PC left are really showing their stuff

Political Correctness Goes To War on American History

so to speak. Woodrow Wilson a left wing icon turns out was a racist. Of course most anyone familiar with Wilson has know that for sometime.
Wilson was a pig, with vision. So?

to hear some left wingers talk about him, Wilson was the next best thing to FDR. His social views being overlooked as usual. Another case of left wingers wearing more than one face.

And where do we find this 'left wing' effusive praise for Wilson?

Start with Doris Kearns Goodwin and work from there.

Historians know enough to judge people by the times they lived in.

Keyboard Kommandoes don't seem to know anything.
to hear some left wingers talk about him, Wilson was the next best thing to FDR. His social views being overlooked as usual. Another case of left wingers wearing more than one face.
We have people who think Reagan was a God and Hoover was a great president. Let's mush on.

Same with FDR in speaking of RR. Neither was a 'God'. If one bothers to look at Hoover's record outside of the his 4 years in the White House you will find a record of accomplishment that few exceed. ,
To people without jobs and unable to feed their hungry families, that mattered very little.

'Hoover expanded civil service coverage of Federal positions, canceled private oil leases on government lands, and by instructing the Justice Department and the Internal Revenue Service to pursue gangsters for tax evasion, he enabled the prosecution of mobster Al Capone. He appointed a commission that set aside 3,000,000 acres (12,000 km²) of national parks and 2,300,000 acres of national forests; advocated tax reduction for low-income Americans (not enacted); closed certain tax loopholes for the wealthy; doubled the number of veterans' hospital facilities; negotiated a treaty on St. Lawrence Seaway (which failed in the U.S. Senate); wrote a Children's Charter that advocated protection of every child regardless of race or gender; created an antitrust division in the Justice Department; required air mail carriers to adopt stricter safety measures and improve service; proposed federal loans for urban slum clearances (not enacted); organized the Federal Bureau of Prisons; reorganized the Bureau of Indian Affairs; instituted prison reform; proposed a federal Department of Education (not enacted); advocated $50-per-month pensions for Americans over 65 (not enacted); chaired White House conferences on child health, protection, homebuilding and home-ownership; began construction of the Boulder Dam (later renamed Hoover Dam); and signed the Norris–La Guardia Act that limited judicial intervention in labor'

You speak of the hungry families? Fine, Hoover after WWI kept a good portion of Europe from starving. The above are some things Hoover did and FDR copied later.
Wilson was a pig but now you are an apologist for Hoover? Interesting.

Not apologizing for Hoover, just stating facts.
We have people who think Reagan was a God and Hoover was a great president. Let's mush on.

Same with FDR in speaking of RR. Neither was a 'God'. If one bothers to look at Hoover's record outside of the his 4 years in the White House you will find a record of accomplishment that few exceed. ,
To people without jobs and unable to feed their hungry families, that mattered very little.

'Hoover expanded civil service coverage of Federal positions, canceled private oil leases on government lands, and by instructing the Justice Department and the Internal Revenue Service to pursue gangsters for tax evasion, he enabled the prosecution of mobster Al Capone. He appointed a commission that set aside 3,000,000 acres (12,000 km²) of national parks and 2,300,000 acres of national forests; advocated tax reduction for low-income Americans (not enacted); closed certain tax loopholes for the wealthy; doubled the number of veterans' hospital facilities; negotiated a treaty on St. Lawrence Seaway (which failed in the U.S. Senate); wrote a Children's Charter that advocated protection of every child regardless of race or gender; created an antitrust division in the Justice Department; required air mail carriers to adopt stricter safety measures and improve service; proposed federal loans for urban slum clearances (not enacted); organized the Federal Bureau of Prisons; reorganized the Bureau of Indian Affairs; instituted prison reform; proposed a federal Department of Education (not enacted); advocated $50-per-month pensions for Americans over 65 (not enacted); chaired White House conferences on child health, protection, homebuilding and home-ownership; began construction of the Boulder Dam (later renamed Hoover Dam); and signed the Norris–La Guardia Act that limited judicial intervention in labor'

You speak of the hungry families? Fine, Hoover after WWI kept a good portion of Europe from starving. The above are some things Hoover did and FDR copied later.
Wilson was a pig but now you are an apologist for Hoover? Interesting.

Not apologizing for Hoover, just stating facts.
The fact is we are chatting about when they were Presidents, not boy scouts.
Political Correctness Goes To War on American History

so to speak. Woodrow Wilson a left wing icon turns out was a racist. Of course most anyone familiar with Wilson has know that for sometime.

So the article declares calling Wilson a racist is political correctness, you agree that it is, and then you agree that Wilson was racist.

Thus you are one of the PC crowd that you are ridiculing.

Hey, admitting he has a problem is the first step toward recovery and mental health.

Those damn racist pig Egyptians enslaved my people to build their damn pyramids, we should tear the damn things down imo. /sarcasm

Why yes I am mocking the left and their PC war.

Its not the left that says Jews built the pyramids but hey, maybe the grain is still good. In any event, I'm pretty sure Wilson wasn't there.

I wish we had a History forum. For that matter, I wish we had any other forum in addition to the Politics forum. As it is, everything but grocery lists gets stuck in Politics.

Why are the nutters so upset about this?
Those damn racist pig Egyptians enslaved my people to build their damn pyramids, we should tear the damn things down imo. /sarcasm

Why yes I am mocking the left and their PC war.
In the movies, the Jews built the pyramids. In Ben Carson's brain, they were filled with grain.

In the real world, the Jews did not build them, nor were they granaries.

So you are hereby relieved of your pyramid rage.

P.S. Nor do pyramids keep fruit fresh longer or make razor blades stay sharp longer.

Don't even get me started on those racist pig slave owner Romans, we should flatten all their monuments to slavery in Rome starting with the coliseum. I can continue mocking the left if you like.
what's the difference between them and ISIS?

answer: NOTHING

people better wake up


Why ISIS is destroying Syrian and Iraqi heritage sites
by Zack Beauchamp on August 19, 2015

all of it here:
Why ISIS is destroying Syrian and Iraqi heritage sites
ISIS Blows Up St. Mary's Christian Church for Easter - The ...
ISIS Militants Destroy Christian Crosses and Icons Inside ...
Blowing Up History: The ISIS Tendencies of the American ...

Stephanie aka Stooopid Stuff

Who is the "them" you refer to?

What does 1924 racism, President Wilson, Egyptian grain silos/pyramids hae to do with ISIL?

Pretty early to be this drunk, doncha think?

Political Correctness Goes To War on American History

so to speak. Woodrow Wilson a left wing icon turns out was a racist. Of course most anyone familiar with Wilson has know that for sometime.
Wilson was a pig, with vision. So?

to hear some left wingers talk about him, Wilson was the next best thing to FDR. His social views being overlooked as usual. Another case of left wingers wearing more than one face.
Actually, FDR was a racist too, and had no problems with blacks being lynched

Criticism of Franklin D. Roosevelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Further information: Japanese American internment
Executive Order 9066, which sent 120,000 Japanese expatriates and American citizens of Japanese ancestry to be confined at internment camps, has been charged by critics as being racist. The Supreme Court upheld its constitutionality.

Treatment of Jesse OwensEdit
After the 1936 Berlin Olympics, only the white athletes were invited to see and meet Roosevelt. No such invitation was made to the African American athletes such asJesse Owens, who had won four gold medals. A widely believed myth about the 1936 games was that Hitler had snubbed Owens, something that never happened. Owens said, "Hitler didn't snub me--it was [Roosevelt] who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram."[47] Owens lamented his treatment by Roosevelt, saying that he "wasn't invited to the White House to shake hands with the President."[48]

According to Bruce Bartlett in his 2008 book, Wrong on Race, Roosevelt segregated his African American and white servants by forbidding them from eating meals together at the White House.[49]

Ku Klux KlanEdit
When Roosevelt appointed Hugo Black to the Supreme Court he knew that Black had been a member of the Ku Klux Klan. In a memo written by Black decades later, Roosevelt did not express any disapproval of Black's past Klan membership. In private Roosevelt told Black that "some of his best friends and supporters he had in the state of Georgia were strong members of that organization."[50]

Anti-lynching legislationEdit
Roosevelt did not enact or even speak in support anti-lynching legislation that would protect African Americans from violence, due to fears of losing support from Democrats.[49]

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