***Paul Krugman admits DEATH PANELS***

g's words.....

Every insurance company does this. They would bleed money if they paid for treatments that had no efficacy.

Man up kid, what are Dec pages and what do they do?

Man up kid.
Since they love parroting the "death panels" meme so much, you'd think these rubes would have the relevant section of ObamaCare right at their fingertips!

g's words.....

Every insurance company does this. They would bleed money if they paid for treatments that had no efficacy.

Man up kid, what are Dec pages and what do they do?

Man up kid.

Are you stupid, or blind? I already did.

Now show us the death panels.

Is this your way of avoiding doing so? Pretending you didn't see me already respond to your demand? :lol:

Your turn. Show us the death panels.
(smile) You've already admitted in two posts I have quoted what "death panels " are.

I think you were honest in your definition of what a Dec page is and does...you did not however take it far enough.

It is the contract between you and the insurance comeny, it staets what they will do in the event of serious needs....they CANNOT break that contract kid.....

They cannot AFTER the fact decide to break that contract...;)

They CANNOT after the fact decide they aren't going to provide a certain "service" becuase it "may" not work.

Deal with it :)

Tell me what it is and what it does.

C'mon kid.

It's what I do,tell me what it is and what it does.

Quit deflecting and man up.

I will do so just so we can watch you run away when you are once again asked to show us the death panels.

A declaration page has my name and address, and it tells me what is covered, and for how much, and for how long. It has other information, but those are the basics.

Now show us the death panels. Don't run away, boy.

Tick tock![/QUOTE]
(smile) You've already admitted in two posts I have quoted what "death panels " are.

I think you were honest in your definition of what a Dec page is and does...you did not however take it far enough.

It is the contract between you and the insurance comeny, it staets what they will do in the event of serious needs....they CANNOT break that contract kid.....

They cannot AFTER the fact decide to break that contract...;)

They CANNOT after the fact decide they aren't going to provide a certain "service" becuase it "may" not work.

Deal with it :)

Show us the death panels. Man up, kid.

And what you just said is going to come back at you. Once you show us the death panels.
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I just love how liberals ALWAYS end up trying to work boths sides of every argument. One year ago all we heard was how stupid conservatives are for thinking that O-care would have a death panel --- now they sit there and go, "Well duh, we knew that the gov't would have to decide that some people weren't going to get the help they needed."

...and it's OK --- So much crap.
LMAO...g, I feel bad for you :(

You showed us what "death panels" were in your opinion in two posts.

I have quoted them for you, the fact is in private insurance contracts they cannot do what you claimed they could.

In private insurance there are no "death panels"...but you knew that, you just lied to make a point.

Tell us about that panel you talked about, you know...the one in whsich you used that marvelous word efficacy.


(smile) You've already admitted in two posts I have quoted what "death panels " are.

I think you were honest in your definition of what a Dec page is and does...you did not however take it far enough.

It is the contract between you and the insurance comeny, it staets what they will do in the event of serious needs....they CANNOT break that contract kid.....

They cannot AFTER the fact decide to break that contract...;)

They CANNOT after the fact decide they aren't going to provide a certain "service" becuase it "may" not work.

Deal with it :)

Show us the death panels. Man up, kid.
Let us start with this...

Why don't you show me where I mentioned "death panels" at all kid....

You see all I have done is trap with your own words....I know you know that...but lets watch you try some cya ;)

Deflect when stymied, I know the tactic well.

Tell me what it is kid, then tell me what it does.

You aren't up to it.

So you can't find those death panels, eh?

I am not surprised.

You do realize you still buy private insurance under ObamaCare, right?
LMAO...g, I feel bad for you :(

You showed us what "death panels" were in your opinion in two posts.

I have quoted them for you, the fact is in private insurance contracts they cannot do what you claimed they could.

In private insurance there are no "death panels"...but you knew that, you just lied to make a point.

Tell us about that panel you talked about, you know...the one in whsich you used that marvelous word efficacy.


And what do you think the ObamaCare "death panel" does?

Show us the death panel. You are in a corner and don't even know it.

Man up, kid. Show us the death panels.

You seem to believe I was saying an insurance company decides AFTER your enrollment whether or not they will pay for your treatment. That is not what I said. I said the insurance company determines the efficacy of various treatments.

Now show us the death panels.

You are showing us you have no idea what you are talking about.

Show us the death panels. You are in a hole and don't even know it. :lol:

The bad feeling that is starting to grow in the pit of your stomach? That's your gut telling you I'm right about something you don't know about.

Man up. Show us the death panels. This is going to be so much fun!
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I am going to bed now, the lesson here is that there is ALWAYS someone who knows more than you about everything...you just happened to step in it because its what I do....

Now tomorrow why don't you bring up say......knitting, I don't know shit about that.
Let us start with this...

Why don't you show me where I mentioned "death panels" at all kid....

You see all I have done is trap with your own words....I know you know that...but lets watch you try some cya ;)

Ahhhh. The slow motion running away begins. Just like last time. :lol:

You're too easy.

Could not find the death panels, could you? BWA-HA-HA!

I would give you a hint, but this is more fun, watching you flail and look for an exit.
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G.....show me where I brought up death panels?

Please...I'll wait.

Did you want me to show you where you brought them up?

I can do that.
I am going to bed now, the lesson here is that there is ALWAYS someone who knows more than you about everything...you just happened to step in it because its what I do....

Now tomorrow why don't you bring up say......knitting, I don't know shit about that.

And there you go. Dashing for the exit.

Looks like I need more floss.
Let us start with this...

Why don't you show me where I mentioned "death panels" at all kid....

You see all I have done is trap with your own words....I know you know that...but lets watch you try some cya ;)

Ahhhh. The slow motion running away begins. Just like last time. :lol:

You're too easy.

Could not find the death panels, could you? BWA-HA-HA!

I would give you a hint, but this is more fun, watching you flail and look for an exit.

Dude, you can't switch your argument up to suit you...

No death panels, death panels, no death panels....

LMAO...you still thinks it legal for Congress to change the law to do what they want it too...

I understand, it hurts with my dick so far in your ass....but get used to it, I'll bitch slap you every chance I get.
He usually gets away with it, I've been around too long for it to work on me.

Let us start with this...

Why don't you show me where I mentioned "death panels" at all kid....

You see all I have done is trap with your own words....I know you know that...but lets watch you try some cya ;)

Ahhhh. The slow motion running away begins. Just like last time. :lol:

You're too easy.

Could not find the death panels, could you? BWA-HA-HA!

I would give you a hint, but this is more fun, watching you flail and look for an exit.

Dude, you can't switch your argument up to suit you...

No death panels, death panels, no death panels....

G.....show me where I brought up death panels?

Please...I'll wait.

Did you want me to show you where you brought them up?

I can do that.

You have done this before. Enter a topic, get caught with your nuggets in a wringer, and then ask when you said anything about the subject while you look for the exit.

You came into a death panels topic, and responded to my statements about the bogosity of the "death panels" meme. You challenged that response.

So man up, kid. Show us the death panels.
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g, this should be easy, show me where I brought "death panels", I'll wait.

You've been trapped in your own words kid....

I'll wait right here for you to quote where I mentioned them, ummk?

Hell, I'd like you to "prove" I've done this before...this should be good.

G.....show me where I brought up death panels?

Please...I'll wait.

Did you want me to show you where you brought them up?

I can do that.

You have done this before. Enter a topic, get caught with your nuggets in a wringer, and then ask when you said anything about the subject while you look for the exit.

You came into a death panels topic, and responded to my statements about the bogosity of the "death panels" meme. You challenged that response.

So man up, kid. Show us the death panels.

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