Paxlovid is miraculous


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2017
I became stricken last Thursday with gastro Covid.
Not respiratory but extreme stomach distress, zero appetite, sweats and chills, irregular breathing and heart rate oscillating and unable to sleep. Lost 8 pounds in 3 days and down a couple more since then. Started treatment Friday and completed last night and am doing better. Unlike the often bogus shots, Paxlovid was given time for reasearch and tested before being given to the public and not the foolish bums rush of the vaccine experiment
Ask any doctor and they will assure that Paxlovid is Far More Effective in treating the symptoms than the shots are in preventing it to being with.
Fauci and the TDS ghouls unleashed this abomination and we may well be dealing with this forever but at least there is now an effective remedy
I became stricken last Thursday with gastro Covid.
Not respiratory but extreme stomach distress, zero appetite, sweats and chills, irregular breathing and heart rate oscillating and unable to sleep. Lost 8 pounds in 3 days and down a couple more since then. Started treatment Friday and completed last night and am doing better. Unlike the often bogus shots, Paxlovid was given time for reasearch and tested before being given to the public and not the foolish bums rush of the vaccine experiment
Ask any doctor and they will assure that Paxlovid is Far More Effective in treating the symptoms than the shots are in preventing it to being with.
Fauci and the TDS ghouls unleashed this abomination and we may well be dealing with this forever but at least there is now an effective remedy
My covid poisoning was mostly respiratory and involved pneumonia but it also had a period of intestinal and stomach issues, too.
I felt your pain. Glad you found a cure.
My wife went to emergency because of the same type of covid that you had. They gave her that and it worked in
a big way. The doctors said that the drug stops the virus from reproducing and then you drink a lot of liquids
to flush out the live virus from your system.
My wife went to emergency because of the same type of covid that you had. They gave her that and it worked in
a big way. The doctors said that the drug stops the virus from reproducing and then you drink a lot of liquids
to flush out the live virus from your system.
I absolutely soaked the bed that one night with the sweat out process.
I thought hospitals wanted everyone to die from COVID, because it somehow got them money.

We're now hearing that hospitals are saving people?

And that COVID really is a lot worse than the flu?

Imagine that.
Weird to see all these people trusting big Pharma all of a sudden.
Trusting in good results is a thinking man’s game.

Following orders and taking experimental, unproven, ineffective shots over and over is a fools game.
Libs are testing the waters that we are against all shots or treatments.
We are against the unprofessional medical dictates that we’re forced upon us as to the vaccination that wasn’t a vaccination . There has been time to develop snd test Paxlovid and it is effective and we rejoice and approve.
By the fall they will have had over 2 years to develop and research a non bums rush vaccination and at that point the shots would likely be effective and we will again rejoice and participate gladly.
I don’t think most libs are this way be the TDS sufferers seem to exhibit feelings that they don’t want something researched and effective so that we can stay constantly on the edge of lockdowns and crisis.

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