PC Speech Is Against The First Amendment

She is demanding the government do it. And many news services have. As to your NOT watching the video? No surprise, many like you CHOOSE to remain ignorant.

Actually I choose not to waste my time. Particularly once I see it's your thread. You can't even figure out "air" versus "cable" ---- small wonder you also can't figure out the difference between some unknown "demanding the government do it" and "the government actually doing it".
Allow me to return the favor Ni##er. Welcome to ignore.

I have put up with her pro islamic lesbian bullsh#t for a year. She does not read the OP nor watch the video. F#ck her.
And the rest of the board has had to put up with your ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate for years – proof that the right to free speech is alive and well, proof that ‘PC’ is in fact a myth.
The link shows you to be liar. *laughs*
She was apart of an awareness campaign about the phrase illegal alien, she wasn't wanting to make the word "illegal" illegal, derp.
She wanted to ban its use. That means regulate and mandate it.

She didn't want the term "illegal alien" used but there is nothing in what she said where she was advocating for the word to be illegal. You're either incredibly stupid or lying
If you are unable to use it what is it? BANNED! How hard is that to figure out stupid?

Still stupid. She wasn't saying it should be illegal she was saying you shouldn't say it, big difference.
I should be able to say whatever the hell I want and who are you to judge who I put on ignore? Where the hell does that right come from?
You do have the right to say whatever you want, just as your fellow citizens have the right to oppose or denounce what you say or advocate, to denounce your bigotry and hate, to oppose your ignorance and stupidity.
If that campaign was to ban a word or make it illegal, I would agree with you that it's total horseshit. But this appears to be concerned with how the news is reported. Granted, I use the term all the time but I can see how it could be used in a derogatory way.
She wanted to ban its use. That means regulate and mandate it.

She didn't want the term "illegal alien" used but there is nothing in what she said where she was advocating for the word to be illegal. You're either incredibly stupid or lying
If you are unable to use it what is it? BANNED! How hard is that to figure out stupid?

Still stupid. She wasn't saying it should be illegal she was saying you shouldn't say it, big difference.
I should be able to say whatever the hell I want and who are you to judge who I put on ignore? Where the hell does that right come from?
You do have the right to say whatever you want, just as your fellow citizens have the right to oppose or denounce what you say or advocate, to denounce your bigotry and hate, to oppose your ignorance and stupidity.
The link shows YOU LIED. Bigotry and Hate? That is what you have for FREE speech.
But we are not talking about this board now are we moron? We are talking public use of a word in daily life. She wanted to use government as a proxy to BAN that word moron and that's ILLEGAL, sorry that's the "I" word.

Quote her saying that. Back up your claim for once in your life.
From the 1:30 to 2 minute mark. And she is from the "Drop The "I" Word Movement" stated in the first 30 seconds. So it IS an organized movement to BAN the use of a word.

Now you can take your lying bullsh#t and shove it up your ass because it IS there..
They are discussing illegal immigration in that time frame not the campaign she represents. I have never heard of that organization so I don't know if that is their intent. I doubt it is to ban a word. Make it taboo, like racial slurs and such maybe. Illegal sounds like a stretch.

I looked them up, they are called Race Forward. They don't appear to be advocating for government censorship...like, at all.

Drop the I-Word Campaign

Race Forward's mission is to build awareness, solutions, and leadership for racial justice by generating transformative ideas, information, and experiences. We define racial justice as the systematic fair treatment of people of all races, resulting in equitable opportunities and outcomes for all and we work to advance racial justice through media, research, and leadership development.
YOU miss the FIRST paragraph by mistake or on purpose? Here it is...
"Race Forward's Drop the I-Word campaign to eliminate use of the word “illegal” was launched in September 2010 as anti-immigrant sentiment and hate crimes against communities of color had increased. Although the Associated Press, USA Today, LA Times, and many other news outlets and journalist associations have dropped the i-word, this racial slur in still being used in the media and everyday language. And as we know, with the political season upon us, words like this can be used to divide and harm. That’s why it’s more important than ever to take the pledge to Drop the I-Word!"

THEY are calling the word ILLEGAL a hate crime and a slur. Now a hate crime can get you time in prison. I think you skipped over the FIRST paragraph on purpose. Oh and I used YOUR link!
Drop the I-Word Campaign

Actually I quoted their About section. And I see you still don't understand the 1st amendment. They are not advocating for government to step in and censor the word. They are advocating that the media stop using the term 'illegal alien' such is their right and the media has the right to voluntary do so or not.

It's kind of dangerous when you claim people are doing or advocating something illegal only because you don't like it.
Actually I choose not to waste my time. Particularly once I see it's your thread. You can't even figure out "air" versus "cable" ---- small wonder you also can't figure out the difference between some unknown "demanding the government do it" and "the government actually doing it".
Allow me to return the favor Ni##er. Welcome to ignore.

I have put up with her pro islamic lesbian bullsh#t for a year. She does not read the OP nor watch the video. F#ck her.

I don't blame Pogo, it was a complete waste of my time because everyone who comes into this thread, sees your video an already tell that you're probably not being honest. And no surprises, you lied.
She wants the used BANNED thus regulated. IF you regulate FREE SPEECH then it is no longer free speech now is it?
This fails as a speculation fallacy, until such time as what someone might advocate becomes law, no free speech ‘violation’ has occurred.

If government restricts or preempts speech in accordance with First Amendment jurisprudence, no free speech ‘violation’ has occurred.
You agreed to be PC, great, now prove your point.
Okay, a man cannot call a woman a "C" word on this forum.
But a woman can call a man a c#cksucker.
Is that NOT sexist.

A member cannot call another member a "N" word.
But a Negro can call you a Cracker/Honky/Cave Monkey.
Is that not racist?

See the rule is not equal nor could ever be. People simply invent new words. So what is the purpose? To stifle honest and yes sometimes harsh speech.
Whether you consider such rules on a private message board to be ‘equal’ or ‘fair’ is irrelevant, if you don’t like it you can go somewhere else.

But however unfair or inconsistent you might perceive the rules on a private message board to be, or however unfairly or inconsistently those rules might be applied, no free speech ‘rights’ have been ‘violated,’ no manifestation of the ‘PC’ myth has occurred.
But we are not talking about this board now are we moron? We are talking public use of a word in daily life. She wanted to use government as a proxy to BAN that word moron and that's ILLEGAL, sorry that's the "I" word.

Quote her saying that. Back up your claim for once in your life.
From the 1:30 to 2 minute mark. And she is from the "Drop The "I" Word Movement" stated in the first 30 seconds. So it IS an organized movement to BAN the use of a word.

Now you can take your lying bullsh#t and shove it up your ass because it IS there..
Third time – And?

Whether it’s an ‘organized movement’ or a single individual, it makes no difference, it still doesn’t manifest as a free speech violation until a law is actually enacted, and that law is contrary to First Amendment jurisprudence with regard to what speech government might regulate and that which it may not.
Okay, a man cannot call a woman a "C" word on this forum.
But a woman can call a man a c#cksucker.
Is that NOT sexist.

A member cannot call another member a "N" word.
But a Negro can call you a Cracker/Honky/Cave Monkey.
Is that not racist?

See the rule is not equal nor could ever be. People simply invent new words. So what is the purpose? To stifle honest and yes sometimes harsh speech.
Whether you consider such rules on a private message board to be ‘equal’ or ‘fair’ is irrelevant, if you don’t like it you can go somewhere else.

But however unfair or inconsistent you might perceive the rules on a private message board to be, or however unfairly or inconsistently those rules might be applied, no free speech ‘rights’ have been ‘violated,’ no manifestation of the ‘PC’ myth has occurred.
But we are not talking about this board now are we moron? We are talking public use of a word in daily life. She wanted to use government as a proxy to BAN that word moron and that's ILLEGAL, sorry that's the "I" word.

Quote her saying that. Back up your claim for once in your life.
From the 1:30 to 2 minute mark. And she is from the "Drop The "I" Word Movement" stated in the first 30 seconds. So it IS an organized movement to BAN the use of a word.

Now you can take your lying bullsh#t and shove it up your ass because it IS there..
Third time – And?

Whether it’s an ‘organized movement’ or a single individual, it makes no difference, it still doesn’t manifest as a free speech violation until a law is actually enacted, and that law is contrary to First Amendment jurisprudence with regard to what speech government might regulate and that which it may not.
It is a free speech violation the minute ANY person OR group of people seek to regulate, mandate OR control it.
Whether you consider such rules on a private message board to be ‘equal’ or ‘fair’ is irrelevant, if you don’t like it you can go somewhere else.

But however unfair or inconsistent you might perceive the rules on a private message board to be, or however unfairly or inconsistently those rules might be applied, no free speech ‘rights’ have been ‘violated,’ no manifestation of the ‘PC’ myth has occurred.
But we are not talking about this board now are we moron? We are talking public use of a word in daily life. She wanted to use government as a proxy to BAN that word moron and that's ILLEGAL, sorry that's the "I" word.

Quote her saying that. Back up your claim for once in your life.
From the 1:30 to 2 minute mark. And she is from the "Drop The "I" Word Movement" stated in the first 30 seconds. So it IS an organized movement to BAN the use of a word.

Now you can take your lying bullsh#t and shove it up your ass because it IS there..
Third time – And?

Whether it’s an ‘organized movement’ or a single individual, it makes no difference, it still doesn’t manifest as a free speech violation until a law is actually enacted, and that law is contrary to First Amendment jurisprudence with regard to what speech government might regulate and that which it may not.
It is a free speech violation the minute ANY person OR group of people seek to regulate, mandate OR control it.
Your thread has failed, its premise ignorant idiocy.

There is no such thing as ‘PC,’ what the woman in your OP advocates is not ‘against’ free speech, only government can potentially violate free speech.

Your thread also fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, as the woman in your OP represents only herself, no one else.
Here's a good one:

Isn't proposing 'politically correct' speech an exercise of free speech?
Who is forcing whom to comply?
'Immigrant' is an 'I' word.
Is the solution to attack "p.c." speech, or to improve learning about how our brains function and how language interplays?
.... proof that ‘PC’ is in fact a myth.
Ya just keep trying this one!




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Hand wringing mouth breathing drooler liberals have been using this tactic a while. They in all their phony politeness refer to words as letters. The "N" word, like nobody knows what that is or the "C" word. Five year olds know what the "N" word is. So nobody is being fooled by that liberal bullsh#t.

Here is an idiot that wants to introduce ANOTHER word...

Lets see how this idiot liberal logic works?
No "I" word parking.
Its "I" word to drive drunk.
He was arrested for selling "I" word drugs.

Oh that sh#t is so NOT working.


Political Correctness is not a First Amendment issue, it's a cultural issue.

A group of dishonest narcissists have decided to use your own Freedom of Speech against you, by exercising their Freedom of Speech to punish and intimidate people from using words that scare them.

Sure, it goes against the spirit of Freedom of Speech, but they don't care. Remember, the Constitution was just written by a bunch of rich white slave rapists anyway!

This is cultural, not Constitutional.
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You violated an act or code under the corporate statute of whatever city, state or county you are in accordance with the UCC. They declare that the speed limit is this or that in hopes that if you violate it that they catch you....they can fine you thus bring in revenue. Someone coming over here illegally and sucking off the public teat does affect us. But going 5 miles over their perceived limit, on the other hand...does not....get it, slow Joe?

Undocumented workers coming over doing the jobs I don't want to do doesn't effect me at all. So, um, no. On the other hand, some maniac going 15 miles over the speed limit in a school zone could be a problem.
There isn't a doctor that can help you...you are just terminally stupid. You were one of those "short bus" riders that would wipe his shit on the bathroom walls...not really a mongoloid retard...but you missed it by the barest of margins. You don't have to ask for my opinion as I give it freely because I am a "giver"....unfortunately, I am surrounded by ungrateful retards like you...still? I tarry on in hopes that some day some of you might "get it".....

Okay, so you don't have a coherent answer to Pogo's point, then?
If political correctness is violating the 1st amendment, it's a simple exercise of those with standing to go to court and assert their constitutional rights.

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