Paul Gosar [R-Arizona] Faces Growing Calls To Be Arrested Over Video Showing Him Killing AOC

But its okay for a wacko Dimmer to sever Trump's head?
That was horrible. Just a horrible still picture. She should have dragged the wax dummy behind the couch, fired up a chain saw and......

Or at least pulled a Bullwinkle "Watch me Pull a Rabbit out my Hat" routine and pulled that fake head out instead.

No imagination.
There is no difference. Are you trying to say that celebrities threats are not credible or that they are incapable of violence? I think Alec Baldwin proved the second wrong.
What I"m saying, you dumb sack of shit, is that Gosar is in the same building at Ocasio Cortez on a daily basis. LOL there not being a difference. I want you to go to work tomorrow and post of video of you killing your boss and see how that turns out you stupid fucker.
What I"m saying, you dumb sack of shit, is that Gosar is in the same building at Ocasio Cortez on a daily basis. LOL there not being a difference. I want you to go to work tomorrow and post of video of you killing your boss and see how that turns out you stupid fucker.
Typical democrat--you have no debate, so you resort to woulda, coulda, shoulda. Did you work for Fauci?
What I"m saying, you dumb sack of shit, is that Gosar is in the same building at Ocasio Cortez on a daily basis. LOL there not being a difference. I want you to go to work tomorrow and post of video of you killing your boss and see how that turns out you stupid fucker.
There is NO difference moron. Let me refresh your ignorant memory--John Wilkes Booth was an ACTOR. I guess he wasn't credible to assassinate a sitting POTUS. STFU, you're an idiot.

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