Paul Manafort Worked For Podesta Group So Mueller's Had This Information And Hillary Is Behind It


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Jul 21, 2009
Yesterday was pure political theatre, nothing more. A big Nothing Burger. Hillary Laughs About Manafort Indictment – Will She be Laughing When Her Chum Tony Podesta is Indicted? (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton let out a loud cackle Monday in Chicago after she was asked about Mueller issuing an indictment to Paul Manafort.

Hillary was signing copies of her memoir ‘What Happened’ laughing about Manafort’s indictment and referring people to her book to know what happened with Russia. Will she be laughing when her good friend Tony Podesta is charged?


Hillary shamelessly promoted her book and cackled as people asked her about Paul Manafort’s indictment. “You can find out what happened and what is still happening,” Hillary said.

Hillary held up one of her books and said, “I have a great chapter about Russia in here.”

VIDEO via ABC News:

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Tony Podesta, the founder of D.C. lobbying firm the Podesta Group stepped down from the company amid Robert Mueller’s probe.

Podesta made the announcement at a company-wide meeting on Monday.

According to NBC News sources, the Podesta Group is one of the two companies directly linked to Paul Manafort’s indictment in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ‘Russian interference’ investigation.

The indictment, unsealed Monday, refers to “Company A” and “Company B” as the firms Manafort and Gates solicited in 2012 to lobby on behalf of the Ukranian government. Company A is Mercury Public Affairs and Company B is the Podesta Group, the sources said.

Tony Podesta was so triggered over the Podesta Group being exposed that he threatened Tucker Carlson with a cease and desist letter.

The Hillary-Podesta connection…
The Podesta Group received at least $200,000 for lobbying for Uranium One.

$40,000 of which was received while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.


It looks like Mueller is about to drop the hammer on Tony Podesta next. Will you be laughing then, Hillary?


Paul Manafort Worked For Podesta Group
Podesta is butt buddy’s with clintons, always has been. Dipshit

So Where Are the Podesta Indictments?

October 31, 2017
So Where Are the Podesta Indictments?
By Daniel John Sobieski
If Paul Manafort is guilty of failing to register as an agent of a foreign government, something that occurred when Manafort was not running the Trump campaign, then so is Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary Clinton campaign manager, who is also up to his eyeballs in collusion between the Democrats and Hillary Clinton and Russia and Ukraine:

One of Washington's most powerful lobbying firms did not disclose the wide extent of its lucrative political work for a Ukrainian group tied to both onetime Trump adviser Paul Manafort and to pro-Russian politicians, new records show.

The firm, the Podesta Group, said nothing in a 2012 lobbying report to Congress about at least 32 meetings, emails and other communications it had with the State Department, at a time when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was scrutinizing Ukraine's upcoming election, records show.

The new disclosures shed light on the web of contacts between Russian-leaning Ukrainians, Washington lobbyists and U.S. policymakers during the Obama administration. The Podesta Group filed new, detailed lobbying disclosures in April to augment lobbying reports from 2012 to 2014 that had given little detail. The firm is run by Tony Podesta, whose brother, John, is a longtime adviser to Clinton and was chairman of her 2016 presidential campaign. John Podesta was a senior counselor to President Barack Obama in 2014 and had previously been lobbying partners with his brother. He is not currently affiliated with his brother's firm.

The Podesta Group was representing a Ukrainian nonprofit, the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, as it sought to counter the Obama administration's critical stance toward Ukraine's pro-Russia government and Congress' growing annoyance with Ukraine's leaders.

It is easy to forget in the hyperventilation by the legacy media that it was Paul Manafort’s efforts on behalf of the Podsta Group, not Trump, that caused Special Counsel Robert Mueller to expand his investigation to include the Podestas and their group and that Manafort’s alleged crimes do not involve work for the Trump campaign:

A thus-far-reliable source who used to be involved with Clinton allies John and Tony Podesta told Tucker Carlson that press reports appearing to implicate President Trump in Russian collusion are exaggerated. The source, who Carlson said he would not yet name, said he worked for the brothers' Podesta Group and was privy to some information from Robert Mueller's special investigation.

While media reports describe former "Black, Manafort & Stone" principal Paul Manafort as Trump's main tie to the investigation, the source said it is Manafort's role as a liaison between Russia and the Podesta Group that is drawing the scrutiny...

The source said the Podesta Group was in regular contact with Manafort while Hillary Clinton was America's chief diplomat…

During this time, the Uranium One deal was being facilitated by the White House.

According to Carlson, "Manafort was clear that Russia wanted to cultivate ties to Hillary" because she appeared to be the presumptive 45th president.

Well, isn’t that special? We must not overlook Hillary Clinton’s and the DNC’s collusion with Ukraine that led to the interest in Manafort and John Podesta’s shady dealings regarding Russia and the Ukraine.

The announcement that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was investigating Tony Podesta, the brother of former Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta, and the Podesta Group and its connections with Ukraine shows that even Robert Mueller and his team of Democratic donors and operatives sometimes going where the evidence really leads:

The probe of Podesta and his Democratic-leaning lobbying firm grew out of Mueller's inquiry into the finances of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, according to the sources. As special counsel, Mueller has been tasked with investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Manafort had organized a public relations campaign for a non-profit called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU). Podesta's company was one of many firms that worked on the campaign, which promoted Ukraine's image in the West.

The sources said the investigation into Podesta and his company began as more of a fact-finding mission about the ECMU and Manafort's role in the campaign, but has now morphed into a criminal inquiry into whether the firm violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, known as FARA.
Hillary was seen yesterday pushing her book and cackling like a witch. Somebody asked her what was she going to wear for Halloween. She said; "I'm coming as president, haha haha!!!"

OH really???

Is she going as Donald Trump?

At any rate, her presser didn't come off too well because see looked and acted like a snake oil salesman. Not a decent human-being.
The pictures of her holding up he lousy book are difficult to find now since I posted one in the op. They have since replaced it with one of her sitting in front of a window.


Monday in Chicago at a signing for her book “What Happened,” former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was asked about the charges special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe brought against Paul Manafort, Rick Gates and George Papadopoulos. Clinton said she wrote “a great chapter about Russia.” While laughing, she said, “You can find out what happened and what is still happening.” Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

Blog: Do we have a Justice Department or not?

September 22, 2017
Do we have a Justice Department or not?
By J. Marsolo

During the past few weeks, we have confirmed what we suspected. The Comey investigation of the Hillary email "matter" was a sham. We knew that Comey did not call for a grand jury, did not issue subpoenas, and granted immunity to most of Hillary's pals. Loretta Lynch told Comey to use the word "matter" instead of "investigation," and Lynch met with Bill Clinton days before the FBI questioned Hillary. But now we know that Comey wrote the exoneration letter before he interviewed Hillary and before he completed the sham investigation. Now we know why Comey did not put Hillary under oath when questioned. There was no point to it, since he had already decided to give her a pass. And not putting her under oath saved the additional problem that Hillary would naturally lie under oath, which would have required Comey to explain that Hillary lying under oath to the FBI was done without intent.

Now we know that Trump was correct when he said his lines at Trump Tower were "wiretapped." Maybe he did not use the exact language required, but everyone knew the meaning of Trump's charge. James Clapper knew but lied by saying there was no FISA warrant.

Comey knew but lied when he said there was no wiretapping of Trump.

Clapper and Comey knew there was a FISA warrant for Paul Manafort at Trump Tower. They knew that Manafort had worked as Trump's campaign manager and knew that the surveillance must have picked up Manafort speaking with Trump. Yet both insisted they knew of no such evidence. They both parsed words, in the best spirit of Bill Clinton parsing the meaning of "is" and "alone," not to answer fully and honestly.

The news about the FISA warrants on Manafort must have been leaked by Mueller's office; otherwise, how would we know about it? Mueller is clearly focused on Manafort, as evidenced by the morning raid with a no-knock search of Manafort's house. A no-knock warrant allows the police to enter without knocking or notice and is used when there is a probability that evidence will be destroyed between the time you knock on the door and the door's being opened. This is typical when the area subject to search contains drugs that may be flushed. But Manafort's warrant was for computers and documents that cannot be destroyed between the time of the knock and the entering, unless Mueller suspected that Manafort had taken Hillary's advice to scrub the computers with BleachBit. Imagine if Comey had investigated Hillary as Mueller is investigating Manafort.

It is a crime to leak a FISA warrant. Manafort has called for the Justice Department to investigate the leak and the reasons for the warrant.

We have also learned that Susan Rice and Samantha Power, both Obama political appointees, were unmasking the identities of numerous Americans from intelligence reports.

This information requires an investigation by the Justice Department, with professional prosecutors, a grand jury, and subpoenas – in other words, a real investigation like Mueller's, not like the Comey investigation of Hillary.
Not only has Mueller had this information for a very long time......THE INTENTIONAL LEAKING that Mueller was targeting Manafort was a Tip Off to The Podesta Group, and Hillary Clinton to fire up The Paper Shredders and Bleach Bit again.

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