PC Police Claim These 6 Words are New Ways of Saying the "N" Word

Don't try to apply rational thinking to this latest claim because this is just more crazy talk designed to silence opposition.

Thug - the radical left believes only blacks are thugs, as in gang members or criminals

Urban/Inner City- no whites live in inner cities or poor areas

State's Rights- wanting states to decide certain issues is now racist

Welfare and Food Stamps- only blacks get welfare

Law and Order- using police to break up protests that get out of hand is racist

Cut Taxes- liberals don't think enough blacks pay taxes, so must mean that if you want to keep more of what you earn, it's only because you don't want to take care on non-whites

In other words, if you aren't for the left's failed policies, you are racist. Never mind that the problem with poor people has only escalated because of the way they 'help.'

I want to cut taxes in the inner city for businesses that are victimized by thugs and cannot serve their local population. We need law and order to protect law abiding African Americans in those areas, and provide jobs for them. This is a matter of states rights and no concern of the federal government.

I guess that makes me a racist, right?
This is some stupid shit. Talk about black people with a hateful attitude, you take your chances that someone thinks you just might hate black people.

Well, we live in a country that believes in freedom of speech? Do you know what that is. Pointing out black crime rates isn't a sign of hatred but discussion of serious concern. It destroys your case to act like it isn't happening or to call people haters for discussing it.

Wake up...
The tone you take is more important than the specific words you use. It's why conservatives think there are a bunch of double standards. I can talk about practically anything without pissing people off because I know how to use a neutral tone but some of these others just cannot hide their hateful attitudes and narrow minds so they feel like they are singled out.

You might want to try using a neutral tone here.
I normally do but I will get down in the mud if my opposite in a debate is already there. I do not care if assholes are pissed-off, they are always pissed-off, it's all part of being an asshole. It is no crime to hold the mirror of rationality up to show someone what they look like behaving badly.

Lol! Always an excuse.
I am zen right up until it's time to not be zen


let the butt-kicking begin.
Well, we live in a country that believes in freedom of speech? Do you know what that is. Pointing out black crime rates isn't a sign of hatred but discussion of serious concern. It destroys your case to act like it isn't happening or to call people haters for discussing it.

Wake up...
The tone you take is more important than the specific words you use. It's why conservatives think there are a bunch of double standards. I can talk about practically anything without pissing people off because I know how to use a neutral tone but some of these others just cannot hide their hateful attitudes and narrow minds so they feel like they are singled out.

You might want to try using a neutral tone here.
I normally do but I will get down in the mud if my opposite in a debate is already there. I do not care if assholes are pissed-off, they are always pissed-off, it's all part of being an asshole. It is no crime to hold the mirror of rationality up to show someone what they look like behaving badly.

Lol! Always an excuse.
I am zen right up until it's time to not be zen


let the butt-kicking begin.
Well, we live in a country that believes in freedom of speech? Do you know what that is. Pointing out black crime rates isn't a sign of hatred but discussion of serious concern. It destroys your case to act like it isn't happening or to call people haters for discussing it.

Wake up...
The tone you take is more important than the specific words you use. It's why conservatives think there are a bunch of double standards. I can talk about practically anything without pissing people off because I know how to use a neutral tone but some of these others just cannot hide their hateful attitudes and narrow minds so they feel like they are singled out.

You might want to try using a neutral tone here.
I normally do but I will get down in the mud if my opposite in a debate is already there. I do not care if assholes are pissed-off, they are always pissed-off, it's all part of being an asshole. It is no crime to hold the mirror of rationality up to show someone what they look like behaving badly.

Lol! Always an excuse.
I am zen right up until it's time to not be zen


let the butt-kicking begin.

Lol! You are very funny tonight, I don't think I have ever read a thread on this board where you kicked anyone's butt. You have a great imagination. Thanks for the laughs.
Found it! I really don't want to hear from left wingers trying to claim that there aren't PC police types out there. That's just such a lie. And they exist in the media as this example proves.

".................you start to wonder whether in fact the word socialist is becoming a code word, whether or not socialist is becoming the new N-word for frankly for some angry upset birthers and others. "

MSNBC Anchor Socialist Is Becoming the New N-word

MSNBC Anchor: '"Socialist" Is Becoming the New N-word'
By Noel Sheppard | August 10, 2009 | 5:13 PM EDT
I'm glad others have caught on to these words so that only intelligent white people will be angry while blacks don't understand what we're calling them. Long ago whenever I had to stop saying the N word in public I just switched it to either saying socialist or thug. Same meaning but now I'm being tricky and cryptic about racism. MUAHAHAHAHAHA
This crap is from the party whose own people call them stupid voters on video and they are stupid to realize they've been insulted by the people they vote for.

They're stupid for insulting people for stating the reality going on all around us. They're even dumber for insulting the voters in the first place with such stupid shit instead of focusing on infrastructure, science, r&d, education, minimum wage and issues that really matter...
The tone you take is more important than the specific words you use. It's why conservatives think there are a bunch of double standards. I can talk about practically anything without pissing people off because I know how to use a neutral tone but some of these others just cannot hide their hateful attitudes and narrow minds so they feel like they are singled out.

You might want to try using a neutral tone here.
I normally do but I will get down in the mud if my opposite in a debate is already there. I do not care if assholes are pissed-off, they are always pissed-off, it's all part of being an asshole. It is no crime to hold the mirror of rationality up to show someone what they look like behaving badly.

Lol! Always an excuse.
I am zen right up until it's time to not be zen


let the butt-kicking begin.

Lol! You are very funny tonight, I don't think I have ever read a thread on this board where you kicked anyone's butt. You have a great imagination. Thanks for the laughs.
Perhaps but neither do I take bullshit lying down. I come here to talk to people, not abuse them, and the abuse I get mostly rolls off my back like a duck. If the assholes start pissing me off I go elsewhere.
This is some stupid shit. Talk about black people with a hateful attitude, you take your chances that someone thinks you just might hate black people.

Well, we live in a country that believes in freedom of speech? Do you know what that is. Pointing out black crime rates isn't a sign of hatred but discussion of serious concern. It destroys your case to act like it isn't happening or to call people haters for discussing it.

Wake up...
The tone you take is more important than the specific words you use. It's why conservatives think there are a bunch of double standards. I can talk about practically anything without pissing people off because I know how to use a neutral tone but some of these others just cannot hide their hateful attitudes and narrow minds so they feel like they are singled out.

You might want to try using a neutral tone here.
I normally do but I will get down in the mud if my opposite in a debate is already there. I do not care if assholes are pissed-off, they are always pissed-off, it's all part of being an asshole. It is no crime to hold the mirror of rationality up to show someone what they look like behaving badly.

Lol! Always an excuse.

Dafuck is your issue, hack? Azzhole came in with, and I quote,
You fucking ***** can't even handle clapping for fuck sakes and require a trigger warning and a safe zone to cope with clapping.

Stop being such a pussy. Your feelings are so sensitive now you can't help but be offended by anything. Fuck off.

--- which I might add follows his perpetual pattern here --- and you want to jump in and pile on his target?

Typical authoritarian sycophant jellyfish.
I must be toast in a liberal's mind. I bought a Black and Tan Coonhound and chose a bitch.

You might want to try using a neutral tone here.
I normally do but I will get down in the mud if my opposite in a debate is already there. I do not care if assholes are pissed-off, they are always pissed-off, it's all part of being an asshole. It is no crime to hold the mirror of rationality up to show someone what they look like behaving badly.

Lol! Always an excuse.
I am zen right up until it's time to not be zen


let the butt-kicking begin.

Lol! You are very funny tonight, I don't think I have ever read a thread on this board where you kicked anyone's butt. You have a great imagination. Thanks for the laughs.
Perhaps but neither do I take bullshit lying down. I come here to talk to people, not abuse them, and the abuse I get mostly rolls off my back like a duck. If the assholes start pissing me off I go elsewhere.

Yep, it's all entertainment.
Well, we live in a country that believes in freedom of speech? Do you know what that is. Pointing out black crime rates isn't a sign of hatred but discussion of serious concern. It destroys your case to act like it isn't happening or to call people haters for discussing it.

Wake up...
The tone you take is more important than the specific words you use. It's why conservatives think there are a bunch of double standards. I can talk about practically anything without pissing people off because I know how to use a neutral tone but some of these others just cannot hide their hateful attitudes and narrow minds so they feel like they are singled out.

You might want to try using a neutral tone here.
I normally do but I will get down in the mud if my opposite in a debate is already there. I do not care if assholes are pissed-off, they are always pissed-off, it's all part of being an asshole. It is no crime to hold the mirror of rationality up to show someone what they look like behaving badly.

Lol! Always an excuse.

Dafuck is your issue, hack? Azzhole came in with, and I quote,
You fucking ***** can't even handle clapping for fuck sakes and require a trigger warning and a safe zone to cope with clapping.

Stop being such a pussy. Your feelings are so sensitive now you can't help but be offended by anything. Fuck off.

--- which I might add follows his perpetual pattern here --- and you want to jump in and pile on his target?

Typical authoritarian sycophant jellyfish.
Typical liar..
I normally do but I will get down in the mud if my opposite in a debate is already there. I do not care if assholes are pissed-off, they are always pissed-off, it's all part of being an asshole. It is no crime to hold the mirror of rationality up to show someone what they look like behaving badly.

Lol! Always an excuse.
I am zen right up until it's time to not be zen


let the butt-kicking begin.

Lol! You are very funny tonight, I don't think I have ever read a thread on this board where you kicked anyone's butt. You have a great imagination. Thanks for the laughs.
Perhaps but neither do I take bullshit lying down. I come here to talk to people, not abuse them, and the abuse I get mostly rolls off my back like a duck. If the assholes start pissing me off I go elsewhere.

Yep, it's all entertainment.
Exactly, I have enough real world shit that pisses me off without my scant leisure time raising my blood pressure. I used to troll boards like this unmercifully but that shit got old. I used to jump in the mosh-pit and give it hell but I felt it was making me a dickhole in real life.
I must be toast in a liberal's mind. I bought a Black and Tan Coonhound and chose a bitch.

You should put that on a bumper-sticker, it's deeply thought provoking.

Geeze louise lighten up. :)

But if we want to get super heavy in this discussion, the issue of over the top hyper sensitivity over language is assinine but it's out there. At the highest levels.

Here's a great example for you. A beers name is racially offensive to some did you know? A State Department magazine said so.

Consequently I learned that my current chosen breeds name MUST be racist. The State Department's Chief Diversity Officer says so. Oh and saying "hold down the fort" is inappropriate as well because it could offensive to First Nations.

"At that point, he warned that an apparently benign phrase such as “hold down the fort” could strike some people as “negative and racially offensive,” because the phrase originates from forts on the American frontier (Robsinson says, having conceded that his history may or may not be true) when soldiers fought Native Americans."

And here's the beer. You shouldn't order them anymore I suppose.

" Similarly, you should probably stop ordering “black and tans,” because “the original Black and Tans were an ad hoc military group that committed atrocities against Irish civilians.”

State Dept Mag Black and tan is a racist beer WashingtonExaminer.com

State Dept Mag: ‘Black and tan’ is a racist beer
Joel Gehrke • | August 30, 2012 | 12:00 am
Last edited:
I must be toast in a liberal's mind. I bought a Black and Tan Coonhound and chose a bitch.

You should put that on a bumper-sticker, it's deeply thought provoking.

Geeze louise lighten up. :)

But if we want to get super heavy in this discussion, the issue of over the top hyper sensitivity over language is assinine but its out there. At the highest levels.

Here's a great example for you. A beers name is racially offensive to some did you know? A State Department magazine said so.

Consequently I learned that my current chosen breeds name MUST be racist. The State Department's Chief Diversity Officer says so. Oh and saying "hold down the fort" is inappropriate as well because it could offensive to First Nations.

"At that point, he warned that an apparently benign phrase such as “hold down the fort” could strike some people as “negative and racially offensive,” because the phrase originates from forts on the American frontier (Robsinson says, having conceded that his history may or may not be true) when soldiers fought Native Americans."

And here's the beer. You shouldn't order them anymore I suppose.

" Similarly, you should probably stop ordering “black and tans,” because “the original Black and Tans were an ad hoc military group that committed atrocities against Irish civilians.”

State Dept Mag Black and tan is a racist beer WashingtonExaminer.com

State Dept Mag: ‘Black and tan’ is a racist beer
Joel Gehrke • | August 30, 2012 | 12:00 am

Washington Examiner?? Nothing like realistic down-to-earth sources, TD. :rofl:

For the record, the name of the drink predates the name of the military regiment (1880s vs 1920s) so the drink is actually the original "Black and Tan". The term is only avoided in Ireland. And furthermore, "Irish" is not a race anyway, so the leap to "racism" is impossible. As I said -- get better sources.

I love black and tans. The beer I mean. And I'm Irish. :beer:
I must be toast in a liberal's mind. I bought a Black and Tan Coonhound and chose a bitch.

You should put that on a bumper-sticker, it's deeply thought provoking.

Geeze louise lighten up. :)

But if we want to get super heavy in this discussion, the issue of over the top hyper sensitivity over language is assinine but it's out there. At the highest levels.

Here's a great example for you. A beers name is racially offensive to some did you know? A State Department magazine said so.

Consequently I learned that my current chosen breeds name MUST be racist. The State Department's Chief Diversity Officer says so. Oh and saying "hold down the fort" is inappropriate as well because it could offensive to First Nations.

"At that point, he warned that an apparently benign phrase such as “hold down the fort” could strike some people as “negative and racially offensive,” because the phrase originates from forts on the American frontier (Robsinson says, having conceded that his history may or may not be true) when soldiers fought Native Americans."

And here's the beer. You shouldn't order them anymore I suppose.

" Similarly, you should probably stop ordering “black and tans,” because “the original Black and Tans were an ad hoc military group that committed atrocities against Irish civilians.”

State Dept Mag Black and tan is a racist beer WashingtonExaminer.com

State Dept Mag: ‘Black and tan’ is a racist beer
Joel Gehrke • | August 30, 2012 | 12:00 am
Next people are going to say that you can't use the word negro anymore.

People take sensitivity to the extreme. When you say a word and have no intentions or racist thoughts when speaking the word then it's not racist. Others need to get the fuck over it.
I must be toast in a liberal's mind. I bought a Black and Tan Coonhound and chose a bitch.

You should put that on a bumper-sticker, it's deeply thought provoking.

Innit though. And it could be followed by:

TD's got her own language.

Posting on the might Q. Have mercy. :) Terrible cold. Meant to connect the Black and Tan reference to the State Department article that made the beer racist/bigoted/whatever.
I must be toast in a liberal's mind. I bought a Black and Tan Coonhound and chose a bitch.

You should put that on a bumper-sticker, it's deeply thought provoking.

Geeze louise lighten up. :)

But if we want to get super heavy in this discussion, the issue of over the top hyper sensitivity over language is assinine but its out there. At the highest levels.

Here's a great example for you. A beers name is racially offensive to some did you know? A State Department magazine said so.

Consequently I learned that my current chosen breeds name MUST be racist. The State Department's Chief Diversity Officer says so. Oh and saying "hold down the fort" is inappropriate as well because it could offensive to First Nations.

"At that point, he warned that an apparently benign phrase such as “hold down the fort” could strike some people as “negative and racially offensive,” because the phrase originates from forts on the American frontier (Robsinson says, having conceded that his history may or may not be true) when soldiers fought Native Americans."

And here's the beer. You shouldn't order them anymore I suppose.

" Similarly, you should probably stop ordering “black and tans,” because “the original Black and Tans were an ad hoc military group that committed atrocities against Irish civilians.”

State Dept Mag Black and tan is a racist beer WashingtonExaminer.com

State Dept Mag: ‘Black and tan’ is a racist beer
Joel Gehrke • | August 30, 2012 | 12:00 am
I didn't get the memo, in the real world, terms are only racist if there is a perceived racist intent, the scribbling of some bureaucrat has no effect on what is actually acceptable in polite company because it changes on a case-by-case basis.

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