'Melting Pot' Seeks To Destroy Party of history / Heritage To Appease Snowflakes / Socialists

Thats what he said not what I said.

That "group" as he so excludingly put it, are americans. America is about different cultures not traitors and losers. If you want a statue to a traitor in your yard that wanted to enslave other humans thats your business. It has no place in our culture. If a school wants to give honor to a more deserving american then thats their business. If youre worried about history thats what museums and history books are for. :rolleyes:
if you're referring to this one cross monument, as i understand it, it was originally build on private land the gov "took over". so they started off as you say - putting it where it's their business.

it hurts no one where it is. leave it alone.
Not sure I care who originally owned the land and no I wasnt referring to that. However, now that its in government control and hence the peoples ownership we want to adhere to separation of church and state.

Its against american principles and a violation of the constitution. Tear it down. :rolleyes:
no it isn't.

leave it alone.
Yes it is.

Lets tear it down together. :rolleyes:
have fun storming the castle.

we need to leave shit alone and quit getting offended cause it's todays rage.
No need. The SCOTUS will agree with me and order it destroyed :rolleyes:
if you're referring to this one cross monument, as i understand it, it was originally build on private land the gov "took over". so they started off as you say - putting it where it's their business.

it hurts no one where it is. leave it alone.
Not sure I care who originally owned the land and no I wasnt referring to that. However, now that its in government control and hence the peoples ownership we want to adhere to separation of church and state.

Its against american principles and a violation of the constitution. Tear it down. :rolleyes:
no it isn't.

leave it alone.
Yes it is.

Lets tear it down together. :rolleyes:
have fun storming the castle.

we need to leave shit alone and quit getting offended cause it's todays rage.
No need. The SCOTUS will agree with me and order it destroyed :rolleyes:

Okay. You go with that. Enjoy the crying when it remains standing,

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