PBS Tries To Re-Launch Revered Firing Line Show ...


Gold Member
Oct 31, 2010
... and it is a total bust. It sucks, and not even remotely similar to the long running Buckley interview series. They should kill that disgraceful waste of time.
pbs should be tilled under or at the very least cut off from public funds until they are mandated to hire equally.

It's not even really 'public', either, just a cash cow for Bill Moyers and a select few of his cronies and their companies.
pbs should be tilled under or at the very least cut off from public funds until they are mandated to hire equally.

It's not even really 'public', either, just a cash cow for Bill Moyers and a select few of his cronies and their companies.
hourly they run down a list of people that tell them what to say.

it's like they have no shame
For my money the "legendary" Bill Buckley was an annoying elitist establishment Haavad republican. His show was the only message allowed by the democrat dominated MSM at the time but Buckley might as well have been a Kennedy democrat and nobody on the reasonable middle class right ever took his elitist liberal rhetoric seriously. My guess is that the crazy left will replace the Buckley legacy with a sub standard educated brand of pop culture comedian pundits like Colbert.
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For my money the "legendary" Bill Buckley was an annoying elitist establishment Haavad republican. His show was the only message allowed by the democrat dominated MSM at the time but Buckley might as well have been a Kennedy democrat and nobody on the reasonable middle class right ever took his elitist liberal rhetoric seriously. My guess is that the crazy left will replace the Buckley legacy with a sub standard educated brand of pop culture comedian pundits like Colbert.

It's also false advertising, using that name to get hits for a total piece of crap featuring the standard Blonde News Reader tossing softball questions and gushing over the latest media star, the fake 'socialist' from the Bronx. It was obvious two minutes in this was a highly dishonest gimmick.

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