Paul Ryan Reveals Himself to be the Fraud He Is

Saw footage of him yesterday in which he said the Rs had an alternative to ObamaCare. He said 'we'll have more on that next week'.

"next week"???

He said that 3 years ago.
What in the world is going on here?

Why does this have to be such a big fucking secret?


Free and open trade need not be a secret. It's not rocket science.

I'm with both you and TAZbro on this one.

Exactly. If what they are trying to push through is so beneficial to the American people, why are they keeping it such a secret?

Because it's a negotiation. Understand? Do unions and employers make public ongoing negotiations until there is a tentative agreement?

For Christssakes use your brain. Once a tentative deal is reached bring it to the Congress for full review. That is now these things work.

Oy vey.....:banghead:
he's a life-long Washington-Insider, started interning there and never left, and doesn't want to "rock the status quo boat" 'lest he lose his under the table quid pro quo retirement (book deals & sitting on boards) from his REAL constituents (the 1%'ers)

Synthaholic might have a word or three to say on this topic :p
What in the world is going on here?

Why does this have to be such a big fucking secret?


Maybe because the other 11 (eleven) Counties involved in the Process have asked everyone else involved in the process to keep it that way?

Why do liberturdans ALWAYS sell out? I don't get it. The biggest bunch of whiners on earth with the least to offer.
It's amazing. The narco-libertarians always believe tyranny is just around the corner.
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  • #27
libertudians are NOT Conservatives. They are idiot liberturdians.

Children. Juveniles that think we can run a Country the size of the United States like a School Fair.

Stupid, childish, juvenile, untrustworthy and back-stabbing dirtbags who have the same foreign policy beliefs as Code Pink..... And even less balls.

I won't even begin to explain the painfully obvious irony of you accusing others of being childish and juvenile while simultaneously referring to them as "liberturdian." How old are you, 12?
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  • #28
The final version of the bill won't be a "secret". Congress is not going to be voting on something that only a couple of guys had access to.

Don't be such a rube.

liberturdians are an embarrassment to the Republican Party.

How so? They aren't Republicans.
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  • #29
Exactly. If what they are trying to push through is so beneficial to the American people, why are they keeping it such a secret?

Any of the other 11 (eleven) Countries involved blabbing about it?

Why did you capitalize countries when it's not a proper noun? What an embarrassment to the Republican Party.
How so? They aren't Republicans.

Ron Paul? His idiot son Rand? Ted Cruz?

A liberturdian is someone espousing Republican fiscal policies with dimocrap scum social morals, Code Pink Foreign Policy views and a penchant for selling out the only Party (Republican) that ever mistakenly gave them a home.

We give you a home. We allow to hide inside the Tea Party, to run SCUMBAGS like Ross Perot against good and decent men like GWH Busg and Bob Dole, thereby enabling a RAPIST to become president, then you run SCUMBAGS like Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock as Republicans (they're not) and cause us to lose THAT election --

THEN, to top it all off....... The greatest cut of all....... WE give you a home and what do you do? You stab is in the back.

You run around telling anybody that will listen that dimocrap SCUM and Republicans are no different. That only you, the people who side with Code Pink on Foreign Policy and think our borders should be completely open can run things.

Fuck liberturdians. Not even dimocraps are that low. dimocraps are mostly stupid and have never known what honor is...... liberturdians know very well that they're stabbing their hosts, their benefactors, us, in the back.

It's why we've run you, in the form of the Tea Party, from our party.

We will fight you tooth and nail until you disappear back into the woodwork with the rest of the cockroaches.

And no. You can't 'undo' what you've done. Go back to your Communes. We don't want you hanging around us anymore. You can't be trusted.

You had a chance and you stabbed us in the back. You're done
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  • #35
How so? They aren't Republicans.

A liberturdian is someone espousing Republican fiscal policies with dimocrap scum social morals, Code Pink Foreign Policy views and a penchant for selling out the only Party (Republican) that ever mistakenly gave them a home.

In other words, they actually stand for freedom unlike yourselves who lie about it?

And they don't espouse Republican fiscal policies because Republicans aren't fiscally responsible. You're a financial train wreck who's run up trillions in debt to fund your murderous war mongering that most of you are too cowardly to sign up for yourselves.
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  • #36
Exactly. If what they are trying to push through is so beneficial to the American people, why are they keeping it such a secret?

Any of the other 11 (eleven) Countries involved blabbing about it?

Why did you capitalize countries when it's not a proper noun? What an embarrassment to the Republican Party.

Spelling smack is trolling. You should ban yourself

I just want you to stop embarrassing the Republican Party since you're so concerned about that.
What in the world is going on here?

Why does this have to be such a big fucking secret?


Free and open trade need not be a secret. It's not rocket science.

I'm with both you and TAZbro on this one.

Exactly. If what they are trying to push through is so beneficial to the American people, why are they keeping it such a secret?
The final version of the bill won't be a "secret". Congress is not going to be voting on something that only a couple of guys had access to.

Don't be such a rube.
You really are out of touch. Area 51, Iran/Contra, CIA, FBI, NSA and on and on.
Dude. It's a trade bill. Don't worry your pointy little head. When the committee is done hammering it out in their workshop, it will be posted on
Ryan is against social security and other social safety nets, despite having collected survivor's benefits thru his college years.

It's the same demeaning situation as AA was to Clarence Thomas, being forced to go through college with that stigma.

Better to pull up the ladder than to run America"a youth up that gantlet!
In other words, they actually stand for freedom unlike yourselves who lie about it?

And they don't espouse Republican fiscal policies because Republicans aren't fiscally responsible. You're a financial train wreck who's run up trillions in debt to fund your murderous war mongering that most of you are too cowardly to sign up for yourselves.

I do not lie. liberturdian scum lie.

They say, "Let us in your party. We promise to be good party members if you'll just let us give you some of our ideas."

We did. We allowed you in. You stabbed us in the back.

Start your own party.

The reason you keep being slapped down is because your theories SUCK. Your politicians SUCK and frankly, your ideas SUCK.

You can't be trusted. You stab us in the back at every opportunity.

I don't always get my way inside the Republican Party, either. I was NOT for Mittens to win the Party nomination. But when he did, I shut the fuck up and backed him.

Kinda like when our Soldiers go to War. I back our Soldiers no matter who the president is.

You? You're out there with Code Pink and Westboro Baptist.

You are untrustworthy and lowlife.

Period. Only a scumbag stabs his benefactors in the back.

I would rather see the United States be run by dimocrap scum than by fucking idiots like you.
Ryan is against social security and other social safety nets, despite having collected survivor's benefits thru his college years.

It's the same demeaning situation as AA was to Clarence Thomas, being forced to go through college with that stigma.

Better to pull up the ladder than to run America"a youth up that gantlet!

That is a lie and you are a liar.

Ryan has NEVER spoken out against Social Security as a program.

You are a liar and a coward

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