Paul Ryan recently "discovered' the meaning of insurance


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Its rather amazing how a "leader" within our legislative branch can rise within the political sphere and yet BE SO DAMN DUMB.....

Here's what Ryan stated:

“The whole idea of Obamacare is … the people who are healthy pay for the people who are sick."

Lets then compare health care insurance to car insurance......If car insurance companies were to ONLY pay out those who get into car wrecks and NOT collect from those who were not in car wrecks.....they go broke in a day.

The meaning of car insurance is to collect premiums and place those premiums in a large pool and YES, allow safer driver to pay out for those who do get into car wrecks......Basically, Paul Ryan is an idiot out of his depth and reality.


So let's have the government mandate that everyone has to buy car insurance also so the cost of my car insurance goes down.

There must be millions of people who don't have car insurance and it only makes sense that they should contribute.


He is a "lifer" Rino. Right from school to intern to DC or so I read. Never went home. Living off taxpayers. His brain is mush.

We still have too many DemonCrat Pubes. They must be re-educated ior eliminated.
Its rather amazing how a "leader" within our legislative branch can rise within the political sphere and yet BE SO DAMN DUMB.....

Here's what Ryan stated:

“The whole idea of Obamacare is … the people who are healthy pay for the people who are sick."

Lets then compare health care insurance to car insurance......If car insurance companies were to ONLY pay out those who get into car wrecks and NOT collect from those who were not in car wrecks.....they go broke in a day.

The meaning of car insurance is to collect premiums and place those premiums in a large pool and YES, allow safer driver to pay out for those who do get into car wrecks......Basically, Paul Ryan is an idiot out of his depth and reality.

Did that idiot ever stop to think about how his College tuition bills were paid?

He's a fucking Zoomba instructor....

Everyone should be mandated to purchase homeowner/renter insurance also since everyone needs some form of shelter. It's all for the general welfare!



So let's have the government mandate that everyone has to buy car insurance also so the cost of my car insurance goes down.

There must be millions of people who don't have car insurance and it only makes sense that they should contribute.



The government already does that. If you have a car, in most states, you have to have car insurance. If you have a health, the government should make you have health insurance.
Its rather amazing how a "leader" within our legislative branch can rise within the political sphere and yet BE SO DAMN DUMB.....

Here's what Ryan stated:

“The whole idea of Obamacare is … the people who are healthy pay for the people who are sick."

Lets then compare health care insurance to car insurance......If car insurance companies were to ONLY pay out those who get into car wrecks and NOT collect from those who were not in car wrecks.....they go broke in a day.

The meaning of car insurance is to collect premiums and place those premiums in a large pool and YES, allow safer driver to pay out for those who do get into car wrecks......Basically, Paul Ryan is an idiot out of his depth and reality.


Are you really this stupid? That's not how car insurance works at all.

Put a claim in and your rates go up. Put multiple claims in (preexisting conditions) and they go through the roof and you are dropped.

The others in the pool may go up minimally, but the one making the claim goes up huge.

Just a stupid comparison
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What morons like Paul Ryan will NOT state is that tax payers ARE SUBSIDIZING (paying for, really) his and his family's FREE health insurance......Want to checkout the HC insurance plan given to elected idiots?

So let's have the government mandate that everyone has to buy car insurance also so the cost of my car insurance goes down.

There must be millions of people who don't have car insurance and it only makes sense that they should contribute.



The government already does that. If you have a car, in most states, you have to have car insurance. If you have a health, the government should make you have health insurance.

It is not mandated to you have insurance to repair your own car.

Everyone should be mandated to purchase homeowner/renter insurance also since everyone needs some form of shelter. It's all for the general welfare!



Well, here is the deal. If you own a home and it burns down, I don't have to buy you a new one. But, if you own a car, and you don't have the assets or the insurance to pay for the damage you do to someone else's person or property, well SOMEONE ELSE HAS TO PAY FOR IT. Same thing, if you spend your money on a nice house at the lake and go without health insurance and end up needing life saving care, well SOMEONE ELSE HAS TO PAY FOR IT. Why do you think it is OK for irresponsible people to transfer the costs of THEIR ACTIONS to someone else?
Put a claim in and your rates go up. Put multiple claims in (preexisting conditions) and they go through the roof and you are dropped.

So, if I put in a claim for my car being wrecked and I get a check for $20,000, that means that my premium will go up by $20K???
.......OR is a whole bunch of other people who did not get into a wreck SUBSIDIZING my check for $20K?

So let's have the government mandate that everyone has to buy car insurance also so the cost of my car insurance goes down.

There must be millions of people who don't have car insurance and it only makes sense that they should contribute.



The government already does that. If you have a car, in most states, you have to have car insurance. If you have a health, the government should make you have health insurance.

It is not mandated to you have insurance to repair your own car.

Nobody is mandating disability insurance. If your car is disabled it is not my problem.

So let's have the government mandate that everyone has to buy car insurance also so the cost of my car insurance goes down.

There must be millions of people who don't have car insurance and it only makes sense that they should contribute.



The government already does that. If you have a car, in most states, you have to have car insurance. If you have a health, the government should make you have health insurance.

Wrong, you only have to have car insurance to drive on public roads. You can drive your car all over your own property without insurance.

Here's a better idea. losers get a fucking job and buy your own damn insurance and stop mooching off the rest of us.

So let's have the government mandate that everyone has to buy car insurance also so the cost of my car insurance goes down.

There must be millions of people who don't have car insurance and it only makes sense that they should contribute.



The government already does that. If you have a car, in most states, you have to have car insurance. If you have a health, the government should make you have health insurance.


No they don't. All people require transportation at one time or another and 'everyone' over 18 years of age should be mandated by the government to have some form of car/transportation insurance in case there's and incident. Doesn't matter if they were driving or not they may be responsible.


Wrong, you only have to have car insurance to drive on public roads. You can drive your car all over your own property without insurance.

here's a fucking right wingers openly admitting that PUBLIC ROADS were built by a socialized government system.......I LOVE IT !!!

So let's have the government mandate that everyone has to buy car insurance also so the cost of my car insurance goes down.

There must be millions of people who don't have car insurance and it only makes sense that they should contribute.



The government already does that. If you have a car, in most states, you have to have car insurance. If you have a health, the government should make you have health insurance.

Wrong, you only have to have car insurance to drive on public roads. You can drive your car all over your own property without insurance.

Here's a better idea. losers get a fucking job and buy your own damn insurance and stop mooching off the rest of us.

Right, you can drive without insurance all you want on private property. Mostly because any damage you do will be your responsibility and if you can't fix it you are the one forced to live with it. Again, you are required to have liability insurance so that you can be responssible for any damages you inflict. Hell, you don't even have to have insurance, you can just post a bond guaranteeing payment for damages.

So there, if you don't have insurance you have to post a bond. If your cost of health care exceeds the value of the bond you are shot immediately and your healthy organs are harvested.
Wrong, you only have to have car insurance to drive on public roads. You can drive your car all over your own property without insurance.

here's a fucking right wingers openly admitting that PUBLIC ROADS were built by a socialized government system.......I LOVE IT !!!

Where did government get the money did they hold a bake sale? No government took MY money to build the road, I own the fucking road libwit if anything you should pay me a toll to drive on it.

So let's have the government mandate that everyone has to buy car insurance also so the cost of my car insurance goes down.

There must be millions of people who don't have car insurance and it only makes sense that they should contribute.



The government already does that. If you have a car, in most states, you have to have car insurance. If you have a health, the government should make you have health insurance.

Sigh. True dat. But in CA reportedly over 25% are un-insured, but drivin anyways.
They charge the others "un-insured" motorist protection.....about 1/3 of total insurance cost?

Mexicans just drive. They don't need insurance. White dopers, ex-cons and of course almost 100% of ghetto is driving un-insured.
I don't think Ryan is stupid, I think he is getting caught up in all the bullshit he has to peddle to sell this loser plan.

Lack of sleep probably doesn't help either.

So let's have the government mandate that everyone has to buy car insurance also so the cost of my car insurance goes down.

There must be millions of people who don't have car insurance and it only makes sense that they should contribute.



The government already does that. If you have a car, in most states, you have to have car insurance. If you have a health, the government should make you have health insurance.

Wrong, you only have to have car insurance to drive on public roads. You can drive your car all over your own property without insurance.

Here's a better idea. losers get a fucking job and buy your own damn insurance and stop mooching off the rest of us.

Right, you can drive without insurance all you want on private property. Mostly because any damage you do will be your responsibility and if you can't fix it you are the one forced to live with it. Again, you are required to have liability insurance so that you can be responssible for any damages you inflict. Hell, you don't even have to have insurance, you can just post a bond guaranteeing payment for damages.

So there, if you don't have insurance you have to post a bond. If your cost of health care exceeds the value of the bond you are shot immediately and your healthy organs are harvested.

Obamacare is nothing but a government handout entitlement, the entire thing was structured to take money from people who work and gift it to losers in exchange for their voting Dem.

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