PC Song “Melting Pot” by Multiracial Pop Group Banned

Your masters tell you subjects what you can think or say. You submissively surrender your rights and thank your masters for taking them.
Do you have an example ?

Can you or can you not be arrested for “offensive” speech in the UK?

Britain Turns Offensive Speech Into a Police Matter

Arrests for offensive Facebook posts are increasing in London

U.K. Police Urge Citizens To Report Neighbors For 'Offensive' Speech

Be careful what you say, serf. Your masters may rub your grimy little nose in it to teach you to remember your place. As a subject (rather than a citizen) there is not a damn thing you could do but meekly obey.

Post modernist Britain is pathetic shell of its former self and very nazi like ...what worse we're only 2 steps behind em
I think you'll find you are two steps ahead of us...
What happens dickhead ?

Your masters tell you subjects what you can think or say. You submissively surrender your rights and thank your masters for taking them.
Do you have an example ?

Can you or can you not be arrested for “offensive” speech in the UK?

Britain Turns Offensive Speech Into a Police Matter

Arrests for offensive Facebook posts are increasing in London

U.K. Police Urge Citizens To Report Neighbors For 'Offensive' Speech

Be careful what you say, serf. Your masters may rub your grimy little nose in it to teach you to remember your place. As a subject (rather than a citizen) there is not a damn thing you could do but meekly obey. No wonder you're so obsessed with America. You must be agonizing over the rights and freedoms your betters across the Atlantic enjoy.
What happens dickhead ?

Your masters tell you subjects what you can think or say. You submissively surrender your rights and thank your masters for taking them.
Do you have an example ?

Can you or can you not be arrested for “offensive” speech in the UK?

Britain Turns Offensive Speech Into a Police Matter

Arrests for offensive Facebook posts are increasing in London

U.K. Police Urge Citizens To Report Neighbors For 'Offensive' Speech

Be careful what you say, serf. Your masters may rub your grimy little nose in it to teach you to remember your place. As a subject (rather than a citizen) there is not a damn thing you could do but meekly obey. No wonder you're so obsessed with America. You must be agonizing over the rights and freedoms your betters across the Atlantic enjoy.
Zzzzzz. You misunderstand the difference between hate speech and offensive speech. For example, most of your shit is offensive but doesn't incite violence. Hope this helps.
That's one of my Fav songs from the time. It actually CONDEMNS racism...as we did at the time. I call "Bullshit"!!!!

Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to the ridiculous conclusion that the song condemns racism?
Your masters tell you subjects what you can think or say. You submissively surrender your rights and thank your masters for taking them.
Do you have an example ?

Can you or can you not be arrested for “offensive” speech in the UK?

Britain Turns Offensive Speech Into a Police Matter

Arrests for offensive Facebook posts are increasing in London

U.K. Police Urge Citizens To Report Neighbors For 'Offensive' Speech

Be careful what you say, serf. Your masters may rub your grimy little nose in it to teach you to remember your place. As a subject (rather than a citizen) there is not a damn thing you could do but meekly obey. No wonder you're so obsessed with America. You must be agonizing over the rights and freedoms your betters across the Atlantic enjoy.
Zzzzzz. You misunderstand the difference between hate speech and offensive speech. For example, most of your shit is offensive but doesn't incite violence. Hope this helps.

Read the link, serf.
Do you have an example ?

Can you or can you not be arrested for “offensive” speech in the UK?

Britain Turns Offensive Speech Into a Police Matter

Arrests for offensive Facebook posts are increasing in London

U.K. Police Urge Citizens To Report Neighbors For 'Offensive' Speech

Be careful what you say, serf. Your masters may rub your grimy little nose in it to teach you to remember your place. As a subject (rather than a citizen) there is not a damn thing you could do but meekly obey. No wonder you're so obsessed with America. You must be agonizing over the rights and freedoms your betters across the Atlantic enjoy.
Zzzzzz. You misunderstand the difference between hate speech and offensive speech. For example, most of your shit is offensive but doesn't incite violence. Hope this helps.

Read the link, serf.

Good advice, you should read the "evidence" provided in your links, read it objectively and you'll find that the "argument" they put forward is basically BS. Yorkshire Police, for example clearly define what sort of speech they are interested in. True, they could be inundated by reports of idiots calling people "serfs" for example, but they would then filter out the benign yet offensive from actual hate speech (as defined by law).
Can you or can you not be arrested for “offensive” speech in the UK?

Britain Turns Offensive Speech Into a Police Matter

Arrests for offensive Facebook posts are increasing in London

U.K. Police Urge Citizens To Report Neighbors For 'Offensive' Speech

Be careful what you say, serf. Your masters may rub your grimy little nose in it to teach you to remember your place. As a subject (rather than a citizen) there is not a damn thing you could do but meekly obey. No wonder you're so obsessed with America. You must be agonizing over the rights and freedoms your betters across the Atlantic enjoy.
Zzzzzz. You misunderstand the difference between hate speech and offensive speech. For example, most of your shit is offensive but doesn't incite violence. Hope this helps.

Read the link, serf.

Good advice, you should read the "evidence" provided in your links, read it objectively and you'll find that the "argument" they put forward is basically BS. Yorkshire Police, for example clearly define what sort of speech they are interested in. True, they could be inundated by reports of idiots calling people "serfs" for example, but they would then filter out the benign yet offensive from actual hate speech (as defined by law).

The subjective interpretation of a powerless subject with no rights, lying on his belly before his masters, is hardly compelling. Trying reading the links again. Better yet, take the time and effort to finally write a constitution like civilized countries.
The UK can go poop flinging crazy over this. Look at what Americans go through over Baby It's Cold Outside.
moon battery is not dangerous ..its a classic old school interweb blog .
The left hates moonbattery with a passion ......Simply for its abundance of non conformist wrong think .
The owner was dead set against a Trump presidency
The subjective interpretation of a powerless subject with no rights, lying on his belly before his masters, is hardly compelling.

Neither is the subjective interpretation of the laws of a foreign country by a right-wingnut, who believes they have "rights", while toadying up to the uber-rich elites in their own country who manipulate his mindset with their Orwellian double speak

Better yet, take the time and effort to finally write a constitution like civilized countries.

Oh yes, like America, a country that went from barbarism to decadence without ever passing through civilisation?
moon battery is not dangerous ..its a classic old school interweb blog .
The left hates moonbattery with a passion ......Simply for its abundance of non conformist wrong think .
The owner was dead set against a Trump presidency
The owner is a useful idiot for the Billionaire elites Dave Blount - RationalWiki

He wears that review as a badge of honor

David "Dave" Blount is a completely insane far-right blogger and political commentator for the extreme right-wing hate site Moonbattery and occasionally for John Hawkins's Right Wing News. Among his more notable observations is the the 2008 economic crisis was caused by the Democrats in Congress (a common claim from partisan Republicans on other right wing blogs), that Nelson Mandela was a "socialist thug" [1], and that Occupy Wall Street is a Marxist-Leninist revolution. [2]. He is quick to viciously bash and demonize any viewpoint that is not as reactionary as his own with such hate and vitriol that it would make Michelle Malkin cringe.

He is also an unabashed racist. Unlike some other hardline anti-immigrant pundits, he makes no attempt to hide the fact he's a blatant white-supremacist. His screeds against hispanics and immigration reform are almost indistinguishable from the racist screeds of Stormfront. [3] [4] [5] He is a huge conspiracy theorist, of the Alex Jones variety. Some his screeds are so insane and paranoid that they seem like a parody of what paranoid wingnuts write. [6] [7] He violates Godwin's Law enough to make Glenn Beck seem like an amateur.

The subjective interpretation of a powerless subject with no rights, lying on his belly before his masters, is hardly compelling.

Neither is the subjective interpretation of the laws of a foreign country by a right-wingnut, who believes they have "rights", while toadying up to the uber-rich elites in their own country who manipulate his mindset with their Orwellian double speak

Better yet, take the time and effort to finally write a constitution like civilized countries.

Oh yes, like America, a country that went from barbarism to decadence without ever passing through civilisation?

Are you afraid to write a constitution because you don't know how to spell correctly?
The subjective interpretation of a powerless subject with no rights, lying on his belly before his masters, is hardly compelling.

Neither is the subjective interpretation of the laws of a foreign country by a right-wingnut, who believes they have "rights", while toadying up to the uber-rich elites in their own country who manipulate his mindset with their Orwellian double speak

Better yet, take the time and effort to finally write a constitution like civilized countries.

Oh yes, like America, a country that went from barbarism to decadence without ever passing through civilisation?

Are you afraid to write a constitution because you don't know how to spell correctly?
We probably need something to protect us from the type of right wing trash we are seeing more of in our public life.
The subjective interpretation of a powerless subject with no rights, lying on his belly before his masters, is hardly compelling.

Neither is the subjective interpretation of the laws of a foreign country by a right-wingnut, who believes they have "rights", while toadying up to the uber-rich elites in their own country who manipulate his mindset with their Orwellian double speak

Better yet, take the time and effort to finally write a constitution like civilized countries.

Oh yes, like America, a country that went from barbarism to decadence without ever passing through civilisation?

Are you afraid to write a constitution because you don't know how to spell correctly?
We probably need something to protect us from the type of right wing trash we are seeing more of in our public life.

Go beg your masters for protection. As an impotent serf you have no other option.
The subjective interpretation of a powerless subject with no rights, lying on his belly before his masters, is hardly compelling.

Neither is the subjective interpretation of the laws of a foreign country by a right-wingnut, who believes they have "rights", while toadying up to the uber-rich elites in their own country who manipulate his mindset with their Orwellian double speak

Better yet, take the time and effort to finally write a constitution like civilized countries.

Oh yes, like America, a country that went from barbarism to decadence without ever passing through civilisation?

Are you afraid to write a constitution because you don't know how to spell correctly?
We probably need something to protect us from the type of right wing trash we are seeing more of in our public life.

Go beg your masters for protection. As an impotent serf you have no other option.
Thanks for the advice kid. I will get on to that in the morning.
moon battery is not dangerous ..its a classic old school interweb blog .
The left hates moonbattery with a passion ......Simply for its abundance of non conformist wrong think .
The owner was dead set against a Trump presidency
The owner is a useful idiot for the Billionaire elites Dave Blount - RationalWiki

He wears that review as a badge of honor

David "Dave" Blount is a completely insane far-right blogger and political commentator for the extreme right-wing hate site Moonbattery and occasionally for John Hawkins's Right Wing News. Among his more notable observations is the the 2008 economic crisis was caused by the Democrats in Congress (a common claim from partisan Republicans on other right wing blogs), that Nelson Mandela was a "socialist thug" [1], and that Occupy Wall Street is a Marxist-Leninist revolution. [2]. He is quick to viciously bash and demonize any viewpoint that is not as reactionary as his own with such hate and vitriol that it would make Michelle Malkin cringe.

He is also an unabashed racist. Unlike some other hardline anti-immigrant pundits, he makes no attempt to hide the fact he's a blatant white-supremacist. His screeds against hispanics and immigration reform are almost indistinguishable from the racist screeds of Stormfront. [3] [4] [5] He is a huge conspiracy theorist, of the Alex Jones variety. Some his screeds are so insane and paranoid that they seem like a parody of what paranoid wingnuts write. [6] [7] He violates Godwin's Law enough to make Glenn Beck seem like an amateur.

Having read some of his blog posts, that review seems an accurate reflection of who he is and where he stands politically, no doubt exactly where you yourself stand...unless of course, you ARE Dave Blount?

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