Paul Ryan, "This isn't a budget, it's a "cause"."

Whatever else Ryan's plan is, politically it's a pipe dream.
Yes... because the liberals who give lip service to deficit/debt reduction will refuse to have anything to do with it.

And then, with that refusal to actually ACT in support of that lip service fresh in everyones' minds, those liberals will lose their jobs.

So, feel free to call your congressman and have him oppose this - 2012 awaits.
Conservative answer to everything is "give people freedom, destroy everything then see what happens"

Well what happens is that the richest of the rich will not be affected at all. The only ones affected are the lowest people on the totum poll. It's like they don't care or consider what the next step is. Just yell "that's not in the constitution" or "leave to states"

Then what? Utopia? Chaos until utopia? What?
Whatever else Ryan's plan is, politically it's a pipe dream.

It's going nowhere. The first step to progress would be for politicians to stop wasting everyone's time proposing plans that are subject to passing political muster when the plan itself is politically D.O.A.

Very true. The first step towards progress would be for the Citizenry to arm itself, drag these politicians out of their places of business, and then to tear down the entire current system in order to replace it with a properly functioning one.

Does anyone else find it ironic that Anachromism agree with the post about proposing pipe dreams then he proposed a pipe dream?
Conservative answer to everything is "give people freedom, destroy everything then see what happens"
See, when you start with a strawman such as this, you really waste your time typing the rest of your post, as it cannot be worth reading.

Someone should tell that to the guy right below your post

M14 is right. Who is talking about "destroying everything"??
Besides, Ryan wants to do away with a lot of corporate susbsidies. Don't tell me you are in favor of giving money to corporations?
Everyone under 55 gets to participate in a program like the one for Federal Employees.

If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us.

From Ryan's document:

"First, it [the proposal] ensures security by setting up a tightly regulated exchange for Medicare plans. Health plans that choose to participate in the Medicare exchange must agree to offer insurance to all Medicare beneficiaries, to avoid cherry-picking and ensure that Medicare’s sickest and highest-cost beneficiaries receive coverage."

We have a name for the program federal employees participate in and Ryan himself invokes it here: a health insurance exchange.

If it's good enough for federal employees and it's good enough for seniors, why isn't it good enough for the rest of the nation seeking coverage through the individual market?
Whatever else Ryan's plan is, politically it's a pipe dream.
Yes... because the liberals who give lip service to deficit/debt reduction will refuse to have anything to do with it.

And then, with that refusal to actually ACT in support of that lip service fresh in everyones' minds, those liberals will lose their jobs.

So, feel free to call your congressman and have him oppose this - 2012 awaits.

Liberals can't stop him if they tried. We're 20% of the population remember? The Center will kill this,

just like they killed the crackpot extremism of the original Reagan team in 1980.
Everyone under 55 gets to participate in a program like the one for Federal Employees.

If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us.

From Ryan's document:

"First, it [the proposal] ensures security by setting up a tightly regulated exchange for Medicare plans. Health plans that choose to participate in the Medicare exchange must agree to offer insurance to all Medicare beneficiaries, to avoid cherry-picking and ensure that Medicare’s sickest and highest-cost beneficiaries receive coverage."

We have a name for the program federal employees participate in and Ryan himself invokes it here: a health insurance exchange.

If it's good enough for federal employees and it's good enough for seniors, why isn't it good enough for the rest of the nation seeking coverage through the individual market?

TIGHTLY REGULATED?? Isn't that what conservatives call a government takeover of healthcare?:lol:
Everyone under 55 gets to participate in a program like the one for Federal Employees.

If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us.

From Ryan's document:

"First, it [the proposal] ensures security by setting up a tightly regulated exchange for Medicare plans. Health plans that choose to participate in the Medicare exchange must agree to offer insurance to all Medicare beneficiaries, to avoid cherry-picking and ensure that Medicare’s sickest and highest-cost beneficiaries receive coverage."

We have a name for the program federal employees participate in and Ryan himself invokes it here: a health insurance exchange.

If it's good enough for federal employees and it's good enough for seniors, why isn't it good enough for the rest of the nation seeking coverage through the individual market?

TIGHTLY REGULATED?? Isn't that what conservatives call a government takeover of healthcare?:lol:

Government has already taken over health care for people over 65 so shouldn't it be tightly controlled?

And seeing how well medicare is working, do we really want government involved in everyone's health care?
From Ryan's document:

"First, it [the proposal] ensures security by setting up a tightly regulated exchange for Medicare plans. Health plans that choose to participate in the Medicare exchange must agree to offer insurance to all Medicare beneficiaries, to avoid cherry-picking and ensure that Medicare’s sickest and highest-cost beneficiaries receive coverage."

We have a name for the program federal employees participate in and Ryan himself invokes it here: a health insurance exchange.

If it's good enough for federal employees and it's good enough for seniors, why isn't it good enough for the rest of the nation seeking coverage through the individual market?

TIGHTLY REGULATED?? Isn't that what conservatives call a government takeover of healthcare?:lol:

Government has already taken over health care for people over 65 so shouldn't it be tightly controlled?

And seeing how well medicare is working, do we really want government involved in everyone's health care?

Gubmint always be right.
Ryan's plan is simple. He's going to make seniors and lower income Americans either pay more out of pocket for their healthcare, or go without.

You can argue that's a good thing, but you can't argue it's not true.
Ryan's plan is simple. He's going to make seniors and lower income Americans either pay more out of pocket for their healthcare, or go without.

You can argue that's a good thing, but you can't argue it's not true.

Ryancare baby! Ryan. Care.
Ryan's plan is simple. He's going to make seniors and lower income Americans either pay more out of pocket for their healthcare, or go without.

You can argue that's a good thing, but you can't argue it's not true.

As opposed to Team Obama's plan, which is..well we don't know do we? But it would seem to involve me paying for someone else's health care. No thanks.
Slash education

We need to get the federal government out of the education business anyway.

slash the arts

Yes, no more Cowboy Poetry. WTF is the federal government doing in the arts anyway?

Changes have to be made. The longer we wait the more painful the changes will end up being.

Horseshit. This is just Marxist talking points. Ryan's budget actually takes away loop-holes.

Oh, so you're against job creation? You'd rather tax the shit out of them causing them to pull up stakes and moving to India?

Unions are out of control. They're telling the Democrats what to do, so it's time somebody put them in their place.

It does the opposite.

Pure hyperbole. It doesn't make abortions illegal, it only defunds them.

Why don't you say poisons babies and kills puppies while you're at it.

Another silly Lib talking point.

The EPA is a regulatory entity. How do you deregulate the regulators?

Do you even know what you're talking about?

Shut down the government

Seems to me the assholes that neglected to produce a plan or even produce a budget are doing that. Obama and the Democrat controlled Senate are both several months late on submitting a budget. Blame them.

Perhaps the right wingers on this board can explain what the goal is?

Where do "jobs" fit in? Besides sending them to China? And what kind of unskilled jobs?

The right is doing more damage than al Qaeda ever could have imagined.

Your post is just a hodge-podge of lib talking-points, full of exaggerations and outright deceptions.

It's just a series of popular slogans that the Dems have been talking up for about 30 years. It shows that they didn't even take the time to read Ryan's budget. Regardless what he proposed they would have said the same exact thing.

I'm curious. Why do you think "companies make jobs"? Jobs are made from "supply and demand". Without demand, no corporation would "make" a single job. Besides, look at all the entrepreneurs who didn't get "corporate tax cuts" and became the largest corporations in the world. Think Ford, Jobs and Gates.

And you must know corporations can't resist workers who are paid 51 cents an hour. Are you advocating that here?

I bet you think corporations are interested in a successful US. The truth is, they only want the US to be "secure" and "safe". It doesn't matter what we charge in corporate taxes. Somewhere in the world, someplace charges less. But they will stay here because it's "safe". They just don't want to support this country. So they say their corporate headquarters is in an outhouse in Switzerland.

Your problem is you believe all those talking points you've been fed. Are right wingers capable of thinking things through?
Everyone under 55 gets to participate in a program like the one for Federal Employees.

If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us.

From Ryan's document:

"First, it [the proposal] ensures security by setting up a tightly regulated exchange for Medicare plans. Health plans that choose to participate in the Medicare exchange must agree to offer insurance to all Medicare beneficiaries, to avoid cherry-picking and ensure that Medicare’s sickest and highest-cost beneficiaries receive coverage."

We have a name for the program federal employees participate in and Ryan himself invokes it here: a health insurance exchange.

If it's good enough for federal employees and it's good enough for seniors, why isn't it good enough for the rest of the nation seeking coverage through the individual market?

TIGHTLY REGULATED?? Isn't that what conservatives call a government takeover of healthcare?:lol:

No.....that's a Single-payer health care system. :lol::lol::lol:
It's just a series of popular slogans that the Dems have been talking up for about 30 years. It shows that they didn't even take the time to read Ryan's budget. Regardless what he proposed they would have said the same exact thing.

I'm curious. Why do you think "companies make jobs"? Jobs are made from "supply and demand". Without demand, no corporation would "make" a single job. Besides, look at all the entrepreneurs who didn't get "corporate tax cuts" and became the largest corporations in the world. Think Ford, Jobs and Gates.

Without a product there would be no supply. Companies advertise and sell products generating demand.

Course this is a basic marketing technique that I learned in high school.
And you must know corporations can't resist workers who are paid 51 cents an hour. Are you advocating that here?

No, I just think the anti-business environment that exists today in America is bad for business and bad for job creation.
I bet you think corporations are interested in a successful US. The truth is, they only want the US to be "secure" and "safe". It doesn't matter what we charge in corporate taxes. Somewhere in the world, someplace charges less. But they will stay here because it's "safe". They just don't want to support this country. So they say their corporate headquarters is in an outhouse in Switzerland.

Your problem is you believe all those talking points you've been fed. Are right wingers capable of thinking things through?

If the country has a shitty economy they can get lower paying workers but only if the laws allow it. Unfortunately not only are wages high here but the cost of operation is going through the roof. This makes it tough to make profits.

If you can't make enough to stay in business what would you do if you're a business owner?

I'll answer for you. Ether move or sell your business.
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