Paul Kevin Curtis, Ricin Letter Suspect, Revealed to be Democrat


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Paul Kevin Curtis, reported to be the man who sent ricin letters to President Obama and a US Senator, has been revealed to be a hardcore liberal and Obama supporter.

On his Facebook page, Curtis used the phrase, "This is KC and I approve this message" on April 11. This is also the phrase used on the letters sent to people who received ricin letters:

Pundit Press: Paul Kevin Curtis, Ricin Letter Suspect, Revealed to be Democrat
I figured as much. I suspected Obama was lying about receiving a "ricin letter". This guy (our president) is very predictable. These are tactics straight out of the Hitler playbook.
Also, it has been leaked that one of the Boston bombing suspects is a "Dark Skinned" fellow.

The left was so hoping it was a white skinned Red-neck.
MSNBC is also reporting that the findings are now in question and have been sent to a military installation for "further" analysis.

Seems they are trying to downplay both the perp and his crime.
MSNBC is also reporting that the findings are now in question and have been sent to a military installation for "further" analysis.

Seems they are trying to downplay both the perp and his crime.
Do you think they would be downplaying it if the perp had been a Tea Party member? :lol:
The left will always downplay the crime when they can't pin it on a rightwing radical.

Some of the comments made by liberal talking heads in the media reveal that they are looking to blame the right for all of the crimes the last few days. They blame the Sequester (which is really Obama's) and they twist and stretch things as needed to imply that perhaps crimes were committed by the right. When proven wrong, don't expect them to correct their lies.

Yesterday, it was a Republican senator who received the letter, so I expected some on the left to make similar claims. I question whether it's true that Obama received one. Having a Repub get one certainly pointed to someone on the left so they had to fix that right away.
Maybe he's a Blue Dog Democrat since he also sent ricin to Obama. He was arrested in a RED state.
Paul Kevin Curtis, reported to be the man who sent ricin letters to President Obama and a US Senator, has been revealed to be a hardcore liberal and Obama supporter.

On his Facebook page, Curtis used the phrase, "This is KC and I approve this message" on April 11. This is also the phrase used on the letters sent to people who received ricin letters:

Pundit Press: Paul Kevin Curtis, Ricin Letter Suspect, Revealed to be Democrat

are you kidding


imagine that
I figured as much. I suspected Obama was lying about receiving a "ricin letter". This guy (our president) is very predictable. These are tactics straight out of the Hitler playbook.

That is what someone told me today. Funny you should be thinking the same thing. I had initially read the story on Huffpost and I did find it odd. Hitler did overplay his hand also repeatedly but you know people didn't seem to call him on it. I don't know why that was. My friend was mentioned Reingstadt - Hitler had the nazis do it and then blamed it on the Jews. He was big on false flags. It does look like Obama is using Hitlers playbook. I see alot of similarities between the two. I know it makes others angry to read that but its true. I don't trust him. Anything is possible.
You know I searched and searched and seached the DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM for that plank that approves sending racin to the POTUS and members of congress but I cannot find it.

Does that mean that attempted murder of public officials is NOT part of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY'S modus operandi?

I think it does.
Every time we have a terror attack, you see the mainstream media just chomping at the bit for the perp to be a another Timothy McVeigh. When the perp turns out to mirror the 9-11 terrorists or an anarchist that mirrors many of the extreme Left base, the MSM backtracks.

I have heard more analysis on MSM outlets that the Boston tragedy could be right wing extremists. On conservative outlet, I recently heard an analysis that the pattern of the attack looked like al Qaeda but that it could be a lone wolf mirroring the technique .
Paul Kevin Curtis, reported to be the man who sent ricin letters to President Obama and a US Senator, has been revealed to be a hardcore liberal and Obama supporter.

On his Facebook page, Curtis used the phrase, "This is KC and I approve this message" on April 11. This is also the phrase used on the letters sent to people who received ricin letters:

Pundit Press: Paul Kevin Curtis, Ricin Letter Suspect, Revealed to be Democrat

If you read the entire article, he sounds more like a rightwing conspriacy theorist white supremicist.

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