Pay up's a biatch also


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The Government is not asking for all the wealth’s money, just their fair share and most wealthy do not mind paying their share or a little more to help support the poor. The rich has been giving to the poor since the beginning of time. It’s giving back to those that have make them rich. The wealthy got wealthy off the backs of hard working John Does and Jane Does that supported their businesses or services that made them wealthy. Auto industries would not be wealth if not for Does buying their products. Bankers if their did not use the Does money. Look around your home and count the items that you bought with your hard working money from businesses thus making them wealthy.

Romney make their millions of the backs of hard working Does. Time to pay up by paying your fair share or little more in taxes to support the poor. Romney want us to believe he was once poor? Pay up is a biatch also.

Whether he inherit any money, Romney want us to believe that he did not benefit from his father wealth at all. Crock of you know what.

George Romney, a corporate CEO, who led Detroit automaker American Motors Corp.

"I could have stayed in Detroit like him and gotten pulled up in a car company," Romney said at the debate. "I went off on my own. I didn't inherit money from my parents. What I have, I earned. I worked hard, the American way."
PolitiFact | Mitt Romney says he didn't inherit money from his parents

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