Pay for Play on Steroids, and you Trumpers are upset about Clinton

Associated with Boeing paying the Clinton Foundation millions ...
After she used her position at the State Department to help sell planes.

Guess who she convinced to buy the planes ... The Russian government
Clinton Derangement Syndrom.
Do you liberals even think about these posts before you send them? I mean...come on...really?
please, God only knows what deals Trump makes with foreigners, and he is not giving speeches, just favors and getting favors. Bills speeches look so tiny compared to this crap.


How the President’s D.C. outpost became a dealmaker’s paradise for diplomats, lobbyists and insiders

At the bar of the Trump International Hotel in Washington, you can order a crystal spoonful of Hungarian wine for $140. Cocktails run from $23 for a gin and tonic to $100 for a vodka concoction with raw oysters and caviar. There’s a seafood pyramid called “the Trump Tower” that costs $120, or you can hit BLT Prime, a restaurant where the $59 salt-aged Kansas City strip steak comes with a long-shot chance of seeing the President sitting nearby. It’s the only restaurant in town where he has dined.

If the urge to shop strikes, there’s a Brioni boutique in one corner that offers the same Italian suits the President favors, starting at a few thousand a pop. Downstairs, a 90-minute couples massage at the Spa by Ivanka Trump will set you back $460—roughly the rack rate for a recent night in a standard room, where the Trump brand adorns everything from the shampoo bottles to the wine in the minibar.

Donald Trump’s Suite of Power
Crazy ass liberals. Now people are not allowed to own things. Nice job comrade! Hillary 2020!
Donald Trump Reports He’s Getting Richer as President - The Atlantic

Trump’s 2017 filing did contain one unquestionably bright spot of income for the president. In the spring of 2016, when his presidential bid began to break away from his rivals, he reported royalties from his business-advice book The Art of the Deal amounted to between $50,000 and $100,000. Twelve months and one presidential inauguration later, the president reported those royalties now fell within the $100,000 to $1,000,000 range.
Personally, i'm all for allowing athletes to use 'performance-enhancement' drugs like Steroids. I loved those home run wars between McGwire, Sosa, and Bonds back in the day. Baseball was much more interesting.

Steroids should have never been made illegal. It represented another stupid Big Government over-reach. Another politician Dog & Pony Show for the media. Adults should have the right to decide for themselves.
Donald Trump Reports He’s Getting Richer as President - The Atlantic

A bit of IRONIC

Trump’s 2017 filing did contain one unquestionably bright spot of income for the president. In the spring of 2016, when his presidential bid began to break away from his rivals, he reported royalties from his business-advice book The Art of the Deal amounted to between $50,000 and $100,000. Twelve months and one presidential inauguration later, the president reported those royalties now fell within the $100,000 to $1,000,000 range.

Barack Obama's book about his father and his own personal journey saw an even bigger surge in sales once he became the Democratic nominee and then President. What's your point? Or do you even have one at this junction? You're flailing badly today, Nat! Might want to try again when you're a bit sharper than this?
So ... You are suggesting President Obama didn't give millions to Iran ...
As part of the deal he made with the world's number contributor to international terrorism
A typical Russian/GOP lie mindlessly parroted by Trump's Chumps.

As you well know, the payment was the result of an agreed settlement to a 35-year case in international court and had NOTHING to do with the Iran nuclear deal.
Barack Obama's book about his father and his own personal journey saw an even bigger surge in sales once he became the Democratic nominee and then President. What's your point? Or do you even have one at this junction? You're flailing badly today, Nat! Might want to try again when you're a bit sharper than this?

Moron.........does the thread title include Obama???.................LOL
Did President Obama instruct pallets of money be put on a plane and flown to Iran ...
While working with Congress to negotiate the Iran Deal?
No, but you knew that already.
The payment was the result of an agreed settlement to a 35-year case in international court and was not in any way related to the Iran nuclear deal.
Pay More Clinton Bribes Here

So ... You are suggesting President Obama didn't give millions to Iran ...
As part of the deal he made with the world's number contributor to international terrorism
A typical Russian/GOP lie mindlessly parroted by Trump's Chumps.

As you well know, the payment was the result of an agreed settlement to a 35-year case in international court and had NOTHING to do with the Iran nuclear deal.
No one was paying them, schummers lemur
WHAT??????????? This is what you call "pay for play"??? This doesn't even come close to comparing to what Hillary has done.
Barack Obama's book about his father and his own personal journey saw an even bigger surge in sales once he became the Democratic nominee and then President. What's your point? Or do you even have one at this junction? You're flailing badly today, Nat! Might want to try again when you're a bit sharper than this?

Moron.........does the thread title include Obama???.................LOL

You're the one who brought up book sales. I simply pointed out that Obama's book went from being pretty much a non entity to the best seller lists because he became President which makes your point about Trump's book sales rather foolish. You continue to flounder and it's not getting any better...
Donald Trump Reports He’s Getting Richer as President - The Atlantic

A bit of IRONIC

Trump’s 2017 filing did contain one unquestionably bright spot of income for the president. In the spring of 2016, when his presidential bid began to break away from his rivals, he reported royalties from his business-advice book The Art of the Deal amounted to between $50,000 and $100,000. Twelve months and one presidential inauguration later, the president reported those royalties now fell within the $100,000 to $1,000,000 range.

Barack Obama's book about his father and his own personal journey saw an even bigger surge in sales once he became the Democratic nominee and then President. What's your point? Or do you even have one at this junction? You're flailing badly today, Nat! Might want to try again when you're a bit sharper than this?
Nat is a dull desperate boy.
Wow are you getting desperate, Penny! This string is a GLOWING example of Trump Derangement Syndrome! How does the fact that the Trump International Hotel charges a whole lot of money for a steak translate into the kind of "pay for play" that Hillary Clinton was doing at the State Department?

A glowing example of Trumpette ignorance.
please, God only knows what deals Trump makes with foreigners, and he is not giving speeches, just favors and getting favors. Bills speeches look so tiny compared to this crap.


How the President’s D.C. outpost became a dealmaker’s paradise for diplomats, lobbyists and insiders

At the bar of the Trump International Hotel in Washington, you can order a crystal spoonful of Hungarian wine for $140. Cocktails run from $23 for a gin and tonic to $100 for a vodka concoction with raw oysters and caviar. There’s a seafood pyramid called “the Trump Tower” that costs $120, or you can hit BLT Prime, a restaurant where the $59 salt-aged Kansas City strip steak comes with a long-shot chance of seeing the President sitting nearby. It’s the only restaurant in town where he has dined.

If the urge to shop strikes, there’s a Brioni boutique in one corner that offers the same Italian suits the President favors, starting at a few thousand a pop. Downstairs, a 90-minute couples massage at the Spa by Ivanka Trump will set you back $460—roughly the rack rate for a recent night in a standard room, where the Trump brand adorns everything from the shampoo bottles to the wine in the minibar.

Donald Trump’s Suite of Power

It's going to be a long time before it surpasses ...
The hundreds of millions President Obama paid the Iranians to play ... :thup:


It was Iran's money. When the fuck are you uneducated asswipes going to get it?

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