?

The Daily Caller, lied.

Menendez is still in office.
You have no proof the DC lied.

You fail. Yet again, you fail.

I didn't fail at all.

If there were any truth to the matter, Menendez would have been made to resign.

That's generally what happens to Democrats now a days..

Unlike Republicans who finish out their terms then run again.

SEE: Anthony Weiner.

(And he didn't even have real sex) :eusa_whistle:
Sarah Palin isn't a patriot.

She uses a toxic, paranoid revanchist McCarthyism to convince one group of Americans to hate another group of Americans.

She is the steroidal version of Nixon when he strategically used the Culture War to distract the "Silent White Majority" with wedge issues as they were slowly being dispossessed by a Capitalist class which was gearing up to dismantle our great manufacturing base so that it could ship jobs to ultra-cheap labor markets in freedom hating nations, i.e., Nixon Goes to China. (Fucking Brilliant! In the front of the house he manipulates conservative voters with communist scare stories, while in the back of the house he opens China so Walmart can get many of its goods made there. What a racket! Our largest retailer - and one of the biggest contributors to the GOP - is the greatest business partner Communist China ever had. But because Walmart puts so much money into the Right's propaganda system, they can use talk radio, FOX News and the blogosphere to distract conservative voters with the Liberal, Gay, Islamo-Fascist, Illegal Alien, Socialist, Marxist boogeyman).

Bob Dole was a great Republican. Ross Perot was a great Reformist on the fiscal Right. Sarah Palin is an irresponsible hack. She is catnip for people who have never studied actual policies. She agitates well-meaning patriots with propaganda about death panels. Meaning: she serves the interests of Big Business by convincing the working class that the system is owned and controlled by someone other than big business.
they allow some people to overrun any thread...
Quote: Originally Posted by NoTeaPartyPleez View Post
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."
Sinclair Lewis, 1935

Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, and the whole fucking Tea Party fall into right into this quote.

I'm sorry, but it's turned this place into something not likable

I'm sure the next time a liberal makes a thread that is overrun by people who disagree you will be the first to come in and defend the OP against them. :doubt:

really, we all post fxxk this, fxxk that, fxxk those fxxking liberals in thread that is in the politic forum, whatever it doesn't bother you
Go Sarah!

Is there a woman in America who hasn't had breast augmentation? not that there's anything wrong with that.

She hasn't. It was a rumor started by a liberal.

Idiots and suckers fell for it.

Yeah, I may criticize Sarah Palin about things, but starting false rumors about breast augmentation does nothing to help an argument. It just makes you look like an asshole.
Fell for what?

The Daily Caller, lied.

Menendez is still in office.
You have no proof the DC lied.

You fail. Yet again, you fail.

I didn't fail at all.

If there were any truth to the matter, Menendez would have been made to resign.

That's generally what happens to Democrats now a days..

Unlike Republicans who finish out their terms then run again.

SEE: Anthony Weiner.

(And he didn't even have real sex) :eusa_whistle:
You don't have any proof the friend of a friend of a friend told the truth, either. :lmao:
Sarah Palin, along with a few hundred of her closest friends, including Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, headed over to the Lincoln memorial, and busted down Obama’s barricades. Palin also engaged police.


Well someone had to take back America!
she serves the interests of Big Business by convincing the working class that the system is owned and controlled by someone other than big business.

Yes. It's called 'We The People'!

And yes, she was right about 'Death Panels'. They exist in Obamacare. Palin was very patriotic when she alerted the nation about that.
[ame=]Big Names Turn Out For Million Veteran March - Sarah Palin, Mike Lee & Ted Cruz - YouTube[/ame]

I like the girl!

Was Obama at the Million Vet March?
they allow some people to overrun any thread...

I'm sorry, but it's turned this place into something not likable

I'm sure the next time a liberal makes a thread that is overrun by people who disagree you will be the first to come in and defend the OP against them. :doubt:

really, we all post fxxk this, fxxk that, fxxk those fxxking liberals in thread that is in the politic forum, whatever it doesn't bother you

Aside from the one comment you quoted earlier, I haven't seen the f-word used at all. So no, that crap you made up doesn't bother me.
Sarah Palin isn't a patriot.

She uses a toxic, paranoid revanchist McCarthyism to convince one group of Americans to hate another group of Americans.

She is the steroidal version of Nixon when he strategically used the Culture War to distract the "Silent White Majority" with wedge issues as they were slowly being dispossessed by a Capitalist class which was gearing up to dismantle our great manufacturing base so that it could ship jobs to ultra-cheap labor markets in freedom hating nations, i.e., Nixon Goes to China. (Fucking Brilliant! In the front of the house he manipulates conservative voters with communist scare stories, while in the back of the house he opens China so Walmart can get many of its goods made there. What a racket! Our largest retailer - and one of the biggest contributors to the GOP - is the greatest business partner Communist China ever had. But because Walmart puts so much money into the Right's propaganda system, they can use talk radio, FOX News and the blogosphere to distract conservative voters with the Liberal, Gay, Islamo-Fascist, Illegal Alien, Socialist, Marxist boogeyman).

Bob Dole was a great Republican. Ross Perot was a great Reformist on the fiscal Right. Sarah Palin is an irresponsible hack. She is catnip for people who have never studied actual policies. She agitates well-meaning patriots with propaganda about death panels. Meaning: she serves the interests of Big Business by convincing the working class that the system is owned and controlled by someone other than big business.
Well, that's certainly one way of rationalizing your irrational hatred.
What derangement syndrome?

This thread was started by a conservative.

He falsely labeled Palin a "patriot".

That's incorrect. Palin is a "Nationalist".

And really not much of one.

She's doing this to keep her name in the media.

omg, a nationalist. so what are hater's like you exactly?
why do people like you hate this country and anyone who is patriotic to their country? so much they would join the military and parents like Sarah would watch their sons and daughters go off to fight and die for people like YOU to enjoy the Freedoms you now have...
you and quite a few others here have become quite a hater of someone who now has no bearing on any of you all's pathetic lives

If she were patriotic, she would not have quit the office as governor of Alaska to criscross the country making money for herself.

She is in it for herself... and the money.

So the following people are not Patriots?

Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Al Gore
Larry Summers
Tim Geithner
Howard Dean
omg, a nationalist. so what are hater's like you exactly?
why do people like you hate this country and anyone who is patriotic to their country? so much they would join the military and parents like Sarah would watch their sons and daughters go off to fight and die for people like YOU to enjoy the Freedoms you now have...
you and quite a few others here have become quite a hater of someone who now has no bearing on any of you all's pathetic lives

If she were patriotic, she would not have quit the office as governor of Alaska to criscross the country making money for herself.

She is in it for herself... and the money.

So the following people are not Patriots?

Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Al Gore
Larry Summers
Tim Geithner
Howard Dean

We hold our guys up as very intelligent political wonks. Yours are always trying to tell everyone how patriotic they are. They are nothing but wannabes. They have not an ounce of patriotism in their souls, they're shallow and looking for a quick buck.

Snake oil salesmen. You should be ashamed holding them up as heros.
If she were patriotic, she would not have quit the office as governor of Alaska to criscross the country making money for herself.

She is in it for herself... and the money.

So the following people are not Patriots?

Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Al Gore
Larry Summers
Tim Geithner
Howard Dean

We hold our guys up as very intelligent political wonks. Yours are always trying to tell everyone how patriotic they are. They are nothing but wannabes. They have not an ounce of patriotism in their souls, they're shallow and looking for a quick buck.

Snake oil salesmen. You should be ashamed holding them up as heros.

So the following people are not Patriots?

Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Al Gore
Larry Summers
Tim Geithner
Howard Dean

We hold our guys up as very intelligent political wonks. Yours are always trying to tell everyone how patriotic they are. They are nothing but wannabes. They have not an ounce of patriotism in their souls, they're shallow and looking for a quick buck.

Snake oil salesmen. You should be ashamed holding them up as heros.


you beat me to it, the was so uppity their nose must block off the sun...
damn, I'm not sure to laugh or barf...:eusa_shifty:
We hold our guys up as very intelligent political wonks. Yours are always trying to tell everyone how patriotic they are. They are nothing but wannabes. They have not an ounce of patriotism in their souls, they're shallow and looking for a quick buck.

Snake oil salesmen. You should be ashamed holding them up as heros.


you beat me to it, the was so uppity their nose must block off the sun...
damn, I'm not sure to laugh or barf...:eusa_shifty:
You hush. All those people ARE superior to us proles. Sarah says so. :mad:
So the following people are not Patriots?

Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Al Gore
Larry Summers
Tim Geithner
Howard Dean

We hold our guys up as very intelligent political wonks. Yours are always trying to tell everyone how patriotic they are. They are nothing but wannabes. They have not an ounce of patriotism in their souls, they're shallow and looking for a quick buck.

Snake oil salesmen. You should be ashamed holding them up as heros.


Hero of the left:


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