Patriotism Rises In Iraqi Kurdistan Amid Jihadist Threat


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Looks like the Kurds, regardless of the differences between the groups, have come to the conclusion that to fight ISIS they have to join together.

Patriotism rises in Iraqi Kurdistan amid jihadist threat 10.9.2014
By Joe Parkinson - Wall Street Journal

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Kurdish Peshmerga kissing Kurdistan flag. Photo: Archive/PD •See Related Articles
September 10, 2014

, Kurdistan region 'Iraq',— As Kurdish forces suffered bruising battlefield losses last month, Iraqi Kurdistan's most popular television network ditched its regular lineup in favor of shows glorifying Peshmerga fighters and encouraging people to enlist.

In the weeks that followed, patriotic songs made popular during the Kurdish rebellion of the 1980s swung back into heavy rotation. Huge posters proclaiming the bravery of Kurdish forces popped up in towns and cities. Tailors and traders in the bazaars have struggled to keep up with demand for military-style uniforms.
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Patriotism rises in Iraqi Kurdistan amid jihadist threat?

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