PC Police Claim These 6 Words are New Ways of Saying the "N" Word


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Don't try to apply rational thinking to this latest claim because this is just more crazy talk designed to silence opposition.

Thug - the radical left believes only blacks are thugs, as in gang members or criminals

Urban/Inner City- no whites live in inner cities or poor areas

State's Rights- wanting states to decide certain issues is now racist

Welfare and Food Stamps- only blacks get welfare

Law and Order- using police to break up protests that get out of hand is racist

Cut Taxes- liberals don't think enough blacks pay taxes, so must mean that if you want to keep more of what you earn, it's only because you don't want to take care on non-whites

In other words, if you aren't for the left's failed policies, you are racist. Never mind that the problem with poor people has only escalated because of the way they 'help.'

Well, it is true. Act like a thug and commit crimes = that is exactly what you're. Shit like this is destroying support for leftist ideas and government. It makes me sad as some of them are good but we're being really dumb.
This is some stupid shit. Talk about black people with a hateful attitude, you take your chances that someone thinks you just might hate black people.
This is some stupid shit. Talk about black people with a hateful attitude, you take your chances that someone thinks you just might hate black people.
Yes this thread is about the stupidity of the left, which is of course axiomatic. If you are not superrich and you are liberal your stupidity is self evident.
This is some stupid shit. Talk about black people with a hateful attitude, you take your chances that someone thinks you just might hate black people.

Well, we live in a country that believes in freedom of speech? Do you know what that is. Pointing out black crime rates isn't a sign of hatred but discussion of serious concern that should concern us all. It destroys your case to act like it isn't happening or to call people haters for discussing it. something's are obvious.

Wake up...
This is some stupid shit. Talk about black people with a hateful attitude, you take your chances that someone thinks you just might hate black people.

Well, we live in a country that believes in freedom of speech? Do you know what that is. Pointing out black crime rates isn't a sign of hatred but discussion of serious concern. It destroys your case to act like it isn't happening or to call people haters for discussing it.

Wake up...
The tone you take is more important than the specific words you use. It's why conservatives think there are a bunch of double standards. I can talk about practically anything without pissing people off because I know how to use a neutral tone but some of these others just cannot hide their hateful attitudes and narrow minds so they feel like they are singled out.
This is some stupid shit. Talk about black people with a hateful attitude, you take your chances that someone thinks you just might hate black people.

Those words apply to everyone who deserves them. You are one who seeks to twist everything into a racist remarks and it's dipshits like you who divide people.
Don't try to apply rational thinking to this latest claim because this is just more crazy talk designed to silence opposition.

Thug - the radical left believes only blacks are thugs, as in gang members or criminals

Urban/Inner City- no whites live in inner cities or poor areas

State's Rights- wanting states to decide certain issues is now racist

Welfare and Food Stamps- only blacks get welfare

Law and Order- using police to break up protests that get out of hand is racist

Cut Taxes- liberals don't think enough blacks pay taxes, so must mean that if you want to keep more of what you earn, it's only because you don't want to take care on non-whites

In other words, if you aren't for the left's failed policies, you are racist. Never mind that the problem with poor people has only escalated because of the way they 'help.'


The way its going, soon you wont be able to say that milk is white and its dark at night without having someone offended.


As Richard Sherman pointed out after receiving criticism about his post Super Bowl interview, “It seems like [thug] is the acceptable way of calling someone the n word nowadays. Substituting the word thug doesn’t disguise the negative association with Black people.”
Since I have seen thug used to describe all blacks on USMB , it is of no surprise...If people would stop using generalities and use specifics of individuals that are thugs,,the stigma will exist...
This is some stupid shit. Talk about black people with a hateful attitude, you take your chances that someone thinks you just might hate black people.

Those words apply to everyone who deserves them. You are one who seeks to twist everything into a racist remarks and it's dipshits like you who divide people.
There's a good example of the problem, It was possible to say all that without being a jackass but the insulting tone makes it a hateful remark.
This is some stupid shit. Talk about black people with a hateful attitude, you take your chances that someone thinks you just might hate black people.

Those words apply to everyone who deserves them. You are one who seeks to twist everything into a racist remarks and it's dipshits like you who divide people.

It would be nice if that were true but its not.

People are gunned down for no other reason than being blacks and racists on this board immediately brand them as thugs - because they're black.

No trial, no jury - just flat out execution on the street and the rabid RW THUGS on this board are in favor of it.
This is some stupid shit. Talk about black people with a hateful attitude, you take your chances that someone thinks you just might hate black people.

Those words apply to everyone who deserves them. You are one who seeks to twist everything into a racist remarks and it's dipshits like you who divide people.
There's a good example of the problem, It was possible to say all that without being a jackass but the insulting tone makes it a hateful remark.
Do you need a trigger warning? You seem to be pretty soft you little snowflake of feelings.
This is some stupid shit. Talk about black people with a hateful attitude, you take your chances that someone thinks you just might hate black people.

Those words apply to everyone who deserves them. You are one who seeks to twist everything into a racist remarks and it's dipshits like you who divide people.

It would be nice if that were true but its not.

People are gunned down for no other reason than being blacks and racists on this board immediately brand them as thugs - because they're black.

No trial, no jury - just flat out execution on the street and the rabid RW THUGS on this board are in favor of it.
The rush to judgement is not just a conservative thing but they are far more likely to stick to their guns in the face of contradictory information.
This is some stupid shit. Talk about black people with a hateful attitude, you take your chances that someone thinks you just might hate black people.

Those words apply to everyone who deserves them. You are one who seeks to twist everything into a racist remarks and it's dipshits like you who divide people.

It would be nice if that were true but its not.

People are gunned down for no other reason than being blacks and racists on this board immediately brand them as thugs - because they're black.

No trial, no jury - just flat out execution on the street and the rabid RW THUGS on this board are in favor of it.
Nope, they are called thugs because of their behavior. And even when that is proven to be true you won't accept it.
This is some stupid shit. Talk about black people with a hateful attitude, you take your chances that someone thinks you just might hate black people.

Those words apply to everyone who deserves them. You are one who seeks to twist everything into a racist remarks and it's dipshits like you who divide people.
There's a good example of the problem, It was possible to say all that without being a jackass but the insulting tone makes it a hateful remark.
Do you need a trigger warning? You seem to be pretty soft you little snowflake of feelings.
Being considerate of the feelings of others is a sign of a civilized human being. No one thinks you are courageous when you run rough-shod over people, they just think you are an ignorant asshole.
Why do teapers start so many race baiting threads. Who cares what they think or say! If you have to worry about what is PC or not...you are an asshole...simply an asshole who missed the 1st rule of life...JUST BE COOL! Who gives a fuck, learn to communicate outside of the typical race-baiting-guttural-teaper-hate-talk!

That's how you know teapers are uneducated. They cannot communicate without being nasty and racist. They have no tact. They have no morals.

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