Paul Whalen Was Captured and Imprisoned By Russia For Whatever He Did Under The Trump Administration

She’s an American, and was jailed for political reasons. We don’t leave our own behind. Only a rightist demeans a person’s value by their sexual orientation and profession.
There are still Americans in Russian prisons...they were left behind...there are still Americans left behind in the Taliban's Afghan as well. So that policy is untrue in terms of this admin.

Her sexuality isn't the issue, I am glad she is home, but we traded way to much for her. Xiden simply got outplayed by Putin...once again
It isn’t a case of getting consideration first., it is a case of who Russia was willing to make a deal on. Russia didn’t want to trade for Whalen. Presumably Whalen is a higher value prisoner to them.
Wrong. Putin tried to trade paul for the merchant of death and trump refused. Probably because he is evil POS. Leave it to the pedo rican to free him. While screaming about our guns.. SMH
The Russians got an asset back. We got a bitter malingerer who believed being African American entitled her to do what she wanted. Many are going to die now for this and if tabulating the trade, it is not worth it. Presidents can make bad decisions. Sometimes it's others who make it for them. But Joe has no conscience. Many despot leaders like Joe at least fight the fight with the underlings to gain power. Joe would give himself a medal for a splinter.
You denigrate Griner and act like Whelan is some kind of hero.

He’s not. He’s just another American in a foreign jail. And Griner did far less than Whelan did in terms of the reason for imprisonment.

That’s not to say we shouldn’t get him out but be honest about the situation
Nice selfie, you got talent.

I don't care about either Whalen or Griner, but prison conditions would effect both equally. Whalen, having been there longer should have gotten consideration first, if that's one of the excuses for Griner. Neither one of those people is worth the trade, the only person in Russia worth that trade is Snowden. Biden is a coward and a pussy.
Fucking SNOWDEN?

He’s not a prisoner. He’s a traitor
Don Lemon just revealed it was all about placating the LGBTQXYZ community. That's for 'The Merchant of Death.

Biden is a disgrace, freeing the man responsible for killing thousands of Africans among others with his arms deals.
Guns don't kill people; people kill people.
Why, while Trump was being persecuted by the democratic party did Trump do nothing for a man arrested, then later convicted.

Blame the Democrats who were busy attacking Americans, like Trump
The. TRUMP. Administration. Republicans didn't whisper a peep!!!

But now we're supposed to believe that they're so upset and outraged that he didn't get released w/or instead of Brittney Griner?!??

Why didn't Trump work to get him released, and if he was working on it, he failed, so why didn't you condemn him for it?
Go eat a bag of dicks Rusky.
he was working on it
He wasn’t doing anything:
“Bolton said that despite Trump's professed concern for Whelan, he didn't take any action to free him during his time in the White House when he had the power to do so.”

and Biden been in office how long, and Whalen Iis still locked up?

Blame Trump if you want, but he's not in office anymore

Biden is
What did Trump do to try to get him free when he WAS in office, because he was arrested in 2018.
What did Trump do to try to get him free when he WAS in office, because he was arrested in 2018.

nothing I'm aware of.

but Whalen had been sitting in a Russian cooler for 2-3 years when BIden took office.

Griner was arrested last February, an now she's home.

why Griner, and not Whalen?
nothing I'm aware of.

but Whalen had been sitting in a Russian cooler for 2-3 years when BIden took office.

Griner was arrested last February, an now she's home.

why Griner, and not Whalen?
Are you hard of hearing or just stupid?

Whelan wasn't an option.

Why didn't Trump even try to get him back bootlicker?

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