PC Speech Is Against The First Amendment

She was apart of an awareness campaign about the phrase illegal alien, she wasn't wanting to make the word "illegal" illegal, derp.
She wanted to ban its use. That means regulate and mandate it.

She didn't want the term "illegal alien" used but there is nothing in what she said where she was advocating for the word to be illegal. You're either incredibly stupid or lying
If you are unable to use it what is it? BANNED! How hard is that to figure out stupid?

Still stupid. She wasn't saying it should be illegal she was saying you shouldn't say it, big difference.
I should be able to say whatever the hell I want and who are you to judge who I put on ignore? Where the hell does that right come from?

Yeah, nobody said you couldn't, derp. Just like everybody around here gets to remind you of when you lied about your 214 IQ and laugh their asses off doing it.
Actually I choose not to waste my time. Particularly once I see it's your thread. You can't even figure out "air" versus "cable" ---- small wonder you also can't figure out the difference between some unknown "demanding the government do it" and "the government actually doing it".
Allow me to return the favor Ni##er. Welcome to ignore.

I have put up with her pro islamic lesbian bullsh#t for a year. She does not read the OP nor watch the video. F#ck her.

I don't blame Pogo, it was a complete waste of my time because everyone who comes into this thread, sees your video an already tell that you're probably not being honest. And no surprises, you lied.
She wants the used BANNED thus regulated. IF you regulate FREE SPEECH then it is no longer free speech now is it?

Quote her, liar.
Hand wringing mouth breathing drooler liberals have been using this tactic a while. They in all their phony politeness refer to words as letters. The "N" word, like nobody knows what that is or the "C" word. Five year olds know what the "N" word is. So nobody is being fooled by that liberal bullsh#t.

Here is an idiot that wants to introduce ANOTHER word...

Lets see how this idiot liberal logic works?
No "I" word parking.
Its "I" word to drive drunk.
He was arrested for selling "I" word drugs.

Oh that sh#t is so NOT working.



This is ignorant nonsense and fails as a straw man fallacy.

As already correctly noted: the doctrine of free speech applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or private organizations.

One private person cannot ‘violate’ the free speech of another; only government has that authority, consistent with First Amendment jurisprudence, and when government restricts speech contrary to that jurisprudence, then and only then has a free speech violation occurred.

Consequently, there is no such thing as ‘PC,’ bigots and racists are at liberty to engage in their hate speech, where hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections.

And that private citizens in the context of private society might denounce or oppose the hate speech of racists and bigots is not to be ‘PC,’ nor is such opposition ‘against’ the First Amendment.
Hand wringing mouth breathing drooler liberals have been using this tactic a while. They in all their phony politeness refer to words as letters. The "N" word, like nobody knows what that is or the "C" word. Five year olds know what the "N" word is. So nobody is being fooled by that liberal bullsh#t.

Here is an idiot that wants to introduce ANOTHER word...

Lets see how this idiot liberal logic works?
No "I" word parking.
Its "I" word to drive drunk.
He was arrested for selling "I" word drugs.

Oh that sh#t is so NOT working.



This is ignorant nonsense and fails as a straw man fallacy.

As already correctly noted: the doctrine of free speech applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or private organizations.

One private person cannot ‘violate’ the free speech of another; only government has that authority, consistent with First Amendment jurisprudence, and when government restricts speech contrary to that jurisprudence, then and only then has a free speech violation occurred.

Consequently, there is no such thing as ‘PC,’ bigots and racists are at liberty to engage in their hate speech, where hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections.

And that private citizens in the context of private society might denounce or oppose the hate speech of racists and bigots is not to be ‘PC,’ nor is such opposition ‘against’ the First Amendment.

Since when is illegal hate speech? Link.
Allow me to return the favor Ni##er. Welcome to ignore.

I have put up with her pro islamic lesbian bullsh#t for a year. She does not read the OP nor watch the video. F#ck her.

I don't blame Pogo, it was a complete waste of my time because everyone who comes into this thread, sees your video an already tell that you're probably not being honest. And no surprises, you lied.
She wants the used BANNED thus regulated. IF you regulate FREE SPEECH then it is no longer free speech now is it?

Quote her, liar.

She wants it banned....it's cultural marxism on display and the media never refers to them as "illegals....it's "undocumented aliens"........it's creeping in and the wetback in the video doesn't want the term "illegal" to be used to describe her kind.......get it now? I use the term "wetbacks"...."Illegals" all the time and no one is going to shout me down or "shame" me into going along with leftard "group think". I am not the kind that can be bullied...as a matter of fact? Tell me that I can say something will only motivate me to double down on it. I will never submit to leftist pieces of shit. I would rather die fighting first.....and you can take that to the fucking bank. Hope this helps!!!
I have put up with her pro islamic lesbian bullsh#t for a year. She does not read the OP nor watch the video. F#ck her.

I don't blame Pogo, it was a complete waste of my time because everyone who comes into this thread, sees your video an already tell that you're probably not being honest. And no surprises, you lied.
She wants the used BANNED thus regulated. IF you regulate FREE SPEECH then it is no longer free speech now is it?

Quote her, liar.

She wants it banned....it's cultural marxism on display and the media never refers to them as "illegals....it's "undocumented aliens"........it's creeping in and the wetback in the video doesn't want the term "illegal" to be used to describe her kind.......get it now? I use the term "wetbacks"...."Illegals" all the time and no one is going to shout me down or "shame" me into going along with leftard "group think". I am not the kind that can be bullied...as a matter of fact? Tell me that I can say something will only motivate me to double down on it. I will never submit to leftist pieces of shit. I would rather die fighting first.....and you can take that to the fucking bank. Hope this helps!!!

Come back to me when you can actually respond to the points in my post. In this particular one, it was only to quote specifically where she said the term 'illegal alien' is to be made illegal.

And for the last fucking time, it;'s not really about you, ok? Every post I read from you, you are the topic, nobody gives a shit.
Hand wringing mouth breathing drooler liberals have been using this tactic a while. They in all their phony politeness refer to words as letters. The "N" word, like nobody knows what that is or the "C" word. Five year olds know what the "N" word is. So nobody is being fooled by that liberal bullsh#t.

Here is an idiot that wants to introduce ANOTHER word...

Lets see how this idiot liberal logic works?
No "I" word parking.
Its "I" word to drive drunk.
He was arrested for selling "I" word drugs.

Oh that sh#t is so NOT working.



This is ignorant nonsense and fails as a straw man fallacy.

As already correctly noted: the doctrine of free speech applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or private organizations.

One private person cannot ‘violate’ the free speech of another; only government has that authority, consistent with First Amendment jurisprudence, and when government restricts speech contrary to that jurisprudence, then and only then has a free speech violation occurred.

Consequently, there is no such thing as ‘PC,’ bigots and racists are at liberty to engage in their hate speech, where hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections.

And that private citizens in the context of private society might denounce or oppose the hate speech of racists and bigots is not to be ‘PC,’ nor is such opposition ‘against’ the First Amendment.

CC Jones SEZ????? "If you don't follow the lead of libruls? You are hatin'........hater....do ya HEAR me???? HATERzzzzzzzzz".

Fuck you, CC, the illiterate moron and closet commie. Only stupid fucks that are equally as stupid as you are even buy into your lame ass posts.....
I have put up with her pro islamic lesbian bullsh#t for a year. She does not read the OP nor watch the video. F#ck her.

I don't blame Pogo, it was a complete waste of my time because everyone who comes into this thread, sees your video an already tell that you're probably not being honest. And no surprises, you lied.
She wants the used BANNED thus regulated. IF you regulate FREE SPEECH then it is no longer free speech now is it?

Quote her, liar.

She wants it banned....it's cultural marxism on display and the media never refers to them as "illegals....it's "undocumented aliens"........it's creeping in and the wetback in the video doesn't want the term "illegal" to be used to describe her kind.......get it now? I use the term "wetbacks"...."Illegals" all the time and no one is going to shout me down or "shame" me into going along with leftard "group think". I am not the kind that can be bullied...as a matter of fact? Tell me that I can say something will only motivate me to double down on it. I will never submit to leftist pieces of shit. I would rather die fighting first.....and you can take that to the fucking bank. Hope this helps!!!

Come back to me when you can actually respond to the points in my post. In this particular one, it was only to quote specifically where she said the term 'illegal alien' is to be made illegal.

And for the last fucking time, it;'s not really about you, ok? Every post I read from you, you are the topic, nobody gives a shit.

You don't have a point...that's the point. What part of that is confusing you?
How is 'PC speech' against the first amendment?
Enforcing or demanding even mandating PC speech takes away right of the person to speak freely.

Private citizens are at liberty to denounce or oppose speech which they consider to be offensive, where such opposition in no way takes away the right of persons to speak freely.

One private citizen cannot attempt through force of law to restrict or preempt another person’s speech, only government has that authority.

And if government is not involved in attempting to restrict or preempt speech, no First Amendment rights have been ‘violated.’
Hand wringing mouth breathing drooler liberals have been using this tactic a while. They in all their phony politeness refer to words as letters. The "N" word, like nobody knows what that is or the "C" word. Five year olds know what the "N" word is. So nobody is being fooled by that liberal bullsh#t.

Here is an idiot that wants to introduce ANOTHER word...

Lets see how this idiot liberal logic works?
No "I" word parking.
Its "I" word to drive drunk.
He was arrested for selling "I" word drugs.

Oh that sh#t is so NOT working.



This is ignorant nonsense and fails as a straw man fallacy.

As already correctly noted: the doctrine of free speech applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or private organizations.

One private person cannot ‘violate’ the free speech of another; only government has that authority, consistent with First Amendment jurisprudence, and when government restricts speech contrary to that jurisprudence, then and only then has a free speech violation occurred.

Consequently, there is no such thing as ‘PC,’ bigots and racists are at liberty to engage in their hate speech, where hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections.

And that private citizens in the context of private society might denounce or oppose the hate speech of racists and bigots is not to be ‘PC,’ nor is such opposition ‘against’ the First Amendment.

CC Jones SEZ????? "If you don't follow the lead of libruls? You are hatin'........hater....do ya HEAR me???? HATERzzzzzzzzz".

Fuck you, CC, the illiterate moron and closet commie. Only stupid fucks that are equally as stupid as you are even buy into your lame ass posts.....

How is 'PC speech' against the first amendment?
Enforcing or demanding even mandating PC speech takes away right of the person to speak freely.
When the government says you can't say the N word, you let us all know, okay?

Until then, just STFU already.
The FCC is government and they fine you if you use it on TV.
Which is consistent with First Amendment jurisprudence.

As with other rights, the right to free speech is not absolute, it is subject to reasonable restrictions by government, where as long as government is acting in accordance with that First Amendment jurisprudence when it restricts speech, no First Amendment rights have been violated.

Your thread premise has failed as a consequence of your ignorance of the law.
I don't blame Pogo, it was a complete waste of my time because everyone who comes into this thread, sees your video an already tell that you're probably not being honest. And no surprises, you lied.
She wants the used BANNED thus regulated. IF you regulate FREE SPEECH then it is no longer free speech now is it?

Quote her, liar.

She wants it banned....it's cultural marxism on display and the media never refers to them as "illegals....it's "undocumented aliens"........it's creeping in and the wetback in the video doesn't want the term "illegal" to be used to describe her kind.......get it now? I use the term "wetbacks"...."Illegals" all the time and no one is going to shout me down or "shame" me into going along with leftard "group think". I am not the kind that can be bullied...as a matter of fact? Tell me that I can say something will only motivate me to double down on it. I will never submit to leftist pieces of shit. I would rather die fighting first.....and you can take that to the fucking bank. Hope this helps!!!

Come back to me when you can actually respond to the points in my post. In this particular one, it was only to quote specifically where she said the term 'illegal alien' is to be made illegal.

And for the last fucking time, it;'s not really about you, ok? Every post I read from you, you are the topic, nobody gives a shit.

You don't have a point...that's the point. What part of that is confusing you?

If you want to say she wants to ban the term illegal alien (even though she doesn't have the authority) then quote her. It's not rocket science.
She wants the used BANNED thus regulated. IF you regulate FREE SPEECH then it is no longer free speech now is it?

Quote her, liar.

She wants it banned....it's cultural marxism on display and the media never refers to them as "illegals....it's "undocumented aliens"........it's creeping in and the wetback in the video doesn't want the term "illegal" to be used to describe her kind.......get it now? I use the term "wetbacks"...."Illegals" all the time and no one is going to shout me down or "shame" me into going along with leftard "group think". I am not the kind that can be bullied...as a matter of fact? Tell me that I can say something will only motivate me to double down on it. I will never submit to leftist pieces of shit. I would rather die fighting first.....and you can take that to the fucking bank. Hope this helps!!!

Come back to me when you can actually respond to the points in my post. In this particular one, it was only to quote specifically where she said the term 'illegal alien' is to be made illegal.

And for the last fucking time, it;'s not really about you, ok? Every post I read from you, you are the topic, nobody gives a shit.

You don't have a point...that's the point. What part of that is confusing you?

If you want to say she wants to ban the term illegal alien (even though she doesn't have the authority) then quote her. It's not rocket science.
Did you watch the video?
Quote her, liar.

She wants it banned....it's cultural marxism on display and the media never refers to them as "illegals....it's "undocumented aliens"........it's creeping in and the wetback in the video doesn't want the term "illegal" to be used to describe her kind.......get it now? I use the term "wetbacks"...."Illegals" all the time and no one is going to shout me down or "shame" me into going along with leftard "group think". I am not the kind that can be bullied...as a matter of fact? Tell me that I can say something will only motivate me to double down on it. I will never submit to leftist pieces of shit. I would rather die fighting first.....and you can take that to the fucking bank. Hope this helps!!!

Come back to me when you can actually respond to the points in my post. In this particular one, it was only to quote specifically where she said the term 'illegal alien' is to be made illegal.

And for the last fucking time, it;'s not really about you, ok? Every post I read from you, you are the topic, nobody gives a shit.

You don't have a point...that's the point. What part of that is confusing you?

If you want to say she wants to ban the term illegal alien (even though she doesn't have the authority) then quote her. It's not rocket science.
Did you watch the video?

I already told you I did.
She wants the used BANNED thus regulated. IF you regulate FREE SPEECH then it is no longer free speech now is it?

Quote her, liar.

She wants it banned....it's cultural marxism on display and the media never refers to them as "illegals....it's "undocumented aliens"........it's creeping in and the wetback in the video doesn't want the term "illegal" to be used to describe her kind.......get it now? I use the term "wetbacks"...."Illegals" all the time and no one is going to shout me down or "shame" me into going along with leftard "group think". I am not the kind that can be bullied...as a matter of fact? Tell me that I can say something will only motivate me to double down on it. I will never submit to leftist pieces of shit. I would rather die fighting first.....and you can take that to the fucking bank. Hope this helps!!!

Come back to me when you can actually respond to the points in my post. In this particular one, it was only to quote specifically where she said the term 'illegal alien' is to be made illegal.

And for the last fucking time, it;'s not really about you, ok? Every post I read from you, you are the topic, nobody gives a shit.

You don't have a point...that's the point. What part of that is confusing you?

If you want to say she wants to ban the term illegal alien (even though she doesn't have the authority) then quote her. It's not rocket science.
I agree. I didn't hear her say anything about a ban or making anything illegal. In fact, very little of that segment was even on topic. It shifted to the guest's stance on immigration.
Quote her, liar.

She wants it banned....it's cultural marxism on display and the media never refers to them as "illegals....it's "undocumented aliens"........it's creeping in and the wetback in the video doesn't want the term "illegal" to be used to describe her kind.......get it now? I use the term "wetbacks"...."Illegals" all the time and no one is going to shout me down or "shame" me into going along with leftard "group think". I am not the kind that can be bullied...as a matter of fact? Tell me that I can say something will only motivate me to double down on it. I will never submit to leftist pieces of shit. I would rather die fighting first.....and you can take that to the fucking bank. Hope this helps!!!

Come back to me when you can actually respond to the points in my post. In this particular one, it was only to quote specifically where she said the term 'illegal alien' is to be made illegal.

And for the last fucking time, it;'s not really about you, ok? Every post I read from you, you are the topic, nobody gives a shit.

You don't have a point...that's the point. What part of that is confusing you?

If you want to say she wants to ban the term illegal alien (even though she doesn't have the authority) then quote her. It's not rocket science.
I agree. I didn't hear her say anything about a ban or making anything illegal. In fact, very little of that segment was even on topic. It shifted to the guest's stance on immigration.

Yeah, unfortunately, I would have liked to hear more.
How is 'PC speech' against the first amendment?
Enforcing or demanding even mandating PC speech takes away right of the person to speak freely.

I see. You know it's not illegal to say the word illegal, correct? It's not even illegal to say ******.

Though you may get pissed if you feel this forum is taking away your right to say it by automatically censoring you.
When you join the forum you agree to their terms. But government is NOT a controlled forum nor should it be.
This and other message boards are private entities and not subject to First Amendment jurisprudence, unlike government.

Government is subject to First Amendment jurisprudence, and may place restrictions on speech not entitled to Constitutional protections – such as speech advocating for imminent lawlessness or violence, child pornography, obscenity, and defamation.
How is 'PC speech' against the first amendment?
Enforcing or demanding even mandating PC speech takes away right of the person to speak freely.

I see. You know it's not illegal to say the word illegal, correct? It's not even illegal to say ******.

Though you may get pissed if you feel this forum is taking away your right to say it by automatically censoring you.
When you join the forum you agree to their terms. But government is NOT a controlled forum nor should it be.
This and other message boards are private entities and not subject to First Amendment jurisprudence, unlike government.

Government is subject to First Amendment jurisprudence, and may place restrictions on speech not entitled to Constitutional protections – such as speech advocating for imminent lawlessness or violence, child pornography, obscenity, and defamation.
Ah, NO idiot. I can tell you as a board owner that child pornography laws are VERY strictly enforced and REQUIRED to be reported. Threats against federal officials are federal offences and are REQUIRED to be reported by board owners.
How is 'PC speech' against the first amendment?
Enforcing or demanding even mandating PC speech takes away right of the person to speak freely.

I see. You know it's not illegal to say the word illegal, correct? It's not even illegal to say ******.

Though you may get pissed if you feel this forum is taking away your right to say it by automatically censoring you.
When you join the forum you agree to their terms. But government is NOT a controlled forum nor should it be.

You agreed to be PC, great, now prove your point.
Okay, a man cannot call a woman a "C" word on this forum.
But a woman can call a man a c#cksucker.
Is that NOT sexist.

A member cannot call another member a "N" word.
But a Negro can call you a Cracker/Honky/Cave Monkey.
Is that not racist?

See the rule is not equal nor could ever be. People simply invent new words. So what is the purpose? To stifle honest and yes sometimes harsh speech.
Whether you consider such rules on a private message board to be ‘equal’ or ‘fair’ is irrelevant, if you don’t like it you can go somewhere else.

But however unfair or inconsistent you might perceive the rules on a private message board to be, or however unfairly or inconsistently those rules might be applied, no free speech ‘rights’ have been ‘violated,’ no manifestation of the ‘PC’ myth has occurred.
Enforcing or demanding even mandating PC speech takes away right of the person to speak freely.

I see. You know it's not illegal to say the word illegal, correct? It's not even illegal to say ******.

Though you may get pissed if you feel this forum is taking away your right to say it by automatically censoring you.
When you join the forum you agree to their terms. But government is NOT a controlled forum nor should it be.

You agreed to be PC, great, now prove your point.
Okay, a man cannot call a woman a "C" word on this forum.
But a woman can call a man a c#cksucker.
Is that NOT sexist.

A member cannot call another member a "N" word.
But a Negro can call you a Cracker/Honky/Cave Monkey.
Is that not racist?

See the rule is not equal nor could ever be. People simply invent new words. So what is the purpose? To stifle honest and yes sometimes harsh speech.
Whether you consider such rules on a private message board to be ‘equal’ or ‘fair’ is irrelevant, if you don’t like it you can go somewhere else.

But however unfair or inconsistent you might perceive the rules on a private message board to be, or however unfairly or inconsistently those rules might be applied, no free speech ‘rights’ have been ‘violated,’ no manifestation of the ‘PC’ myth has occurred.
But we are not talking about this board now are we moron? We are talking public use of a word in daily life. She wanted to use government as a proxy to BAN that word moron and that's ILLEGAL, sorry that's the "I" word.

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