Paul Ryan Reveals Himself to be the Fraud He Is

What in the world is going on here?

Why does this have to be such a big fucking secret?


Maybe because the other 11 (eleven) Counties involved in the Process have asked everyone else involved in the process to keep it that way?

Why do liberturdans ALWAYS sell out? I don't get it. The biggest bunch of whiners on earth with the least to offer.


This free trade deal will turn out just like the previous trade deal, where the American worker and the US is fucked over again and America continues is decline and moves more towards a third rate country. Plutocracy in action. Thanks Obama, GOP and Democratic sellouts.
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he's a life-long Washington-Insider, started interning there and never left, and doesn't want to "rock the status quo boat" 'lest he lose his under the table quid pro quo retirement (book deals & sitting on boards) from his REAL constituents (the 1%'ers)

Synthaholic might have a word or three to say on this topic :p
I noticed you libs are against this but not blaming Obama one scintilla for it..

Ryan is against social security and other social safety nets, despite having collected survivor's benefits thru his college years.

It's the same demeaning situation as AA was to Clarence Thomas, being forced to go through college with that stigma.

Better to pull up the ladder than to run America"a youth up that gantlet!

That is a lie and you are a liar.

Ryan has NEVER spoken out against Social Security as a program.

You are a liar and a coward
If you call totally revising social security so the it is unrecognizable except in name only, you might be right.

But by common definitions of the word "liar," that would be Ryan.

And you.

Ryan's budget:
  • Allows workers age 55 or younger to invest a large portion of their Social Security taxes in the stock market.
  • Diverts $1 trillion from the Social Security Trust Fund, where benefits are guaranteed, to the casino of Wall Street.
  • Puts the government on the hook for stock market losses.
Do not cut benefits

  • Cuts benefits by 40% for middle-income workers making about $43,000.
  • Cuts benefits by 50% for middle-income workers making about $70,000.
  • Cuts benefits even more for higher-income workers.
[Estimates from the Center on Budget & Policy Priorities]

Do not raise the retirement age

  • Raises the normal retirement age to 68 by 2027, and increases it every two years so it will reach 70 later this century.
  • Raising the retirement age to 70 is about a 20% benefit cut.
Rep. Paul Ryan No Friend to Social Security Strengthen Social Security
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What in the world is going on here?

Why does this have to be such a big fucking secret?


Free and open trade need not be a secret. It's not rocket science.

I'm with both you and TAZbro on this one.

Exactly. If what they are trying to push through is so beneficial to the American people, why are they keeping it such a secret?

Correct. Open trade should be easy to read, and for all to read.
Apparently, when conservatives talk about their love of limited government they define that as making backroom deals hidden from the public that could have a drastic affect on all of our lives and only revealing to you the consequences of said deal after it's finalized and there is little to nothing that can be done about it. To think this man almost became our Vice-President.

You libs can't get it through your thick skulls, stop confusing GOP establishment politicians with conservatives. I outed Paul Ryan as a GOP establishment politician years ago, you are a bit late to that party.
Ryan is against social security and other social safety nets, despite having collected survivor's benefits thru his college years.

It's the same demeaning situation as AA was to Clarence Thomas, being forced to go through college with that stigma.

Better to pull up the ladder than to run America"a youth up that gantlet!

That is a lie and you are a liar.

Ryan has NEVER spoken out against Social Security as a program.

You are a liar and a coward
If you call totally revising social security so the it is unfeconnizable except in name only, you might be right.

But by common definitions of the word "liar," that would be Ryan.

And you.Ryan's budget:
  • Allows workers age 55 or younger to invest a large portion of their Social Security taxes in the stock market.
  • Diverts $1 trillion from the Social Security Trust Fund, where benefits are guaranteed, to the casino of Wall Street.
  • Puts the government on the hook for stock market losses.
Do not cut benefits

  • Cuts benefits by 40% for middle-income workers making about $43,000.
  • Cuts benefits by 50% for middle-income workers making about $70,000.
  • Cuts benefits even more for higher-income workers.
[Estimates from the Center on Budget & Policy Priorities]

Do not raise the retirement age

  • Raises the normal retirement age to 68 by 2027, and increases it every two years so it will reach 70 later this century.
  • Raising the retirement age to 70 is about a 20% benefit cut.

One of the biggest problems with SS is that they're trying to pay 2015 benefis with 1965 money

When little Johnny started his first Job in 1965, the goobermint took about $5 a week from him (and his employer combined) give or take. Doesn't matter the exact amount.

So dimocrap scum, being dimocrap scum, take the money and buy votes with it....... "Her ya go. Vote dimocrap!" Didn't save or invest a nickel

So when Little Johnny turns 66 this Month, all the goobermint has is the $5 with which to pay him. Actuarially, a little more than that. Probably around $15 since Johnny worked about 3 times longer than he'll live post-retirement. Gets complicated

But that's over your head..... As is most eveything.

But, if we were to take that money and invest it in -- Anything. Little Johnny wouldn't get the paltry $350 a week he's getting now. He'd be getting around $1,500 a week.

And the only way the goobermint has of giving Johnny the $350 is by taking it from you..... Who accounts for $3 of it.

This is why dimocraps should never be left in charge of anything -- You're stupid.

Using Einstein's Rule of 72 (some say his only worthwhile contribution to science) we know that if we divide any compound interest rate into the number 72, the answer will tell us how many years it takes for that money to double.

So if we take 7 years for that $5 to double that means that the $5 that Johnny put in to the SS Fund should be worth $640 today.

And that is just $5.

Just one year at $5 a week would give Johnny $233,000 a year to live on. And if you take it actuarially, it should give him near to $400,000 a year because he put into it for 50 years and will only live, on average, for 20 years after retirement.

You're not just scumbags, you're stupid.

Ryan's idea is the best ever to save SS.

But you won't do it because -- You're stupid.

Me? FUCK Social Security. I did my own. Did pretty good with it, too. Not great because I was a democrat before I realized what a life of loserdom being a democrat was. I didn't grow up until I was older.

Had I grown up in my 30s, I would be a multi millionaire right now. But I didn't.

But at least I eventually did. Better late than never

You won't. You're too stupid.

Get used to the taste of cat food
In other words, they actually stand for freedom unlike yourselves who lie about it?

And they don't espouse Republican fiscal policies because Republicans aren't fiscally responsible. You're a financial train wreck who's run up trillions in debt to fund your murderous war mongering that most of you are too cowardly to sign up for yourselves.

I do not lie. liberturdian scum lie.

They say, "Let us in your party. We promise to be good party members if you'll just let us give you some of our ideas."

We did. We allowed you in. You stabbed us in the back.

Start your own party.

The reason you keep being slapped down is because your theories SUCK. Your politicians SUCK and frankly, your ideas SUCK.

You can't be trusted. You stab us in the back at every opportunity.

I don't always get my way inside the Republican Party, either. I was NOT for Mittens to win the Party nomination. But when he did, I shut the fuck up and backed him.

Kinda like when our Soldiers go to War. I back our Soldiers no matter who the president is.

You? You're out there with Code Pink and Westboro Baptist.

You are untrustworthy and lowlife.

Period. Only a scumbag stabs his benefactors in the back.

I would rather see the United States be run by dimocrap scum than by fucking idiots like you.

You seem angry. But then again, you almost always do....
Let's see, Minnesota's economy is better than Florida's, Minnesota's healthcare system is better than Florida's, our crime rate is lower than Florida's, our education system is better than Florida's, our quality of life is better than Florida's.
But for four months your weather is better than ours. Well whoopie! I grew up in a warm weather country and then moved to a warm weather state. I moved to Minny 12 years ago on a temporary assignment and decided to stay. I'll take Minnesota's high quality of life over Florida's 4 months of superior weather ten out of tens times.
Because it's a negotiation. Understand? Do unions and employers make public ongoing negotiations until there is a tentative agreement?

Are they elected members of the United States government?

Bro....our elected officials will get to review the entire tentative agreement and vote on it up or down. You cannot do public negotiations with multiple entities. Nothing would ever get agreed to.

I used to do contract negotiation. All negotiate is private. It has to be. Once you get a tentative agree all the relevant parties get to look at it and decide whether or not to accept it. Okay? :)

‘It’s Declassified And Made Public Once It’s Agreed To’"

Huh? Since when are trade deals "classified" and maybe Ryan could tell us what trade deal has worked in our favor in the last 30 years?

Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP)—and potentially more deals are just more bullshit Barry is going for like Willy Jeff did with NAFTA....There's a pile of money for him in it somewhere. Meanwhile the American worker gets the shaft as more industry is off-shored.

Paul Ryan s Pelosi-Esque Obamatrade Moment It s Declassified And Made Public Once It s Agreed To - Breitbart
Apparently, when conservatives talk about their love of limited government they define that as making backroom deals hidden from the public that could have a drastic affect on all of our lives and only revealing to you the consequences of said deal after it's finalized and there is little to nothing that can be done about it. To think this man almost became our Vice-President.

Chief Obamatrade proponent House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) admitted during Congressional testimony on Wednesday evening that despite tons of claims from him and other Obamatrade supporters to the contrary, the process is highly secretive.

He also made a gaffe in his House Rules Committee testimony on par with former Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)’s push to pass Obamacare, in which she said infamously said: “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

“It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to,” Ryan said of Obamatrade in Rules Committee testimony on Wednesday during questioning from Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX).

Paul Ryan s Pelosi-Esque Obamatrade Moment It s Declassified And Made Public Once It s Agreed To - Breitbart
I disagree with Ryan on this.

Disney just had their American workers train foreigners and then fired the Americans. This is a mess.

"Instead, about 250 Disney employeeswere told in late October that they would be laid off. Many of their jobs were transferred to immigrants on temporary visas for highly skilled technical workers, who were brought in by an outsourcing firm based in India. Over the next three months, some Disney employees were required to train their replacements to do the jobs they had lost."
Apparently, when conservatives talk about their love of limited government they define that as making backroom deals hidden from the public that could have a drastic affect on all of our lives and only revealing to you the consequences of said deal after it's finalized and there is little to nothing that can be done about it. To think this man almost became our Vice-President.

Chief Obamatrade proponent House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) admitted during Congressional testimony on Wednesday evening that despite tons of claims from him and other Obamatrade supporters to the contrary, the process is highly secretive.

He also made a gaffe in his House Rules Committee testimony on par with former Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)’s push to pass Obamacare, in which she said infamously said: “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

“It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to,” Ryan said of Obamatrade in Rules Committee testimony on Wednesday during questioning from Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX).

Paul Ryan s Pelosi-Esque Obamatrade Moment It s Declassified And Made Public Once It s Agreed To - Breitbart
I disagree with Ryan on this.

Disney just had their American workers train foreigners and then fired the Americans. This is a mess.

"Instead, about 250 Disney employeeswere told in late October that they would be laid off. Many of their jobs were transferred to immigrants on temporary visas for highly skilled technical workers, who were brought in by an outsourcing firm based in India. Over the next three months, some Disney employees were required to train their replacements to do the jobs they had lost."
That's interesting misty. And not to contradict you at all, but imo it's interesting that one of the not so secret trade offs being made to the bill is one that would

"would prohibit future trade deals from loosening immigration laws or expanding visa access."
Let's see, Minnesota's economy is better than Florida's, Minnesota's healthcare system is better than Florida's, our crime rate is lower than Florida's, our education system is better than Florida's, our quality of life is better than Florida's.
But for four months your weather is better than ours. Well whoopie! I grew up in a warm weather country and then moved to a warm weather state. I moved to Minny 12 years ago on a temporary assignment and decided to stay. I'll take Minnesota's high quality of life over Florida's 4 months of superior weather ten out of tens times.

I hated Minneapolis. I lived there nearly 6 years with the ex. We called it ice station zebra. :lol: We saw it snow heavily every month but June, July, and August. But hey....if you like -15 below zero and snow frozen into concrete you have to shovel every day then's great. :thup:

The people are also weird as bat shit. No social skills....aloof...and very, very strange. If you can carry a conversation they look at you like your from Mars.
Here's a simple chart showing the horrific effect trade deals have had on the American worker....that cheap gadget you get from China is costing a fellow citizen his job and you're paying his unemployment to boot.


The uptick in exports since 2007 is a false narrative since foreign-made goods are counted as exports as we middleman deals between the orient and Europe.
Here's a simple chart showing the horrific effect trade deals have had on the American worker....that cheap gadget you get from China is costing a fellow citizen his job and you're paying his unemployment to boot.


The uptick in exports since 2007 is a false narrative since foreign-made goods are counted as exports as we middleman deals between the orient and Europe.

You are such a fucking liar, as usual.

No, foreign-made goods are not counted as exports, except as transshipments, and for that, we are not necessarily even the middleman. This is common practice in every single 1st world country on Earth. And many of the goods you want to call foreign-made are goods where a component of the product was imported and the rest of the product was created and finished in the USA. It's a daily occurrence in the US Car Industry.

The "uptick" happened when Obama started putting his policies into action. Actually, it's a major improvement, but you are too much of a stupid fucking hack to ever admit it.

So, go fuck yourself, you little fake marine turdball.
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Apparently, when conservatives talk about their love of limited government they define that as making backroom deals hidden from the public that could have a drastic affect on all of our lives and only revealing to you the consequences of said deal after it's finalized and there is little to nothing that can be done about it. To think this man almost became our Vice-President.

You libs can't get it through your thick skulls, stop confusing GOP establishment politicians with conservatives. I outed Paul Ryan as a GOP establishment politician years ago, you are a bit late to that party.

A. I'm not a liberal

B. Being that 90% of the Republican Party in D.C. is backing this, they are, by your very definition all establishment. It never dawns on you people who always use the "establishment" or "RINO" excuse that perhaps your party isn't actually what you think it is.
Let's see, Minnesota's economy is better than Florida's, Minnesota's healthcare system is better than Florida's, our crime rate is lower than Florida's, our education system is better than Florida's, our quality of life is better than Florida's.
But for four months your weather is better than ours. Well whoopie! I grew up in a warm weather country and then moved to a warm weather state. I moved to Minny 12 years ago on a temporary assignment and decided to stay. I'll take Minnesota's high quality of life over Florida's 4 months of superior weather ten out of tens times.

I hated Minneapolis. I lived there nearly 6 years with the ex. We called it ice station zebra. :lol: We saw it snow heavily every month but June, July, and August. But hey....if you like -15 below zero and snow frozen into concrete you have to shovel every day then's great. :thup:

The people are also weird as bat shit. No social skills....aloof...and very, very strange. If you can carry a conversation they look at you like your from Mars.

"I hated Minneapolis. I lived there nearly 6 years with the ex. We called it ice station zebra. :lol: We saw it snow heavily every month but June, July, and August." -Welfare Queen
That is complete bullshit.
Here's the average monthly temperatures for Minneapolis, with the average high temperature and average low temperature in Fahrenheit.
January High: 22 Low: 4
February High: 29 Low: 12
March High: 41 Low: 24
April High: 51 Low: 36
May High: 70 Low: 49
June High: 79 Low: 58
July High: 83 Low: 63
August High: 80 Low: 61
September High: 71 Low: 51
October High: 58 Low: 39
November High: 40 Low: 25
December High: 26 Low: 11
"The people are also weird as bat shit. No social skills....aloof...and very, very strange. If you can carry a conversation they look at you like your from Mars.-Welfare Queen
More proven bullshit!
Minneapolis ranked most literate city
Minneapolis ranked most literate city
Top 10 most educated cities in America
Top 10 most educated cities in America ZDNet

The Miracle of Minneapolis
The Miracle of Minneapolis - The Atlantic/
Thanks Welfare Queen for giving me a chance to brag and at the same time showing our fellow posters exactly how lame you really are! :thup:
Oh, I forgot to mention Minneapolis is the 4th cleanest city in the world. Yeah, it's real tough living here and the cold winters do keep the riff-raft out. As proof, you moved away! :dance:

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