Paying for First Ladies

I've got to admit that I picked this up from another discussion forum. Just need to post this here.
So you copynpasted something from another forum w/ some source that is hitherto unkown and think people will take it at face value? :rofl:

WRONG Shortbusknife.
First Lady Michelle Obama's fabulous clothes: Who pays the bills? @ First lady's fabulous clothes: Who pays the bills?

Michelle Obama’s Staff @ Michelle Obama’s Staff

Obama: 'The First Lady Doesn't Get Paid and She Works Pretty Hard' @ Obama: 'The First Lady Doesn't Get Paid and She Works Pretty Hard' - Breitbart

Michelle Obama: First Lady Of Spending Taxpayer Money @ Michelle Obama: First Lady Of Spending Taxpayer Money

Office of the First Lady of the United States @ Office of the First Lady of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First Lady Michelle Obama's fabulous clothes: Who pays the bills? @ First lady's fabulous clothes: Who pays the bills?

Michelle Obama’s Staff @ Michelle Obama’s Staff

Obama: 'The First Lady Doesn't Get Paid and She Works Pretty Hard' @ Obama: 'The First Lady Doesn't Get Paid and She Works Pretty Hard' - Breitbart

Michelle Obama: First Lady Of Spending Taxpayer Money @ Michelle Obama: First Lady Of Spending Taxpayer Money

Office of the First Lady of the United States @ Office of the First Lady of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She is a wonderful First Lady.
A credit to our country
Why do RWNJs believe that the constant stream of lies about the Obama's somehow helps their cause?

And WHY oh WHY are the so damn gullible that they post this same crap over and over?

Anyone wanna bet that more RWNJs will pile on, stupidly agreeing with the OP's lie?
Is it a lie?

Are taxpayers floating that kind of a bill for First Ladies?
I've got to admit that I picked this up from another discussion forum. Just need to post this here.

Total Personal Staff members for other first ladies paid by taxpayers
Mamie Eisenhower:--- One-- paid for personally out of President's salary.

Total number of Personal Staff Members paid by Tax Payers.

Jackie Kennedy: ------- One
Rosaline Carter: --------One
Barbara Bush: ------One
Hilary Clinton: --------Three
Laura Bush: ---------- One
Michele Obama: -------Twenty-two

How things have changed! If you're one of the tens of millions of Americans facing certain destitution, earning less than subsistence wages stocking the shelves at Wal-Mart or serving up McDonald cheeseburgers, prepare to scream and then come to realize that the benefit package for these servants of MS Michelle are the same as members of the national security and defense departments and the bill for these assorted lackeys is paid by YOU, John Q. Public:
Michele Obama's personal staff:
One.. $172,200 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)
Two.. $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C. (Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Policy And Projects
For The First Lady)
Three.. $113,000 - Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President and White House Social
Secretary for Mrs. Obama)
Four.. $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President and Director of
Communications for the First Lady)
Five.. $100,000 - Winter, Melissa (Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the
First Lady)
Six.. $90,000 Medina , David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
Seven.. $84,000 - Lilyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady)
Eight.. $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady)
Nine.. $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Project for the First Lady)
Ten.. $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
Eleven.. $64,000 - Reinstein, Joseph B.(Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
Twelve.. $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The
First Lady)
Thirteen.. $60,000 Fitz, Alan O.(Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director for the First Lady)
Fourteen.. $57,500 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady)
Fifteen.. $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary To The First
Sixteen.. $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady)
Seventeen.. $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)
Eighteen.. $43,000 - Tubman, Samantha a (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)
Nineteen.. $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
Twenty.. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)
Twenty-One.. $35,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)
Twenty-Two.. $35,000 - Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)

Total $1,591,200 in annual salaries – all for someone we did not vote for and apparently have no control over.

There has NEVER been anyone in the White House at any time who has created such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady's social life. One wonders why she needs so much help, at taxpayer expense. (I'm wondering why there are no guidelines or restraints for this and other activities concerning our government officials and their kin.)

Note: This does not include makeup artist Ingrid Grimes-Miles, 49, and "First Hairstylist" Johnny Wright, 31, both of whom traveled aboard Air Force One to Europe ...

Canada Free Press:
Wow......This is why many of us despise our federal government.
$172k( Chief of staff) is an ABSURD amount of money...And those 6 people making $90k and up and GROSSLY over paid.
BTW I don't give a damn about party or who occupies the white house. The spouse of the president does not need more than one or two staffers. And neither of them should be full time full benefit. These are temporary positions and should be moderately compensated.
I've got to admit that I picked this up from another discussion forum. Just need to post this here.

Total Personal Staff members for other first ladies paid by taxpayers
Mamie Eisenhower:--- One-- paid for personally out of President's salary.

Total number of Personal Staff Members paid by Tax Payers.

Jackie Kennedy: ------- One
Rosaline Carter: --------One
Barbara Bush: ------One
Hilary Clinton: --------Three
Laura Bush: ---------- One
Michele Obama: -------Twenty-two

How things have changed! If you're one of the tens of millions of Americans facing certain destitution, earning less than subsistence wages stocking the shelves at Wal-Mart or serving up McDonald cheeseburgers, prepare to scream and then come to realize that the benefit package for these servants of MS Michelle are the same as members of the national security and defense departments and the bill for these assorted lackeys is paid by YOU, John Q. Public:
Michele Obama's personal staff:
One.. $172,200 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)
Two.. $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C. (Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Policy And Projects
For The First Lady)
Three.. $113,000 - Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President and White House Social
Secretary for Mrs. Obama)
Four.. $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President and Director of
Communications for the First Lady)
Five.. $100,000 - Winter, Melissa (Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the
First Lady)
Six.. $90,000 Medina , David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
Seven.. $84,000 - Lilyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady)
Eight.. $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady)
Nine.. $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Project for the First Lady)
Ten.. $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
Eleven.. $64,000 - Reinstein, Joseph B.(Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
Twelve.. $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The
First Lady)
Thirteen.. $60,000 Fitz, Alan O.(Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director for the First Lady)
Fourteen.. $57,500 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady)
Fifteen.. $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary To The First
Sixteen.. $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady)
Seventeen.. $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)
Eighteen.. $43,000 - Tubman, Samantha a (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)
Nineteen.. $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
Twenty.. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)
Twenty-One.. $35,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)
Twenty-Two.. $35,000 - Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)

Total $1,591,200 in annual salaries – all for someone we did not vote for and apparently have no control over.

There has NEVER been anyone in the White House at any time who has created such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady's social life. One wonders why she needs so much help, at taxpayer expense. (I'm wondering why there are no guidelines or restraints for this and other activities concerning our government officials and their kin.)

Note: This does not include makeup artist Ingrid Grimes-Miles, 49, and "First Hairstylist" Johnny Wright, 31, both of whom traveled aboard Air Force One to Europe ...

Canada Free Press:
As usual, more lies from a bullshit source by longknife. Pathetic partisan hack.

Team Michelle: The 24 People Who Help The First Lady Function

"To accomplish all this, Mrs. Obama has a staff of 24 people, at a cost of more than $1.5 million, according to an annual White House report to Congress. This is roughly the size of the staffs of predecessors Laura Bush and Hillary Rodham Clinton."
Not the point....It is still far too many people on the public dime.
Cut the salaries in half. No benefits. It's a part time temporary job.
Why do RWNJs believe that the constant stream of lies about the Obama's somehow helps their cause?

And WHY oh WHY are the so damn gullible that they post this same crap over and over?

Anyone wanna bet that more RWNJs will pile on, stupidly agreeing with the OP's lie?
Where is the lie?.....NO First lady needs two dozen staffers at over one million dollars per year. NONE OF THEM.....
Here's an example. The previous governor of NC had a staff of 65 costing the NC taxpayers nearly three million dollars per year. Current governor Mc Crory, cut the staff level to 35.
Why do RWNJs believe that the constant stream of lies about the Obama's somehow helps their cause?

And WHY oh WHY are the so damn gullible that they post this same crap over and over?

Anyone wanna bet that more RWNJs will pile on, stupidly agreeing with the OP's lie?
NO....Government needs to get even fatter
President Wilson's wife ran the country when Woodrow was sick. You republicans should be happy that Obama's health has held out so far, otherwise ....Michelle as your commander in chief?
A million and a half dollars spread out over 120 million taxpayers is a little over a penny from each of us!

Every year, year in, year out.

My God, the horror of it all.
Not the point....This is how things get out of control A little here. A little there.....
Here's an illustration of how "one little thing" can amount to.....Well have a gander...
Let's take a one mile stretch of a four lane commuter road that has a traffic volume of 100,000 vehicles per day.
And lets say a driver decides than instead of hanging on to the little bag his french fries came in, throws it out of the car window....."Ahh. No worries. it's just one little piece of paper. No one will notice".....Now let's say EVERY DRIVER does this....Ya know what we have then? A BIG fucking mess.
I once got into it with one of the HOA board members about this kind of thing.
We were all looking at the budget. I noticed the cost of having a phone at the office where the life guards hang out at the pool. Now a phone is required for emergencies.
But there are phones available that when the receiver is lifted, it auto dials 9-1-1....The cost for this phone line's offered free of charge by the local telco. The phone they had there was a regular land line which cost $1,200 per year....The board member having heard enough of the residents pointing out the cost, she shouted "it's only twelve hundred dollars!!!!!".....She was replaced in the next board election.
The point is when it isn't their money, they don't care....
Government should absolutely be run like a not for profit business.
President Wilson's wife ran the country when Woodrow was sick. You republicans should be happy that Obama's health has held out so far, otherwise ....Michelle as your commander in chief?
In the present. that would NEVER happen....Never. How you people can rationalize this incredible misuse of taxpayer resources is a mystery.
Damn.....haven't seen this bullshit thread in a while

I thought conservatives figured it wasn't worth the beat down

Staff Injection

A look at some first ladies and their staff sizes:

Laura Bush: Between 24 and 26 by end of President George W. Bush's term in 2009, according to Anita McBride, Mrs. Bush's chief of staff.

Lady Bird Johnson, whose signature issue was beautifying roadways, had a staff of 30, said Stacy A. Cordery, a history professor at Montmouth [sic] College in Illinois who studies first ladies.

Betty Ford had almost the same number.

Jacqueline Kennedy, who made renovating the White House her cause, had about 40 peopleon staff, Cordery said.
Its TOO MUCH money. For ANY first lady....I am shocked you people can rationalize this crap.
Damn.....haven't seen this bullshit thread in a while

I thought conservatives figured it wasn't worth the beat down

Staff Injection

A look at some first ladies and their staff sizes:

Laura Bush: Between 24 and 26 by end of President George W. Bush's term in 2009, according to Anita McBride, Mrs. Bush's chief of staff.

Lady Bird Johnson, whose signature issue was beautifying roadways, had a staff of 30, said Stacy A. Cordery, a history professor at Montmouth [sic] College in Illinois who studies first ladies.

Betty Ford had almost the same number.

Jacqueline Kennedy, who made renovating the White House her cause, had about 40 peopleon staff, Cordery said.
We must make sure our monarchs are well taken care of.

Executive branch has responsibilities
And the First lady has what?......
A million and a half dollars spread out over 120 million taxpayers is a little over a penny from each of us!

Every year, year in, year out.

My God, the horror of it all.

While she works tirelessly for the good of our children, our vets and their families.
Oh please. Just stop the nonsense.
Works tirelessly.....UGH.....
The UPS and Fed Ex driver work tirelessly. The iron worker works tirelessly.
The commercial pilot works tirelessly.......The First lady doesn't need an alarm clock.
Not the point.....
The point is shortbusknife copynpasted a rw hack post from another site that turned out to be.....wait for it.....edited in a rw hack way. :lol:

He was doing what he always does here :up: trying to score cheap political points but this time it blew up in his face :thewave:
Ok...Where is the inaccuracy? The number of staffers or their salaries? Or both?
Not the point.....
The point is shortbusknife copynpasted a rw hack post from another site that turned out to be.....wait for it.....edited in a rw hack way. :lol:

He was doing what he always does here :up: trying to score cheap political points but this time it blew up in his face :thewave:
Ok...Where is the inaccuracy? The number of staffers or their salaries? Or both?
Read the 1st page of the thread :banghead:
Damn.....haven't seen this bullshit thread in a while

I thought conservatives figured it wasn't worth the beat down

Staff Injection

A look at some first ladies and their staff sizes:

Laura Bush: Between 24 and 26 by end of President George W. Bush's term in 2009, according to Anita McBride, Mrs. Bush's chief of staff.

Lady Bird Johnson, whose signature issue was beautifying roadways, had a staff of 30, said Stacy A. Cordery, a history professor at Montmouth [sic] College in Illinois who studies first ladies.

Betty Ford had almost the same number.

Jacqueline Kennedy, who made renovating the White House her cause, had about 40 peopleon staff, Cordery said.

I remember when Nancy Reagan spent incredible amounts for her own pleasure and convenience - like a private beauty salon and beautician.

She also threw a fit when she found out the prez has to pay for food and personal needs. She didn't know they would be presented with a bill every month and wanted the taxpayer to foot the bill.
Yeah....And she got pilloried for it. And rightly so......I never had any respect for that woman.
We must make sure our monarchs are well taken care of.

Executive branch has responsibilities

Executive branch has responsibilities

Since when has the First Lady become part of the Executive Branch?

Are the children also part of it?
Always has been

Martha Washington had social responsibilities in meeting legislators and foreign dignitaries. She had a large staff of servants

Michelle Obama has global responsibilities representing us around the world. She does a great job

at best a good will ambassador,

NO position in the Executive Branch
She has an office and a staff and official responsibilities

Staff gets paid....always has
Gets paid WAY too much....
I've got to admit that I picked this up from another discussion forum. Just need to post this here.

Total Personal Staff members for other first ladies paid by taxpayers
Mamie Eisenhower:--- One-- paid for personally out of President's salary.

Total number of Personal Staff Members paid by Tax Payers.

Jackie Kennedy: ------- One
Rosaline Carter: --------One
Barbara Bush: ------One
Hilary Clinton: --------Three
Laura Bush: ---------- One
Michele Obama: -------Twenty-two

How things have changed! If you're one of the tens of millions of Americans facing certain destitution, earning less than subsistence wages stocking the shelves at Wal-Mart or serving up McDonald cheeseburgers, prepare to scream and then come to realize that the benefit package for these servants of MS Michelle are the same as members of the national security and defense departments and the bill for these assorted lackeys is paid by YOU, John Q. Public:
Michele Obama's personal staff:
One.. $172,200 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)
Two.. $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C. (Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Policy And Projects
For The First Lady)
Three.. $113,000 - Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President and White House Social
Secretary for Mrs. Obama)
Four.. $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President and Director of
Communications for the First Lady)
Five.. $100,000 - Winter, Melissa (Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the
First Lady)
Six.. $90,000 Medina , David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
Seven.. $84,000 - Lilyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady)
Eight.. $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady)
Nine.. $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Project for the First Lady)
Ten.. $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
Eleven.. $64,000 - Reinstein, Joseph B.(Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
Twelve.. $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The
First Lady)
Thirteen.. $60,000 Fitz, Alan O.(Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director for the First Lady)
Fourteen.. $57,500 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady)
Fifteen.. $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary To The First
Sixteen.. $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady)
Seventeen.. $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)
Eighteen.. $43,000 - Tubman, Samantha a (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)
Nineteen.. $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
Twenty.. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)
Twenty-One.. $35,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)
Twenty-Two.. $35,000 - Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)

Total $1,591,200 in annual salaries – all for someone we did not vote for and apparently have no control over.

There has NEVER been anyone in the White House at any time who has created such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady's social life. One wonders why she needs so much help, at taxpayer expense. (I'm wondering why there are no guidelines or restraints for this and other activities concerning our government officials and their kin.)

Note: This does not include makeup artist Ingrid Grimes-Miles, 49, and "First Hairstylist" Johnny Wright, 31, both of whom traveled aboard Air Force One to Europe ...

Canada Free Press:
I don't remember guys running for president getting secret service. Whys trump and carson getting special treatment? Isn't trump a billionaire? Let him pay for his own protection.

And who's mad at Ben carson?

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