Paul Ryan Reveals Himself to be the Fraud He Is

Its not an excuse its a FACT! Unlike the koolaid drinking libs in the Democratic party we conservatives are frequently at odds with the GOP establishment and call them out. The GOP ran more than 40,000 ads promising to defund Obamacare and Obama's executive amnesty in the last election, then one of the first things they did was fund both of them. Conservatives are hopping mad over this and called them out.

There are conservative all over the world who have been calling themselves "conservatives" decades. The "establishment conservatives" are still much more to the right than their counterparts around the world. The folks who recently started calling themselves "true conservatives" are actually far right or fringe extreme conservatives on the world's big stage. Claiming to be "true conservatives" is moving the bar pretty far to the right.

Conservatives are not far right or extreme or any of the other LIES told about them. Conservatives ARE the center.

To the left you have RINO's and the GOP establishment who frequently talk like a conservative and act like a leftist. Close to them you have the wishy washy so called independents, then classic Democrats. Further left are the lying lowlife scum liberals.

Out in lala land you have a tiny fraction of whackos people like to associate with Conservatives but they are just an island of nutters not conservatives.

Well Blues, I'm basing my train of thought on forums that include folks from around the world such as an international political forum I participate in and also the old Atlantic Monthly forum which was heavily populated by Europeans. I have family spread out across the the Pacific Rim as my New Zealand family is involved in importing/exporting throughout the Pacific Rim. There is quite a general consensuses that the traditional (establishment) American conservative movement is farther to the right than the rest of the world's conservatives and that the grouping claiming to be "true conservatives" are even further to the right.
So I'm simply giving you a world view versus an American view.
In America "conservative" is what used to be called "liberal." The Founders were liberals. Today's conservatives mirror the Founders' values and ideals.
What people in Europe call Conservative is very different.
And today's liberals are not liberals at all. They are Progressives, which makes them second cousins to Italy's Fascists.

A. I'm not a liberal

B. Being that 90% of the Republican Party in D.C. is backing this, they are, by your very definition all establishment. It never dawns on you people who always use the "establishment" or "RINO" excuse that perhaps your party isn't actually what you think it is.

Its not an excuse its a FACT! Unlike the koolaid drinking libs in the Democratic party we conservatives are frequently at odds with the GOP establishment and call them out. The GOP ran more than 40,000 ads promising to defund Obamacare and Obama's executive amnesty in the last election, then one of the first things they did was fund both of them. Conservatives are hopping mad over this and called them out.

There are conservative all over the world who have been calling themselves "conservatives" decades. The "establishment conservatives" are still much more to the right than their counterparts around the world. The folks who recently started calling themselves "true conservatives" are actually far right or fringe extreme conservatives on the world's big stage. Claiming to be "true conservatives" is moving the bar pretty far to the right.

Conservatives are not far right or extreme or any of the other LIES told about them. Conservatives ARE the center.

To the left you have RINO's and the GOP establishment who frequently talk like a conservative and act like a leftist. Close to them you have the wishy washy so called independents, then classic Democrats. Further left are the lying lowlife scum liberals.

Out in lala land you have a tiny fraction of whackos people like to associate with Conservatives but they are just an island of nutters not conservatives.

You don't get to define what is center or extreme.

In a lot of ways the government is greatly behind needed change in the country and the public knows it, same sex marriage and legalized marijuana are two examples of this. All the GOP and conservatives do by pushing against those things are delaying the inevitable really.

Sooner or later I expect climate change to catch up to conservatives as well.

The thing with conservatism really can't live in the 1950's forever, sooner or later you have to accept that the world changes. It takes a while sometimes, but in the end liberals always win.

I will define the center AND you lib, shut it. Oh good lord you are a climate changer to boot, please refrain from voting and driving a motor vehicle.

If the conservatives are the center then they sure do suck at presidential elections, not having won more than 51% of the vote since 1988.
Its not an excuse its a FACT! Unlike the koolaid drinking libs in the Democratic party we conservatives are frequently at odds with the GOP establishment and call them out. The GOP ran more than 40,000 ads promising to defund Obamacare and Obama's executive amnesty in the last election, then one of the first things they did was fund both of them. Conservatives are hopping mad over this and called them out.

There are conservative all over the world who have been calling themselves "conservatives" decades. The "establishment conservatives" are still much more to the right than their counterparts around the world. The folks who recently started calling themselves "true conservatives" are actually far right or fringe extreme conservatives on the world's big stage. Claiming to be "true conservatives" is moving the bar pretty far to the right.

Conservatives are not far right or extreme or any of the other LIES told about them. Conservatives ARE the center.

To the left you have RINO's and the GOP establishment who frequently talk like a conservative and act like a leftist. Close to them you have the wishy washy so called independents, then classic Democrats. Further left are the lying lowlife scum liberals.

Out in lala land you have a tiny fraction of whackos people like to associate with Conservatives but they are just an island of nutters not conservatives.

Well Blues, I'm basing my train of thought on forums that include folks from around the world such as an international political forum I participate in and also the old Atlantic Monthly forum which was heavily populated by Europeans. I have family spread out across the the Pacific Rim as my New Zealand family is involved in importing/exporting throughout the Pacific Rim. There is quite a general consensuses that the traditional (establishment) American conservative movement is farther to the right than the rest of the world's conservatives and that the grouping claiming to be "true conservatives" are even further to the right.
So I'm simply giving you a world view versus an American view.
In America "conservative" is what used to be called "liberal." The Founders were liberals. Today's conservatives mirror the Founders' values and ideals.
What people in Europe call Conservative is very different.
And today's liberals are not liberals at all. They are Progressives, which makes them second cousins to Italy's Fascists.

Nice job just puking some random political terms up onto a forum post in some random bizarre way that suits your vilifying agenda.
Nice job. Your post managed to be devoid of content other than to express disapproval of what I wrote, without countering it in any way.
Just admit I'm right and move on.
Its not an excuse its a FACT! Unlike the koolaid drinking libs in the Democratic party we conservatives are frequently at odds with the GOP establishment and call them out. The GOP ran more than 40,000 ads promising to defund Obamacare and Obama's executive amnesty in the last election, then one of the first things they did was fund both of them. Conservatives are hopping mad over this and called them out.

There are conservative all over the world who have been calling themselves "conservatives" decades. The "establishment conservatives" are still much more to the right than their counterparts around the world. The folks who recently started calling themselves "true conservatives" are actually far right or fringe extreme conservatives on the world's big stage. Claiming to be "true conservatives" is moving the bar pretty far to the right.

Conservatives are not far right or extreme or any of the other LIES told about them. Conservatives ARE the center.

To the left you have RINO's and the GOP establishment who frequently talk like a conservative and act like a leftist. Close to them you have the wishy washy so called independents, then classic Democrats. Further left are the lying lowlife scum liberals.

Out in lala land you have a tiny fraction of whackos people like to associate with Conservatives but they are just an island of nutters not conservatives.

Well Blues, I'm basing my train of thought on forums that include folks from around the world such as an international political forum I participate in and also the old Atlantic Monthly forum which was heavily populated by Europeans. I have family spread out across the the Pacific Rim as my New Zealand family is involved in importing/exporting throughout the Pacific Rim. There is quite a general consensuses that the traditional (establishment) American conservative movement is farther to the right than the rest of the world's conservatives and that the grouping claiming to be "true conservatives" are even further to the right.
So I'm simply giving you a world view versus an American view.
In America "conservative" is what used to be called "liberal." The Founders were liberals. Today's conservatives mirror the Founders' values and ideals.
What people in Europe call Conservative is very different.
And today's liberals are not liberals at all. They are Progressives, which makes them second cousins to Italy's Fascists.

Check the sig line.
People laugh at what they dont understand.
There are conservative all over the world who have been calling themselves "conservatives" decades. The "establishment conservatives" are still much more to the right than their counterparts around the world. The folks who recently started calling themselves "true conservatives" are actually far right or fringe extreme conservatives on the world's big stage. Claiming to be "true conservatives" is moving the bar pretty far to the right.

Conservatives are not far right or extreme or any of the other LIES told about them. Conservatives ARE the center.

To the left you have RINO's and the GOP establishment who frequently talk like a conservative and act like a leftist. Close to them you have the wishy washy so called independents, then classic Democrats. Further left are the lying lowlife scum liberals.

Out in lala land you have a tiny fraction of whackos people like to associate with Conservatives but they are just an island of nutters not conservatives.

Well Blues, I'm basing my train of thought on forums that include folks from around the world such as an international political forum I participate in and also the old Atlantic Monthly forum which was heavily populated by Europeans. I have family spread out across the the Pacific Rim as my New Zealand family is involved in importing/exporting throughout the Pacific Rim. There is quite a general consensuses that the traditional (establishment) American conservative movement is farther to the right than the rest of the world's conservatives and that the grouping claiming to be "true conservatives" are even further to the right.
So I'm simply giving you a world view versus an American view.
In America "conservative" is what used to be called "liberal." The Founders were liberals. Today's conservatives mirror the Founders' values and ideals.
What people in Europe call Conservative is very different.
And today's liberals are not liberals at all. They are Progressives, which makes them second cousins to Italy's Fascists.

Nice job just puking some random political terms up onto a forum post in some random bizarre way that suits your vilifying agenda.
Nice job. Your post managed to be devoid of content other than to express disapproval of what I wrote, without countering it in any way.
Just admit I'm right and move on.

“The power of all corporations ought to be limited, the growing wealth acquired by them never fails to be a source of abuses.”
James Madison

“I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”
Thomas Jefferson.

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
Thomas Jefferson

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.” George Washington

“As to Taxes, they are evidently inseparable from Government. It is impossible without them to pay the debts of the nation, to protect it from foreign danger, or to secure individuals from lawless violence and rapine.” Alexander Hamilton

Let's not get into how you're saying conservatives think only white, property owning males should vote or blacks get counted as 3/5 of a citizen.
Exactly. If what they are trying to push through is so beneficial to the American people, why are they keeping it such a secret?

Any of the other 11 (eleven) Countries involved blabbing about it?

Why did you capitalize countries when it's not a proper noun? What an embarrassment to the Republican Party.
Stop trolling. What an embarrassment to Mods everywhere.
quelle surprise lol Grampa Murked U takes issue w/ Dont Taz Me Bro :p
Well he's a paranoid nut
What in the world is going on here?

Why does this have to be such a big fucking secret?


Maybe because the other 11 (eleven) Counties involved in the Process have asked everyone else involved in the process to keep it that way?

Why do liberturdans ALWAYS sell out? I don't get it. The biggest bunch of whiners on earth with the least to offer.

The question of the hour.

And the quickest backstabbers on the planet.
What in the world is going on here?

Why does this have to be such a big fucking secret?


Maybe because the other 11 (eleven) Counties involved in the Process have asked everyone else involved in the process to keep it that way?

Why do liberturdans ALWAYS sell out? I don't get it. The biggest bunch of whiners on earth with the least to offer.
It's amazing. The narco-libertarians always believe tyranny is just around the corner.

And they are usually trying to lead it. Imagine that.
I'd vote for Paul Ryan ahead of all of those currently in the 2016 race, but then I'm not into bashing politicians unless they carelessly start wars.
There are conservative all over the world who have been calling themselves "conservatives" decades. The "establishment conservatives" are still much more to the right than their counterparts around the world. The folks who recently started calling themselves "true conservatives" are actually far right or fringe extreme conservatives on the world's big stage. Claiming to be "true conservatives" is moving the bar pretty far to the right.

Conservatives are not far right or extreme or any of the other LIES told about them. Conservatives ARE the center.

To the left you have RINO's and the GOP establishment who frequently talk like a conservative and act like a leftist. Close to them you have the wishy washy so called independents, then classic Democrats. Further left are the lying lowlife scum liberals.

Out in lala land you have a tiny fraction of whackos people like to associate with Conservatives but they are just an island of nutters not conservatives.

Well Blues, I'm basing my train of thought on forums that include folks from around the world such as an international political forum I participate in and also the old Atlantic Monthly forum which was heavily populated by Europeans. I have family spread out across the the Pacific Rim as my New Zealand family is involved in importing/exporting throughout the Pacific Rim. There is quite a general consensuses that the traditional (establishment) American conservative movement is farther to the right than the rest of the world's conservatives and that the grouping claiming to be "true conservatives" are even further to the right.
So I'm simply giving you a world view versus an American view.
In America "conservative" is what used to be called "liberal." The Founders were liberals. Today's conservatives mirror the Founders' values and ideals.
What people in Europe call Conservative is very different.
And today's liberals are not liberals at all. They are Progressives, which makes them second cousins to Italy's Fascists.

Check the sig line.
People laugh at what they dont understand.

I'm laughing at your conjecture, stated as though it was fact. Can you back up your statement? And if you decide to actually provide evidence, please use something that isn't from some partisan resource.
Thank you.
Conservatives are not far right or extreme or any of the other LIES told about them. Conservatives ARE the center.

To the left you have RINO's and the GOP establishment who frequently talk like a conservative and act like a leftist. Close to them you have the wishy washy so called independents, then classic Democrats. Further left are the lying lowlife scum liberals.

Out in lala land you have a tiny fraction of whackos people like to associate with Conservatives but they are just an island of nutters not conservatives.

Well Blues, I'm basing my train of thought on forums that include folks from around the world such as an international political forum I participate in and also the old Atlantic Monthly forum which was heavily populated by Europeans. I have family spread out across the the Pacific Rim as my New Zealand family is involved in importing/exporting throughout the Pacific Rim. There is quite a general consensuses that the traditional (establishment) American conservative movement is farther to the right than the rest of the world's conservatives and that the grouping claiming to be "true conservatives" are even further to the right.
So I'm simply giving you a world view versus an American view.
In America "conservative" is what used to be called "liberal." The Founders were liberals. Today's conservatives mirror the Founders' values and ideals.
What people in Europe call Conservative is very different.
And today's liberals are not liberals at all. They are Progressives, which makes them second cousins to Italy's Fascists.

Check the sig line.
People laugh at what they dont understand.

I'm laughing at your conjecture, stated as though it was fact. Can you back up your statement? And if you decide to actually provide evidence, please use something that isn't from some partisan resource.
Thank you.
Evidence for what, jerkoff? I made 7 different statements.
What in the world is going on here?

Why does this have to be such a big fucking secret?


Maybe because the other 11 (eleven) Counties involved in the Process have asked everyone else involved in the process to keep it that way?

Why do liberturdans ALWAYS sell out? I don't get it. The biggest bunch of whiners on earth with the least to offer.

The question of the hour.

And the quickest backstabbers on the planet.
You should have seen how quickly they threw Rand Paul over after he made some statement or other. No, these are burn them at the stake folks. Anyone who trusts them to vote for him is a fool.
What in the world is going on here?

Why does this have to be such a big fucking secret?


Maybe because the other 11 (eleven) Counties involved in the Process have asked everyone else involved in the process to keep it that way?

Why do liberturdans ALWAYS sell out? I don't get it. The biggest bunch of whiners on earth with the least to offer.

The question of the hour.

And the quickest backstabbers on the planet.
You should have seen how quickly they threw Rand Paul over after he made some statement or other. No, these are burn them at the stake folks. Anyone who trusts them to vote for him is a fool.

We have a local libertarian that does talk radio that I used to listen to. When he wasn't whining about how abused Gary Johnson was... He spent all his time helping the democrats trash all the republican candidates and backing crackpot left wing bullshit.

Libertarians are kooks.
Well Blues, I'm basing my train of thought on forums that include folks from around the world such as an international political forum I participate in and also the old Atlantic Monthly forum which was heavily populated by Europeans. I have family spread out across the the Pacific Rim as my New Zealand family is involved in importing/exporting throughout the Pacific Rim. There is quite a general consensuses that the traditional (establishment) American conservative movement is farther to the right than the rest of the world's conservatives and that the grouping claiming to be "true conservatives" are even further to the right.
So I'm simply giving you a world view versus an American view.
In America "conservative" is what used to be called "liberal." The Founders were liberals. Today's conservatives mirror the Founders' values and ideals.
What people in Europe call Conservative is very different.
And today's liberals are not liberals at all. They are Progressives, which makes them second cousins to Italy's Fascists.

Check the sig line.
People laugh at what they dont understand.

I'm laughing at your conjecture, stated as though it was fact. Can you back up your statement? And if you decide to actually provide evidence, please use something that isn't from some partisan resource.
Thank you.
Evidence for what, jerkoff? I made 7 different statements.

Actually it was six disjointed statements, which is basically your style and typically sans of any specific conclusion
Its not an excuse its a FACT! Unlike the koolaid drinking libs in the Democratic party we conservatives are frequently at odds with the GOP establishment and call them out. The GOP ran more than 40,000 ads promising to defund Obamacare and Obama's executive amnesty in the last election, then one of the first things they did was fund both of them. Conservatives are hopping mad over this and called them out.

There are conservative all over the world who have been calling themselves "conservatives" decades. The "establishment conservatives" are still much more to the right than their counterparts around the world. The folks who recently started calling themselves "true conservatives" are actually far right or fringe extreme conservatives on the world's big stage. Claiming to be "true conservatives" is moving the bar pretty far to the right.

Conservatives are not far right or extreme or any of the other LIES told about them. Conservatives ARE the center.

To the left you have RINO's and the GOP establishment who frequently talk like a conservative and act like a leftist. Close to them you have the wishy washy so called independents, then classic Democrats. Further left are the lying lowlife scum liberals.

Out in lala land you have a tiny fraction of whackos people like to associate with Conservatives but they are just an island of nutters not conservatives.

You don't get to define what is center or extreme.

In a lot of ways the government is greatly behind needed change in the country and the public knows it, same sex marriage and legalized marijuana are two examples of this. All the GOP and conservatives do by pushing against those things are delaying the inevitable really.

Sooner or later I expect climate change to catch up to conservatives as well.

The thing with conservatism really can't live in the 1950's forever, sooner or later you have to accept that the world changes. It takes a while sometimes, but in the end liberals always win.

I will define the center AND you lib, shut it. Oh good lord you are a climate changer to boot, please refrain from voting and driving a motor vehicle.

If the conservatives are the center then they sure do suck at presidential elections, not having won more than 51% of the vote since 1988.

So you libs and Democrats are taking responsibility for the last 25 years?
Conservatives are not far right or extreme or any of the other LIES told about them. Conservatives ARE the center.

To the left you have RINO's and the GOP establishment who frequently talk like a conservative and act like a leftist. Close to them you have the wishy washy so called independents, then classic Democrats. Further left are the lying lowlife scum liberals.

Out in lala land you have a tiny fraction of whackos people like to associate with Conservatives but they are just an island of nutters not conservatives.

Well Blues, I'm basing my train of thought on forums that include folks from around the world such as an international political forum I participate in and also the old Atlantic Monthly forum which was heavily populated by Europeans. I have family spread out across the the Pacific Rim as my New Zealand family is involved in importing/exporting throughout the Pacific Rim. There is quite a general consensuses that the traditional (establishment) American conservative movement is farther to the right than the rest of the world's conservatives and that the grouping claiming to be "true conservatives" are even further to the right.
So I'm simply giving you a world view versus an American view.
In America "conservative" is what used to be called "liberal." The Founders were liberals. Today's conservatives mirror the Founders' values and ideals.
What people in Europe call Conservative is very different.
And today's liberals are not liberals at all. They are Progressives, which makes them second cousins to Italy's Fascists.

Check the sig line.
People laugh at what they dont understand.

I'm laughing at your conjecture, stated as though it was fact. Can you back up your statement? And if you decide to actually provide evidence, please use something that isn't from some partisan resource.
Thank you.

I gave up on koolaid drinking liberals years ago you people are on your own.
In America "conservative" is what used to be called "liberal." The Founders were liberals. Today's conservatives mirror the Founders' values and ideals.
What people in Europe call Conservative is very different.
And today's liberals are not liberals at all. They are Progressives, which makes them second cousins to Italy's Fascists.

Check the sig line.
People laugh at what they dont understand.

I'm laughing at your conjecture, stated as though it was fact. Can you back up your statement? And if you decide to actually provide evidence, please use something that isn't from some partisan resource.
Thank you.
Evidence for what, jerkoff? I made 7 different statements.

Actually it was six disjointed statements, which is basically your style and typically sans of any specific conclusion

Dude, his post seems clear you seem to be the one with a reading comprehension problem.
Well Blues, I'm basing my train of thought on forums that include folks from around the world such as an international political forum I participate in and also the old Atlantic Monthly forum which was heavily populated by Europeans. I have family spread out across the the Pacific Rim as my New Zealand family is involved in importing/exporting throughout the Pacific Rim. There is quite a general consensuses that the traditional (establishment) American conservative movement is farther to the right than the rest of the world's conservatives and that the grouping claiming to be "true conservatives" are even further to the right.
So I'm simply giving you a world view versus an American view.
In America "conservative" is what used to be called "liberal." The Founders were liberals. Today's conservatives mirror the Founders' values and ideals.
What people in Europe call Conservative is very different.
And today's liberals are not liberals at all. They are Progressives, which makes them second cousins to Italy's Fascists.

Check the sig line.
People laugh at what they dont understand.

I'm laughing at your conjecture, stated as though it was fact. Can you back up your statement? And if you decide to actually provide evidence, please use something that isn't from some partisan resource.
Thank you.

I gave up on koolaid drinking liberals years ago you people are on your own.

Dude, anyone who goose-steps to any ideology is a kool-aid drinker. What do you use ,24 once or do you go for the jumbo.
Check the sig line.
People laugh at what they dont understand.

I'm laughing at your conjecture, stated as though it was fact. Can you back up your statement? And if you decide to actually provide evidence, please use something that isn't from some partisan resource.
Thank you.
Evidence for what, jerkoff? I made 7 different statements.

Actually it was six disjointed statements, which is basically your style and typically sans of any specific conclusion

Dude, his post seems clear you seem to be the one with a reading comprehension problem.

Dude, Rabbi's post is nothing but conjecture, as usual he has nothing to back it up and if you think it's not disjointed thinking, then you're so far from thinking for yourself you might as well start wearing t-shirts that say "I'm with stupid".
In America "conservative" is what used to be called "liberal." The Founders were liberals. Today's conservatives mirror the Founders' values and ideals.
What people in Europe call Conservative is very different.
And today's liberals are not liberals at all. They are Progressives, which makes them second cousins to Italy's Fascists.

Check the sig line.
People laugh at what they dont understand.

I'm laughing at your conjecture, stated as though it was fact. Can you back up your statement? And if you decide to actually provide evidence, please use something that isn't from some partisan resource.
Thank you.

I gave up on koolaid drinking liberals years ago you people are on your own.

Dude, anyone who goose-steps to any ideology is a kool-aid drinker. What do you use ,24 once or do you go for the jumbo.

You can't even spell idiot. :laugh:

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